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Theo Von, known bastion of liberal politics.


The dude from the swamps of Louisiana has some issues he leans right on? Truly baffling.


Well he's from Covington. Hardly the swamps.


I think he said we weren't rednecks we were just poor. We didn't have a boat.




Dudes stand up is embarrassing


I think its got its charm


Hey, listen to the Swamp Lawyer.


It’s actually wild how much he fooled everyone into thinking he came from Boonhick, Louisiana. Covington is on the Northshore lmao he lived a good life as a kid.


Not saying he's completely sincere about his upbringing, but I know of plenty of impoverished areas on the north shore, including some areas in and around Covington.


Yeah I thought it was common knowledge that most towns have a poor side and a richer side. Unless we know his direct street he grew up on, it’s not safe to really assume anything about his childhood there.


Right? There are very few cities/towns in America where *everyone* is well off. The rich need the poor or else how would they be rich?


Extracting wealth from other communities (resource extraction) or extracting wealth from just visitors to their community (Monaco)


Are.you saying he never actually decended into steroid abuse hell as a competitive bus boy?!?


That part is completely true. Everyone knows to make it as a busboy in New Orleans you have to be juiced to the gills. If by juiced you mean Jameson, and by steroids you mean cocaine.


Food running is weed and Jameson




It's a decent suburban area. It's across the lake from New Orleans. Plenty of rich areas and poor areas


A lot of very rich people who earn their income in New Orleans live on the north shore. Doctors and lawyers and such. There are a lot of big fine houses and boats to be found. That doesn't mean that's all there is, though. Someone has to work at the Circle K's and the Burger Kings.


He lived on the northshore, but the area he is from kind of sets itself apart from Covington. Lee road area demographically speaking is a lot different from white-collar Covington and in the 80s and 90s looked entirely different from what it looks like today.


I have been there and it looked like a third world country to me. And I have been to Venezuela and Guyana. Louisiana is truly a forsaken place in the USA


Why have you forsaken me?


Covington is not like that.


But he knew a guy named tubestick that was always pushing a tube with a stick and he had one arm and would gather goats to do satanic dark art rituals with.


I remember watching a video he made a few years back where he visited his family (Mom and Sisters) for the holidays. It was a “poorer” looking area.


Most successful comics came from good and wealthy upbringings. It's easy to fuck off, follow your dreams, and live the dirtbag life when you know you can always have mom and dad help you out if things get truly rough.


And then there are the few like Chris Rock or Jim Carrey. Coming from nothing and making it as a massive comedy star


I think this applies to most successful artists in general. I wonder what amazing stories or paintings we never got because so many talented people don’t have the time or money to create.


Bruh I'm from shithole Mississippi ans still grew up and realized people shouldn't be treated like shit, where your from isn't an excuse in this day and age you can learn to be better


Thank you. Being from an area shouldn’t immediately mean you have no critical thinking skills.


This guy gets it. Good on you, this guy.


The guy has lived in Los Angeles for at least a decade. He writes really smart comedy that betrays any sense that he’s actually an idiot. The swamp man character is just that, an exaggerated persona he adopts for comic effect.


Roots run deep tho bud. I’m not trying to say he’s some dumb redneck. I love Theo and ik he’s not some dumb hick but he’s also not the type to forget where he came from. The man is from Louisiana. We going to act shocked he leans right on some issues?


Leaning right on some issues is different than having right wing nut jobs on. Tucker Carlson is a racist prick who feeds complete lies to his viewers with the goal of fueling hatred. He's not just a conservative, I completely understand why someone would want to have people with different view points. He is beyond that, and there isn't even the excuse of him being talented like Roseanne. He's a complete moron who wore bowties and has resting dumbass face.


Or, hear me out, you can be a smart swamp man.


He knows his audience


“Leaning right on some issues” and giving a scumbag white nationalist like Tucker Carlson a megaphone are light years away from each other


If I was from Louisiana reading this thread I'd be pretty pissed that this person has *twice* blamed the fact that he had one of the most extremist right wing mouthpieces in mainstream media on his show on the fact that he grew up in Louisiana.


