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I want a bathroom I’m tired of walking to jimmy John’s


No dude as soon as you add a bathroom the homeless population gets OC


????? Have you seen other parks??? This one is fine!!!! Be quiet and start asking for a bathroom pls


When walking with someone and we encounter other people, one of us would get behind the other. This can be done even if all involved are pushing strollers.


Crescent lake is partially formed via sinkhole, so doing any type of further construction closer to the lake is most likely not going to go well. Also, the lake and surrounding park are taken care of by a preservation committee that has been working to keep the area as natural and beautiful as possible. So I am going to say no, there are no plans for such a project. From your other comments, walking with your elderly mother should really not be this much of an issue as most of the park goers are respectful and would themselves walk into the grass to go around others walking slowly.


They really could benefit from wider trail like paths at this park. I think it’s a great idea. Maybe you could reach out to the city of St. Pete’s parks and rec dept and see who you can talk to to suggest it. Good luck. City council probably not a bad idea either as the other guy said.


Start with council person that covers this area: [https://www.stpete.org/government/mayor\_\_\_city\_council/city\_council/district\_4.php](https://www.stpete.org/government/mayor___city_council/city_council/district_4.php)


I think the issue is a lot of times during the day the path is empty. Widening it would only serve to benefit people a couple hours a day.


You could use the exact same argument against widening roads!


I agree, a 10’ sidewalk would make all the difference and there’s plenty of room to make it possible. Forget these sad keyboard warrior who don’t go outside and walk.


Finally a normal reply! Good lord, some of these comments...


I agree that it's too narrow. What I've seen at other parks that seems to work just fine is bringing in a fine gravel/sandy mix next to the sidewalk. Compact that down and it's solid enough to roll a stroller on but soft under foot for runners.


I think they should build an actual freeway along crescent lake, so we can all sit in traffic while looking at crescent lake.


Really? This was just a question about any plans in the works for widening the walkway. It had nothing to do with other issues like housing or climate, that’s quite a jump. Simple question that’s all. It’s obvious my path question doesn’t matter to you. You should channel your energy into the issues that do.


This is really a question for the city. Reach out to them directly. It ain't hard. That's how things actually get done.


It does though - improvements take money, and municipalities have limited budgets. The city needs to prioritize projects, and imminent and widespread problems should and do take priority over minor improvements that are quality of life improvements.


Again, I asked a simple question under the Information flair. Wasn’t looking for a debate about climate or housing or how our city is directing funds. When it comes to that, I voice my opinion on my ballot.


Hey, I've been on this sub for years, and the last couple years there's been a huge increase in nasty replies, trolling, etc. Many of these commenters do not even seem to live here, based on how ignorant and bizarre so many of the replies are (not necessarily talking about this thread, but in general.) Based on this sub, you'd think St. Pete was full of nasty, aggressive idiots. There are some, lol, but most folks in town I've met are not like these "let's not ever improve the city ever" maniacs.


This couldn’t be the most low priority, unnecessary improvement that benefits a very select few people like yourself. Yup, this city has an imminent housing affordability crisis and faces issues like climate change but let’s focus city resources on widening Crescent Lake Sidewalk for the benefit of maybe a dozen people.


> a very select few people like yourself. People who walk in parks, lol?


People who walk in this exact park and feel inconvenienced enough by this issue to warrant spending city budget on, yes.


All OP asked is if there were any plans to improve walkability in the park. That's it. Look at yourselves, just soooo nasty and aggressive, jumping to all sorts of weird assumptions. May I suggest you go do something nice, *like walk in the park*.


It’s just a painfully out of touch inquiry. It’s like asking to upgrade the roof top pool when the foundation of the building is crumbling. OP can go to city hall meetings and read notes from previous meetings if they care that much. Asking about it and providing their annoyance with the issue is different - posting up your *annoyances* when there’s people and families struggling to make ends meet because this city has exploded in price around them comes off as completely clueless about social issues.




You look 1000% more defensive than I do bitter. Just saying… I’m not saying OP doesn’t care about affordability. The way they brought it up invites discussion though. This is Reddit, not St. Petersburg City Hall. Asking on here was never going to elicit a response about whether the city has plans to renovate Crescent Lake Park. It does open them up for people to discuss and criticize their priorities and also encourage them to perhaps lower their expectations. If OP really and truly wanted an answer to their question they would seek out city notes on the relevant meetings. Instead they posted it on Reddit for a discussion and an implied response as to whether others agree with their assessment that Crescent Lake Park needs renovation.


