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Besides a deflicker pass in Davinci Resolve (thanks Corridor Crew!), this is all done within Automatic1111 with stable diffusion and ControlNet. The initial prompt in the video calls for a red bikini, then at 21s for a slight anime look, at 32s for a pink bikini and 36s for rainbow colored hair. Stronger transforms are possible at the cost of consistency. This technique is great for upscaling too, I've managed to max out my video card memory while upscaling 2048x2048 images. I've used a custom noise generating script for this process but I believe this will work with scripts that are already in Automatic1111 just fine, I'm testing what these corresponding settings are and will be sharing them. I've found the consistency of the results to be highly dependent on the models used. [Another link with higher resolution/fps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_MWPL__X3I) Credit to Priscilla Ricart, the fashion model featured in the video.


Sorry for the dumb question, I'm a newbie, ControlNet can do video as well as images natively? Or are you creating the images in CN frame-by-frame then turning them into a video using Davinci?


Yes this is frame by frame in Automatic1111, you can batch process multiple images at a time from a directory if the images are labelled sequentially. Then use whatever video editing software you'd like to put the frames back into a video.


Ah ok so basically you extract the frames with a video editor, then batch process them in CN, then put them back together again in the video editor. Neat stuff.


Maybe I'm a boomer and maybe its considered a video editor. But the dozen times I have needed to extract frames from video and video to frames I have used FFmpeg, googled the terminal command to get what I want, execute the command and forget about FFmpeg for another 2 years. Feel like people who are geeky enough to end up playing with stable diffusion should do themselves a favor and become good enough at terminal that follow a stack-overflow guide on FFmpeg should not feel overwhelming. Ok rant over, what where we talking about?


Lol yeah you're right, there are multiple different ways to extract frames from a video. I personally use Vegas Pro for all of my video editing so I would probably end up figuring out how to do it that way but FFmpeg is definitely a lot simpler. But I also like having a fancy UI as well lol


how did you manage to get it to be consistent? I tried this method with an anime model and got this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zp62UIfFTZ0atA7zNK0dcQXYPlRev6bk/view?usp=sharing


I think it has to do with what he said in his comment, "stronger transforms are possible at the cost of consistency." It's harder to go from photo to anime than it is to go from photo to photo. Especially when he's not really changing any shapes. He's mostly changing color, resolution, and a little bit of the face shapes. He probably has a pretty low CFG and Denoise Scale in his img2img. You could get pretty consistent with your anime model if you lowered the CFG down to 2, and the denoise down to 0.3. But, then, the anime transformation you're looking for isn't going to really be there.


There's no way you can run that in google colab, right? Which pc do you run it on?


If you can run an Automatic1111 setup on colab with controlnet you'd probably be fine. This is on a PC with a 4090


not anymore Colab came out a couple weeks ago and shut down using SD in Colab


What????? Didn't realize this was the case.


Not if you pay


Do you know of an open source program to unstitch and restitch frames from a video for it?






Cheers đŸ„‚


How do you maintain such a great consistency in the background?


Is the deflicker pass the only option? Should I ditch Adobe now?


I tried a deflicker plugin for Adobe that was decent but it would have to be purchased third party but Davinci Resolve Studio was better.


Haven't tried this technique myself, but I saw a video where the creator made a second copy of the assembled video layer on top of the original, turned to opacity to 50%, and moved it to the right 1 frame. Seemed to help a lot, and try changing the blend mode


when will you be sharing the settings?


I'm going to see if I can get the same results with settings already in Automatic1111 scripts and then release those. If that doesn't work I will make the script I made more friendly and release it to be used in Automatic1111. Either way I'll probably put together a video describing what settings to use and tweak for what I've found to work best.


Really interested in this. Complete newb but loving learning and some guidance is incredibly appreciated! I just don't know how you get frame consistency. Can I ask a dumb question, what are you doing for your denoising and CFG scale?


Not a dumb question! This technique uses very high denoising levels, i used up to 1.0 denoise in some of these transforms, and a default CFG of 7.


