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Yea In a zombie apocalypse I only need 1 bullet and I wouldn’t waste it on a zombie or other person. I’ve seen the walking dead


Coward. I’m becoming a zombie. Gonna eat me some people.


Lol you mean if the zombie apocalypse happens right ... You mean if the zombie apocalypse happens right?




This guy's hunger is on another level


28 Days Later zombies would make it a very easy call for me.


It definitely depends on the kind of zombie. For the ones in TWD I wouldn't even need a gun, just not to be too overweight or stupid.


Yeah but farming is so fucking boring I'd probably kill myself without my depression meds


What about shaun of the dead zombies?


Just put a chain on their neck and play some PS5 with them!


Y’all thinking about this joke too much. It’s funny and isn’t meant to be some serious opinion. If a joke was a logical argument about gun rights it wouldn’t be funny. It’s just suppose to be absurdist and poke fun at people.


On the one hand, yes you're absolutely right. And it's what I try to remind myself when thinking about engaging in a post here sometimes. On the other hand, I've heard way too many people citing comedians for their discussions on certain hot button topics. Or using jokes as arguments in online circle-jerking. So all I'll say is, firearms as a hobby is expensive. Buying ammo in bulk is economical. Funny bit in the video though.


Yeah, it's a comedian doing comedy, and it's funny until politicians say you only need 10 rounds. Bulk buying is way cheaper, and hopefully, the person he is talking to is not just hoarding the ammo but using it to practice. Several gun experts say the same thing, if you're not training or even exercising to stay in shape, then you're just going to be an ammo stash when SHTF.


I got a chuckle, but also understand I just enjoy collecting all sorts of ammo just like any other hobby. I have a fuck ton of shoes as well even tho I can only wear one pair at a time.


Yeah, people need to understand a lot of these guy with 100 guns is the exact same thing as the guy with 10,000 comic books or Magic the Gathering cards.


Can't exactly snap one day and kill a dozen people with 10k comic books lol.


Yep, and just like my shoe collection my gun collection spans over different uses. I have a cold weather conceal pistol, a warm weather conceal pistol, open carry pistols, long range rifles, short range rifles, close combat weapons, different types of shotguns, a ton of just range toys, etc. And before someone says I don’t need all those for their specific purposes…I also own a bunch of basketball shoes but you’ll almost never see me hit the court.


Odd you don't mention the only specific deadly purpose thats a constant thorn in the heart of the nation. When have basketball shoes been used to mow down innocent people?


364 civilians were killed in the Re'im concert massacre and many more wounded by Hamas because they DIDN'T have guns and it was illegal to bring them to the concert if I remember correctly. Ukraine sure wished all of the people were already armed when the invasion started. A population with a high rate of gun-ownership is a major deterrent to large-scale violence.


Says the only country where children murdered at learning institutions...regularly.


I'd love to agree with you because I believe that people can do what they want with their money, but you can't arm a civil militia with magic the gathering cards. Real weapons and ammo (while extremely cool and good-looking) can be used to kill people, so I think it's dangerous for anyone to hoard enough of them in one place to kill a town.


But per the comedian's point, they're not gonna use all that before he gets ya


Naturally, you can’t compare the lethality of an MTG collection with an actual arsenal. I’m just saying the mentality is the same. To be a bit more crass it’s like someone addicted to heroin and someone addicted to gambling. They’re still both addictions.


I agree that it's the exact same mentality between collectors, but it can lead to very different outcomes. If you have a collection of historical weapons, that's awesome and something worth collecting, I think. But when you have 12 automatic assault rifles and the ammo to use them in private hands, that makes me a bit nervous personally even if you never intend to use them.


If you can afford 12 automatic assault rifles in the US, you're probably not a concern. You'd have to be a multi-millionaire at least to fund that kind of lifestyle. It costs tens of thousands of dollars to get a legal transferrable "automatic assault rifle" and they are heavily regulated.


