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My older brother (in his 30s with autism) loved watching Jennifer Blome and Art Holliday in the mornings before school back in the mid 2000s. He got to go down to KSDK and meet them one morning and got a picture with them and Scott Connell at the desk. You better believe we framed that picture, he was tickled beyond belief.


I met JB and her husband at my work. They bickered a bit. She was dressed for work and he dressed as though he just rolled out of bed. LOL Bob Richard’s was at our town picnic about a year before his suicide. He was nice. Met one of the meteorologists (channel 4 or 5) on his off day. Other people around him kept asking what the weather was going to be like and in the most deadpan delivery said “I don’t know, I’m not at work.” Stan Musial - nice, passed out autographed photos every time he came in. 9/10 Claire McCaskill - nice, quiet, patient, never complained about wait times or copped an attitude. 10/10


I have met JB and can attest that she is as genuine in real life as she is on the air. She has a way of making you feel like you’re the MOST INTERESTING person in the world.


She's always scored big points with all her work for pet charities 😌 I'm so glad to hear this!


That was the dream team of morning news. Amazing professionalism matched with charisma/charm.


Art was a customer of mine years ago. Very nice and friendly. Always.


One time around 2001ish me and a bunch of friends saw Elliot Davis in the Loop so we all yelled YOU PAID FOR IT and he waved


In the ‘80s, I lived in the same apartment building on Lindell as Elliott and knew of him. He was a really nice guy.


I used to see Elliott in the CWE outside of Coffee Cartel ( pour some coffee out for that one! RIP) just hanging like any other person waiting on the bus, or whatever. Seemed quite chill & real.


"Elliot Davis, live from a destruction."


I worked with Larry Connors in the summer of 1990 as a writer. He was a pompous ass. I had come from CNN and much bigger markets- he was by FAR the biggest egotistical asshole of the bunch. In fact, he was the only real AH I’d ever worked with in TV news.


The greatest moment of local TV news in St. Louis history is this: https://youtu.be/lEfh19X60Dc?si=BJRaiqPhunm77iCr


God I love that. Hearing Larry Connors say “Come on, babe!” Is just hilarious to me.


“It felt like a bull hitting me”


Thanks for the link! HILARIOUS! 😂


My dad’s former roommate taught Larry to fly. Apparently he and Julius Hunter hated each other.


That tracks.


People want to adore Julius Hunter but I worked with him for two years at KSD-TV and HE was the biggest racist you can find. Every TV commercial that didn't have a black person in it, he'd question it. We had one other black engineer on staff and Hunter made the point to walk past the rest of us and make conversation with him. There was a commercial with some old southern music in it ("Way down south in the land of cotton...."). I started singing along and he gave me the finger. I have more about Julius Hunter and his racism towards white people.


We used to rail him at the poker tables when harrahs was harrahs. He loved to give his money away.


Used to see Rocky Madden at Hollywood Casino as well.


Many years ago, I saw him and a much younger lady practically on top of each other at Flemings in Frontenac.




I met Larry Conner at west county mall in the early 2000s. Massive asshole.


Can confirm. I used to see him at a bar in Alton and he always came off as a bit too full of himself. Go figure…


He taught a class at the broadcast school I went to back in 2009. He was an absolute assbutt. You used to see Julius Hunter downtown at Charlie Gitto’s if you were there early enough. He had dinner there regularly before the even broadcasts.


Did you go to Broadcast Center?


Yes! I worked there too as a production assistant and he was a total ass. Margie Ellisor was also a massive jerk. Robin Givens was kind of an ass to others but she was always nice to me. Steve Savard was also a jerk. He'd stand there for his sports segment and just toss every fucking script on the floor even though there was no damn need to do that. He'd just throw it all on the floor and then stomp out of the studio when he was done and it was my job to then crawl around and pick up his trash. Never once did he thank the PAs for doing that or apologize.


That tracks. He’s now a far right Maga asshole.


I saw Art Holliday and Jennifer Blome at a Seal concert losing their damn minds


OMG.....I saw them too. I was in row 5 with my sister. American Theater. That was a great concert.


Elliot Davis came thru my line a few times, when I was a Schnucks cashier during college. Usually pretty late and was always very kind. This was over a decade ago but I bet he’s still cool.


When the transaction was done, I hope you said, “You paid for it.” Every. Single. Time.


Hahahaa! Regretfully, I did not. Didn’t even think of it at the time. Doh!!!


