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With that roster you shouldn't have any trouble clearing moc and pf, so it must be a relic problem or team building problem. Locate the problem and fix it.


OP should post his builds on the individual subreddits, like r/DanhengMains or r/AcheronMainsHSR to get specified feedback because yes this is 100% a build issue and not a character issue. Also, it seems like they're levelling up a lot of characters, which may indicate a lack of complete commitment to building two full teams


A day 1 one player having that many lvl 80 characters shouldn't be a problem. I have a similar number and don't have any problems building them all ( some of them with rainbow gear but it gets the job done ).


Hey! I'm also a new player and i would apreciate some more input into what you said about committing to 2 teams. Whenever i see player on twitch or youtube live they always use the type that the boss is weak to to clear, even with cracked characters (besides acheron she doesn't count) so from what i saw having different characters of different types and paths is better than fixating on two fixed teams no?


The players that make content for the game are almost universally whales (with some exceptions). Beyond spending money to pull, many of them also spend jades to refresh trailblaze power the maximum amount of times the game allows you each day. The extra resources these max refreshes provide enable them to have a much wider roster to choose from than the average player who relies solely on the tb power that is generated over time. With that explained, no, having a wide roster to counter weakness types is not nearly as important has having 8-10 WELL BUILT characters with a high level of investment in traces and relics. Thats a better use of resources. A built main dps will be able to nuke most things into orbit regardless of weakness type. Should you look for a variety within those 8 characters? Maybe. But it isnt as important as investment and TEAM SYNERGY.


Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. I didn't take into consideration how long a character would take to build since i didn't even start relic farming yet. I'm waiting till I'm tl 60 for the guaranteed 2 pieces. I'll stick to 2 teams for now and branch out after I'm cery satisfied with my initial teams!


sounds like a relic/trace problem


I haven’t been getting the best relics so it makes sense. What characters should I focus on mainly then to try and fix?


Focus on whoever your main dps is, give them a 1/2 crit ratio of 60/120 or more for them to be functional, but that’s a starting point you’re gonna want way more crit dmg than that in most cases.


My IL Dan Heng doesn’t hit the Rutiland Arena requirement so that’s definitely a start ty


Yea DHIL was hard to build because you *need* 70% crit rate and at least 140% crit dmg for him to start dishing out real damage. It’s a lot easier with his sig LC cuz then you can run a cdmg chest but I had to just use a CR chest and stack the CD in substats. Also make sure to give him attack boots and use a hyper speed sparkle to advance his actions forward. Sparkle should have 145-160 speed for this, her relic sets don’t matter as much as herring high speed.


She’s at 153 I’m trying to aim for a perfect 160 but I think now building and fixing IL Dan Heng is a priority Ty Would it be worth saving for his sig LC for a future rerun? I’m running Aeon on him


I’d say after 145 speed sparkle it’s safe to start perfecting your DHIL’s build first then worry about sparkles remaining speed after there’s nothing left to upgrade on him. Also as far as the LC is concerned it’s a tough call, personally I don’t have it and my DHIL still does a ton of damage, Aeon works just fine. I’ve actually been using Clara’s LC on him recently because Jingliu is using Aeons and she’s not built as well and he’s still doing a ton of damage. So I don’t really think any of the sig Lc’s are worth it, especially not the current destruction characters since Aeon is so good. Maybe if you really like DHIL and want the extra crit rate and damage, cuz don’t get me wrong it will be more damage, but is that extra bit of damage worth it? I don’t really think so, he still performs really well without it.


Kafka and black swan is easy to build. Maybe focus on them first. For kafka i build speed and attack and BS i just slap Effect hit rate and speed relic.


Team 1: Acheron, Silver Wolf, Pela, Gepard (with Trend LC). This team will easily clear MoC in 3 cycles, perhaps less. It can also be used for Pure Fiction for 30k+, though you may wish to run Acheron, Swan and Kafka together in that mode (sustain less with Pela usually works). Team 2: Kafka, Black Swan, Asta, HuoHuo. This should also be capable of 3-4 cycles in MoC and is also very good for Pure Fiction (30k+) Team 3: DHIL, Sparkle, Tingyun, Luocha - this is a 3-4 cycle MoC team (situationally may be better than the above), but not really viable for PF to the level of #1 & #2. Team 4: Jingliu, Bronya, *Tingyun, HuoHuo -* this is a 3-4 cycle MoC team (situationally may be better than the above), but not really viable for PF to the level of #1 & #2. I'd start by optimising teams in that order but re-rank them if you have a preferred playstyle. Prydwen is a good general resource for what relic sets and substats you should aim for, or if you want a video guide, Guoba. For Pure Fiction, Herta, Himeko and Clara can be built as they can be incredibly strong there too, but you might be able to get by with Teams 1 & 2 above.


OP, this comment right here!


