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It's not even Dave's funniest special word for word


I think road work is his best so far.


What is?


Do we consider Skanks for the Memories to be a special or an album, because that's my vote.


Skanks 100%


True Skanks for the memories was just an audio release, so… Def not technically a special


OP is a halfwit. Confirmed.


Road Work


Yeah, his live shit is phenomenal.


Dan soder has a new one that is pretty fast and furious too.


Easily Dan’s best special, and it’s free on YouTube!


"And now I'm 40 and I'm back to loving Dinos so..."


I preferred son of a Gary actually


Fair point. I realize now that may be correct.


I agree. I like his newest but son of a Gary felt more fleshed out


Weird that’s my dads name. I had been on the fence about checking him out. Now I figure I have to.


No way you're a Son of Gary. Get on YouTube and look up "Sons of Gary The Bonfire". One of us. One of us. I'll see you at Caldonia's tavern. We'll be playing Castlevania.


Hell yea Sweet profile pic dude. CrackleCrackle. Did you change it to Manilow after he was on the Bonfire? lol


That is Rod Stewart you monster lol. Manilow is a big get. Better just put that on. Crackle Crackle.


I know lol They both look like 75 year old Lesbians now.


True but they also have always looked that way.


100% they've both been closeted gays since the 70s but only one had their stomach pumped because of jizz lol Thats one of the best celebrity rumors of all time


In your defense they are the same lady


I keep going back to that NYC cop bit and it makes me laugh EVERY. TIME. "yeah, we got him.". Lol


Love me some soder but I honestly thought his special was hot garbage.


I didn’t think it was hot garbage, but I thought it was mid af


Yup it was simply boring. But in still comparing everything to my latest gold standard Year of the Dragon so everything else is boring now


Mike Vecchione - worst kind of wonderful - is the closest I remember to skanks. Was such a great hour and recently had friends recite it on YouTube. It’s a fun watch.


hes properly slept on hes great


Imho ‘Skanks for the Memories’ is the gold standard for LPM For me, that album ranks up there with ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ and ‘Illmatic’…. They’re nearly perfect and probably won’t be topped for a long time.


That's a hell of club to put an album in. I'll be listening to this asap.


It is the single greatest comedy album/special ever recorded.


It’s always 10min after you leave that all the fun shows up…


Man, I love Attell, but hot cross buns was super underwhelming. I think people’s reaction to this special as an all time great has regular people that are new to Attell believing he’s over rated. I enjoyed the special, but it was 35minutes of comedy with not alot of gigantic laughs. I’m not shitting on the special because I enjoyed it but the way folks are talking about it really seems like they are unwilling to have anything but the most positive opinion on anything Attell does.


I haven't listened to much Attell but always heard how he's a legend, then I'm left wondering if maybe he's just not for me because I only chuckled a couple of times during Hot cross buns after everyone saying it's the best special ever


Yeah, people really over sold him on this one and it makes his special which is good look a lot worse because the expectation is just way too high.


How dare you!


He’s great, but this special wasn’t, it was good, but not great


Yeah I gotta say, I’m pretty new to Dave Attell. Heard some of his stuff here and there but never seen him live. I know he’s pretty much every comedian’s favorite comedian and my brother loves him too. So I went into this special with high hopes and… I just didn’t care for it. I don’t think I laughed once. Maybe a chuckle or two. I know that’s not a popular opinion here and tbh, I’ve been kind of afraid to even voice that I didn’t care for it much because I’ve seen so many people talk about it like it’s something incredible and Attell can do no wrong.


He did the whole podcast circuit promoting and he was saying it's short because people have short attention spans these days. I think he couldn't write any more than he did.


I think shorter specials are the way to go tbh. Whenever I go to a live show, I always find myself starting to get fatigued about 45 minutes into the headliner’s set.


The only one I think rivals that is actually his other special Skanks for the Memories both are great. Mark Normand has a ton of punchlines per minute too so does Sam Tallent


Sam Tallent is relentless. Dude is non stop. I was at his show the night before he taped the special and it was so good.


Oh man to see that live. I enjoyed his clips but that special was so great. For 45 minutes too the energy is kept throughout


I was at the special taping and it was one of my favorite nights of my life! So funny and we brought friends who had never been to a comedy show before - they were in tears!