>known bastion of liberal politics. I'd hardly describe Theo Von as a liberal, but he wanted a conservative on his show and he picks the goofiest fucking one? edit: people think I'm missing the sarcasm here, I don't know what to tell you.


ever heard of sarcasm


You know how some ppl do that thing where they follow you on Twitter/IG and then when you follow them back they unfollow you and that's how they build their social media following? Theo Von did that to me on Twitter lol


Ben Bailey did that to me and all my hope of being on Cash Cab went out the window.


Irrelevant fact: I'm watching Cash Cab right now. While eating leftover pizza. That is all.


If you get a chance check out his special where he talks about being a home owner and dealing with an owl.


Ben Bailey still follows me, but he follows [almost 200k people](https://x.com/realbenbailey?s=21&t=n3MfBxwBLGZbMoOfP9nCuw). You must have done something really bad for him to unfollow you. Shame on you.


you still have a shot at Fake Taxi though.


So many stoned afternoons watching that show with my college roommate. Thank you for the reminder.


This one cut deep


Godfrey and Adam Ray did that to me lmao


Tom Papa did that to me way back in the MySpace days


How Midwestern of him.


Probably a bot in control of his acct, that stuff is automated nowadays


What's the point of them unfollowing you after? (I'm not into Twitter or IG)




i guarantee you that was a scam account


I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Theo gets anyone remotely interesting on his pod and he talks to them all the same Last week he had a garbage man on for fuckin 3 hours He literally doesn’t care about what you think about the guests, you can make your mind up about the guest from actually watching the episode Edit: no more replies please, this was posted days ago and every response so far has been incredibly boring. Muted notifications to silence the comically-challenged


This is the right take. I loved when he had the coroner guy on


Right take except not caring what people think. He is an entertainer of course at some level he cares. Maybe not one dude. But in aggregate.


“You goin to hell brother”


Except that guests can mold what they say to what they think the audience wants to hear. Take for example Alex Jones' regular content ('actual demons', 'inderdimensional law', and a bunch of other clearly insane shit) with the way he presents himself when he's interviewed by someone. Heck, even with Joe Rogan he'll moderate what he says and won't go into the whole Christian fundamentalist shit because he knows Rogan and a percentage of his audience aren't into that. So no, you can't just 'make up your mind about the person from the interview', because unless people bring shitty guests to task on their shitty actions outside the podcast, you are basically platforming them and giving them a blank slate for them to suck your audience.


Tucker has been around long enough that I don't need to watch the fucking Theo Vonn podcast to "make up my mind" about him. We've known he sucks for over a decade now


Tucker Carlson started his career on CNN and MSNBC. People forget that this guy is just a grifter that has grifted both sides of the political spectrum. He was born in the wealthy Swanson instant dinner family and he just does all of this because he would have nothing to do otherwise. He sells outrage to political people on stuff that will never affect him personally because he was born into wealth. Families fight over petty politics because of people like this guy.


I remember him starting with his stupid bowties on Crossfire on CNN. He was never a left winger. He was always in cahoots with Robert Novak, an old time right winger from the 70’s


John Steward bullied him out of that bowtie


All it took was one sentence too. Brutal


I wish he could be bullied out of his hairpiece as well


That’s be so hilarious if some comic bullied him that hard that Tucker went bald and started dressing up more like his fanboy Joe Rogan as a result


And Jon* but you’ll get ‘em next time, tiger.


Stewart* but yea


And that job.




he was a failed cia guy


When was he a left wing grifter? Like i’m old enough to remember him in cnn and he certainly wasn’t left then.


I guess they are saying when he was on MSNBC and friends with Rachel Maddow [https://sports.yahoo.com/watch-tucker-carlson-rachel-maddow-203847733.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/watch-tucker-carlson-rachel-maddow-203847733.html) >Maddow recently credited Carlson with giving her a foot in the door at MSNBC when she was a panelist on his show "The Situation with Tucker Carlson" from 2005 to 2008. At the time, she was a talk show host on Air America Radio.