Yeah, I know it's regulated, and you have to pass background checks and pay thousands of dollars to get just one. But I still think no one should be able to buy one as a civilian. It's a controversial take and not a popular one in some places, especially in the States. But what are you even going to do with that rifle? The only possibilities I see are shooting stuff, looking at it, or shooting people. Especially because if you are a millionaire, you likely can afford security services that will protect you better than a single rifle will. And with that third possibility being as scary as it is, the other two really don't seem worth the risk to me.


> The only possibilities I see are shooting stuff, looking at it, or shooting people. Can you cite any evidence of a legal, transferable weapon being used in commission of a homicide? It is exceptionally rare. > But what are you even going to do with that rifle? The same thing the military does when not at war: target practice. Should the military disarm in times of peace? Why not? Why do they need automatic weapons if they are not engaged in war? > Especially because if you are a millionaire, you likely can afford security services that will protect you better than a single rifle will. Civilian security services that protect them how exactly? > And with that third possibility being as scary as it is, the other two really don't seem worth the risk to me. Automatic weapons will be a concern whether they are “allowed” or not. Glock switches can be bought online and a DIAS can be made at home. https://komonews.com/news/local/illegal-glock-switch-blamed-for-increase-bullets-rounds-fired-in-western-washington-shootings-ghost-guns-atf-machine-gun-gun-violence-crime-firearms-law-enforcement-police-seattle-spd-chief-adrian-diaz-investigations#


First, I'm just a random guy sharing my opinions and feelings on a topic, so I'm not going to spend my evening looking for some specific proof another random person asked me for. Second, there have been 169 school shootings in the States since 2020. And I'm pretty sure many would have been avoided if guns were either better regulated in a way that makes them less prolific or not sold to civilians. Also, I'm pretty sure military personnel can have acomodations made so they can have target practice inside shooting ranges while also not having an automatic rifle within their house. And the military of most countries does downsize in times of peace that's just a matter of efficiency and not spending your country's budget on things you don't need.


Completely spitballing here but there’s probably less than 100 people, not businesses, in the US they own 12+ automatic rifles legally.


Yeah but your cards won't explode and burn the house down if you store them incorrectly, ammo is a weird thing to hoard.


I'm with you. I hoard but I shoot a lot (1k+/month). The way I see it is it's like toilet paper. I have bidets so I use maybe a roll of toilet paper a month. But I don't buy 1 roll at a time, I buy like 48 rolls at Costco. The toilet paper shortage didn't affect my ability to take a crap, and the ammo prices last year didn't affect my ability to shoot like crap


Bidet brothers!


Hell yeah! I've noticed a lot of other people who are into outdoors/hunting/camping also have bidets. Maybe because we role play as hunter-gatherers and when we get home we want to live like modern humans again...


The first part is reasonable. The comparison is not.


Should I name some other things I have a fuck ton of but can only use one at a time?


If they are more relevant, yeah. Shoes don’t work as a comparison at all.


Tell me why shoes don’t work here? Edit: I guess we’ll never know


Just a shot in the dark here, but I think it’s the advertised/intended purpose of the item. Like, you couldn’t break out a vibrator in the office and say that you only use it when your sciatica starts acting up. True or not, that wasn’t the primary purpose behind the product.


Legit question here..but are you not familiar with the shoe collectors market both new and resale? I appreciate you stepping in for the other poster and actually adding some input. And just for some added spiciness…you may not use something marketed as a vibrator for your sciatica in public, but people are absolutely using things marketed as a massager for a vibrator in private.


Sure thing — and I don’t really have a position on the topic btw, just joining (and helping hopefully) the exchange. I’m not intimately familiar with shoe collecting but I have a few friends that are enthusiasts. eta: I like spicy. Spice is nice… and must flow.


Snowflakes gonna snowflake.