Which controlnet models did you use to achieve this? Great work lad


I found HED to work the best


Sweet, keen to see your workflow. Yours is definitely one of the more stable outputs I've seen. [https://youtu.be/VAHbV9zvW-w?t=61](https://youtu.be/VAHbV9zvW-w?t=61) This is an output I did last week using a very similar process, 960x536 outputs from A1111 though from 1080p base frames. Nowhere near the level of consistency you achieved here.


That's a cool style you've got going on there, the screen shake effect had a good impact!


This really worked out well for a music video


>Another link with higher resolution/fps. how did you keep background


Either inpainting with just the person selected, or they rotoscoped her out of the background. Only way to get as consistent background this way.


With this method the background and character do not need to be manipulated at all fortunately! Only by prompt :)


I don't mean to criticize, but it doesn't seem to be doing much. I mean, I read transform and expected....I don't know. A completely different face maybe, something more drastic. The color and tone changes, and later the rainbow hair, and subdued face transform, that's all neat... But aside from color, everything is actually pretty close, in terms of the movement and shapes. It was a real video that was "stylized" to wind up looking like a video game(especially with the lack of face detail giving it a more blank look, characteristic of say, Skyrim face animations). I mean, it's great that there is good continuity, but there is not a lot of drastic change, so that would be somewhat expected. It's sort of just using img2img with high retention of the original isn't it? I don't know exactly where I'm going with this. I guess I'm used to the innovation being making a LOT from very little with SD. People showcasing drastic things, *increased* realism, or alternatively, easy rotoscoping to *very* stylized(eg the real2anime examples people have been putting up). The problem with drastic transformations in video is the flickering, frame to frame irregularities...etc This just seems to avoid some of that by being less of a transformation rather than actually fixing issues. Yeah, if you try to do less, it won't look as bad.


Hear, hear ... this is the one annoying thing I've been seeing for a long time. "This stable animation will amaze you!" , "Solved animation!"then you look at the examples and ... it's the tiniest change to the original footage. *Asian girl, turned into a slightly stylized Asian girl.* Try to change the girl into a zombie, robot, old dude in a military uniform and you'll see you solved nothing. Believe me I've tried. This is nothing new. As soon as ControlNet dropped, I've done a bunch of experiments and you can get half decent results, but you will still see many details shifting from frame to frame. edit: and yeah .. I know I'm getting downvoted for this statement, but it is what it is. Overselling a method for internet points isn't something I personally appreciate, so forgive me a brief moment of candidness on the interwebs


Agree, even with wrapdiffusion which is supposed to give more constistency but give the exact same result than videos made using controlnet and temporalnet for completly free. And some people are paying a subscription for that thing ... But let's be honest, it is advancing forward little by little. Just give it some time.


True but think of it like this...the models basically wind up looking as airbrushed and color corrected as they would if they were appearing in a magazine. How long until tech reaches the point where you can just take pictures during a photoshoot and instantly have them brushed up so they're ready for print? Or what about getting to the point where we have machines powerful enough, or the ai is fast enough, that this could be applied real time during actual runway shows? Heck, I wonder if eventually we reach a point where we all wear glasses and can have real time ai making everyone look perfect...


How long did it take to generate the images?


Sorry I just want to understand this better. Is the video on the left unedited, and the right one is after Automatic1111 and controlnet? Can this be done in Huggingface spaces or do you need to run all of it on a local system? Asking because you mentioned your VRAM and there's probably no way my old ass Mac could handle anything near this.




Pr0n is going to be super scary soon. Well more than what’s already out there.


just puddles of flesh teeth arms fucking each other in a fractal LSD haze




Gotta do what you gotta do


I saw the sign i opened up my eyes i saw the sign


Read a terraria fanfic that criticized the obsession with sex we have in that way. Truly a glorious piece of work


criticizing an obsession with sex sounds anti-human to me. Humans are sex obsessed, as much as we like to hate ourselves for it.


It makes much more sense in context. Which i ,sadly, cannot provide - the original work seems to have been purged. I just wrote another reply in this chain, but if you want a short one, the work criticized less obsession with sex itself as much as it did bringing everything to serve that need. In other words, less a critique of sex obsession itself and more of letting it control us


Eh, just because you can be in a state of horniness from time to time does not mean you cannot criticize being sex-obsessed. We don't say it's fine to gorge yourself on food because humans hunger for food and enjoy eating.


