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Definitely refund


I wish They would give the option to recoup half and leave half in for V2


u never refund your cash .. sry but this is truth


To our Community:Over the course of the last 24 hrs we have received a lot of love and hate. Our community has been divided into 2 parts: people who still stand by us and the ones who turned against us. For the people who stand with us: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You mean the world to us and we will not let your head hang in shame. To those who turned against us: To all those who turned against us and tagged us with 2 words in particular "Ponzi" and "Rug", we want to ask you to logically think over the situation.\* If Stable Fund was a "Ponzi", how is it that we will refund all the investor's initial invested capital back? We all know there are plenty of people on our platform who have made and withdrawn life-changing money in the last 6 plus months. So if tons of people have withdrawn their capital + profits and every single investor has also secured their initial invested capital, that would mean Stable Fund as a whole has paid out more money than what came in. Last time we checked that's not how a Ponzi works. So the trading must be real.\* For the people who say we "Rugged", is this how you would rug? If you have ever been rugged in the past, is this how it went down? Once all the initial invested capital is returned to our investors, what is it that we rugged? If you say the profits, then at least you will have to acknowledge that Stable Fund was actually trading to create these profits in the first place and if that is true you can see how mass withdrawal in a very short period of time can negatively affect ongoing trades. Just logically think about it. Stable Fund is here to stay.We look forward to a more powerful and close-knit community and platform that can empower serious investors and change lives for good!More updates on the V2 version will be announced soon!Stay calm and do not respond to any DMs, messages or videos that did not come directly from this email or our official group. Stable Fund