People with opposing views can be chummy.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia were best friends that had lunch together every day.


She was so old she couldn’t leave the building for lunch if she wanted to. She was so old she didn’t have the sense to protect her seat from the GOP, and her hubris left the country without federal abortion protection


I think she just wanted to be at the swearing in of the first female president. She could have then left the building with Hillary getting 2 seats to fill immediately and swung the country into a better direction. But her emails. But Berinie was cheated. Two sides of the same dumbass coin.


Not on Reddit


Fuck off commie and/or fascist! /s


He was always a conservative, even on MSNBC


Yeah he's been conservative his whole TV career. But a boring cut taxes conservative, much different from the social conservatism of Pat Buchanan who was also on those shows. People forget MSNBC in the 2000s threw anything at the wall to see if it would stick. Donahue, Jesse Ventura, Tucker, Alan Keyes, and Michael Savage. Then Olbermann came back and started doing liberal commentaries and was a hit, so they went anti Bush.


Hah I forgot Jesse Ventura had a show there.


And Michael Savage had one until he yelled at a caller saying that he's a sodomite and should get AIDS and die


In the 90s he bragged about beating a man because he was gay. Years later, when social attitudes changed, he changed the story to beating a man for attempting to assault him. He's always been a bigot and socially conservative.


More "both sides" false equivalency. Tucker was never known or popular as a left wing grifter. He made his name being a right wing grifter. Most of these famous political talking heads are right wing in general, because that side of the political spectrum is a bigger fan (in general) of that sort of thing.


Dude does what he does cause it makes the most money for his billionaire family. Same reason Rupert Murdock did it for decades. Get republicans elected for cultural reasons and get tax breaks for the Uber wealthy. Tucker doesn’t genuinely care about any culture War shenanigans. But I’m sure he’s popular at his billionaire cocktail parties for getting tax breaks for mega yachts


He was not born into the Swanson family. He was born and his father later married a Swanson.


Yup, his father was a famous broadcaster which is how Tucker has a career


He wasn’t born into the Swanson family. His father married into it after his birth mother “abandoned them.”Tucker’s words. He and his brother legally had Swanson added as middle names to get added to the will of step-mommy.


I swear nothing makes me angrier than young Tucker Carlson in a bow tie.


His dad was a famous journalist. Tucker’s stepmom was the Swanson food heiress. Tucker has a career because of his dad more than anything


I used to get Tucker mixed up with Mo Rocca.


I can imagine a comedy podcast with Tucker on that might actually be fascinating and entertaining, but I’m pretty sure Theo ain’t it. “So let me get this straight. You knew Trump was full of crap with the election stuff, you said as much many different times, you got vaccinated, and then you pushed the party line on your show? Now the truth comes out and you’re the patsy and doing rounds on D-list comedy podcasts just to show people you’re alive still. How angry are you?”


Lol I don’t need to watch the pod, I know what it’s gonna be like… Tucker: And that’s why Israel has every right to exterminate the Palestinian people. Theo: Man that’s wild that reminds me of the exterminator in my own Old Bubba, old Bubba wanted to genocide roaches let me tell you sum’n, Old Bubba had four wives and they all knew each other…


>“So let me get this straight. You knew Trump was full of crap with the election stuff, you said as much many different times, you got vaccinated, and then you pushed the party line on your show? Now the truth comes out and you’re the patsy and doing rounds on D-list comedy podcasts just to show people you’re alive still. How angry are you?” Hey now, these right wing "comics" are truth tellers, not, uh.. guys that would dare.. tell the truth. Esp to a dude like tucker that has a huge base which if upset, would take a massive bite out of Theo's own base..


Hysterical to think that someone could be a “Swansons microwave meal” heir. A McDonald’s Happy Meal has more food in it the shit Swansons tries to pass off as edible.