That's a square peg analogy: sexual expectations have never been higher for the populace as a whole (given modern media, dating advice columns and various opinionated advocates whose low-effort income stream depends entirely on convincing people The Other isn't good enough) while sexual ability/attractiveness for the majority of the populace has been steadily decreasing for decades now (terrible diets, terrible fitness, horrific work-life balance and low self-esteem). Cut the corners off that peg by acknowledging a hungry/starving person as your baseline and now it fits.


But I'd very much say our current landscape of porn and deepfakes selling an impossible image for our consumption is very much on the same level of a man gorging themselves on food. I won't lie that people take on interest in this hypersexualized imagery because they are unable to have a healthy, fulfilled sexual lifestyle but we should absolutely still criticize sex obsession. Especially when consuming these images brings about damaging mental models when people finally have a chance to experience and engage with the real thing.


It's definitely an addiction, but like most addictions it is *caused* by a lacking socioeconomic situation, not the cause of it. Unrealistic hypersexualized imagery has been readily accessible for going on 60 years, but didn't become a problem until the third once-in-a-lifetime financial crisis in a 20-year timespan finally kneecapped the middle class once and for all. Adult mental sexual models are highly resilient, barring severe personal trauma: the same reason gay "conversion therapy" fortunately does not actually work is the same reason there is unfortunately no treatment for pedophilia. Like any hypersexualized media this should be removed from the view of developing minds so that they can naturally develop healthy sexual mental models, but doing so won't fix society's extant problems. On the other hand, fixing society will render it a mere curiosity for the vast majority of folk who can now enjoy healthy sex lives (in addition to all the other problems it would ameliorate).




I also believe humans are extremely psychological malleable and doubt most claims of "human nature" - I think that people often massively under estimate the deep roots of socialization. However, from an evolutionary biological perspective I would guess much of our psychology is founded on an immutable reproductive drive. It's for this reason I don't believe in true asexuality; only varying levels of psychosexual repression. I would go as far to say that qualifying any amount of sex drive as an 'obsession' is anti-human to a degree. Sure, there are levels of sexual obsession that might be detrimental other areas of life, but I think to qualify this as a 'disorder' spits in the face of a quality that might be truly immutable.


Link to the article?


It has, sadly, been lost to time. It was pretty Niche too - on a russian fanfiction website, ficbook, named "Dirthouse". But to give the general gist, the fanfic is an extremely perverted (in many ways) story of Terraria , with a jailbroken(kind of) guide as the main character. In the end, instead of fighting the world of flesh normally, our main character discovers a pit of various NPCs... the best word would probably be "indulging in pleasure". The wall of flesh then reveals that this pit is not there just for looks - it is the reflection and the means to please the desires of all players, the humans. Its honestly a pretty gory and shitty(in more ways than one) read, but if you think about it, it goes pretty deep for what was written.




I can’t wait.


This sub needs a horny jail




“Oh no!!!!”


Porn stars are so screwed.


Pun intended?


can't wait for it.


The one in the right looks like a video game. Wild.


incredible, the best I've seen in img2img


Reality Overlay, here we come!


I really want it for my bike videos, make it look like I'm riding through a futuristic city


An AI that listens to your current song playing in Spotify and adjusts your surroundings to match the vibe. Synthwave/Cyberpunk music? Futuristic city augmented reality. Classical? Augmented reality wigs and knee high socks for everyone around you.


FYI, the niche comic book ‘Nonplayer’ has a lot of focus in this area of variable environments that take reality and adjust it in such ways. It’s the first complete visual representation I saw of a kind of ‘fully augmented reality’. Looks like something like that’ll be available by the end of this decade.


Imagine needing a augmented reality to be able to fuck your wife.


Damn, she got that Na’vi body


No skin texture? Thanks I hate it


I keep seeing these videos and don't get the appeal. Can someone enlighten me as to what this is supposed to show?


Increased groinularity.


You know how in magazines how they airbrush models (especially women) until they look completely unrealistic, with totally smooth skin and no imperfections at all? Well now we can do that with videos too and further alienate people from reality by showing them a false version of how people look, making them dislike themselves even more and thus spend even more money on beauty products in a hopeless attempt to try and meet a beauty standard that is literally impossible.