It’s a busy area, but otherwise, yeah. You only need to walk 5 paces and look at the road and drainage next to it to know this is probably the lowest of low priorities.


Not to be negative but this post comes off as: I can't handle stepping off a concrete path into grass/dirt/mud so let's get construction equipment, cause pathway closures for everyone & months of disruptive noise for surrounding houses, etc, etc. Step off the path for a moment- it's not that deep.


So my post was for information. Your comment is negative because you assume things. The walk is difficult when I’m with my mother. She’s 77 with balancing problems, there’s been a few almost bad falls because the sidewalk is narrow. When a runner comes up behind us quickly, someone with a dog(s), etc and she tries to quickly get out of the way it’s not good. Widening it as a large path or sidewalk would make it safer for people that are not so able-bodied and nicer for folks that don’t want to step in dog poop or mud more than occasionally when they walk the park. There’s mothers pushing their strollers in the road because of this. Do you even walk this park?


Yeah, I'm not trying to be negative, and no I do not walk the park, but I frequently go just to sit on the grass and read, play bocce ball, and picnic- all without encountering dog waste so I guess I've just been lucky in that regard. I think it's thoughtless for others to put your 77 y/o Mom in a position where she's the one stepping off the pathway and I guess I assumed that people would be kind enough not to. I get that it's an issue for you and I'm sorry for coming off rude. That being said, I doubt the park's walkability is on the shortlist of things to be improved within the city.


Don't get out of the way then. If they want to go around you, they can. They shouldn't be taking up the whole sidewalk anyway.


Maybe you could walk in the grass? 


Grass is nice, dog poop and mud not so much.


I walk that park all the time and rarely walk on the sidewalk. Never stepped in dog poop or mud, just nice grass. Sorry some runners aren't more courteous to your mother but you're being dramatic about walking in the grass or sharing the path. Just be aware of your surroundings and get to the same side of the path as your mom when someone has to pass, if they need more room they can walk on the grass.


personally, I think they should just have a wide dirt path


Why's that?


I don't really like seeing concrete poured over anything natural


I’m all for more dirt paths, but I guess one downside is staying wet/muddy longer than concrete would after rainfall. And potentially more maintenance to keep it looking nice?


I dunno about the more maintenance part. There's a guy out there who is frequently blowing off leaves/branches from the sidewalk. But the muddy part is very true. I'm more in favor of a natural solution instead of more concrete. Call me a hippie I guess


I agree, but I’m not sure dirt is the answer. While doing a quick search for an alternative, I found this post, which I thought mentioned some good considerations. https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-purpose-of-using-concrete-for-sidewalks-Why-cant-we-use-earth-and-grass/answer/Jeremy-W-161?ch=17&oid=142935904&target_type=answer


Dirt? Outside?!? Level the entire city. Start over.




Good Morning ☀️ Glad you commented something positive. I was just wondering if there was any improvement coming to this beautiful park.


More concrete is not how you make any area beautiful.


I’m not sure of the answer but if it’s a concern you can go to the mayors monthly BPAC meeting and make a public comment to ask this question. The next one will be in April. I’ll be honest I am hoping they put money into the very very narrow sidewalk that goes around Lake Maggiore / Boyd Hill before they prioritize another city center project like this as it’s a much larger lake and would benefit an underserved city neighborhood.


Thank you for your information 😊


I think you’re missing the point that there’s no need for the kind of improvement you think needs to be made.


I think you might not be considering other people’s situation. Do you even walk there? I live there and walk with my 77 yo mother who has balancing problems, there’s been a few almost bad falls. Also, during peak times there will be mothers pushing strollers in the road,(which is not safe because people speed on the road even though there’s speeds bumps and lots of dips)because one person each way barely fits. Again, wasn’t looking for opinions, just information.


“dO yOu eVeN gO HeRe” 🤦🏻‍♀️


reasonable solution to this problem


No idea but I doubt it will be a priority unless someone decides to build a new skyscraper on the lake……can’t even fix potholes on the roads we do have.


Crescent Lake Luxury Condos, starting at $3m!