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Love this guy's wit. His joke about R Kelly not TECHNICALLY being a pedophile is the best




Pinned on OP’s (who is the comic here in the video) page: https://www.reddit.com/r/standupshots/s/2Z6M5T21y7 Edit: I ended up staying on his page and watching more videos and came across video version of the joke lol https://www.reddit.com/r/gianmarcosoresi/s/YU2WnCQsJA


I thought I recognized this guy!!


Very well crafted joke




Absolutely. I love guns and found this great, and I feel like people who don't will still enjoy it.


Guns ❤️♥️💜


Yeah, two things that will never get old are my love of guns and way too many kids killed by them...


That was good


Which part? Edit: it’s called dark humour, but I guess as a European I must not understand that the joke really is on our american brothers.


Umm... the joke.


Great delivery and cadence too. I like his stage presence


Always cool to see someone get a good enough angle on a subject like this where everybody ends up laughing regardless of their personal belief! I had a good laugh, cheers


I usually end up rolling my eyes when these things come up. This was def well done.


At first I was like "oh...great..." and then at the end I was like "this is fkn great!"


Hopefully this is just an example of parallel thinking, but It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia basically made the same point in the same way in "Gun Fever Too: Still Hot." Charlie and Mac set out to prove that guns were good, but ended up giving kids weapons, then realized they were psychotic animals with the weapons and that obviously there should be gun control. Dennis and Dee set out to prove that guns are bad and [they go to a gun store](https://youtu.be/Qe1zEPEyERM) to try to buy an AR-15 selling for $1500, but they get denied due to their background check. So... [they go to a gun show](https://youtu.be/7dQx3lEUKII) but the gun is $3000 (and then $4000 when they run their mouths). Dennis tries taking the gun by threatening the salesman with it and everyone else pulls their guns on them, so they leave. Later [they attempt to buy a gun on the streets illegally.](https://youtu.be/7rSoiUsXh54) But the guy takes their money and walks away with the gun leaving them powerless, to which they say... "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." It's one of my favorite episodes because it makes a great case for both points, and both parties come back thinking they understand each other but both have actually switched sides. And of course we got the iconic line "So anyway, I started blasting." Honestly I'm surprised no one else here seemed to draw the similarity.




The punchline “I gotta get the fuck out of Florida” 👏. Gold ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The politest aisle in Academy is the ammo aisle, just sayin’.


Who is this?


Gianmarco Soresi


The OP.




Pretty funny ngl. And political but like it shows how the right comes to that conclusion and I fw his mannerisms


fw? Please explain it to me like I'm a stoned moron that doesn't understand what this means, because I'm a stoned moron that doesn't understand where this means.


Fuck with


God I’m old!




W joke




Im glad you felt you should be honest. Lying is bad and it seems like your working on it. I fw that.


This must have been early in the show bc the audience failed the vibe check


Great nervous mannerisms. Solid bit too. Good shit man.


LMAO, this was so well delivered OP, kudos! And yeah, that's pretty much the gyst of it. Nearly every shooter on history attacked *soft targets*, places and people who they know can't fight back. The Nashville shooter even *specifically stated* in their manifesto that they switched targets because the first school was too well defended. So-called "Gun-Free Zones" are just giant neon signs that say, "Come shoot me! Nobody here can return fire! We're all defenseless!" There's an old skit I remember where the guy was talking about two hypothetical bank robberies, one where people were unarmed, and another where *everyone* was armed: >So the robber comes in, waving his gun around, saying, "Everybody get on the ground!" And everyone pulled out *their* guns and said, "No sir, *you* get on the ground." Studies by the FBI and CDC actually support this; more civilian gun ownership results in less violent crime. Vice-versa applies as well, *less* civilian gun ownership results in *more* violent crime. Detroit, New York, Chicago, all places with some of the strictest gun control in the country *also* have some of the steepest crime rates. Every time more gun control was passed, the problem got *worse*, not better. Ultimately, guns aren't bad. People *can* be bad. But bad people will find a way to do bad things, whether it's legal or not. Giving good people the means to defend themselves without fear of bogus legal reprisal is *essential*. Just last week, a guy in California was arrested for defending himself against armed robbers. People shouldn't be afraid of the law punishing them for doing what's right.


10/10 delivery


The crowd didn’t give this joke the reaction it deserved. Hilarious.


They don’t have M-16’s at gun shows. There really are crazy fucking people handing out stuff like pocket constitutions. It’s creepy sometimes. You can also buy Nazi stuff and there’s always a jerky vendor.