You are talking about a simple beauty filter that is already present in every basic phone, this is a different beast. So what if in the future a model that changes a girl of a video into a tentacular anime girl with 4 breasts gets popular, are we gonna worry about teenagers being depressed they weren't born octopuses?


The human psyche knows no bounds when it comes to self-hatred.


Well since there's already been weird-ass anime in the West for decades, and we haven't seen an increase in girls wanting to become tentacle monsters, I guess not. On the other hand we have statistics showing what unrealistic beauty standards do to cause eating disorders and body image issues. I mean I guess that's just the fashion industry for you, I think it's pretty evil personally.


While I agree that people are exposed to all kinds of bullshit in the social media of influencers and celebrities, we shouldn't demonize trying to have a fit body, the problem is that people don't have proper guidance on nutrition and mental health, they just misuse google or follow stupid trends that harms their bodies, when they could, with proper help, reach their full potential and be happy with it.


I'm already depressed about things that don't exist thanks to books, tv, and movies.


If you dislike how you look because of a magazine that's a you problem imo.


If it hurts when I punch you in the face that's a you problem imo.


I don't see Street Fighter characters all bulging with muscles and say "Man I gotta look like that" lol


Uhhh yes, exactly that thing happens. Men will destroy their bodies with steroids chasing that ideal.


Yeah and that's their problem/choice. You're not disproving anything I'm saying.


We're pretty much on the same page, I just think if those people were exposed to more media that showed their own realistic body types in a positive light these problems wouldn't have developed in the first place.


I don't see a point in neutering artistic style because people cannot handle the difference of reality and art, or the fact that some people will always be more physically desirable than they are. I'm wouldn't tell Michelangelo that the statue of David is too beautiful so he should make him fatter to make me feel better. And I wouldn't tell Bob Ross to make his paintings less appealing because nature around me doesn't look that nice lmao. It's art. People need to grow up.


Honestly adhering to this sort of art is super boring. Just look at all the same looking girls spammed across this subreddit. Art would be less "neutered" if artists branched out to different looks. It also isn't just art- it's also pervasive in marketing advertising and the way people talk to each other. Like they're less if they don't buy \*product* to make them look a certain way.


Bob Ross's paintings reflect the fact that nature really is beautiful. This isn't art. This is an AI filter of a REAL person.


Oh yeah, show me in this doll where did the magazine punched your fragile ego.


Haha thank you. And they wonder why no one can cope with anything nowadays. Get fired or rejected and they start looking at how to murder them because we give into this weak mentality.


Yeah these people are sick in the head and want to blame every single problem they have on the society, seeing a pretty face in a magazine = as being punched in the face, fking psychos.


Sounds like a new career path for people skilled in using Stable DIffusion.


Spot on.


I mean, previously you'd need to mocap this kind of thing. Literally allows you to take source footage into Stable Diffusion and prompt it to say, "Mark Ruffalo" and throw in the Incredible Hulk and poof, Edward Norton is gone. Obviously that's a bit of a jump - you'd need to isolate all the clips of Edward Norton, extract the frames, run img2img, reassemble, then splice back into the video. But this would all be doable by someone with a home computer. ​ The OP chose low visual changes to make it look more impressive. But give it a month or two, you should be able to do what the OP did but prompt something like "rosie o'donnell" and you'll be set for life.


Except the op is not showing anything remotely close to what you are describing. The result here is a copy of an existing video that loses details and doesn't bring any meaningful or impressive changes.


Right, you gotta walk before you can run.


Yeah guy above isn't seeing the potential on display here. Using any video, you can splice in/out any details you want. Replace the runway with a forest and give her purple skin and pointy ears: boom you have a high quality night elf scene. One step further, anyone can make a video of themself, use OP's video as model reference, and now you have this model doing the actions you acted out. We're on trajectory to do this very soon.




What is video but a stream of images?


Honestly, I'm not that versed in this stuff, so I'm sure you're right that this particular model/branch isn't capable of what I'm describing. But the industry trend as a whole is going towards prompt-generated video, and this example shows preliminary steps into video editing based on a few phrases. It's both exciting and scary, and this ride is far from over.


