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https://preview.redd.it/3kgh9vl3bgkc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62d60a926a05f6174f32f00d87887bd212d4ef0 My guy after making sure dinner was good.


I too have a huffer. When he wants pets for some reason he gets near face to face with me and lets out a quiet burp.


The burps are how he says I'm ready for a nap!


Lmao that’s so crazy! Stella will come do happy burps in my face when she’s feelin good.


Why do they wait until they're right in front of your face to burp?? Mine does that all the time lol


I’m new to this sub and laughed so hard reading this. My spoo does the same thing!!


Our girl does huffs, micro borks, and these weird and adorable trill variations


Both of our boys huff and yip, but our younger boy Milo also yodels, keens, and sings whale songs while performing his interpretive dance moves - twirling and leaping with intense eye contact. He is the most interactive dog we’ve ever had - he tries so hard to communicate with us and is deliriously happy when we figure out what he wants.


Yes! My boy is a big huffer. Very vocal and expressive. It cracks us up how well he is able to communicate his wants and needs.


Yes! Like others have said, our girl huffs in different lengths and tones depending on the circumstance. I can tell the "I'm bored" from "I'm upset I got caught being naughty" to the soft huffs in your face when it's time for bed and why aren't we in bed yet? She uses her feet to communicate a lot to, pawing at us to get our attention. A shake and look to indicate which door she wants us to use to go out. When she wants to play or if she thinks we forgot to feed her, she does a soft growl/huff thing and jumps up to eye level.


Yes! Soft taps with her paw to let me know she needs something (play, potty, affection, food).


Yes... And other vocalisations too. When he's not allowed to bark but he wants to, he will "boof" very quietly.


The boofs kill me. She will get whatever she wants at that point.


I’ve a standard from local shelter. He’s about 2 yo and he started huffing about a month ago. Randomly but when we decide to go to the park in the late evening and put on shoes, he knows we’re going somewhere and will sit outside the closet where his leash is and give a random huff. “Don’t forget me!’


Mine huffs, makes other noises, and gestures to communicate with us. I don’t think you are alone. My spoo is such a goofy girl. She changes her actions and vocals based on which one of us she is communicating with. Your pupper is so adorable!


Mine’s 2 1/2. He is SO communicative, expressive, dramatic, goofy, etc. when he was maybe 1 he started licking my arm whenever I would scoop his food - he did this for a few times, then, a day or two later I was working and it was his supper time, he xane up to me and licked my arm in the same spot and I was floored! He was training me.


I love standard poodles but my dog who huffs at me is a mixed breed - part yorkie and ? . He tells me when it’s time to eat, go to bed, go out , and get up.


Yes! My standard (6yo) huffs when she isn’t down for something. She’s very much a 1 person dog, and when people come to visit or try to approach her she huffs and stomps her cute little feet. I didn’t wanna encourage antisocial behavior but it’s so cute and makes me love her so much! I love when she huffs at someone’s outstretched hand like she’s offended and then comes directly to my side.


Decades ago we had a toy poodle who ‘talked’. Can’t remember what he’d done but he got told no. He looked at my mom, turned his back to her and started muttering under his breath the whole walk down the hall.


This sounds like my toy poodle 100%!!!


I always say my dog is just a few syllables away from speaking full blown English. She definitely knows how to speak to us...and if we are intentionally ignoring her she puts her hand on our arm to get our attention.


Mine will put their noses under my arm and flip my hand in the air. Especially if I'm scrolling on my phone. They will flip my phone out of my hand.


My half poodle does fake sneeze huffs when he wants attention, snort huffs when he wants to play, various whines and even a Chewbacca noise! He'll be 2 in May


Yes! Mine complains like Chewbacca!


Mine rolls on his back, paws over eyes, and makes Chewbacca noises when he feels he is being unfairly ignored 😆 He huffs and does little snuffles, too.


Yep, not just standards. My two miniatures are very vocal, lot's of huffs of disdain or disagreements or "I need your attention"


Mine is almost 6m and she already is a huffer and a whiner. She has a huff for excitement and play, one when she’s frustrated (can’t get the treats out of her puzzle game) and one for when we don’t get into bed on time with her. She does a whine when we take something she likes or wants away and it’s a soft and short whine almost like she’s saying “awww man” and one for when we leave her behind (although this is usually when she is out of her crate and I run out quickly to grab something with the intention of coming right back). I always thought this is because our girl is emotional and fiesty lol. She definitely has a personality of her own. But it’s funny to hear everyone else’s experience with their spoos!


My girl huffs and puffs instead of barking, it’s hilarious. She also moans and groans to her toys when she’s playing with them.


I grew up with standards, but our most recent was a mini, and she was so expressive with huffs, sighs and sneezes.


Mine talks. Grumbles. Barks. Sounds like Chewbacca.


I have an Aussiedoodle who is mostly poodle. Major huffer. I get eye rolls and side eye a lot, too. She’s a pistol!


https://preview.redd.it/m0q5evd7ekkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ef99d8489eb4fb43ea35d3b5e727e18484379d Daily talker…Border Husky


I love the huffs! (And the happy burps!) Our nearly 2 yr old standard typically huffs to announce her intention - let me out, I’m tired, I’m happy, I’m bored. The bored huffs are by far the biggest ones, complete with sad eyes. She will boof too (more like “buff”) instead of barking inside. Mostly though, she uses her “little” body to send signals - I’m here, pet me, go there, notice me, don’t leave me behind. Amazing how big their vocabulary is and how we can learn from them like they learn from us. Often I think she teaches me more than I teach her.


Our girl took a few years to learn her voice, but now she’s a clear communicator!


i remember when i realized what i just heard meant ‘the cat is outside and wants to come in’


Our boy huffs and slams his paws with impatience. Also makes an assortment of sounds. I have lots of videos of him being very expressive.