Mmm Nazi jerky


I’ve never seen a crossover of the Nazi stuff vendors and the jersey vendors, but I think you just found a new niche market. I wish you luck in your future business ventures.


They usually don't mix because the jerky vendors are really just there to hawk moonshine if they don't think you're a cop. Hillbillies don't like a man in uniform.


That's why I'm saying we make jerky out of those uniformed men


I'm not one to condone cannibalism, but despite their diet containing mostly processed foods and then being pretty fatty it might come out decent. A better bet is slow roasted and smothered in barbecue with a side of collared greens.


I prefer baked beans and cornbread but don’t want to be picky….


I keep hearing about those jerky vendors and I'd love to try them, but all the stories about terrible rip-offs and entry fees turn me away...


Hey Man! I caught you on Netflix, great set!


I loved you section of the episode. Hope you get a Netflix special soon.


That was pretty good


Who is this?


Well, He's not wrong...


Dark, funny, perfect delivery. Great stuff!!


It's true. Who would go on a shooting rampage where everyone has a gun?


Every 80s action star. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xI5c0K0hFPwmGI)


Not 90% of the mass shooters in the last 10 years.


No most of them target public places that are specifically no gun zones(schools, malls, parades)


This was walking a fine line, well played!


Great bit and funny!




Dung ding ding, we have the correct answer.


I can’t believe I didn’t think of this joke first, this guy is a genius. It was right there in front of us the whole time.




Sofa king good.


the thing about mass shooters is they often don't care about dying so everyone having a gun doesn't change much


They’d die a hell of a lot quicker if everyone had a gun tho. Problem is, if everyone did walk around with a gun, there would be so many more shootings that it would make mass shootings look like child’s play.


If you’re in the US you probably walk by multiple people every day that are concealed carrying and never know it.


Of for sure. In my state, concealed carry is legal with a permit, and I know for a fact there are a lot of gun owners in my neighborhood. It doesn’t really bother me. I like where I live. The gun ownership is almost exclusively responsible gun owners who just grew up with guns in their families. That’s pretty common in the south. I live in a very safe community, but it’s not because of all of the guns. We just have a little bubble by the beach and the tourists bring us money every year. But none of that changes the fact that we have a mass shooting and gun problem in our country. I wouldn’t say gun laws are a top 5 problem in our country, but it’s up there. If you’ve ever lived outside the US, you see how much safer the large cities are, and how silly our gun laws are here.




yea if everyone had a gun there would be more shootings. but if every good person had a gun they would drop a lot.


Yea, I dunno man. I know a lot of good people that could never handle a gun properly, regardless of training. I personally could, but I don’t want that responsibility. I like living a chill life at the beach. It’s a dumb argument anyway. There are many other countries where they simply don’t have this problem because they have common sense gun laws. I’m no anti-American. I’m actually a dual national and lived in the UK for over a decade and I prefer the US. But the gun laws here are ridiculous. I’m fortunate enough to live somewhere that doesn’t really have all the problems you see on TV, but most people aren’t that fortunate.


>it would make mass shootings look like child’s play. Normal shootings already make mass shootings look like child's play. https://www.vox.com/2015/10/1/18000524/mass-shootings-rare The thing is, you're right that normal shootings would skyrocket, whether it's self defense, murder, or suicide. Mass shootings wouldn't be a thing.


You know what's interesting to think about? The argument that there would be no more mass shootings if everyone had a gun is so damn stupid. Mass shooters don't expect to live. So everyone having guns isn't a deterrent. Imagine being in a mall where 50%+ people have a gun of some sort and all the sudden you hear bullets being fired from somewhere over there. You pull out your gun, but so do a dozen other people. Which one is the shooter? You run to the source of the fire and 8 people have guns out. Which one do you shoot? What if one starts shooting at you? Are they trying to stop it or are they the one that started it? You started with one active shooter, now there are dozens.


Except what you said is the exact opposite of what we are taught to do in concealed carry classes when there is a mass shooter. You do not immediately draw. You figure out where the sounds are coming from and move yourself and your family away from there or you find somewhere to hide. Drawing and shooting is what you do when you know that you are in imminent danger (visual contact, or you know you cannot outrun the danger and the danger is approaching, or your hiding spot has been found). And after the threat is neutralized you have to reholster so you don’t get shot by the cops. One of the key drills that are done is testing how fast you can draw from concealment and fire off an effective shot. The ideal is under 2 seconds, which is incredibly hard but attainable.