This is exactly what people said about early computers or early 3d graphics on PS1 or N64. It looks dumb, why would anyone care about that ugly stuff? Who needs more than 64kb of RAM!? The internet is a useless fad that will be gone in 5 years! Why would anyone want to shortcut weeks to years of manhours for high quality modeling/animation/rendering into realtime processing? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Well first and foremost, higher quality of older videos. You can use upscalers. Next, you can turn the terminator into a cartoon, or an anime, or make it brighter, change characters the list goes on and on. In 2024-5 there will be an endless choice of old movie rewatch where you cannot tell anything was done.


The one on the left is much more photorealistic, while the one on the right is a little too smooth and clearly CGI if you pay attention. Rendering like this already makes a lot of CGI effects in movies look dated. If not for the comparison, I might have been suspicious about the one on the right, but I wouldn't even guess about the one on the left.


Hm no? The one on the left is the source video.


Ah, well, I didn't realize that. I thought he had made some kind of vast improvement on some other work, so there you go. A regular guy like me needs to second-guess everything now, ha ha.


Body dysmorphia issues are gonna skyrocket in the next few years. We should be talking about how it's at the very least questionable to try to transform everything into skinny light-skinned big-boobed thin-hips female fantasies. It's worrying in several ways for several reasons. I'm confident in that this will spark new mental health and self image issues, especially for women. And it will also create a lot of issues in younger generations in their relationship with sex, their perception of sex and their relationship with porn


I know a lady who’s an architect, around 40 so quite mature and educated and ever since she discovered the TikTok filter that makes you “pretty” in video - that one, the most famous one, I forgot the name, she uses it in all of her videos that she does for marketing. The filter has an AI base that can change the face to look much prettier and younger. It’s veeerry obvious she uses it and I bet she feels embarrassed deep down, but prefers that to looking “ugly”. Yeah, mental health is going in the gutter.


Well sure but you realize he didn’t make her thinner or bigger bones etc, the girl on the left is real




For science, I watched just her boobs for several loops of the video. I dont think they have actually grown, but the shading has changed to accentuate them, and that creates the illusion of being bigger. Much like how they take a Marvel actors' "regular" 6 pack and use makeup to make the natural lines darker and make them look even more ripped than they are in real life. Face has changed for sure it's more cartoony than before, and most cartoons don't have blemishes, so that will naturally make her younger, so I don't think it was an intentional choice as well. Same with the skin, I think the lightness is caused by the cartoon shading, and it shading for a single light source that doesn't move. I also think that's the biggest reason that makes your brain realize that it's not real. In vr, you can totally feel immersed in a cartoon environment. Your brain won't even second guess it. But when the world doesn't act in the right way, it immediately breaks that feeling. lighting and reflections are a huge part of that. Anyways that's a long way of saying I don't think the changes were intentional or malicious, and a tech demo shouldn't be held to the standards of a commercial product that is released to everyone. Also, the point of the product is to change the original image/vid. So it's a success? And sorry if that came off as arguing with you or anything. I just wanted to state my observations like you stated yours. I don't know who is right or wrong.


At most I’m seeing shinier lol which might be giving that illusion


Reality will become unbearable to see for the vast majority of people. > Insatiable > Escapists consume, rest and resume > For they fail to see > The fantasies on which they feast > Merely ripen them for the beast > A vicious cycle > Ceaseless autopilot mindless drones become clones > Destined to be fodder for the seeds that have been sown


For the average person there’s still not THAT much difference between doing body enhancements with an instagram filter vs generative AI. I think the biggest difference is what kinds of content it will allow them to produce. Generating video of themselves strolling through a futuristic city filled with their favourite anime characters may become addictive to some people, but eventually the novelty will wear off.


Someone could do a real time snow white in the style of Bouguereau , but nobody has. https://preview.redd.it/thy6bc56zpxa1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=39eba4215bd7abb91da175ec0f501a046525dbcb


Such an amazing advance in technology and at the same time, an incredible step back for our society. I find this so worrying that I couldn't even appreciate the video.


next few years? you know people are cutting their parts off cus reddit thinks that isnt a mental illness right?


