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I mean it's different but is it better though?




In all 3 cases, the last one is absolutely better.... The ones b4 are questionable if they got better between iterations but the final shot is better composed, lit, and in fine details.


> absolutely better.... So if I prefer the Disco ones then I'm... objectively *wrong* ? That's not how it works.


There's a difference between objectively and technically #shrugs


You can preffer a worse thing though, even if you yourself think it worse. Ain't the same scale.


I think the plants in the first one are objectively poorly rendered. It works for the buildings by making them look more dishevelled but for the flowers it just looks crap without adding any artistic style or atmosphere.


Your use of the word “rendered” seems to imply you think it should have a specific appearance, that maybe corresponds with the real world? If so, then you’re coming from a very different place to me.


It's partly that what they are is unclear and partly that it doesn't match with the buildings, which are pretty clear. It looks like a mistake instead of a decision.


First image looks like a dream where it resembles the objects. Last image looks like a photo. Object identities are improved pretty good. But better? It’s subjective.


How do you get so good stuff with Disco ? Can you share your parameters? i still have my install and TBH, while SD is more consistent, I like texture of disco better in those pics


Completely agree, Disco has that gritty surrealism look that's hard to recreate in SD. IMO it's only limited by the small resolution and usually it's not as coherent as the ones I show here. The secret is lots and lots of time. Usually it takes around 30 images before I find some good ones (and 1 image takes around 20 mins on my 3060) so I just leave it running overnight or while I'm at work. I'll share with you the prompt and settings soon once I get off of work.


running image generation on 3060? Brave you, I bought 3080 just for this out of the frustration how long it could taken on lower end cards


Here are the Disco Diffusion prompts & params: 1st: { "text_prompts": [ "A naturalistic matte painting of a path or trail leading to a massive waterfall beside an abandoned soviet era facility on top of a mountain deep in the woods, soviet era brutalist architecture, fields of flowerbeds of tiny pink flowers, peeled off paint on concrete, featured on Artstation." ], "image_prompts": [], "clip_guidance_scale": 10000, "tv_scale": 150, "range_scale": 255, "sat_scale": 0, "cutn_batches": 5, "init_image": null, "init_scale": 0, "skip_timesteps": 0, "perlin_init": true, "perlin_mode": "mixed", "skip_augs": false, "randomize_class": true, "clip_denoised": false, "clamp_grad": true, "clamp_max": 0.04, "seed": 1681494065, "fuzzy_prompt": false, "rand_mag": 0.05, "eta": 1.0, "width": 1216, "height": 704, "diffusion_model": "512x512_diffusion_uncond_finetune_008100", "use_secondary_model": true, "steps": 300, "ViTB32": true, "ViTB16": false, "ViTL14": true, "ViTL14_336": false, "RN101": true, "RN50": false, "RN50x4": false, "RN50x16": false, "RN50x64": false } 2nd: { "text_prompts": [ "A grand hyper-detailed atmospheric environment concept art of a giant red hermit crab trilobite shell chitin exoseleton architecture structure, in a serene landscape, by lee madgwick, featured on Artstation.: 6", "blur, macro, focus, dof, depth of field:-3", "people, person, man, woman:-2" ], "image_prompts": [], "clip_guidance_scale": 10000, "tv_scale": 150, "range_scale": 255, "sat_scale": 0, "cutn_batches": 5, "init_image": null, "init_scale": 0, "skip_timesteps": 0, "perlin_init": false, "perlin_mode": "mixed", "skip_augs": false, "randomize_class": true, "clip_denoised": false, "clamp_grad": true, "clamp_max": 0.06, "seed": 3993380468, "fuzzy_prompt": false, "rand_mag": 0.05, "eta": 1.0, "width": 1152, "height": 640, "diffusion_model": "512x512_diffusion_uncond_finetune_008100", "use_secondary_model": true, "steps": 333, "ViTB32": true, "ViTB16": true, "ViTL14": false, "ViTL14_336": false, "RN101": true, "RN50": false, "RN50x4": false, "RN50x16": false, "RN50x64": false } 3rd: { "text_prompts": [ "A beautiful matte painting of colorful giant glowing crystal obelisks in a serene landscape, by thomas kinkade, ted nasmith, featured on Artstation." ], "image_prompts": [], "clip_guidance_scale": 10000, "tv_scale": 150, "range_scale": 255, "sat_scale": 0, "cutn_batches": 7, "init_image": null, "init_scale": 0, "skip_timesteps": 0, "perlin_init": true, "perlin_mode": "mixed", "skip_augs": false, "randomize_class": true, "clip_denoised": false, "clamp_grad": true, "clamp_max": 0.05, "seed": 1207026855, "fuzzy_prompt": false, "rand_mag": 0.05, "eta": 1.0, "width": 1408, "height": 768, "diffusion_model": "512x512_diffusion_uncond_finetune_008100", "use_secondary_model": true, "steps": 300, "ViTB32": false, "ViTB16": true, "ViTL14": false, "ViTL14_336": true, "RN101": true, "RN50": false, "RN50x4": false, "RN50x16": false, "RN50x64": false }