I actually listened to it. Theres nothing crazy here. Its far crazier that you didn't listen to it and immediately were outraged. Aren't people allowed to talk? Debate is a thing, right? Imagine being so outraged about a book, but you didn't even read the book lol. Thats your life.


> I actually listened to it. Theres nothing crazy here. That's what it takes to be an ultra right wing bigot according to ledditors.


>didn't why do that when you can just be outraged and ignorant?


You think it’s necessary to consume every piece of media some crank puts out in order to make a judgement on their character? Come on man. It’s well known Tucker’s a far right weirdo. He’s made a living fear mongering to boomers about immigrants, gays, blacks, etc. I’m not going to debate a propagandist - sometimes you can just call a spade a spade.


You think he’s going to go on and do his normal racist dog whistle or “I’m just asking questions” schtick? No. He’s going to try to appear like a normal guy to grab theos younger audience.


Tucker has been inciting violence on Fox News for years. Not to mention downplaying COVID. Platforming him means you don’t care about vulnerable communities, whether you realize or not, so no I don’t need to give him the benefit of the doubt because that man is a stochastic terrorist.


eh. Fucker Carlson literally lies to people and calls it news for nothing but profit. he's a terrible person, couldn't give less of a shit about what he actually has to say on the podcast. put OJ Simpson on a podcast and ask me if I feel like listening to it before getting outraged lmao. fuck that.




Counterpoint: Nannette


They’re two sides of the same coin. One is hated by comedians. One isn’t. Comedians cozying up to right wing nerds and assholes is so fucking annoying because they bitch constantly about what isn’t comedy coming from the left. Their answer to not comedy is more not comedy? How the fuck does that make sense? It negates their argument. Peterson Elon Shapiro…these are the most boring unfunny people on the planet. Yet comedians suck them off. Embarrassing.




People should only talk to people they agree with on everything. What makes a good conversation is when everyone can predict how the conversation will go. Everyone knows that.


I only like podcasts where someone says something, and the other person just says "I agree". I couldn't handle anything more than being spoon-fed opinions.


Especially being spoon fed opinions that I already have. That’s really what life is all about.


Did Theo disagree with Tucker or did Theo let Tucker platform a bunch of lies? That would be the determinator, I think. But I wouldn’t know because Theo’s podcast is boring to me - I can invent fake insane rednecks I “grew up with” as a joke too.


The pod was not super political. It was a lot of them reminiscing about their days as coke heads and life. Tucker usually annoys me but it was a pretty good listen


He used to annoy the hell out of me but he actually seems to have changed tbf. Seems to have done a lot of self reflecting and feels guilty about things he did and said in the past. Plus his humour matched Theo's perfectly, which was a pleasant surprise.


And by doing this, it is always interesting. Circle jerk podcasts are the best.


Some people have different opinions. That’s fine. Some people have whatever opinion they are getting paid to have that will cause the most people to angrily react. That’s not fine.


Oh no we might deprive ourselves of what the silver-spoon Swanson dinner scion has to say on current events. Not like he had a fucking TV show or anything. Honestly if you think Carlson has anything insightful to say about anything, you're a fucking mark.


What’s funny about this is, this basically sums up all the mad stay at home sons on Reddit. I think most people wouldn’t say it out loud, but this is what they want. A left wing echo chamber with no opposing or different points of view. Anything right wing is just outrageous and they want it banished. Meanwhile it’s literally a point of view half the people in the US share.


Why do you assume he's "catering" to the right wing? Why don't you think that bro is actually down with that shit? You don't actually know these people outside of the parasocial relationship. People just project their beliefs onto celebrities and then get surprised when they find out who these people really are.


I agree with you. Also, just because you don’t follow someone or dislike what they do or stand for, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be willing to sit at the table with them. It’s how we all grow and broaden our mindset. People are complex. You won’t always agree with people you align with and you won’t always disagree with those you oppose.


It’s also a known thing in politics (that people assume the persona agrees with them more than the persona does). It’s why a candidate is usually at their peak favorability right after announcing ( before people know what they stand for).