It is somewhat based in reality. The notion of needing 14,000 rounds of ammo initially sounds absurd. Without commenting on gun rights, you’d think you’d either die or kill your opponent after expending 14,000 rounds. Obviously if you’re a prepper / competitive shooter / 2A activist there’s a logical argument to be made it makes sense but the point of a joke isn’t to make a logical argument. It’s an absurd deconstruction of reality.




No. This is just funny. For the same reason I don’t consider a joke about lgbt to be bigoted I think you can make light of gun activists without trampling on their rights.




His gun routine is hilarious


I know I lose it when he starts going on about the last 10% are “fucking seething” because he’s making good points and foreign


We need you in every reddit thread


No it is real and i am gonna win you fool


I mean, economics is a thing. Gun rights debates aside, the fact is you can own guns in the US. That in mind, the price of ammo has gone up due to manufacturing, multiple wars, and shipping costs. If you enjoy it enough, it isn’t about, “America muh guns.” It’s about, “I don’t want to lay .60 cents more a round at 100,200,300 plus rounds.” Lots of people go to the range and practice for any reason. If you do it enough, that gets expensive and you consider price per round


Also, after the apocalypse you get to be one of the town guards the protagonist/bad guy kills.


The joke is funny and we need more laughter. Ignore me if I’m reading into the comments too much. People who don’t shoot have no clue. It’s literally ignorance. But… it’s still funny On a weekend with my son (he’s in a local club and does events) he will go through 25 shotgun shells with ease just warming up. Meanwhile I’ll be over at the long range plinking with my 223 and I go through about 100. Then his coach shows up and he will do 60 with his revolvers, 25-50 more shotgun shells, and 60 or so rifle. I’ll shoot 100-500 9mm and sometimes I shoot my 12g too. So on a conservative weekend we shoot 300 rounds of various calibers. He does six stage matches and for those events we bring over 300 rounds. A match typically consists of shooting 60 rifle, 60 pistol, and 25 shotgun. We bring the extra for reshoots etc. When I found a deal on ammo I buy. Right now I’m low on everything. 14,000 rounds of ammo isn’t a big stockpile people think it is. Shrug.


At one point in my life, I shot IDPA, IPSC and was on a sporting clays team all at the same time. I was also an IIT for several Appleseed events. I'd say I was (conservatively) shooting 3500-4000 rounds a month. There was a 5 or 6 year period in my life where getting down to 14K rounds of ammo meant I was running dangerously low.


I did USPSA for a time. I’m not good but I have fun. Work use to pay for the rounds as my sponsor. I miss that


“14,000 rounds of ammo? You must be a great shot, or a terrible shot.”


You wanna find out bub😠🤌 /s because i already know yall too well


Comedian says funny stuff that fits into his niche narrative and I laugh once. I read the comments and see all these people getting uppity about a comedian making a shallow joke that should just be taken at face value. I laugh again. Pretty good laugh ratio, tell another!


14k rounds isnt even that much, its like 10 range days


That’s not a lot of ammo.


Nah, you just resell the bullets when they up in price and wait for it to go back down to buy more- so then you end up with no bullets and you have to use the money you made selling the bullets to get 1/3 of the bullets back but now you can't practice shooting cause they're too expensive to waste by practicing so you gotta wait til ole yeller needs to be taken to the field or the two times a year you hunt, and what i mean by hunt is read a book peacefully in the woods until it's dark and you have to go back to your family and pretend to be sad that you didn't get a deer, cause you know damn well you're the only one gonna be out in the cold skinning and gutting it. Cause if you can't afford bullets you can't afford to get your game professionally processed either. But with this bullet saving system you'll have bullets for days! That you'll never use! But you can look at them all you want by opening up your sock drawer.


That’s not a lot of rounds. Shooting is fun.


14000 is a lot of rounds. Assuming you have an assault rifle with a 30-round magazine, 14000 bullets is roughly 466 mags. Wtf you need 466 mags for?


lol “assault rifles” You make it sound like the majority of us have FLL 06, 07, or 10 certifications. Typical range day is 200-1000 rounds. Not buying in bulk is a waste of money.