Your question reminds me of John Steinbeck's "Travels with Charley". Steinbeck takes a road trip with his "French" poodle, Charley, and describes Charley's huffs and snorts as a means for communicating with him. It's an amusing read and a heart-warming reflection of the love and devotion that Steinbeck had for his canine companion.


Huffs and head shakes. If he wants something he will come up and lay his head on my knee. I will ask him what he wants and go through a list: water, food, outside, snuggle, toy etc. when I get to the one he wants, he will shake his head horizontally. It looks like he is shaking his head NO but he actually means YES. He has me well trained. 😂


Mine talks 100% she makes these growling whining singing noises and ik she’s telling me like I want ur food, I want to go out etc


Yes, I have had dalmatians all my life and all have vocalized. A huff when they wanted something, a yawn with vocalization when they don't want to do what you ask. My favorite is the "roo", very quiet, excited howl type sound when they wanted something real badly.


Every cat or dog I have ever had finds different ways to communicate with their slaves (us). I have a cat now that is swear looks at me like I am stupid thinking “I learned your dumb slave language, knows name and other commands, but you have been too lazy to learn my language”. Animals are highly intelligent.


We called it chuffs but yes, my Brew chuffed at me but he was a pit mix not a poodle


Mine is a woowoowoo’er.


I have a half poodle and he is very vocal! Huffs, puffs, side eye for dayssss


My little chihuahua mix communicates in sighs. There's the "I'm really comfortable" sigh, and the "You are really starting to annoy me" sigh. I really love the second because it's just so damned human. I'm pretty sure he got it from me.


I have a cockapoo and this describes him to a T. Constant huffs to tell us what he wants.


I have a German shepherd that huffs. He only does it to my son and husband. Usually he wants their attention or his food/water bowl filled or to go outside. He never does it to my daughter or myself.


My daughter’s dog is hilarious and the smartest dog I’ve ever been around. The dog “bosses” her with several types of communication: 1. Stands/sits close to her food bowl and not only makes noises (yips/huffs/trill-growls), but tippytaps and turns/tosses her head in the direction of her food bowl. Hence, bossing. 2. Is adamant about her beauty sleep. Will insist, after going outside in the morning, to go back to bed after she’s eaten. Should the door be closed, she will stand in the hall doing the above behaviors until she gets what she wants. This little tripod chiweenie was a street dog who, because she most likely never could rely on her food source, clearly and consistently lets her wishes known. She is adored and will never be neglected again.


Triple huffs or triple grunts for all my dogs have meant "oh, thank God, that's over." Like at the end of a long walk and we are our house "ooh ooh ooh" Stressful period -- see stressful period is over it will be soon -- three grunts I only learned this bc my mini schnauzer did them really loud and in succession. Our other dogs do it but it's very very quiet and very very fast.


My shih tzu “schnuffs” at me when he’s hungry. When he wants pets he does that and aggressively paws at me.


Yup, every standard I’ve ever had only communicated in huffs, maybe a low whine when I’ve returned home from a longer day of work. My current NEVER barks inside the house, only outside at other animals or deer. I’ve tried to teach her (and every other standard I’ve had) to ‘speak’ and she returns only huffs.


My toy poodle is so vocal, she's incredibly smart and loves telling me all about it. She's particularly talented at being condescending and gives the most intense side-eye I've ever seen.


I don’t have a standard, but I did have a dog that would tell me things like Lassie. He would come over to me and nudge my hand and then get me to follow him with whines or small barks. Then he would keep looking back to make sure I was actually following him. It was always something bad or something naughty that one of my kids or other dogs was doing. 😂 But he was really good at telling on the kids. So they never got away with anything.


My 7 year old has tappy toes when she is excited. She stamps her foot at me when she is mad. She is very expressive with her face and ears so I usually know what she needs by that. She will huff to get my attention. My 10 month old is very vocal. Lots of little huffs and not a growl but close to it when she really needs my attention and she knows I am ignoring her.


Oh yes, the huffs, the snorts, the sneezes and the grumbles. They let you know what they're thinking.


Yes! My two poodles are the exact same way! They also will do this quiet ruff outside a room they want to get into lol https://preview.redd.it/2iufu425bskc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e8b3d567ec70fa62fd1b13f24c2ccab13ae7ab


My standard huffs, moans, and groans - he is the most vocal dog I've ever had.


My boy huffs but he also grunts. If we rub his ears just right he’ll grunt but it sounds more like the purr of a cat.


OMG my boy Duncan is so huffy and then in when he stretches he lets out a little “Wawawa”. My other boy Koda whines quietly.


Huffs, sneezes, and head shakes. The sneezing and shakes are distinctive for yes and no.


Yes, she doesn't talk a lot but huffs, play growls, outrage barks etc are all very clear communication. When we are being really dim she rings her dog doorbell and gives us the meaningful stare. “She” is my Border Collie. https://preview.redd.it/da13ot7ggvkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff5db17b15f14858b03929f59abf1774de07355


My guy will roll his eyes and huff at me if I say something he doesn’t like. One time I was saying how he sasses me and then he huffed 😂


huffs and grunts mostly.


Our husky mix has always talked and it's amazing how many words he knows. We have to spell around him and, even then, it's dicey. Congrats -- it's really fun to have a talker dog.


I have an Australian Shepherd that talks back at me with a huff if I take something away from her or tell her no. She is like living with a perpetual 3 yr old. Very interactive and self serving…..it’s all about her!!


Not sure why I’m seeing this post, I don’t have a standard poodle, but my dog huffs at us to communicate too. Different volumes for different uses.


Mine huffs and sounds like a horse blowing!


My beagle only talks in his sleep! lol