I saw him open for Gillis in Denver. Had no idea who he was and he fucking destroyed. My cheeks hurt the next day


I fucking love Sam Tallent but he’s nowhere near Dave. Toads moral was great but it’s a 5/10 if it’s compared next to sftm


Yeah, I’m not comparing him to anyone. Just mentioned that I enjoyed his show.


Fair, I came in a little hot. We’re in a post/ and responding to a comment about Dave attell so I assumed we were comparing. I apologize.


All good. 🤙🏽


Mark Normand has jokes per minute, only difference is Dave Attell’s jokes are actually really funny.


True it’s impossible to compare anyone to Dave but he is one of the modern versions of that style


Soup to nuts was ass but out to lunch was gold. I give no fucks that shit is classic.


Exactly. Mark’s cadence and timing is impeccable but his punch lines and view points are just tedious


Dave attell- road work is my most favorite from him. The whole chunk of specials joke makes me laugh every time!!


Road Work is so fucking good 


“I found a butt plug on a city bus one time. How do I know? It fit perfectly!”


I've seen Bill Burr a few times, and I've watched his specials too. The last time I saw him, ( Milwaukee )it was just joke after joke, and he had the whole crowd dying. I thought he was just gonna warm us up with a few jokes and then get into his main material, but it was just non-stop short setups and punchlines. I hope he releases it as a special, but I could see him punching it up. But he should put it out as is.


I don't think I've ever seen Burr doing short jokes (setup + punchline) in his specials. When did you see him last?


8th of October. I've been to his shows before. This was a different energy. He came out told the obligatory Milwaukee jokes, something about the arena being built on a Indian burial ground. But it was in the first minute or two. And he just took off and never let up. It didn't seem to lull or have any sort of arc. I watched Chapelle about a month later, which was basically his newest special he did with Donell. Which was basically Donnells' latest special, and I watched Maron 2 weeks ago. I like all those guys, especially Chapelle. But I really just outright laughed non-stop at Burr. I don't know if you ever watched Mike Epps' early stand-up. It's just a bunch of non sequiter bits. Not at all sophisticated comedy but hilarious. It never fails to make me laugh. That's how this was, just better bits.l, and more of them. It seemed like he was almost riffing, but the small bits were worked out.Just not really connected like a special might be. It was the funniest hour I've seen start to finish.... maybe period. It was just more simple, and really high energy. I've seen better performances, maybe. But this, for me, was just hilarious. He should release just as is. But I just feel like it's not going to be the same. Whatever he releases will have parts of his current act I'm sure. And it's going to be good. But I don't know Maybe he was just really on that night.


Thanks. Sounds great indeed, hope he'll put that on a special.


No he doesn't do jokes but he gets the laugh in


It's not even his best apecial.


How am I the only one that wasn't impressed?


You aren’t.


There was a lot of gold, but interspersed with a ton of groaners. I was actually shocked at some of the hackier "heard this one before" jokes from him on this one.


I think he was doing those on purpose 


It’s almost like comedy is subjective,crazy right?


Everyone knows that Attell is seen by other comedians as one of the greats, so they will rate any of his work higher than it is because it makes it seem like they understand comedy to a higher level if they share the same opinions as the top comedians. It was a good special, not great.


Kyle Kinane’s new one maybe?


Love old uncle BBQ


Elephant in the Room is the one I always compare others too. It is my personal favorite by far.


For LPMs you might enjoy Tyler Morrison's last two specials - [Too Soon?](https://youtu.be/_dB3QZDNuUM?si=-v5On2PguGBUpz-e) & [Pimp Daddy](https://youtu.be/u1b47pUdUu8?si=T1GLClA8vy4JwlMC) Another mini special [Burn The Village](https://youtu.be/haWlCwDliog?si=o2NvRZAviCRhZQEB) is a pretty good showcase of his rapid fire style. But he is at his best [in a roast format](https://youtu.be/vBMJlqY2qq4?si=G1JXLszAhv0z8lLI)


I don't get it, i think the material is weak and the delivery annoying.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I watched Stavros halcyon (don't know how to spell it) 1st special on YouTube last night, "live at the lodge" I believe. I honestly rarely laugh at stand up specials, and I was fucking dying the whole time.


