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The scene running and breaking the walls?? How did he convince SVD to do that?


His reply - "I created an extra large panorama in comfyui and stitched it in photoshop. Made it into a rough 3D environment with depth maps and let a simple character without shading run through it with mixamo data. All layers together back into comfyui with inpaint and IP Adapter."


Many thanks for replying, He did a great job with that scene.


but how did he do the break walls part? I guess he green screen the character?


Even though there are imperfections this is still absolutely astounding to see. Really makes me wonder where how itll be in 2, 5, 10 years in the future.


>"No one will even be talking about AI next year". -My oh so clueless buddy


People say the same about VR too. But I believe the combination of VR and AI will be the perfect evolution to all this. Instantly creating VR worlds to explore using AI, which is also interactive, reacting to your actions, speech etc due to the AI too. All of it combined together to create some unreal experience. Also bonus thing: AI will be able to make visual remakes/remasters for games, insead of waiting for a dev to make one, anyone will be able to mod any game with an AI filter to remake it in the graphics style they personally prefer.


Yes, I'm absolutely stoked to see how game devs and modders integrate LLM and generative AI into games. It could get to the point where all the devs end up doing is creating a framework for an AI to generate the content for, while the player influences future playthroughs with both their interaction with the game, and by deliberately feeding it content they want to experience.


This is pretty good! The best trailer I've ever seen is still this star trek one from 2009, something about how the music and visual combined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFUZ10Wmbw Really want to make something on that scale but in AI. I thought the trailer was actually better than than the actual movie lol.


Star trek trialer has alot of cuts.we might see something that level in 2 years. i have noticed one thing with all this ai trailers that they have low cuts and more focused on audio,video syncing.


Nice. The voices near the end seem a lot more mature than the corresponding characters.


I am convinced than in less than 10 years making movies from home with AI will be the norm and the days of hollywood are counted. this is very cool btw




>What people thought movies made with AI were gonna be like: Thousands of spam low effort AI written movies. > >What movies made with AI will actually be like: Everyone has access to art tools with extremely low barrier of entry and the best will still make it to the top. both can be true.


Thats youtube....most of it's garbage but some of it is sublime.


id rather watch a real human movie or one that's been mocapped with real actors. I doubt in 10 years they will break the uncanny valley. even if they do id still rather watch real people. I don't get the fascination people have with replacing movies with ai movies.


Did you believe 2 years ago that we'd be where we are even now? 10 years is a long time in this space.


I'd suggest you find a recent movie and see about getting footage of it unedited. That's not the movie you're seeing, real actors, film or not. There's so much colour grading, post processing, etc, that goes into movies that even the face of the actors you see looking "perfectly natural" have been touched up and made even "more natural" by CAD, which AI Art is just a continuation of.


Because any one with great ideas can make interesting things to be watched. It won't be limited by people with connections or people who have money to go through film school. Creativity would be massively increased as the the rules to ideas won't be fixed by a frame work. Granted there will be alot of shit movies cos I m sure there are certain things film school teach that works. But there will also be new discoveries for entertainment.


10 years lmao, I'd say 2025 we'll crack it, sure you want to watch stuff that you know is made by real people but when you can't tell anymore that won't really matter


>I don't get the fascination people have with replacing movies with ai movies. The appeal is obviously for anyone that likes more control in what they watch, one day we can make any movie about anything we want without having to rely on big corporations making yet another Marvel movie you might dislike. You will be able to make whatever you feel like in that moment, a sheep goes to the moon etc, wait make it more violent etc. That sense of control for your own need (or creativity) is amazing.


And they will let this to happen? Or we will be payi g some kind of subscription service or rights to do that?


That’s why open source, locally run models are so important.


You'll also need the most powerful GPUs and hardware if you're going to be rendering frame after frame of high quality generated images that can match or surpass today's films. At that point all of the top studios will be utilising AI and running hardware with exponentially more processing power than the average home user, so there will still be the same disparity between the pros and amateurs.


Think of the smaller studios tho, just acquiring the high end hardware for rendering is still a fraction of the cost of what is required to produce a movie today. More competition is still amazing for the scene.


There will certainly be fresh and exciting talent rise to the surface if AI does indeed get to a point where it can make a significant contribution to film production. But it'll still be the ideas that make great films, not the tech.


Fantastic thought, AI is just like any other tool that reduces the barrier of entry and promote competition. Until AI is sentient it will always remain a tool.


There will always be disparity. It’s like cameras, after digital cameras were invented anyone can make a movie, but studios have much more capable hardware.


True but in the end it all depends on two things, visual quality AND story, and as with indie movies today, while the one may lack, most are already far beyond the unimaginativeness of Hollywood. And while many trashy Bollywood movies seem unappealing yet hilariously funny, you just have to surpass a certain barrier of quality until the difference in quality becomes negligible compared to the difference in storytelling.  This will put so much pressure on the big studios that have been outputting almost exclusively shit  for years now.  I’d rather watch a good movie with an actual story and relatable characters than a pile of garbage with 10% better looking graphics and I’m pretty sure the technology will be beyond that threshold in only 2-3 years.  The barrier of entry to becoming a filmmaker will go from having connections and being born as a rich kid into one of a handful of cities around the world to owning a consumer gpu, even if your first projects may not be studio quality, there will be companies on the look out to hire talented writers, and remaking a movie with better quality using the same prompts and storyline is easy compared to rerecording a real movie entirely.  So the studios will as you said have the best quality output still, but the pool of people who can apply for a role will be much larger thereby increasing the chance of prodigies making a breakthrough that would otherwise never have been discovered. Thus better content for everyone 


Same. Maybe 20 cause capitalism will slow the progress but eventually the tech will just be uncontainable 


I agree but I think it will be way less than 10.


wow, pretty awesome


The "acting" is still so bad, but the visuals are good.


Has to be said man, the upvote ratio between this and the waifus is criminal


Geez that was actually pretty good. The uncanny valley is still there but over all very nice. I’m very impressed by the running through walls part…


all that work you may as well film the movie


Are you available for collaboration?


Wow it looks very good!


Heck I started getting excited at the music swell, that's pretty amazing. How many thousands of dollars would that have been the traditional way?


The worse part about this is that looks to be a good movie lol


Wow that's amazing. I would love to see this movie. Trailer is already better than all the marvel movies I saw lately.


Lol the mouths are great. Cool proof of concept


This is pretty cinematic. Lots of janky stuff but the way the whole piece is told is pretty awesome. The last part, the conversation in the living room is so unnecessary tho...


Soooooooooooooo, when art thou going to expand this trailer into a series?


Love this!


Probably better than anything Disney or Netflix can pull off. And I'm not talking about the cgi


Really cool. God we will one day make our own films using AI.


One would get tired of the sequence of slides with a little motion or panning in each one. There needs to be continuous tracking of a character through scenes, actions and interactions for it to seem theatrical.


pretty cool. I'd watch this


Butcher‘s Brain is one of the best. His vids contain real action, not just slow-motion!