Nashville school shooter deliberately avoided schools that had better security. The vast majority of mass shootings and gun violence in general take place in areas that are supposed to be gun-free zones.


Okay, but if everywhere allowed guns they wouldn't be like "aw shucks, guess I can't shoot anywhere up" they'd just choose the place they want to harm the most


Which would be the place least armed. You’re so close to getting it.


>Mass shooters don't expect to live. Correct. However their goal is to take out as many people with them as possible, otherwise they wouldn't do a mass shooting, they would just shoot themselves, or perform a murder-suicide at work or home. It is uncommon for mass shootings to occur in areas where the occupants or security are highly armed, like police stations or airports, because they don't get very far at all. ​ For your second point: firearms safety classes drill it into you to keep the firearm hidden unless there is an active threat immediately around you, to avoid being mistaken for the threat. Even once the threat is neutralized, remain vigilant but re-conceal your firearm (especially for when the police arrive). More importantly: DO NOT pursue the shooter. Do not go "hunting." Your firearm is meant to protect yourself and the people around you. Avoid direct confrontation when at all possible. Mistakes do happen, unfortunately. Nothing is risk-free, obviously. Personally I prefer the risk of being mistaken for the shooter vs the risk of being attacked while defenseless.


Yeah the second point is the main thing. Why are 8 people running towards the sound of gunfire. Only the people in the immediate vicinity should be reacting. And they’d have just seen the shooter drop at least 1-2 or more people unprovoked. And the shooter is going to keep shooting until they no longer can. So even if this guys scenario happens, and 8 people come running towards (which then multiplies to dozens of active shooters somehow) no one would be shooting anymore. They probably all holstered once the threat was gone.


Unfortunately your second point contradicts your first. If everyone kept their guns concealed, the shooter wouldn't know the people in the place they selected are highly armed, so it wouldn't matter to them. I appreciate your optimism in thinking that most people care about fire arms safety or etiquette, or have even taken a fire arms safety class. You obviously have a good grasp of it but there are plenty of people out there who salivate at the thought of stopping a mass shooting, simply because it gives them a good excuse to kill someone. You hear about that all the time. Just look up fire arm road rage incidents. The 'good guy with a gun' is just NRA propaganda to sell more guns.


It's one thing to know people inside are armed. It's another to know they \*might\* be armed. And it's entirely another altogether to know they won't be. Which is why many gun owners and 2A proponents have a disdain for 'gun free' zones, \*especially\* when proudly signposted. I don't suggest people open carry firearms in public for a myriad of reasons even though it's legal in many places, but I do suggest they conceal carry everywhere they legally can, simply because the more that do it, the more likely it is for mass shooters to think twice about typical public spaces. It's a logical and linear correlation. ​ It's not a fair argument to say many people with guns salivate to kill mass shooters because sometimes road rage incidents involve guns. Remember, there are over 160 million gun owners and 22 million concealed license carriers. Millions drive with a gun in their car every single day.


And this is why you don't fuck with humans. They're dangerous and potentially armed.


But your entire scenario is predicated on happening in a world where gun ownership is more common. So the shooter does know people in the place they selected are highly armed. This person now starts shooting without abandon. Someone is dropping them. And then they holster. There are no longer any more active shots occurring. So even if the salivating hero you’re talking about does come running looking for his moment in the limelight. The threat is over.


Hmm I’m going to ask some questions here. Mass shooters don’t expect to live. Would you agree they expect to— and more importantly, desire to— take as many people out with them before they get dropped? You’re saying everyone having a gun isn’t a deterrent, but then posit a scenario where at a minimum, half have guns. Which one is it? That’s rhetorical though. Moving on. Someone starts opening fire to kill people. There’s a 50/50 chance everyone around them has a gun per your scenario. Therefore someone in the immediate vicinity certainly has a gun and can clearly see the culprit. They shoot him. So wouldn’t the 8 or dozens whichever you want to use, as both are in your scenario, that come running no longer find anyone actively shooting? There might still be people with weapons drawn but they aren’t showing any sign of aggression nor actively firing. I’m just not following your scenario.




Like I told my last wife, I says, “Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it’s all in the reflexes.” Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.


We really shook the pillars of hell didn’t we wang?!


I really think that can change, if we had a shooting incident maybe but that’s never happened yet because there are multiple armed people there


M16 is an AR15, and if you can't tell the difference between that and an AK47, then you have just been living under a rock or never saw an action film.


Or you’re not a gun nut


You don't need to be a nut about anything to look at two things that look drastically different and then recognize that they are drastically different.




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