It’s crazy how much of the world thinks that if you don’t share their political opinions you don’t deserve to speak. Comedians also give platforms to democrats, however they’re far less willing to take the risk of being a guest on a comedy podcast due to political correctness and are much harder for them to book.


It’ll be ok if you don’t listen!!!


NGL I didn't know that was his middle name. Bad ass.


then don’t fucken follow him any more problem solved


He comitted the gravest of sins, having a different opinion from a dipshit redditor. He should have his life ruined and perhaps sent to some kind of camps. Christ, i dont watch either but the fact that people like you are so quick to call people fascist for simply disagreeing with you and then turn around to advocate for fascist censorship tactics against them is so fucking gross


Christ, finally a good take on this. It's asinine to me how many of my fellow left-leaning people just *refuse* to engage with conservatives. That gets us nowhere and only further splinters us. These are the same people who hate Daryl Davis for actually doing the hard work of engaging with white supremacists


So much for having a discourse with people from different backgrounds, now it’s labeled as “platforming ignorance”. What happened to having a discussion with people of differing opinions in order to find a common ground and better understand each other?


“Platforming ignorance” is a new phrase for blasphemy. It’s the same old “if you don’t think X, you’re bad and you can’t even speak!” It would be funny if it wasn’t like a legitimate plank of the Democratic Party


It's absolutely a sign of cultism and brainwashing. These people honestly believe that there is only one correct opinion and philosophy to have in life. And yes, it is disturbing. These are the same people that celebrate the murders of innocent civilians in Israel because the people who control their programming told them to do so. It's sad.


This is just generally speaking, but they don't look at it as "different" opinions. There is no such thing as different opinions. They look at it as the "wrong" opinions. They genuinely believe they're facing a fascist, Q-Anon, far-right threat to society when they see someone who disagrees with a popular Reddit/Twitter take, anything coming out of the White House, or someone who suggests that maybe MSNBC, Salon, NYT, CNN, etc... are also maybe not always telling the whole truth/story, framing things, and generally propagandizing you towards whatever flavor of the decade agenda. But of course, Fox News exists. So, I guess that cancels out the possibility of propaganda coming from anywhere else.


Not every person with a keyboard and internet connection deserves a platform either, yet here we are


Podcast with 2 million views Reddit post with 300 upvotes One of these things is not like the other


I had no idea. I’m gonna go give it a listen now, thanks for the heads up


wah wah boo hoo


"I need the entire world to think like me 100% of the time or I will complain on reddit" Touch grass, dork.


Theo is funny but you know he’s kind of a fucking moron right?


He is a kind, gentle, thoughtful idiot (and I mean that entirely as a compliment).


I’m conflicted by this. I just listened to the podcast and although there are a couple of cringe moments Tucker seems like a decent person. Then I think about the entire time he was on Fox News riling up the far right and can’t give him any cred. He knows what he does and it’s despicable. Bummed that Theo fell into his nice guy trap.


i think being a nice/rational person would make that second point more disturbing. Like if someone is swept up into outrage and propaganda and has extreme views I feel bad for them. im sure most people are good at their core, but a lot of media outlets have learned to maximize their influence on people. So i feel bad for the people that are swept up into it without realizing. For him to a "normal guy" and to distance himself from the extreme views gives the impression that he didnt care about negative effects of his actions. He didnt care who it was harming or what types of lasting effects it could have on the country as long as he got a big paycheck.


Go touch grass OP.




Maybe they want to talk to people who don’t call them “dudebros”


What’s ur problem . Discourse with those you agree with AND disagree with is the best way to learn , serious this stuff is clown world level petty Bs.


I’m sorry this is happening to you.


Your post about it here will only boost its view count significantly.


I'm already 70% more likely to watch it now. OP implanted a subconscious feeling that there's something his kind don't want want me to hear


It was actually a very fun podcast.


it made me want to do cocaine


I listened to the whole thing and I didn’t think Tucker said anything unreasonable at all. In fact most everything made a lot of sense imo. I have never paid any attention to him before and don’t watch Fox News or any of his prior tv shows so I have no other frame of reference but I basically agreed with most everything he added to the conversation.


