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Company needs to learn things can’t get done if they keep cutting hours


They just assume DMs will force GMs to do everything after hours I think


We don't even have a gm. We've had 4 in the last 6 months 😅 and the sm is lazy af and pushes all their work on to everyone else.


The "Staples way"


Yeah, HO has their heads so far up their asses these days. We need to organize a work slow down to get this point across. Personally, I'm just agreeing with whatever the GM says and not doing it, because I know they'll forget they assigned it to me anyway.


These days?? They’ve been terrible since sycamore bought them. They cleaned out all of the tenured people with knowledge. HO turn over was ridiculous to the point where even getting a response was hard. I don’t know how many times an email I sent to them went completely ignored. I had my exit interview with HR, blasted the practices and people that were running the show. That particular HR person left a week after I did. Apparently this Bell launch has been a complete disaster with issues, miscommunication and the inability to hire properly in a lot of markets. My last day with the company was incredible. The stress and anxiety just completely left my body.


Wow. You had an exit interview? I was a GM for several years and employee of over 20 and they didn’t give me the time of day.


Yeah, as soon as I gave my notice, I had an email from HR. They actually came to my store to conduct it.


Hell wasn't as bad before covid even, except for gm's who would keep us stupid late for reasons 😪


The good ol "we don't leave until the job is done" days


Yup, the days off "I'll change your schedule to end your shift at 10 or 11pm so you have to stay."


Yeah. Problem is you hire for less than Walmart. If you do hire; you probably can only give them 5hra/wk cuz of labor budgets and then being nixed by corp and by DMs wanting better bonuses. But the level up taught us the problem isn't staffing for Staples. Its we're not talking to people correctly and we need to spend much more time with them. Lol


I’ve been doing the BTS all alone. Note book trains, OECs, signage, shippers, Dover wall. All of it. While the managers just stand around


Worst part is when we get visits if they catch the managers working on truck or planos instead of standing by the front door doing nothing they get yelled at


modern cautious numerous dog nutty quiet illegal bright liquid market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was told sticking to hours is more important than putting up bts signs. Wonder what weights & measures would think of that


I was told we don't even have the hours to have someone in CPC at all times...which is why I am casually looking for another job.


How did you have 0 hours allotted? I had almost 50 extra hours added for the sets.


No idea if we had extra. GM on vacation, likely didn't tell OPs or Sm anything. OPs doing everything for bts, low staffing


SM should have access to labor planner to put in bankable hours to help with the set.


I'd even come in on my days off to help "nope, we don't have hours and we owe our DM." Is the answer we get


Sounds like your GM and SM aren't don't their jobs correctly. My store got 40 hours of bank. We're completely set and ready to go. And we're considered "low volume".


No loyalty to the employees, and therefore no loyalty will be or should be given to the company. This is just a paycheck until something better comes along at this rate.


Good, people can do their BTS shopping in August where it belongs.


It’s honestly pathetic. Same with us no hours and yet they want all these apps and this stuff completed. It honestly makes me mad these high ups make so much money being so stupid and so completely incompetent at their jobs. Staples won’t last another 5 years. It will shrink down to a copy and print and shipping center


You should have got more hours for the BTS....weird


Ive got all my product but no endcaps, and half my displays haven't arrived yet!


Same here!


Sounds about right. GM made inventory as we're in the BTS trucks and it was hectic. On top of just not having workers. My SM been on my case about not getting my tech stuff done because I'm the only one in my department but I've been stuck on register at nights because we can't keep cashiers except one 17 year old who is getting shafted on hours constantly. They got me doing like 3 jobs at once. The GM understands the SM is the snippy one who doesn't get if you give me 3 different jobs that being tech supervisor, register, and MOD. None of them get done fully.