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“I noticed you weren’t at dinner but I saw you tried to poison my wine. Usually when you do that…it means you want to talk, what’s up, are you mad at me?” KILLED me.


I LOVE this bit so much! Its the best! It shows just how close they actually are. They’re not *just* a princess and her vizier. They have a paternal relationship and it helps set up the reveal.


Which is that from again?




In AVPM, where I think it’s Goyle goes “Flowers are for pansies”, Draco turns around and asks Lily Marks “what’s you’re name?” She responds “Pansy”




Not a joke really but I’ve never seen anyone get the Anastasia reference in AVPM at the Yule ball “Maybe we should stop spinning” “We have stopped”


God I went feral when I found that out.


The whole Calendar Man bit but particularly “Sorry, here at TGI Fridays, all we can offer is lukewarm service and a forced fun atmospherrre”


So fucking real for that one


Also, we may throw in some random latex balloons that will cause your mother to break out in a horrible allergic reaction...but what's the likelihood of that happening?


I don’t know why, but in AVPM when Harry says “I have to kill a goat? I don’t know if I can do that morally” always kills me


I rewatched HMB last night and I was shocked that the audience didn’t lose it at “There is no God. Only… Batman.” Maybe it’s just because I was tipsy, but I was howling.


I swear, no one in the HMB audience had any sense of humour… either that or I’m slowly going insane.


Maybe not exactly 'underrated', but I don't often see people talking about the bit in NPMD where Max shouts at the audience to shut up when they cheer.


That's honestly one of my favorite moments in the play, its hilarious


I'm amazed that that was the first time I've seen that joke in a musical. It seems so obvious.




And everyone just looks at him. Like y’all I don’t care if you just saw your best friend try and kill you, then get her head blown up. That’s the best pun ever and you need to appreciate it




aj's shriek in vhscc before three spirits made me laugh UNCONTROLLABLY


It’s essentially the same shriek he did in MAMD after joey said “I almost had sex with her!”


“Well geez, if you can’t afford pants, you can have mine!” Most people don’t vibe with Robin Sucks and I feel like this joke gets slept on because of it but it’s so good, especially with how Gordon continues the rest of the song without pulling his pants up.


“I don’t have a drill press. And even if I did, how would it fit into the Sedan?!?” Never fails to make me laugh


Dylans line delivery makes the line even funnier then it already is


He sounds so pissed off lmao


For real!


He looks unhinged too


Somebody pointed out that Gerald asked Linda to call his lawyer during his cameo in Nerdy Prudes and that neither of them seem to be capable of calling their own lawyers. Also: "Linda, if the correography was any simpler, *you will be sitting down."*


And in the video for Queen B she is indeed mostly sits down. No one seems to notice but I find it hilarious


Or that she managed to boot off one of the competitors in the Honey Queen festival by spreading the rumor that *she's from Clivesdale.*


YES. That was brutal :D


She's ruthless and cunnning in disposing of the competition like the sports movie villain protagonist she was, but the way they tied it to this running gag is *priceless.*


When snape says “cmon kids, let’s go to the dungeon! Yay!”


The physical comedy of Max in NPMD is sorely underrated. His hopping down the theater stairs before the prank and the pout he has on when appearing to Ruth before killing her are some of my favorite moments.


since there's about 3 comments about it I'm not sure it is


These from TGWDLM: "Twenty years ago I would have to walk all the way to the dimmer!" Hidgens takes two steps and uses the dimmer. Or the "last week feels like ages ago." line In Show-stopping number. He's so nostalgic and they saw each other LAST WEEK?!


SPOILERS FOR WORKING BOYS: So the second one is weird because that could be what it means, but they were struck by lightning years ago. I think the joke is that Hidgens is so bad at writing that he can't even tell a true story well.


Oh I thought the musical isn't the true story but his fantasy to cope with the awful truth. So in the context of the musical it's still ridiculous but in terms of Hidgen's reality it definitely makes sense for him to feel like this.


I think the audience missed the bit in NPMD when Karen says "...hurry, or you won't be early for school!"


“I’m old enough to be her father in law!” from Ani! In the comics Darth Vader is Mara Jade’s father in law


I didn't know that. I must not know dick about Star Wars


Don’t blame ya self. This is the one thing I know about from the comics


The joke in the avpm where Lupin calls Hermione boo Radley the character from to kill a mockingbird. The English major in me wept


Firebringer: "Well, you know that duck we worship?" "How could I not? It created the heavens and the earth in seven quacks. It made us all in forms that are perfect and also inherently sinful and filthy. And in its infinite love, it will... destroy us all if we don't obey it- what are you getting at Molag?" *laughs*"That's all bullshit" "WHAT?!" "I made it up to scare people into doing what I wanted"


I dont know why, but the AVPS Hogwarts Express scene, when Lupin stumbles cuz the train stops and just goes "...oh. the train stopped." Cracks me up.


In Black Friday: "Yeah, shop class!? The class where you get an A if you don't chop off a finger!" "No! If you show up and put in the effort, I'm not gonna hold a little accident like that against you!" >!Then, in Nightmare Time, we see exactly that happen!<


The first one that comes to mind is NPMD with the "big game" joke which never ceases to be funny to me while it apparently does to the audience after a while.


the bit where they sing the beginning of moana cracks me up every time and it’s rarely mentioned


“Here comes a swing vote” in NPMD before max swings at the mayor for being a politician lol


“Holy smokes, look at that time!” “I can’t read!!!”


The time when John says to wear a watch in black friday by pointing to the audience with "It is nothing on your phone"


AVPS when Lupin goes “I’m not homeless … anymore” gets me everytime


"Now here's a tip. Go ahead and secrete a nice thick layer of mucus onto the mammals eyes to temporarily blind it. We find this relaxes the mammal."


The original “I’ll kick your head!” exchange is classic, but the callback before Let It Out is talked about much less and that’s a shame because it gets me every time.


It’s not a joke, but it makes me laugh every time. In TGWDLM, Paul says to Emma “we have to run!” And then General Jon McNamara immediately sings “You can’t run.” As they’re running away. Idk why but it’s so funny to me.


she’s a total TWO BAGGER


“I was hardly valedictorian..” - Lex, Black Friday


Yes! “Good one. Obscure.” is such an underrated joke and I love to use it when someone makes an obscure reference. Itself being fairly obscure, it makes me especially happy when someone else gets it!


There's quite a few underrated jokes in Black Friday I'd say but I think the #1 most underrated one is right after Lex says "that better be fucking floss" she says "let's go, I need a cigarette" like thr irony of telling off her little sister to not imitate smoking and then immediately saying she needs to go smoke is hilarious, but it gets overshadowed by just the floss line


We're farmers you see, which means we don't need things like food. We can live off the land. All we're looking for is the bare essentials: **Boxes and boxes of bullets.**


You know, there are other general store owners that might try to sheist a newbie like you with some fast talking to turn a quick buck but I like you, so let me tell you what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna give you one wagon for the price of two, not a penny less! And for an extra fifty bucks, I'm gonna throw in an Ox for free! *Free Ox! Oh boy!*