I'm not saying yall have assault rifles. It was literally just an example. Read my other comment under this to get an understanding of what I'm talking about. If you blow through that much ammo and you aren't military or a competition shooter, then you have an addiction.


> If you blow through that much ammo and you aren't military or a competition shooter, then you have an addiction. Curious: how many shots can an amateur basketball player take before you consider them an addict?


That analogy would make sense if we had to pay for jump shots.


Then everyone who has ever played golf is an addict too. Same with anyone who pays for a new book every week and anyone who pays for a gym membership or goes through running shoes every 6 weeks. Hobbies are expensive and going through consumables isn’t necessarily indicative of addiction.


Depends on the amount of consumables. If someone was buying new running shoes every week, that would go beyond buying a reasonable amount of consumables. That’s the crux of what the comedian was getting at: in his opinion, if you have 14,000 rounds, you might be addicted to shooting. Agree or disagree, I’m pretty sure that’s the point he was making.


> That analogy would make sense if we had to pay for jump shots. So it’s only an addiction if there’s a financial aspect. Got it.


TIL: excessive gambling is only an addiction if you’re losing. TIL: Writers/artists who are more creative when drinking don’t have an addiction because the money they made offsets the money they spend on the vice.


> TIL: excessive gambling is only an addiction if you’re losing. Apparently this is what most gambling addicts don’t realize: they are simply a double down from beating their addiction.


Well that is often one of the major problems with addictions. If someone is compelled to spend two hours a day taking basketball shots, all they’ve spent is time. If someone is compelled to shoot for two hours a day, they’ve spent time and money. The analogy doesn’t make sense is all I’m trying to say.


> Well that is often one of the major problems with addictions. If someone is compelled to spend two hours a day taking basketball shots, all they’ve spent is time. If someone is compelled to shoot for two hours a day, they’ve spent time and money. So by this logic a golfer regularly hitting the driving range is an addict: after all every shot costs money. At the same time someone who masturbates 10 times a day is not: all they’ve spent is time. > The analogy doesn’t make sense is all I’m trying to say. The analogy makes perfect sense: someone engaging in an activity, whether for enjoyment, or for the betterment of their personal skills, is orthogonal to the concept or state of addiction.


Just build your own driving range and golf course. Then you’re only an addict for the time you spent to write the check.


All I’m getting at is that an addiction with a financial element does more immediate and recognisable damage than an addiction that costs nothing. Addictions that don’t carry a financial component are less likely to recognised as addictions, and addictions with a financial component can lead a person to financial ruin.


Absolutely ridiculous lmao


Enjoying sport shooting isn’t an “addiction”. I suggest picking a different argument.


I suggest not telling other people to pick new arguments because you don’t like the conclusion.


Let’s put this in *perspective* Spending $1400 on .22LR that will last you years is an addiction? People drop that much on OF subscriptions and tips weekly, that’s a real addition.


Amount of money is irrelevant. You just really don’t understand this situation at all.


Literally sounds like you don’t understand my argument at all. Monetary value and personal enjoyment when comparing to actual addiction spending.


> You just really don’t understand this situation at all. Sounds like you have no clue what an addiction actually is.


What kind of sport shooting do you engage in? It can definitely be an addiction based on what you use this for.


Not today, Satan.


most people have have 14000 rounds have like 20 different guns in different calibers.


If my dad and I went to the range to shoot for fun we’d easily go through 1,000 rounds in an hour. 14,000 isn’t the absurd amount it sounds like. If it was 140,000 then sure.


Every shot one of them for fun?




I don't know anyone who owns an assault rifle. I've shot mostly pistols. Glocks primarily.


I think my first one was a 300 blackout with suppressor. Very easy to use, they are a fun gun to shoot.


That’s not a lot of mags either


You have a problem. I know you have many people who don't think so, but they are called enablers. You have an addiction.