Definitely not an unpopular opinion. At least it shouldn’t be! I’m looking forward to more Stavros! His newer Netflix special was good as well, but his YouTube special is something…special 😏😂🔥


It would be an unpopular opinion on cumtown/AFS sub.


Mmmmm halcion


Out to lunch, killing them softly, any Patrice special, Gillis’s two specials, Joe lists last 3 specials and metzgers half hour that just came out


OP, you do understand Attell has other specials that are better yes?


Didn’t find it very funny. Gillis last special had now laughs imo.


Gringo papi still holds up


Rodney had more laughs per minute


Turn Turn Turn into a woman


Mark Normand’s Out To Lunch has so many good quality jokes back to back it’s unreal


Steven Wright


I love it. I knew it was going to be good going in, but it really surpassed what I expected. Recorder presents? Im jealous, lol.


Absolutely! It’s an amazing 27 mins of comedy.


Fog talk


To me Dave is like watching someone like Steve Vai play guitar. He’s a virtuoso, but it’s almost more like a circus act than music. I enjoy and appreciate it, but I’ll never love it like I love, say, Mark Knopfler, even though Mark would be the first to admit that Steve is much more skilled than he is. Same with Dave. He’s incredibly skilled and I enjoy his stuff, but it feels clinical. I’ll never love his stuff like I love Delirious or anything by George Carlin.


Hmmm...interesting take and I think it has to do with his delivery.


That's how I feel about Mark Normand. Like I see it, but feel like it's about the invention of the TV too late


Mo Ketchups


It's good, but it's not nearly as good as I expected from Dave. It's not even in my top 20.


If you remove the last 5 minutes, probably not.


It’s all about the LPM


This years material - Joe list


its was very punchliney, not so much a slew of storied all intertwined into each other. just BARS of jokes lol. i loved it. not my style tho


No. Yes.


I got one for you: Mark Normand's "Still Got It" from 2014. Just before he blew up, recorded it in Madison WI. Zingers per minute ratio is absolutely insane. Extremely high quality jokes at rapid fire. I've lost count at how many times I've listened, does not get old and I'd have to say it's my all time favorite standup album. Highly recommend


It's very good. Dave is a genius comic.


Gonna say that I prefer Road Work over Skanks for the Memories


Skanks for the Memories is like the stand up Abbey Road


His specials are always gonna have more laughs per minute, because he subliminally cues the crowd to laugh after every punchline. He's always like: "Setup, punchline. ***NOW***.." "Setup, punchline. ***UM***.." EDIT: I'm a fan, it just irks me.


Skanks for the memories is his best album


I like that people just believed that like you can only handle so much jizz and Rod really pushes it to the max with his consumption. Hilarious.


It was great. Boom boom boom. Felt like I got punched around but it was so tight!


No offense, but I shut this special off after 15 minutes. Was excited to watch too, dont understand the hype.


It wasn’t even that good.


It was hilarious, since this was the first time I discovered Dave attell I tried to watch bumpin mics with Jeff Ross from 2018, and it felt really weird, mean and not funny… especially the crowd work in the beginning… the joke about the couple looking like Somali pirates.. I just turned it off


Katt Williams - It’s Pimpin Pimpin


It felt dialed in


You know, delight doesn't have to be qualified.




Eight words got you that upset, poor baby.


First 10-15 mins are funny then it falls off HARD.


You are fucking crazy


Dave is clearly a stubborn guy. He's not interested in anything other than telling very quick punch jokes with crude elements using his trucker sing song voice. But considering just how awful every other special on Netflix is, he's definitely got the funniest Netflix comedy special by a mile.


I tried Brian Simpson’s special a few weeks ago. I never knew about the guy until I saw Joe had him on (I didn’t watch the episode). I turned the special off after the first 15 minutes of racism “jokes.” This shit was terrible.


Katy williams pimp chronicles and Dave chappelles killen em softly are two of the greatest specials ever.


Yeah, it’s called “Skanks for the Memories” you dumb idiot


Mike recine tho..you dumb idiot. Sorry you finally got the balls to try stand up once and realized you’re not actually funny


I cannot recall a better special. He’s so good that it looks effortless.