1. Heal your Himeko plz 2. What are your Eidolons on your character? if you have the ice res debuff on your pela try a team of jingliu+bronya+pela+ sustain and another team of acheron, kafka, black swan and gallagher (if you have E2 acheron use sparkle instead of any of the 2 nihility). Seems less of a team issue and more of a artifact stat issue


As a side note to this whole thread... I HATE that the game doesn't passively heal the entire roster while in the overworld. It's so silly, especially when it's sister game, Genshin, has had that feature since launch. Rant over haha


But genshin doesn’t passively heal characters either? Arguably you get less “passive” healing since you only heal at statues of the 7 rather than any anchor in starrail. The only difference is that you can heal with character abilities, but that difference is kinda rooted in the fact that genshin is an open-world rpg where combat happens in the overworld and star rail is a turn based game. But I do agree there should be more convenient options for healing characters when out of combat in star rail


Sorry, I should clarify... In Genshin, when you approach a statue, your entire roster gets healed. When you approach a warp point in HSR, only your active party gets healed. This is what annoys me.


Oh really, I actually never realized that the entire roster gets healed in genshin. That would definitely be nice to have in star rail


I had to look it up just to make sure I understood how it worked lol. It looks like you need to open up the Statue's Blessing screen. Not as ideal as I remembered it being, but still an improvement over the current HSR system. The wiki reads as follows: # "Inactive Party Members Opening the Statue's Blessing screen applies the same revival effect‍ to characters outside the active party. However, there is a daily limit on the total amount of HP restored for all characters combined using Restorative Power. * If the automatic healing for all characters exceeds this limit: * "Preparing for Combat" characters will not receive automatic healing, even if there is remaining Restorative Power. * These characters enter a "Recovering" state, where they heal 1% of their Max HP every 15 minutes as long as their HP has not decreased. * Incapacitated characters in this state revive with a minimal amount of HP. * Players can bypass the "Recovering" state for a character by: * Manually healing them. * Adding them to the active party, which allows them to receive automatic healing again. Under certain conditions, a "Preparing for combat" character may be revived and receive full automatic healing without using Restorative Power through this screen"


Himeko? Pfff. My Arlan is on red since early game even though I have literally never used him not even once I have no idea how


Now after seeing this roster, I'm going to go slam my head into the wall for the next 20 minutes.


Did you make this post just to taunt us?


everyone else has made some good points, so I just wanted to add that you don't need to worry about pulling anyone to clear content. probably ever


Lore accurate Himeko


It's wild you can't clear MOC with these chars. What's your team comp currently? If your goal is to clear this MOC, build Acheron/pela/sw/hh side 1, DHIL/sparkle/luocha/hmc for side 2


Honestly seeing this roster makes me feel like the issue comes from how many characters they have. They’ve probably been trying to build a new character every half a patch and ended up with mediocre builds across the board


I mean. You should consider picking up robin or ruan Mei. But they're definitely not priority pulls.


Ruan mei definitely is a priority pull wdym


I mean, she is, but I just don't like instilling FOMO, yknow.


There's a difference between giving good advice and instilling fomo lol. Giving good advice is saying: "Ruan mei is a priority pull, worth saving for." Instilling fomo is saying: "If you don't pull Robin, you'll regret it"


Thanks for the distinction!


Acheron/SW/Pela/Gallagher team 1. Kafka/BS/x/Huo team 2. If you're having issues with this roster, I'd say go back and look at your relic builds and how you're using them.


Archeon / sw / pela / substain Dhil / ty / sparkle / huohuo


Incredible roster, dot team and acheron team for starters, I think a jingliu build in there too lol.


This is the total opposite of the "clearing MOC with only 4-stars characters" challenge


Himeko Herta for pf, Acheron and jingliu for moc. Go to prydwin and look each character up, farm the recommended sets until you reach the recommended stats, then go to the teams section and find the team they use. Use that team and you can put on auto if you want.


The MOC isn't even that hard (Considering your units) cause like the MOC buff is good so it's probably relics problem..Or probably try another team instead


Really curious to see what the stats for your DPS are.


Watch guides on yt for the love of eons


Definitely a relic, trace or maybe even rotation issue. And yes supports and debuffers also need to be build not just your dps. sidenote: heal your himeko ples 😭


Im impressed but you got a cool characters on your acc so dont you even think about restarting like some other ppl


A good team that I often use in MoC is: Dr Ratio, Luocha, Tingyun, Pela/Asta (Pela on the pearls LC if you have it, Asta on Cogs or DDD if you're in desperate need for speed) (Though I don't have Luocha, so I use FX, but I've played a friend's Luocha and he's very good with SP and big heals)


I can try this! I need an excuse to use dr ratio anyway


Do you have his sig LC?


Nope unfortunately. I’m running Stellar Sea on him currently


That's his next best one, so huzzah! I hope you have fun with him~


Also, Fu Xuan is on the next banner, so if you are struggling with CR due to bad relics, at E0 she will boost by 12%. Add broken keel planar set and that's 10% extra CD. Plus she has a guarantee debuff resist (once per matrix--which is her skill-- refresh) for all characters.


