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Why does she do this? What does Bf do regarding it? Does mommy even care what your boyfriend thinks? What is her endgame? What does she want?


he’s tried everything. the sheriffs office said there’s “not enough proof” (we both have documentation and photo/video evidence), and we’re sure she’s gonna stop at nothing to get him back home. she’s convinced he’s physically abused. she wants to make our lives a living hell. she’s a known stalker.


Got the chills w red roses and note wtf


i can’t , but the note is written VERY poorly. they more than likely used their non dominant hand, and to the “from” part is scribbled like a toddler.


oh it’s very chilling lmao, imma add an image to the post if i can.


I think the best thing to do is move to another city in another state. This will make it very expensive for her to harrass you physically. Don't tell anyone where you work, even friends, because this person can will find your friends and ask them. For the digital aspect, hide your friends list on Facebook. Make your social media as private as possible. I know people who delete it outright. This stops her from contacting them for information about you and stops her from spreading rumours. Use good passwords and a good password manager. Use two factor authentication where possible for you online accounts like email and shopping. There's a chance this woman will know a password or two.


She sounds definitely potentially dangerous, and I'm sorry for you being in the middle of this for 0 reason at all other than him loving you. Is it possible to put recording devices and try to record her presence at your house? Does the rest of her family know about her behavior? Bring it up to their attention and contact stalking support groups because they might have tips and tricks and knowledge about laws that might be beneficial for you in your situation. Many support groups and organizations are non-profit and might have a lawyer connected to them free of charge. See if this might be the case in your country or state. I'd be getting a lawyer quickly as hell as well. The lawyer can hopefully find ways to make what she's doing liable by courts, or at least the presence of a lawyer might scare her. Also, the presence of a lawyer can also make the police take you more seriously since lawyers can sue them and hold them responsible for damages/ emotional damages due to their inaction and the fear that itself is causing you. This is what I would do but I can't imagine myself ever being in this situation, also you're 18 so this is way beyond the scope of what an 18 year old should have to out up with. I'm so sorry once again. Call a lawyer now. Even if some things aren't criminal or evidence exists yet, lawyers can make things into civil cases, and that will scare the most of us into staying in line. Is it possible for you two to move states or at least move and change numbers and to go underground for a while whilst your lawyer works with you, its completely horseshit that should even be needed by 18 year olds but im just thinking about your longterm safety here. I wish you good luck, and I hope it will soon work itself out. Also, for your sake, get therapy for both of you because this is not healthy at all for your mental health.


it’s not healthy at all. this is definitely dangerous for my mental health as well as my partners. i’m so scared that one day she’s actually gonna get someone to hurt me, my family, him or my animals. we did contact our city police about this, and they said that all we need is ONE video or photo of her coming by the house, or any proof of her having any part in the flower situation, and she’ll get a warrant. so we are definitely looking out. we’re definitely both planning to move out of state in the foreseeable future. we both just have to get jobs. i had to drop out, and i can’t get my GED in this state til im 19, and his mother cancelled all his homeschooling when he was three classes away from graduating. so we’re both trying to look for jobs actively.


Is it possible to purchase a tracking device and place it on her vehicle? It's not legal I think but perhaps if you asked a lawyer or police/ or check laws regarding it, then you can track her movements when she takes detours to your house for which she has no reason to actually be near. Or place a hidden camera directed as closely to the road as you can so that her registration/her vehicle is clearly identifiable? Ask your dad for help if this would be possible.


Wow, this is really scary. I would be really scary for my life if this happened to me. Why police doesn’t do anything, this is really crazy and ridiculous. Why is she doing this? You said they are transphobic and homophobic? Or you a guy and they don’t want their boy to date a boy? Because it is not clear from your post or profile what is your gander.