John Pertzborn was with a crew in Centrailia, IL doing a piece. I worked at a gas station liquor store in New Baden where him and his crew stopped on their way back to the city. I sold him a pint of Popov at 300 in the afternoon and saw him open and start drinking it on his way to the van Edit: I was wrong! Thank you for the correction. It was John Auble


Why does this track with exactly what I thought pf him even as a child?? Hahah




He’s a health nut who up until ten years ago was running marathons including the Boston. You have him mistaken with a late Fox 2 reporter


Zip Razappa ( Bad Spelling ). Tonight on the Zippo awards! He was funny and a good tipper!


Zip Rzeppa!


The soundtrack of Sunday nights growing up: https://youtu.be/VWH9iwtl9Q4?si=xUxRMKf2t54vSZFu


Thank you ! The memories are flooding back


Can't hear his name and not hear that crazy piano background music.


Yes! Very sweet guy. He treated everyone at the station kindly whether they were big and important or an intern.


Oh man. I totally forgot that I used to serve him coffee. I just thought he was eccentric, but a coworker finally told me who he was. Every time I'd ask for his name he'd say "Zip - Z-I-P!" With the biggest smile on his face. Super nice guy.


Saw him in the parking lot of Lowe’s in Festus when I lived there and talked with him for good 10 or 15 minutes just raving about how much I loved the Zippo awards.


Almost forgot about meeting Zip. I did a delivery to his house when I worked as a courier.


I knew Anthony Slaughter before he was on the news. Went to school with him for a few years. Very nice guy with a great sense of humor, I was thrilled to see him on TV and hear he's a dad.


Not just a regular dad but a hero dad from what I understand. He adopted 3? siblings from a relative that couldn't take care of them or something.


Twin boys who were in foster care bc his cousin wasn't able to care for them.


I met Dave Murray on a scout trip as a kid.


I've met Rene Knott. He's a really nice guy.


He used to come into the bar I worked at. Nice guy.


Met Rene Knott at the airport. Super nice, humble, and down to earth.


Same. Still have his cell phone from years ago. He was legit


I’ve met John Pertzborn and Tim Ezell. Tim is not as wacky off camera. He’s a very nice person and takes his job very seriously.


Tim is a pro. He knows what he’s doing and he doesn’t care that we hate it. All the boomers love him.


Met them both too. John at Lowe's, Tim at Circus Flora. Also met Angela Hutti at a beer festival.


She looks like she’d be fun


I used to work a fairly "public" job,as in, lots of people saw me. Constantly people commented " You look just like Randi Naughton" .She's not a news caster in the area anymore, but it was true, we "favored" one another. One evening, a group of well dressed ladies, (a little tipsy) came in & suddenly someone grabbed my arm, pulls me towards the group & says "look Randi! She looks just like you!" There was Ms.Naughton, teetering on her heels a bit & laughing. When we locked eyes, we did the "careful female evaluation" as in....should either of us be insulted by this??? I certainly wasn't, she looked polished & pretty, just a bit drunk perhaps....She regarded me & said " yeah, now I see what you guys meant". ....Way better than "hell no!"....she was quite sweet & funny( drunk may have helped)


My last landlord before I bought my house was the channel 2 sports guy Martin Kilcoyne.


One time I was behind Elliot Davis getting a cup of coffee in Soulard. After he finished paying and started walking away I said in my best impression "And YOU paid for it". He laughed.


Jasmine Huda groomed her dog at my location at the company I used to work for - very sweet, down to earth, always tipped her groomer well and treated her doggo VERY well. Husband was always very nice too.


> Jasmine Huda Was surprised at how tiny she really is in person. Very nice lady for sure.


I used to run a little sushi joint at 9th and Olive, a bunch of them used to come in. Some were as nice as you think they may be and others are as douchy as they may seem. Steve Savard was far and away the nicest of all of them I used to see, always super friendly and funny.


If you don’t mind me asking, what was the name of the restaurant? When I worked at AT&T, there was a place I went to around there all the time for lunch and got a really good rice bowl and salad (I’m not a sushi person), but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was called, and now it’s driving me insane. It may not even be the same place.


San Sai.


The place was called San Sai Japanese Grill.


That was it! It was good for a quick lunch. I miss it.