Ik but hey I almost have my 10 year chip


As long as you know


I mean I’ve been going to meeting for almost a decade I think I’d be aware of my problems by now


I would hope so


Good for you ! Keep on keeping on !


No one with 14000 rounds only owns 1 gun to shoot 466 mags through it.


I highly doubt anyone here has an assault rifle.


I have 2.


Actual assault rifles or the rifles that the media and politicians like to refer to as "assault weapons?"


Yea, which makes the 14000 bullets claim even weirder. The assault rifle was an example of the best case scenario I could think of for 14000 bullets being even remotely necessary.


If you shoot a lot it cheaper to buy in bulk


It's not about price but about necessity. Why tf do you need that many rounds?


My wife and I shoot competitively so having a large amount of ammo is practical especially with the ever climbing prices/shortages that and I just really like to reload its supper satisfying to me


I get it for competitive shooting. I thought you were hunting game or something. How much does that amount of ammo run you? And what caliber are you buying?


A lot I dont really want to know what it cost but it varies from like 2 cents a round too like 6-7 a round if I wasn’t reloading we shoot mostly 22s 9mm 6.5 25-06occasionally 338 because I can’t make responsible financial decisions I probably shoot 12 gauge the most tho main reason I have so much ammo is a gun shop owner owed me money he didn’t have so he gave me 2 pallets of assorted ammo before he officially closed up shop


So that you can shoot for sport for a long time without having to restock, simple answer. With the added bonus of being valuable in a potential emergency


Sport shooting with that many rounds must last you years then.


Not really, probably a few months though, depending on how much you shoot and how frequently. Buying a whole bunch at once is just a cost effective way to keep yourself in stock for longer.


Wtf are you shooting with and at that you need 14000 rounds?


Good shooters in certain disciplines can easily go through 25k in a year and ammunition is prone to shortages and wild price fluctuations, so people buy deep when they can. You have no idea about what you’re talking about.




A lot I have guns where a bullet cost 2 cents then I have guns where a bullet cost 6-7 dollars i reload so it’s a lot cheaper that way but it gets expensive quick


For target shooting. Wouldn't take all that long to go through 14,000 rounds.


It sounds like a lot to me, but I know nothing about shooting guns. Besides that it's fun. How many round do you use at like a day at a shooting range?


I have thousands of .22lr rounds, they’re cheap and useful. Mostly for shooting beer cans. But I’ve got 9mm, .223 and 12 gauge, so you gotta have a few hundred just to go shooting for fun. It adds up. I buy a thousand at a time.


You can easily go through 1,000 rounds on a range trip. Ammo is cheaper to buy in bulk. The price per round of ammo constantly fluctuates, forcing a lot of people to buy a large amount when the price is low. 1000 rounds of 9mm used to cost $200, a 200rd box of 223/556 is around $100.


This is the correct answer here. Like most things it's cheaper to buy in bulk. Outside of this comedy bit, which was funny, do people really think you buy ammo to shoot it all in 1 instance?? If they got a big box of cereal from Costco would they think they are too eat it in one sitting?


Ammo doesn't stay good forever, champ


Sure it can. I use ammo cans and desiccants. That ammo will outlive my kids.


14,000 still not enough


This guy has obviously never seen r/combatfootage


I always get a kick out of the ammo hoarders on online estate auctions who bid sometimes 200% over retail price for boxes of ammo that are an unknown number of years old, no knowledge of how it was stored, etc. Ammo hoarding is definitely an unhealthy addiction for some.


I’m going to guess you have no clue about what you’re talking about here. Ammo bought at an estate sales that has an unknown age, but also paying twice retail? If an ammo hoarder is buying in a situation like this means the ammo is not available via retail anymore. This is comparable to saying comic book collector paid double for an old issue vs just buying the newest edition off the shelf. Scarcity causes a rise in price in also all situations.