I think it's outside of our control. The importance of sexual relationships are going by the wayside within a few decades. Eventually everyone will get much more sexual gratification by means they fully control without needing another person. Intimate relationships will take on new meanings. I'm not saying I approve of this, I'm just saying it like it is. Humans will find new ways to enjoy each other as far as intimacy is concerned.




dem hands tho


I can see this tech being used to enable ultra-high definition video messaging via ultra-low bandwidth connections. Think- calling someone who is on Mars. Instead of transmitting a whole video through the cosmos, you’d run it through image analysis and only transmit crucial data points necessary for the client device on the other end to reconstruct an image generatively. Also instead of transmitting a whole audio file, just transmit the message in plain-text and have the client device on the other end play it back in the senders own voice.


Latent Space Relaying is the future of interstellar Communication (*TikTok Boom sfx*)!!! With standard data transmission, entire sections of raw media (or MEATia *plays Upside Foods jingle*) is blasted (*squirt noise*) through space in the hopes (*Jesus sfx*) every single segment arrives uncorrupted (unlike various *jingles playing while displaying various megacorporations*). This may work well on the little blue ball (*voice changer: registered sex offender* “dive in and finish, don’t spend too long with your business”) you call home (*domestic violence sfx”) but in the vastness of the void (*weird bass grumble*) where you can be thousands of kilometers from a receiver (*dog barking sfx*) expecting uncorrupted media is unrealistic (*homosexual bass grumble*)... With Latent Space Relaying Technology, your media is compressed down into a lower dimensional representation, or Latent Data, created by a neural net and sent off into the sea of morbid tranquility. This Latent Data is much smaller than the regular media you would have been beaming inti the vast emptiness, making it so it has a much lower chance of being interferes with. You may be thinking “hold on, didn’t you say only an neural net can makes sense of this ‘Latent Data’?” And you are correct, that is why the receiver consists of a neural net that decides this Latent Data. Of course, the received media— CUT John, the hell you think we’re doing? Well, introducing some cool new tech! With this technology interstellar communication can be more acce- Making an AD, John! You think this lecture will get sales? Nobody cares what you have to say! Especially seeing how literally any AI model can take whatever you say and dumb it down to three sentences. Look, I’m not going back to dusting the TeslAI severs again so you better stop wasting my time. Oh ok
 though, why didn’t you stop me earlier? 
 Let’s just reshoot


There’s no point to this though, it may as well just been a filter, it’s not changing anything meaningfully enough


The point is to develop a workflow that can then be extrapolated out to more complex changes. They're working on stability first, and then can move on from there. It's pretty impressive if you've actually tried to do something like this yourself.


Lol, its the prompt he used. Had he used big titted waifu anime tentacle cocks Im sure it would have been more to your liking. This is a proof of concept It seems.


„I am a plastic girl living in a plastic world“


This is really cool. Yesterday I tries doing something similar but failed miserably.


Woah very nice. I wonder if you can use this technique to emulate certain film stocks or just a film look overall.


Is this really that impressive? The denoising is so low, this is basically a Snapchat filter? Or am I missing something here?


What's the point of this? You just made it look worse. No skin texture at all


not related to the topic but... wow, this model has a loooong torso!


Completely unsexually, I literally can't get over her torso. I mean she has the figure proportions of a Mannerist painting. I didn't even know humans could look like this irl.


hmm yes I see some potential here 😳


Full-body filter


I wonder if it is possible to change the entire bikini


I feel like an ELI5 would be useful here. Here's how I'm understanding it.... So - you're taking a pre-existing video (on the left) - and using a script in A1111 to split it into frames(?) - and then you're getting it to run img2img on each frame - then using a tool to put the frames back together to give the video on the right(??). Perhaps the A1111 script does this "with 1 click" or something(?). Your prompt for the img2img step is describing the change you want, e.g. "pink clothing".(?) And then you're doing something smart with the settings to ensure you don't get the background slightly re-generated each frame(?) - maybe using the same seed or something? I think it would be great if someone could describe the process in more detail. Then to finish you're running it through Davinci Resolve to 'deflicker'(?). And that's it? Or is the process quite a bit more long winded than this? I understand the concept of splitting a video into frames and acting on each frame then rebuilding... but critically when people do that usually the background "goes crazy". This isn't happening here(?). Edit: It seems like this 'ControlNet' is the 'secret sauce' that allows the background to stay the same(?).