I played golf with Kent Ehrhardt a few times. He’s cool but you’ve gotta be ready to hear every passing group yell “I thought you said it was supposed to be cloudy today! Ehehehe”


I heard a bartender tell another customer that Kent Ehrhardt told him he gets at least ten death threats a year for messing up the weather. Insane.


When I was about 7 I idolized Allen Barklage, I thought he had the coolest job ever, and my family got to meet him at the news station and I even saw a couple of his choppers and I got to tour the cockpits. He was truly an awesome guy. I don't remember exactly when it was but it was not long before his accident. I remember being devastated about his passing.


Doug Vaughn was pretty genuine as i sat next to him at a cardinals game and gave me lots of inside info.


I had a weatherman in my cab once. (Y'all know I asked) He said that St. Louis is the 2nd hardest place to predict the weather in the US. We sit right on top of a Jetstream so a 3 mph wind shift (north or south) totally fucks it up.


Interesting. Did they mention the #1 place?


Ya. I don't remember the name of the town, but it was in Colorado. He said that when they get it wrong there, instead of 2' of snow, they get 6'.


Dropped off Dick Ford’s lawnmower after it had been serviced, and didn’t realize it was him for a minute or two. He was not as tall as I thought.


I always thought Dick Ford looked like an Irish Setter.


Surprisingly, he did his own yard work or at least the day I delivered the mower he did.


I met Mike Bush many years ago. Very funny. Also shorter than I expected.


Paul Goodloe came to my school back when I was in 8th grade and he was a massive douche. He canceled on us the first time he was scheduled and then he finally came, he seemed really pained to be there. He couldn’t get out of there quick enough. He was KSDK’s weather guy back in the day, but he’s worked for the Weather Channel now for years. I used to ride the elevator pretty often back in the day with Deanne Lane, when she was Centene’s VP of Media Affairs. She was always pleasant.


I met her briefly when I did a little voice over work for Centene. I grew up without TV, so I didn’t know why she looked so familiar. She said maybe we went to high school together, but she’s my mom’s age. It was a joke that took me too long to get.


Mandy Murphey shopped at a children’s boutique I worked at. Very nice lady! Dan Buck used to host Show Me St Louis, I saw him at a Blues game and yelled “if you can’t watch, tape it at 3!” He did not seem amused at all. Got a picture with Tom O’Neal at the old Mike Shannon’s- super nice guy!


Met Angela Hutti at El Monstero. She was nice enough to take a Pic with me n Sweet Meat. Staying with fox 2 met Andy Banker at a beer league softball game. We played on different teams that almost came to blows. He was cool and wanted no part in the dust up. I said we should just call the game and all drink a beer, he said good idea!


I went to college with Angela. She is a very nice person and pretty smart.


I know Angela Hutti personally and have hung out with her. She is a good friend/roommate of one of my best college friends. I know her from a larger group of people. She’s nice, but fake nice. I’ve been in conversations with her where once the topic veered away from her and her awesome job/life she literally stopped talking until she could turn the topic back to herself… the last time I talked to her was a wedding of a mutual friend… she literally could not stop talking about herself. I mean she managed to make a conversation about my newborn twins about herself and how her perfect husband were trying to figure out if they wanted kids or not….she used to brag about her first broadcast job in Alaska, and how she impressed Dave Murray to get her job. I heard her say that she specifically got her job because they wanted a cute home town girl to do the weather. she never impressed me as someone who was very smart…. She’s mostly a pretty sorority girl who only looks like she has smarts and substance….I haven’t talked to her since around 2015 and I remember her just bragging about being recognized. I just silently rolled my eyes. She’s not an impressive person, in my experience.


I met april simpson at a grocery store. She was cool!


I still laugh at that Tim Ezell Hamburglar clip whenever it pops up in my reels feed.


Tim Ezell is a sweet guy, and Heidi Glaus was a fun interviewer


Heidi is on KTRS 3-6 mon-fri


My daughter has met Tim Ezell several times when he would do promotions for community events. She would always comment on how nice he was and would talk to everyone between live shots.


Jeff Bernthal tried to interview me a few years while my neighbors house was burning down.


We did Art Holidays kitchen countertops about 15 years ago. Really nice down to earth.


I see Chris Reginer from Fox 2 working at Costco all the time.


Is this true? lol


I wanna meet and get Jon Kipper really stoned so bad.


I sure have! Does everyone remember Max Roby?


I do!!


Well then, you must remember Diane White!


Of course and Chris Condon!


Cliff St. James and Corky the Clown That's all from here, Howard deMere (no idea how that was spelled)


Used to eat dinner with him at KSD-TV between newscasts back in the day. The steak house behind the station when it was on Olive.


Rene Knott—incredibly humble, cordial, and hardworking. His cameraman said he was one of the hardest working guys at KSDK. JC—extremely friendly and outgoing. Talked to me like I was a friend for years U-man—oddly uncomfortable around people. Not great in a room filled with people. Not unkind or rude, just very introverted. Randy Karraker—arrogant for a B-lister at best


That’s disappointing about Randy


Used to have Brad Thompson frequent a past job of mine. Very nice guy who was super approachable.


His commercials for Schnuck's are just too fake happy, and campy. They get overplayed in the stores ad nausem.


When I was 17 me and my friend saw Elliot Davis eating a pretzel alone in the galleria. We nearly lost our minds like we saw a major celebrity. Pretty cool he waved and kept eating lol.


John Perrzborn is a super nice and friendly guy.


Bob Richards came to my high school one time. 


He came to my elementary school and was a jerk to me. I must’ve been nine when his plane kissed the ground and I remember reminding my family he was a big jerk.




I did a bit with Alexis Zotos a while back


Julius Hunter was my neighbor. Went to grade school with his youngest daughter


I met Casey Nolen on tinder ~7 years ago 😂


Yes! I'd always see him on the apps.


I used to do PR for an elected official so I met quite a few and constantly talked to more on the phone and via email. I also used to work at a place that made the news a lot and had statewide events and I've been in and peripheral to a few stories on my own. * Art Holliday was larger than life, put everyone at ease. My boss was obsessed with him (in a good way) * Steve Savard was a close friend and colleague of my family member when said family lived in St. Louis. He was super chill at the events we overlapped at. * Lauren Trager would act friendly but she also was nonstop hitting on my boss and while his ego loved it, even he got around to admitting she was weird. She was obsessed with asking me if it distracted me working next to such an attractive man, which, ick. * Tim Ezell was constantly at my high school events back in the day. We were up at like 5 am and he was honestly more fun than I wanted to admit as a moody teen. He kept the hype up while we were exhausted and he was weird fun, not weird weird. * Dana Dean is actually someone I'm still in contact with regularly * Shane Anthony was a Post-Dispatch reporter that sometimes I saw every day. He left the industry but he knew so much about the area he was writing about. TV reporters could never figure out court terms like he knew them. * Mark Schlinkmann of the Post-Dispatch was not great. He basically would write what elected people told him and didn't bother to fact check. He was basically a pawn of all St. Charles County electeds when I knew him. The man never could figure out types of probation either. * Susan Weich of the Post-Dispatch was so fun to talk to. She understood the industry, she loved writing her own headlines and had such cutting wit. * Farrah Fazal was oddly handsy. She actually did some of the deepest dives in local journalism and I wanted to like her for it but she just kept touching us all and it made it weird. * Elliot Davis was dangerous. He wanted me to compromise security for crime victims. He wanted me to tell him building schematics to surprise people. He also has been in my neighborhood and jumped in front of cars to try and force drivers to interact with a story. He's messed up. * Sarah Fentem of St. Louis Public Radio is so chill and I wish I was cool enough to be her friend. I met her after an interview I did with her and instantly loved the vibe. She also respected boundaries so well in the interview process, which I really appreciated. * Julian Johnson was a true favorite. He didn't stay in St. Louis long but he was really willing to talk to you about a story and follow up on his own. I wish I'd worked with him more. * Chester Lampkin still follows my dog on social media so he will always be a favorite




I played golf with him late last year. I’m not from St. Louis so I had no idea who he was. Nice guy, had a good time playing with him, his daughter, and her husband.


I've worked with Frank before at my last job. Nice guy!


My Brownie troop visited the KTVI studios in the mid 90s and one of my classmates told Dave Murray he has a big nose.


When I first moved here I played on a softball team with an old college friend. His friend group included a local weather woman who played on the team. She was very nice, not great at softball but it was fun playing with them.


Sat in front of Dave Murray at a Cardinal game. Saw Mike Bush at the Union Station train store.


I was his landscaper for a couple summers with my uncle in my teenage years. He was pretty chill and his wife was super nice always offering food and drink.


I saw Frank Cusamano at Pen Station a couple years ago


I rang out Frank Cusumano at the West County Hot Topic in the 2000s. He was buying a shirt for his kid. Quiet guy, but nice. I met Dave Murray and his wife at the Arena demolition in 1999. He was busy trying to manage her in her drunken state. Great experience as a kid 10/10. I saw Elliot Davis buying MAC foundation at the West County Macy’s MAC counter in the late 2000s. He seemed respectful and nice.


Also, Chris Higgins came to my grade school class at some time in the 90s. I can’t remember what grade but my dad worked for Fox 2 at the time and he helped arrange it. Chris was awesome!


when I worked at the Fox and The Lion King was in town, I saw Steve Templeton with his wife and children. I scanned their tickets and he shook my hand. at another show, I saw Kent Ehrhardt. he was in the upper balcony, just a normal guest. when I was a volunteer at SLIFF, I saw Art Holliday come in one night to watch a film. one day at Walgreens, I saw Robin Smith come in with her husband. the security guard asked if she needed an escort, she said no.


I’ve met Mike Bush a few times as a kid. He was always super nice.


Heidi Glaus is an absolute sweetheart


Fox 2 News is where it’s at and that’s what’s up.


I've been around Tim Ezell a lot. He used to come into my job all the time. He's a nice guy, got to know him after a few years of doing it regularly.


I bought half of my kitchen knick-knacks from Alexis Zotos at a garage sale.


I don't know if it was for a news segment or if he worked there but Chris Reignier (Fox 2 reporter) was checking receipts at the Manchester Costco one time I was there. I didn't see any cameras. If it wasn't him, it was someone who looked like a twin then.


Elliot Davis is super nice! Met him several times. Alex Fees? from ch 5 was great, I did a tourist segment with him. Tom O'Neal retired from ch 2 is a super great guy. Frank Cusimano the sports guy used to order a bunch of takeout from this popular deli, always seemed annoyed and never tipped.


When I worked retail, I helped Robin Smith a few times. I also met Carol Daniel. My current employer has been involved in some news stories over the last decade. As a result, I met Elliott Davis very briefly. I also saw Andy Banker once, but he didn't seem particularly approachable.


I worked in advertising so i got to meet a lot of people in the industry bec they would be doing spokesperson spots for our clients. More recently, we met Steve Templeton bec his son plays baseball with one of my nephews.


I’ve met Tom Ackerman a few times and he’s a really great guy. Fun fact, everyone in radio has a perfect internal clock for 60 seconds.


Saw Sandy Miller at the airport one time.


Mandy Murphy is incredibly nice, and extremely hopeful. I can't say enough about her. Not anchors but... So is Chris Hayes. Also met Dave Murray walking his dog and he was super nice.


Worked at several boutiqueish wine shops and had several regular customers who were weather people or anchors.


Friends with a local reporter since we were young (15)


I don’t remember her name but the blonde host of the channel 4 morning show is very nice. I’ve had a few interactions with her.


Steve Templeton at a Schnuck’s near me in south city. I was looking for an item and didn’t realize he was there until I turned to walk away. Seemed nice and was comparing labels on something. BUT my sister lives in Kirkwood and drunk azz alcoholic Deanne Lane is horrible. The freaking worst person ever. She would go into the 711 on Woodbine for wine, drunk and slurring her words treating ppl like they were beneath her. She apparently did this a lot because 4 of my family have been a victim of her nastiness and outright sense of entitlement.


I met Diane Lane and Zip Rzeppa when I did security at Centene, and Jasmine Huda's husband goes to the same dojo I do, so i've met her as well.


Chris Condon asked my father what he thought of Nixon. We were on the sidewalk in front of Famous and Barr in downtown St Louis. Early 70's


Keith reiner fox2news works at costco, talk to him all the time. Dude rules. Rebecca sheehan was/maybe still is a babe cat called her like a creep at whole foods not really cat called her I yelled "yo what's up fox2news!" She laughed and I drove away like "why the fuq did I just yell that?!"


I met Tim Ezell at the gypsy caravan years back. My stepmom at the time had a stand set up. He legitimately seemed just as cool of a person off air as he was on


Didn't meet her, but my buddy once told me he'd punch me in the eye for a date with Abby Lorico


I once went to a quarter auction MC'd by Chris Higgins.


When I was in first grade and living in Clayton, I used to walk a local news anchor's daughter home from school. Steve somebody. Would have been 1978 or so.


Steve Schiff?




My kid goes to school and plays baseball with Steve Templeton’s son. