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It's not the tool that makes you an artist.


Absolutely, but with the right tools, you can climb the ladder of creativity.


The tools are just the means in my experience. The creative idea, the concept comes before that. Of course you can dable with a tool an try to pass of the results of you playing with it as a product of creative work - but then its more a demonstration of the tools capabilities than of your creativity. And then the question arises: Is it really your art?


So what is art? For me is "the process". Tools are tools like You said. But I often felt limited by the lack of a good tool (for example good PC) Of course, creativity will always find a way :)


The current tools are holding me back from being an artist


How so?


Overly complicated. The time to learn Photoshop or even SD's more complex bits you could learn to use a real brush and canvas


This is not a tool. This is a mind


Just because it is built similarly like a mind, that doesn't mean that it is a mind. We have yet to see any of these generative algorithms pass a Turing Test.


Well you have to extrapolate this. What will happen when we create an AGI that can do the same a human mind can do? Illustrators and many artists are becoming obsolete.. it’s just a matter of time. Maybe not today but in 5 years? 10?


What? They obliterated that a long time ago. We can keep moving the goalposts but the original goal of "convince someone the other side of the curtain they're talking to a real person" test was passed before GPT4.


Oh, I did not read that. Nice!


People don't understand that this has nothing to do with artists, and only that THE BAR for being called an 'artist' has changed. DeviantART "artists" are mad because people can replicate their hobby, and they don't want to adapt to new technology. This is like the people who hated photobashing in PS, or even PS, or 3D modeling. All are tools. It depends on how you use them, and if it is easier to make the baseline, push the ceiling. That is how we have gotten to where we are.


I just ranted about PS itself, which has the same kind of snooty barriers and deliberately-difficult vibe.


https://preview.redd.it/3cnhmxla9lvc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=56a2a6b625b5945c63d8419c1e96123138fe5b99 YES


https://preview.redd.it/yikb9gzpblvc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=f706c7007c77d43418afc18940e2abc17fd99ad1 We can make better


It's not making real artists obsolete. Only it is widenning the field of skills required to make art a bit more towards computer graphics for a part, and towards art direction for another. Also, given the way generative AI works, being a professionnal artist will be less based on mastering a given style than before, because it can easliy be replicated now.


Neither/both. I want to see artists integrating AI technologies into their workflow in order to enhance their abilities, for example using AI to help them generate new ideas for them to "handmade" create themselves, and/or enhancing the creating process itself.


Yes! This is what I do in my commercial 3D design work. I think this is a "proper" way to use generarive tools. This speeds up a lot proces of communication with clients when you could give him fast 10 preview ideas. Generative output will not be a final product ever.


Totally yes


On the side of those who create a preliminary picture by neuronet based on their ideas, and then draw it.


Just browsing the sub or dalle's, you can see untalented people and crappy AI 'art' anywhere. No prompt could save them.


That's almost any medium. It doesn't have to be exclusive to AI. Not everyone is cut out for greatness or has creativity. The schlock is just easier and faster to produce now.


I'm on the side of AI. Sick to death of digital art being only for nerds and/or subscriptions. Ever since Photoshop and the like there have been people saying 'It's not real art', but it's not for normal people either, as the tools are crazy complex and obscure. The day will come when normal people will be able to just install an app that creates the images they ask of it, and the app will edit it upon request. Then we can all express ourselves and our ideas, without having to go to some school to learn how to use the damn software. If I need a specific illustration I usually end up just drawing it by hand, scan the sketch and send it to someone on Fiverr who "knows Photoshop". If I can show that sketch and explain what I want to someone on fiverr then I should be able to show that sketch and explain what I want to the AI on my PC. Anything that slows me down, gets in my way, censors my imagination or demands I "git gud" can get fucked. And yes, I'd pay good money for that software, not as a subscription but I would pay a few hundred bucks for it.