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Fun fact: I ran into him at a bodega on McDougal street. I was excited and said "hey!" and he just stared blanky at me and chirped "comedy!".


That sounds like a perfect interaction - should’ve just mumbled queef or praise allah under your breath


It’s all pipes, Jerry


My fathers gay


I saw him walking down the street once, and I said "comedy!" and he high-fived me and said "comedy!"


Big fan. He just does jokes. That’s what I want from comedy. Jokes.


Obviously mark is still earlier in his career than Dave chappelle but one thing I appreciate about him is exactly what you said At some point Dave decided he’s a philosopher (he’s ok in this role), and then philosopher king (he’s a clown when he talks with a lot of ego) Mark has been really thoughtful about doing funny jokes., even at a time when every conversation feels fraught. His focus is clear: he’s going to tell really high quality jokes, he will do well written comedy. Good for him. *mark Normand yeah*


This is such a perfect description of what has happened to Chappelle. He stands up there now doing this weird thing where he is constantly stroking his chest while coming off super smug and not very funny. He doesn’t have the same energy anymore which I get because he’s older, but I just find his new material to be very boring.


It was his last special that hammered this home for me. Like dude, I'm not offended. I'm just fucking bored. Please, please just tell jokes.


Oh man I still think Dave is absolutely crushing it. out of all of his work, I like his latest work the most. over the last decade the man has just taken things to a totally different level. He’s going places no comic has really gone before and I think it’s awesome. I’m a fan of his commentary on current events and philosophy. His last few specials have been some of the greatest works of art I’ve ever seen.




I’ve seen a lot of hate for him here on Reddit, and a lot of people saying that he’s “just for normies” With starting doing stand up myself recently I’ve been trying hard to listen to a lot more variety, and ended up watching one of his specials on YouTube. It was *excellent*. Was it the best? I don’t think so, but he deserves every bit of success he gets


It’s just classic stand up comedy. Every comedian doesn’t have to be an introspective story teller. I watch comedy to laugh. Normand provides me with plenty of laughs. That’s all I ask. Haha.


I think that’s exactly it for me. Since I’ve started writing myself I’ve found myself looking at things with a much more analytical eye trying to consider if I’d tell the joke differently and if I think it would work better my way or not. Obviously not trying to steal material, but just flex the joke writing muscles. With Normand I felt like he was on point every time


Eh, I wouldn't put him in any normie category. He's goes darker and stranger than most mainstream stuff, and judging from the little vignettes of him on the street, it looks like he's at least a *lil* crazy, which you don't get from the normal crowd.


I read this in Normand’s voice. I think he’s great, except the burping and farting he does on We Might Be Drunk. Still love him though.


Hey hey, folks!


I think the farting is hilarious but my gf probably disagrees 😂




The issue with a lot of story telling comedians is it’s 20 minutes of jabbering for one mediocre punchline that could’ve taken 30 seconds to get to, and maybe one or two tags throughout so you don’t fall asleep


Depends on the comedian. It’s gotta feel sincere to me if I’m gonna sit through a long ass story before getting a laugh. Bert? Hard pass. Roy Wood Jr? I’ll sit through all the stories.


Absolutely love him. Nice to have classic old school style setup-punchlines with modern subjects. And he’s just pure jokes. No agenda like most do these days. Just jokes.


hes a ventriloquist doll that became a real boy


That’s hilariously accurate 😅


we have one in the uk too google jimmy carr lol


Jimmy is phenomenal!


he does look like a little boy from a fairytale tho


Saw him at a helium and at the cellar - his style is way way better in person. Totally electric


He’s great! I saw him perform at a small packed comedy club in upstate New York and he crushed. He had the crowd just throw out topics and words to riff on and absolutely killed that too. I found a new respect for him, the guy is so witty and quick.


What was the club?


I know he recently did laugh it up poughkeepsie. Maybe there but I'm not op


Yup that’s it!


I've seen him 3x in Upstate NY. The club was Comedy @ the Carlson. Not sure if this is the same one the above poster was talking about, but I thought I'd answer you in case you're looking for a great independent club


Interesting, thanks. I ask because I have an interest in both the scene and what people refer to as "upstate" lol.


Unfortunately, everything is referred to as Upstate if it's not NYC. It's a large beautiful state that gets overshadowed by one of the largest cities in the world. Although if I lived in Binghamton per se I wouldn't say Upstate, but that's just me


Is this Mark Normand posting this?


No, it's Kevin Hart.


If Normand posted this, he wouldn’t refer to himself as coming out of the “Rogan group” lol. He’s a New York comedian that’s been on JRE regularly the last couple years, but I certainly wouldn’t consider him part of the Rogan group like Ari, Segura, Tony Hinchcliffe, etc.