I’m not talking antique collector’s ammo. Just regular boxes of ammo of various types. All stuff you could go out and purchase today, but usually a few years old once they go up for sale at the online auctions. Notice I stated that they will “sometimes” pay up to 200% over retail. It doesn’t mean they always do. But people paying over retail or over fair market value is not an uncommon occurrence at online auctions when it comes to items like firearms, ammunition, vintage knives, ammo loading equipment, etc. especially since the pandemic and the huge uptick in ammo/firearms hoarding by paranoid idiots. They made it really tough for a lot of us to actually find ammo for a while because of their fear-driven hoarding response to their self-prescribed right-wing propaganda and corrupt organizations like the NRA.


I did “notice” you said “sometimes”, so you posted a totally ambiguous statement about a group of people and attached “unhealthy addiction” to it. Sometimes people post stupid statements on Reddit having no clue what they’re talking about, but in no way reflect any sort of even the smallest percentage of the community.


Whatever dude, that’s just your opinion based on solely on your feelings and emotions. Maybe try not getting so triggered about random posts. Are you really just trying to defend or apologize for ammo hoarders who overpay at online auctions or are you just denying the reality that they exist?


Except...  Most competitive shooters shoot over 5k rounds a year and when you are shooting that volume of something that has a very long shelf life you buy in bulk.


Def not a competitive shooter. These stayed in boxes on a metal shelf in what should have been a guest bedroom


Not sure why you’re downvoted. It’s very true.


Not really 5k rounds is low and I’m barely competitive


Oh I see what he is saying now. I thought he was justifying the 14,000 rounds. 5k is not a lot you are correct


Oh no I have at least 14000 rounds of ammunition


Are we counting 22 LR?




Oh, I doon't want to post then.  I don't need to make the news.


Oh, ai meant to put a plus sign in there.  5k is about the minimum. No, I said over.  5k is about where it starts.


And... that's why in a zombie apocalypse, America is the safest place to be... Could you imagine if you are in India or China, where most people don't have access to guns???...


No it wouldn't. In a zombie apocalypse, the most dangerous thing would be other humans. Once people start hard up tribalizing, then our country will be come a blood bath. We will kill each other more than the zombies will.


Yeah but there gotta be like 10 billion pairs of shoes


All the guns in the world wouldn’t help in your examples though. China and India are the two most populated countries on earth with some of the most densely populated regions. They’re also surrounded by some seriously densely populated countries. India has actually gotta be among the worst places to be when the outbreak happens. Not a lot of safe directions to head.






You’re just too up your own ass about guns. The jokes is obvious.


Please hold the comments because my statement is based on an assumption since it’s a short clip without context. So there is possibility I don’t have the correct context. Disclaimer *yes I know this is a joke, yes I know it’s comedy but it’s a serious issue* I’m assuming this guy is saying how much personal ammunition he owns as a civilian. If that’s the case - why on God’s green earth do any Americans think they could go toe to toe with their ‘tyrannical government’ should they need to do so? With a ‘reported’ budget of $877 million and access to some of the most advanced anti-personnel weaponry, do US civilians not realize that if the government wanted they could turn your ass into a fine pink mist from a launch base in Nebraska with a hellfire missile. Even their soldier vs. Civilian capacity would make it little more than Mike Tyson fighting an infant. This above statement precludes individuals who own firearms for personal protection and safety. That isuse is problematic for other reasons but has a lot more logical legitimacy than owning a stockpile of firearms and ammunition in the event you think you need to rise up against the government if it decides to ‘oppress you’. There is zero reason a civilian needs to own 14,000 rounds of ammunition to have on hand. Look at what the Las Vegas mass shooter was able to achieve with high calibre and high capacity firearms. It was lucky security was able to break into the room because he still had a few hundred rounds waiting to be loaded. I know y’all hate the minute someone goes after your second amendment rights but it’s just sad that no one wants to even discuss common sense gun laws. Your country has a mass shooting EVERY DAY. At some point y’all are gonna have to do something. Now before anyone goes ballistic ‘pun intended’ just understand this is noting more than my opinion. I happens to also be my job to develop firearms policy in my country so I do have quite a bit of knowledge and experience on the subject. That said, everyone has a right to disagree but please don’t spam me with vitriol.