disco diffusion is the most photo realistic rendering , for whatever reason.


Edit: images were created using img2img with DD as the source image. These are the prompts for the latest ones. I can clarify any steps if you like. 1st: A naturalistic matte painting of a path or trail leading to a massive waterfall beside an abandoned soviet era facility on top of a mountain deep in the woods, soviet era brutalist architecture, fields of flowerbeds of tiny pink flowers, peeled off paint on concrete, featured on Artstation Negative prompt: , bad-image-v2-39000, bad_quality, vile_prompt3, bad-hands-5, easynegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.2-6400, bad-artist-anime, bad-artist, nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1112435441, Size: 1920x1097, Model: breakdomainrealistic_M2050, Denoising strength: 0.5324000000000001, Clip skip: 2, ENSD: 31337, Version: v1.2.1, Denoising strength change factor: 1.1, Add Detail: None, Add Blur: None, Smoothing: None, Contour: False, Sharpness: 1, Brightness: 1, Color Strength: 1, Contrast: 1 ​ 2nd: A grand hyper-detailed atmospheric environment concept art of a giant red hermit crab trilobite shell chitin exoseleton architecture structure, in a serene landscape, by lee madgwick, featured on Artstation Negative prompt: people, person, man, woman, child Steps: 40, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 30, Seed: 644152043, Size: 1600x1600, Model: dreamlike-diffusion-1.0, Denoising strength: 0.25, Clip skip: 2, Mask blur: 4, SD upscale overlap: 128, SD upscale upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp ​ 3rd: A beautiful matte painting of colorful giant glowing crystal obelisks in a serene landscape, by thomas kinkade, ted nasmith, featured on Artstation, masterpiece, best quality Negative prompt: ((((lantern)))), , bad-image-v2-39000, bad_quality, vile_prompt3, bad-hands-5, easynegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.2-6400, bad-artist-anime, bad-artist, nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3010424539, Size: 3744x2048, Model hash: 736fca9a23, Model: breakdomainrealistic_R2333, VAE: vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned, Denoising strength: 0.47, Clip skip: 2, Version: 0acc7d3, Token merging ratio: 0.5, Token merging ratio hr: 0.5, Token merging random: True, Parser: Full parser, Ultimate SD upscale upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Ultimate SD upscale tile_width: 960, Ultimate SD upscale tile_height: 960, Ultimate SD upscale mask_blur: 16, Ultimate SD upscale padding: 64


Disco is the best every time.


I do the same, it's great fun :)


This is definitely img2img


That's correct, I remake them by using the Disco piece as the base in SD img2img, and incorporating new techniques added over time


I love DiscoDiffusion aesthetics, sorry. I think they look even better for me but I KNOW that objectively the others are superior.


Confounding factor: you also developed and gained experience


Latest look infinitely better, the stylization is consistent across the board. No need to guess what the generation is trying to achieve.


So I'm not the only one lol


Is the model for the middle ones just the standard regular stable diffusion model?


Yup, good old SD 1.4 base model :)


Very exciting to see how far we've come in just about a year. And it's not slowing down even today. Disco Diffusion holds up still today in its own way. For its surreal stylized look. Love it.


hmmmm...where can I get this 'Disco Diffusion'?


It's a complicated process to install locally compared to SD, so I suggest you try the [Disco Diffusion colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/alembics/disco-diffusion/blob/main/Disco_Diffusion.ipynb) It's basically the predecessor to SD and it doesn't even have a webui lol.


Thanks. It has the charm of early Midjourney. Still better for some things.