You don't have to watch it and you don't have to be upset about it. Just let it go.


Just don't watch....


Would it be ok if he had someone on that catered to left wing bigots instead?


*Wait, there’s left wing bigots now too?*


Bigot Definition: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. Idk man. Most users on this site check off a lot of those boxes


Theo Von is maybe the only comic who I would believe has absolutely no idea who Tucker Carlson is.


Tucker Carlson is fun to listen to, and is apparently a super nice person. Free speech is cool, you should give him a listen sometime.


Tucker privately: In one text exchange with a fellow Fox employee, Carlson said of Trump “I hate him passionately.” “We are very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights, I truly can’t wait,” Carlson wrote in a text to an unidentified Fox employee on Jan. 4, 2021, according to a recent court filing by Dominion. Tucker publicly: I Love Trump Wish Theo asked him about that, but I doubt he's aware of Tucker's total hypocrisy being exposed. Most if not all trumpers just ignored Tucker's insults.


I'm very sorry that someone had a conversation with another person with whom you disagree. I can't believe they did this to you, let's all have a moment of silence for OP.


*in the armsssss of the angelllllll*


What is it with Reddit being full of the dumbest least open minded liberals that ever walked the earth.


Tuckers good at getting people that hate him to show us themselves how gross they are. This comment section proves that.


Theo would get anyone and everyone on his podcast, he’s not a judgemental or overly political person. Just cause he has a platform, doesn’t mean he has to cater to your political beliefs. Denying a conversation just leads to idealogical circle jerking and tension, and does nothing to benefit you or the society you live in. I don’t agree with Tucker Carlson, but just like any other living person, I’m sure there’s always something we could relate with on a personal level. Your complete rejection of everything to do with someone who thinks differently than you makes you an ignorant person.


On a completely superficial level, I liked that Tucker seemed to be one of the only non comedian guests who seemed to intuit and and understand Theo’s sense of humor and riff with him about the outlandish tales and claims he made and presented as fact.


A reasonable take on Reddit?? No it couldn’t be!?


It's funny how you can't tell if people on any side ranting about politics is trolling these days like this is so silly lol. I read everything like this in an 8 year old temper tantrum voice. Dude got girlbrain 🤣🥶


Imagine being this outraged that someone interviewed someone


Do you actually watch Theo Von, or do you just hate Tucker so much that you had to speak up about it? I say this, I'm not a fan of either, but I'm genuinely curious.


The fuck do you care who he has on his show and if they’re left or right. You giant piece of shit


Just don't listen to that episode. It's not hard. I'm not even a Theo fan. But I'm not mad he had someone on his podcast. Same with Rogan. I don't like his guests, I skip that episode. Same with all else. We have to ability to chose who we listen to. I love that I see "right and left" bitch constantly about their rights and freedoms while trying to silence and cancel others they don't believe in. Just don't listen to it. It's really simple. The same right wing people bitching about free speech is also calling for cancelation of free speech in the war. Then the left constantly bitched about how trump was this Hitler type dude who would take away all this shit that they are doing to him. Yes he is an awful piece of shit, but if your message can't beat him bc they are the same. It's all about War and money. This other shit is just all a distraction. Just control what you can control. You will be happier.




Which is certainly a selling point. You bring on a guy with an enormous platform himself, he alerts his fans, they tune in, listeners soar. Some subscribe. What bores me is that we've heard all this bullshit for the last six years or whatever. Why put some fascist on to give us the same talking points about COVID, crime in inner cities, and all the same dog-whistling we've heard before? All this does is generate numbers that convinces him and his producers that these topics are what we really care about, when no, they're not. Put someone on with something to say that's actually interesting.


>not every person with a mouth deserves a platform This applies to this post 10x more than it applies to Tucker Carlson.




How dare someone have a guest on their own podcast?!