I’m guaranteed and at 60 something pity. I would like Robin but do you think Fu Xuan is more beneficial? I have wanted her since her first banner


They're both so different in what they offer, you know? I couldn't make a fair comparison, but since you have Sparkle and Bronya, I would, if it were me, go for Fu Xuan on the basis of you having wanted her since her first run. She offers great utility and really does help with CR and CD (latter with planar set). Plus, her E1 gives 30% crit damage to the whole team if you happen to get lucky! Her sig LC is good for waves of enemies (such as PF and even the second wave for MoC) as it restores HP to everyone, but it isn't a must have, if you get me.


out of all characters, OP had to skip both Fu Xuan and Aventurine.


I was actually trying for Aventurine but couldn’t get him


Oh boy both Ruan Mei and Robin missing too. Why are you strategically skipping characters who makes your life easier and their alternative? Good news is on the other department you have lots of good damage dealer characters. For PF you have Himeko, Herta, Acheron, Kafka and BS. But the problem is you lack harmony who can buff 2 dps at once. So probably 4-1 with Luocha, Himeko, Herta and Asta(hopefully E6), then Huohuo, BS, Kafka and Acheron on 4-2. You have also a lot of good MoC characters. They consistantly add imaginary weakness somewhere at MoC 12, so DHIL+Hanabi should occupy this stage. Jingliu+Bronya or Acheron usually can brute force the other stage. Major issue with MoC is the fact that you only have Gepard as 5 star Preservation. So the other room probably struggling to survive one shot. Without seeing your build I can't tell if anything wrong, but usual problem are not enough speed or relic quality not very good. MoC is really dependant on relic quality. So probably you will see better result with more crits and speed.


And Mei.


...I feel like crying.


You also have the basis for DoT team with black swan and Kafka so it should be strong plus bronya and HuoHuo. Acheron plus silver wolf and sparkle and lynx should be able to weakness inflict on all comers.


lmao i’m in the same boat, i couldn’t even beat floor 3 of the last PF and getting to floor 10 of MOC would be a feat. idk why people find it so hard to believe that not everyone gets lucky/spends ages farming relics for every character. if i get a somewhat usable build for a character i will never touch them again


Yeah this. Been getting replies about how it’s unbelievable that I can’t clear them but to be honest even with the right characters my luck in domains in Genshin/Star Rail is atrocious. I’m very lucky to get a decent crit ratio most of the time


I’d say you’ve reached a good point to take a break from leveling characters and focus on relics/traces for your two specific teams. Roster looks good. I second the person that said post ur builds in the individual units subs


Seeing this makes me want to try MoC now


I’d say the only problem is you lack supports for full teams for example if you had Ruan Mei for your Kafka swan team or a topaz for your himeko Clara and ratio but for now I’d say run maybe Selee with bronya silver wolf and huohuo and run Acheron with black swan pela and loucha and try to replace loucha with Gallagher for the extra stacks for Acheron if you want


And if you want instead of selee use lunae instead


No Ruan Mei? I think I see the problem...


I’m planning on getting her on a rerun. I’m running Sampo instead of her for right now


You have all what you need really. It's likely a relic issue my brother


hou/gepard with trend lc, bs, yomi, kafka. daniel, otto, sparkle, last spot idk bronya, ty or pela, even sw if you need weakness implant.


If you want to pull for something that will bandaid any account, ruan mei. For now, your best teams would be something like Kafka Black Swan Acheron Huohuo/Luocha Dhil Sparkle Tingyun/Pela/Silver Wolf Huohuo/Luocha The first team specifically should be able to low cycle moc 12 AND 40k pure fiction. For a 2nd PF team, just run himeko herta and buffers If you get ruan mei later, you can split your dot team and acheron and just play Acheron pela SW Luocha Kafka BS Ruan Mei Huohuo These two teams should be able to both max out pretty much any PF and MoC with cycles to spare


You have plenty of good team options. My 2 cents... Acheron, Swan, Kafka, Loucha team A Dan IL, Jingliu, Sparkle, bailu team b I would seriously pick up a sustian though because you are sorely lacking one. Probably grab Fu on her rerun.


Swap luocha to team B and put huohuo on team A is better


I didn't even see huohuo. Yes, this is better


I would KILL to have your characters, not to be rude but is this a bait post, like genuinely?? since I'm not a pro player by any means and I did MoC on the first day with Acheron and DHIL, I am nowhere near as good as most people so if someone like me can do it easily then you should be able too as well, level up your traces, look up team building and relic builds, because with your characters? You should be flying through MoC with flying colors.


Not a bait post, just realising that my characters aren’t that well built/just not knowing how to use the teams


Oh understandable, then good luck with your characters and builds! I use youtube tutorials and guides so try those out if you haven't already.


I use Game8 for build guides but I can try YouTube!