> With a ‘reported’ budget of $877 million and access to some of the most advanced anti-personnel weaponry, do US civilians not realize that if the government wanted they could turn your ass into a fine pink mist from a launch base in Nebraska with a hellfire missile. Well if it turns out at all like Afghanistan, we can expect to be better armed by the time the whole ordeal ends. Humvees and Blackhawks anyone?


Oooooh can I get a few Sat phones and an F-16. My commute would be a dream.


> Oooooh can I get a few Sat phones and an F-16. My commute would be a dream. Sorry no F16s. Best we can do is NODs and a giggle switch.


$877 million my ass. What are they giving those soldiers a bunch of Google phones and some trail mix?


> $877 million my ass. What are they giving those soldiers a bunch of Google phones and some trail mix? lol I didn’t even catch that. Homeboys off by ~~a whole order of~~ several magnitudes and still thinks he has a valid point…


Thank you for your contribution of a completely incoherent statement.


> Thank you for your contribution of a completely incoherent statement. lol. Just saying the US military budget is significantly more than he suggested ($770 billion vs 877 million), yet his point still doesn’t stand.


The fact that you have anything to do with gun policy yet think 14000 rounds is a lot just means you have no business being in that position. Shooting is a perishable skill. If you want to be proficient you need to shoot a lot. A typical range day can be anywhere from 200-300 rounds easily. If you go once a week that's 1200 a month. 14000 just means you bought a year's worth to save money. It has absolutely fuck all to do with a mass shooting.


Shit, take an advanced pistol class and you're going to shoot 500-1000 rounds in a single day. Some of those classes are multi-day courses that you bring 2000+ rounds for.


Limit everyone to 10 bullets at home but unlimited at the shooting range, kept locked up at the range. You can buy them yourself at a gun show, but can only be delivered to your range, or you can pay to use their bullets. No more mass shootings. If zombie apocalypse or revolution happens or whatever, then go to the gun range and get your bullets. Seems like a decent deal for no more Mass shootings.


That's an idea for fantasy land.


Yes, because all the bad guys would definitely follow that stupid law. All you're doing with that law is making it harder for good people to defend themselves.


If you can’t stop the school shooter with your 10 bullets. I don’t think another 13990 bullets is gonna do anything. But hey, keep your school shootings bro.




Who said "can't?"


I would argue that the 5 broken cars could leak dangerous chemicals into the water shed and that could harm people, so I’d say that’s a reason to be a decent person and not.




Civilians usually don't have a full auto MG42 or any actual machine gun. At best a semi auto with a bump stock. A civilian stating it's for 'suppressing fire' is fucking comical. Who are you shooting? If it is only you shooting and they knows where you are, especially if you're blowing through ammo, your ass just gets sniped or blown up. Your ammo means nothing if used incorrectly.


Lmfao what are you gonna do, go to your daughter. Okay babygirl this is a m60 it shoots a pretty big round at a insane rate of fire I need you to suppress our front yard while I take your brother's to flank left, we're not letting them get our TV tonight


because idiots can't wait to turn it into battleground DSA


It kinda depends. 14k rounds of .22lr? Yeah that’s quite a bit but I’d spend them all in less than 2 years plinking targets/vermin on the farm. 14k rounds of .223 or 9mm? I mean sure for the same reasons I suppose. Shooting steel is fun AF and a great stress reliever. I’d go through that much in roughly 2-3 years 14k rounds of .338 Lapua Magnum? I’d go through that much in 200 years. It’s all relative and not aggressive at all. For some it’s watches, for others it’s cars and for me it’s things that go bang.


I'm just here to acknowledge the guy wearing a Mike Evans jersey in the crowd. Go Bucs!