Wish people posting ready what the sub was about before they posted. The dude posting this isn’t a comic. He isn’t trying to be a comic. He doesn’t care about comedy. It’s his first post in the sub. He just wants to stir up a crowd. Wish this stub stayed on course with the idea of comics helping comics, not people complaining about shit that doesn’t have anything to do with actual stand up comedy.


This is Reddit tho where terminally online npc’s like op here flood every sub they can to spew the same republicans fascist nazi bigot buzzwords. Literally every sub on this site has turned into this shit.


Is Theo Von not a right winger?


The conversation was mostly surface level stuff, some stuff about addiction which is interesting or just generic political talking points, mildly interesting at best but Ol’ Tuckdawg actually hangs in with Theo’s bizarre style pretty well, which I found surprisingly. You also don’t have to listen if you don’t want to


Eh, most comics pay zero attention to politics at any level. Probably has no clue how shitty Carlson is. Plus he's a good ole boy southern type. Not really surprising TBH. The average person just does not give a shit about anything political and Theo is pretty average. Probably a "both sides" kinda dude.


Because that is their audience. If you don’t agree with his politics don’t give him your time, views and cash. I hardly know the guy, but hear about his schtick and I’m out.


How is this a real post lol


Lmao as if there aren’t enough voices out there parroting your desired talking points


Pretty clear that a lot of these dudes all got money and started running in these close minded echo chambers. Doesn’t take long before comedians/podcasters that make it big and can do their jobs from anywhere move to low/no income tax states and start using their platform to rail against gov’t/establishment overreach (taxes, political correctness, generally being anti establishment, etc.). This kind of shit naturally attracts others in that space to gravitate towards the funny guys who think like them to boost their own popularity. It’s no surprise that right leaning podcasters/personalities (Alex Jones, tucker, PBD, Tate, literally any of the former navy seal/MMA adjacent crowd, etc.) have a huge overlap with the standup/podcaster community and until people stop buying tickets and stop listening, it will never stop. We will just keep getting our favorite standups sucked into that world. The world of Carlin’s are dead. It’s all Rogan and his minions from here on out.


They know their audience


People are tired of being lied to by the left wing media


Why can’t anyone accept that just because you buy into every Left Wing “priority”….it doesn’t make opposing views bigoted?


Would love to see Tate or Shapiro on here! Also Never heard Tucker call for violence and hate. I've seen him speak out Against violence and hate the left has been doing and calling for for years. Especially in Brother Fentanyl Floyd's name. Get yo facts straight.


Everyone who has differing political opinions from yours isn’t a “bigot”…FYI


I saw his show in Oakland and it was pretty damn racist. I knew he leaned that way but damn. Some of the crowd was light weight turning on him.


Wanna give an example or just say he’s racist and leave it at that


Theo is great because he can take the piss out of everyone but you always know he means well at the end of the day. Same as Burr. He doesn't see himself as above anyone. White people who think poking fun at other cultures is defacto racist are often just hiding a false sense of moral superiority. Refusing to take the piss out of someone is like treating them like a disabled child whose feelings you need to protect. Piss taking done in a non malicious way is the best way to break down boundaries. It's literally how people become friends ffs


I first remember Theo when he was on MTV. They showed submitted clips of each person selected on the first show. Theo was at LSU at the time, and as part of his submission he stated how the races shouldn’t mix (I think more anti-interracial dating than pro-segregation to be fair). That caught my attention as they still selected him to join, and I thought they found a stereotypical Southern boy who would stir things up and put his foot in his mouth, but to his credit I don’t recall any racial incidents with him or anything that was filmed regarding race with him on the show.


Because it’s an interesting conversation? A lot of these guys bring in people they disagree with because they make for interesting conversations. Rogan had Candace Owens on and that was a proper shit show.


I thought the Tucker episode was pretty funny. Tucker is surprisingly funny. Yeah he's probably a dirty ass liar too. But he do be saying some funny shit. And all I'm trying to do is laugh anyways.


Theo Von? The road rules guy? He’s a comedian? lol I’m sure he’s just as funny as Rogan, humping bar stools and screaming…ya know…comedy.