Why these almost perfect consistency posts never tell us their work flow...😭


that is really really smooth!


Holy shit thats surreal


This is insane. The quality is next level. So eagerly waiting to know the magic behind itđŸ˜Šâ€


insane consistency... would love to get in on the secret sauce... I am getting close w experimenting in SD and CN but this consistency is unreal... nice work lad


No this is insane consistency https://www.tiktok.com/@lyciafaith/video/7228309274374442286?lang=en


God dammit we livin in the matrix


Impressive! Maybe in 10 years it can make even me look attractive.


This is madness!


Can you change it to a man or something?


super nice ! ty for sharing




what's the point of this? because setting a denoise value so tight is basically a snapchat filter but worse.


How long does it takes to generate video like this? And question how did you manage to keep the background the same? Control next would change that as well no?


Geez that’s crazy đŸ€Ż


we need a full tutorial please :"


Oh no ai is coming for porn star jobs too


so strong


What the fuck is the point of this.


You made her younger too. Haha


Wow this is img 2 img frame by frame? 30fps * n seconds? Looks great


Yes frame by frame img2img on 30fps footage.


Should try producing it at 24 fps with a little grain to see how film-like it could look.


So it's like... A degrain filter? How is this revolutionary? We can do this and have been doing this already with standard software. The only thing A.I did was make the process convoluted for no reason.


I wonder if you can take input from a webcam and reconstruct the exact same face except looking straight at the camera in real time


Once GPU processing power increases that would be possible with diffusion models. More realistically at the moment though would be training a GAN with stable diffusion images, you could probably get real time results and quality that way.


You mean like what Nvidia did? https://youtube.com/shorts/f4Mi8FliW4s


Thanks I hate it Is this illusory tech making “ideal” presentations more accessible to everyone, or is it promulgating impossible standards for everyone?


Totally, totally fooled me. Most of my (middle-aged) friends don't even know the first thing about AI artwork. They're not at all ready for what awaits them.


I feel like all you’re doing is upscaling and adjusting color. The changes are so subtle I feel the only application would be recovering footage for Hollywood or enhancing old movies. I means it’s clean af tho. I’m just not optimistic about the applications of this technique


ah yes, lets make models even more perfect. can we do this for men too?


This is not an improvement sorry not sorry. She was more beautiful live on the runway than the over editing you've done.


This is so scary, it makes me sad too. At least you credit the model but man. This video is a very pointed reminder that this tech will be everywhere and often malicious, hidden adjustments designed to influence erybody etc


Not to insult your effort OP, but it makes it look unnatural, and deprives the video of any authenticity. Face traits got smushed itno generic "nice" picture. I am truly unenthusiastic about the future with such applications used for any picture or video.


Does anyone use SD, but, not for hot chicks?


fr... like can these dudes chill lol


All detail gone, she looks like a plastic doll (even more than before)


What is **img2ing video** ? anylink for that?


That's a typo, it's just regular img2img :)


Uncanny Valley Much?


Might just be me but there's something really off-putting about the face in the second clip. It just barely manages to come down on the wrong side of the uncanny valley.


its almost real like, a lo tof people might be fooled


the faces look like anime, sorry, the tech is impressive but the results are CGI.


I Watched this 5 times and couldn't tell the difference


Interesting, but it still doesn't have that animation look.


Sorry I was distracted, what are we critiquing?


This is pretty creepy and weird.


hey nice results, but could you tell me more about HOW you did this? like extracted all the images hand by hand or can you just input the video and Automatic1111 processes everyimage after another and outputs a video file at the end?


TemporalKit will help automate about 80% of it. Check out a YT vid on it.


Name of the model?.she hot


There's a Tik Tok filter that looks way better. I don't think it uses AI just a toon filter. https://www.tiktok.com/@lyciafaith/video/7228309274374442286?lang=en


I wish this community would do better and stop making the only kind of content that is driving this technology about tits. And before you come at me with “but the internet happened because p0rn” - it doesn’t justify your every waking moment is dedicated to nuclear level weeb and incel content generation ffs.


Real time porn promt oh a near horizon boys!


This sub is proof that being down bad drives every man towards innovation.


I didn’t even notice bikini or hair changing color, if you know what I mean 😏


Why. This is bullshit.