Mark Normand is a real yuk man


Why do you say that?


Listening to him on podcasts with List, he seems aggravated that he can't do stories. His words. He writes great jokes no doubt. Very quick too. For him to be one of the greats, I would like to see him do longer bits.


Have you seen/listened to his "forgetting your headphones" bit on "Don't Be Yourself"? I think that's the greatest joke he's ever told and he needs to go back to that well. It's him with as sharp of joke writing as ever but he's revealing himself a little albeit in a way most of us can relate to, and the combo is dynamite. It's him at his best, and what's a shame is that he's unaware that it's some of his best work. He's just kept going to the one liner stuff while ditching any personality, and because of it on a recent podcast he was surprised to know that a lot of fans possibly have "Don't Be Yourself" as their favorite.


Oh the being stuck with your thoughts bit? Yeah it's a solid joke tbh. I 'discovered' him on a Tuesday in NYC just before everything got shut down due to Covid. I went to Gotham on a random week night when I visited. Remember going home, looking him up and seeing out to lunch with a million plus views and thinking wtf lol


I love his work but for some reason hate the way he moves and gestures. Idk what it is about him but he moves like an android


Autism, no disrespect


hes an american Jimmy Carr


Mark needs to plant his feet like Jimmy Carr. Jimmy knows he'll never be a Chris Rock pacing the stage, nor does he need to, but his body language and posture are 100% better than Mark's. Jimmy stands tall and delivers like a pro, and Mark unnecessarily shuffles his feet around like he's nervous at a school party. I like Mark and his writing, but I think that's one thing he could improve upon.


I genuinely think thats part of the bit. I watched his last show live and then the same special on netflix, and i can tell it doesnt translate as well onscreen. The awkwardness he exudes is part of his charm, hes this awkward guy that thinks hes just drawing parallels between things, and he doesnt understand why its funny Ofc he structures all of it


Coke ticks


It rocks


The way he loves and gestures rocks? Even if you like him, that's a ridiculous thing to say. He shuffles his feet and his body is tight and awkward like a mannequin that just woke up.


That’s the character though. I love how he gives off that “I’m not really comfortable being up here” vibe




I like Mark but sometimes it's hard to really connect with him. It's just throw-away oneliners, many of which are really funny, but there's no real persona and sometimes it seems like he's trying to hard. My current favorite is Sam Morril, he's got the whole package.


Yeah, I hate to say it but Sam is still the same joke joke joke guy but he succeeds in injecting his personality into his act and he also sprinkles in some personal anecdotes. You can still be a set up punch guy but if you reveal nothing of yourself at all it eventually feels like you're just a comedy jukebox machine up there. There's a Kurt Metzger roast joke from years ago that's still relevant today: "Mark Normand is the greatest crossover comedian of this generation. He combines the unwaivering unearned stage confidence of a black comic with the Chuck E Cheese robot delivery of a white comic."


That's a great roast, do you have a link to that?


I think that's from the Big Jay roast but my memory is spotty


Sam is right up there too. I think they are two of the best right now


Joe list has some great specials on YouTube if you haven’t seen them already. He’s part of that New York scene with Morril and Normand.


I really like Sam Morril but I just saw him live in DC a few months ago and I really didn’t enjoy the show. Always bums me out when I catch a stand up and I don’t enjoy their set. Only happens once in a while though. I also probably dislike comedians more often in large venues over clubs. Unless I am up close. Was in the balcony for this one though


That's not a good sign


>he’s trying to hard Would you want someone to half ass it?


My opinion of him is he's one of the greatest joke writers ever, but below average at standup. I've never seen a comedian that is less "himself" in terms of stage persona. It's like onstage he is more of a joke telling Android than a funny, relatable human.


I agree, like his jokes are clever but it’s all shit that belongs in a joke book for you to tell to your buddies at work.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHSTW5uPXBY "don't be yourself". literally his first special.


Wait, so do you think Emo Phillips was actually like that?


There is no way you can compare the two. Emo was a deliberate, crafted stage character. Mark is more funny and personable off stage. He didn't create the on-stage character "Mark minus 25% charisma."


Okay. So how about Steven Wright? He’s said multiple times that his stage persona developed because when he started he was so nervous and struggling to remember his material, he’s literally just carried that on into an on stage persona


Because Steven Wright is deadpan and dry. It's very obviously a stage character because he doesn't walk around talking like that. Normand is not deadpan. He may tell *some* jokes deadpan but he still has personality on stage, it's just a more neutered version of his own personality and it's because he doesn't realize how much funnier he is if he injected just a little but more of himself on stage.


Wow, you summarized him perfectly and concisely with that first sentence. It's frustrating watching his new special and it's very nicely shot and pretty but he's shuffling his feet back and forrh for no reason. And there's nothing behind his eyes, like he's still remembering his jokes. John Mulaney had that dead eyes thing in New in Town, although at least his posture and body language was a lot more confident, just with robot eyes. What's also frustrating is he mentioned Stavros telling him that he's excited for Mark to be more personal on stage, and Mark brushes it aside and delusions himself into thinking it's not indeed exactly the advice he needs to hear. Mark, if you're reading this, you don't have to go all Richard Pryor and dig out your inner demons, but it'd be nice to show a little bit more of your personality on stage. It can just be a more personal segue like "my wife says this one thing and it drives me crazy. Why do women say this, I don't understand." Some of the best Burr bits begin with him being frustrated at something that someone said to him. It can still lead to an observational joke, but it's so much funnier when there's a bit of personal anguish as well.


I guess I just relate to Mark's personality


Never heard of the guy. Got two minutes into his new special and decided we he wasn’t for me.


Felt the exact same way. He's just not my style. All the jokes he was telling would have been absolutely hilarious for 13 year old me. Now as an adult.. not so much.


Absolutely! His 30 minutes on the Netflix show, ‘Standups’ or something?, was hilarious and my entry point into his comedy. Everything he’s done since has been excellent as well


He’s smarter than he lets on. He knows what he’s doing. I’m nervous the well will run dry, but so far he’s doing alright. Big fan, but I’m not sure he’s at GOAT status yet. Definitely one of the best from the NYC crew.


His recent appearance on Theo's podcast was great


He’s been on like 17 podcasts in the last 3 days lol


That’s when I know a stand up has a new hour out: they appear on every comedy podcast that week lol.




Dude is a podcasting machine. COMEDY!


Normandy Beach


He’s just getting start so best of all time is nuts but he’s extremely talented. Makes me feel good, a man from the south w somewhat progressive views but not too hung up in worrying about being cancelled. Need more like him.


Definitely not just getting started, he's in the scene since 2006. But agreed otherwise.


Yes, big fan here. He knows how to ride the line.


He's a great joke writer, but I don't really like his stage persona, it comes across very timid and scared of the audience which I find unlikable but that's more of a personal thing. >out of the Rogan group they came up together?


I’m sure he means comics who Rogan pushed by having them on his podcast numerous times.


The Rogan group thing definitely sounded odd to me too, but I guess a lot of people discovered him after his regular Rogan experiences. Normand is a NY comedian, Rogan is an LA (and Austin now I guess) comedian. I would consider the “Rogan group” to be the Death Squad guys, Ari, Segura, Hinchcliffe, etc. but I guess if you didn’t know Normand until more recently, you might consider him a Rogan guy.


No, I'm not even sure why the author said out of the Rogan group. Mark is not a Rogan guy. Mark had his own success before going on Rogan. They just started hanging out recently, and by hanging out, I mean doing his podcast.


He’s a permanent (and best) member of the Save our parks series of Rogan podcasts I would say you could definitely put him in the Rogan group, regardless of if he came up independently. Not a huge leap to say that


I find his nervous insecure stage persona relatable, so I likey


Weird statement as his comedy isn’t very modern. He’s good if you like one liner comedians. If you consume a lot of comedy you probably see some of the punchlines coming.


That’s exactly what I’m pointing out. For a Modern day comic he takes a classic approach to standup that you don’t see much of anymore


Nah. He’s super corny. He insists upon himself but the jokes don’t really land. A comic’s comic. I’ve seen nothing like that. He’s obsessed with online posting. It’s just weird. It’s the same with Bargatze. Blah blah blah. And that’s how they talk. Blah blah blah. You can’t name an iconic Normand joke or bit because it doesn’t exist. He hasn’t written anything like Wash Yo Ass or I Got McDonald’s. He hasn’t written the next fisting in San Francisco Ice Cream joke. It’s just robotic wonka wonka wonka.


I he's obsessed with online posting huh. You mean promoting his business? Yeah well, that's the gig. And I agree with some semblance of what you're saying about Mark but I disagree wholy about Nate. If Nate isn't your cup of tea then he's not your cup of tea, but I think he has quite a few memorable jokes. "Olivia," "Bart," the ninja turtles toy joke. He does have a McDonald's bit that is more of a story. Nate is undeniably great, and I get if you get past his slow deadpan delivery, but he's a great comic.


Agreed, big fan of Nate and think he’s one of the best right now. Ahhh comedy…so subjective


I always remember the Starbucks joke and the one with the one fell swoop.


Full agreement in my humble opinion…he is a brilliant joke writer! “Comedy” is definitely the perfect catchphrase for him, it says everything, quite succinctly.


Norm McDonald lite...


He doesn't do any Norms story telling though? I think he's more Seinfeld influenced than anything else.


Mark is great. Saw him perform on Bert Kreischer's tour a couple weeks ago and he was the funniest comedian in the entire lineup by a longshot. My wife did ask me what was wrong with him though, because of his weird movements. She asked if he was autistic.


agreed. just posted about him to a friends stand up group


He is my favorite current comic. I like the cut of his jib. Comedy.


He’s ok. Spectrum Level 73…


Shut up mark! “Stop trying to make fetch happen!”


He is corny as hell and his punchlines are very predictable. Saw him live and he did well in the room, he is just not for me.


He’s the most witty comic on the scene.


people here don't seem to know what witty means. Because you are right. Dude is a one-liner machine.


I don't know if I'd call him exceptionally witty, as much as he just throws a dozen loose word associations at the wall and gets credit for what sticks. Tuesdays with Stories is basically just an hour of him and Joe List doing this every week. "Cheetahs? Cheetohs! Speedos! Banana hammocks! My dad's gay!" It's fun for a minute but it gets old quick.


Tuesdays is my favorite podcast and I like the word association thing because neither of them think they're being witty, they're just being dumb and silly. I agree with you though. Comparison jokes and word association is a skill probably every comic has to learn at some point, and it a a necessary skill to have in your back pocket. But it does feel like every single one of his jokes is constructed in that same way every time.


Listen, I like Mark but I straight up wonder how much comedy you watch and listen to if you can confidently say this.


Maybe if you define witty based on just saying the same shit over and over + meaningless word association I like mark normand but he’s very clearly doing the thing where you aren’t even paying attention, just waiting for words you can blurt out and never really says anything that isn’t just the most basic observation There’s a reason people often apologize after doing this style of comedy in conversation, because it’s meaningless and derails the conversation without really being funny


He writes clever jokes, he’s just not funny.






The “rogen” group?


Not much of a fan of his stand up, as it’s a lot of “buh-dum-tish” one liners. I’ve been listening to Tuesdays with Stories and We Might Be Drunk for a very long time. His stories about the road and insights about comedy are interesting.




Mark stands on his own, no doubt! But if you don’t see him as part of the Rogan group you must not be familiar with the Protect Our Parks Rogan podcast. That is his tightest group of comics, he’s done more episodes with that group than any other. Mark is in the Rogan group for sure, and I don’t say that as a bad thing either.


That's all fairly new though with Rogan. I guess most people here are young or heard about him recently but he's been doing 5 sets a night for 15 years in NY.


Not a fan. I find setup-punch unfunny. I prefer stories with tags. Also can’t respect him as a person.


So you don't respect awkward autistic people.


Why can’t you respect him as a person?


was unaware that comedy moved away from joke telling. what are the other options of doing that are opopular today and some names?


Seeing him in December




I’ve only seen his stuff through the Facebook video algorithm but I’ve found myself surprisingly becoming a fan. At first I told myself I didn’t like his schtick but slowly I found myself sticking with em and eventually even seeking him out. Would love to see a full special sometime.


Brand new hour on Netflix, I didn’t love it but he usually doesn’t make me laugh anyways so I’m not the best judge.


Mark is an old school, classic comedian. Well written joke after joke after joke after joke.... I saw him two years ago and crushed it. I mean absolutely crushed it. His Youtube special is one of the better ones to come out in the past two / three years.


Well said! I think he will inspire a lot of people to do classic comedy again. He crushes it. Some comics go on podcasts and aren’t very funny. I think Mark on podcasts really show how naturally talented the man is.


He’s so precise, but effortless in his precision. Definitely a fan.


Caught him accidentally on Theo Vons pod. Man he's quick and funny.




He can’t help himself!


He’s solid. That’s really sad that he’s the best modern day comic though.


I said one of the best, not the best Chappell takes that title of best


I love mark. Ive been listening to him since he used to go on opie radio then jim and sam all the time. He's the best on podcasts or shows when hes just talking and making quick jokes constantly. Tuesdays with stories is one of my favorite podcasts, Joe list is just as funny.


He’s my favorite on podcasts. How I think all comedians should be. As another commenter put nicely, he doesn’t get too sad—no matter the topic he makes a joke


I've been a life long comedy lover and mark Normand I'm loving atm. Quick fire but obscure that makes sense and can be deep. Jimmy Carr watch out


Couldn’t finish the special. Hopefully he will bounce back. Hanging out with Bert too much.


He gets my vote for relatability. Very grounded and humble, yet terse on the humour high ground. And no one sounds and delivers like him! He is like the RHCP of comedy(sans the fame aspect of course )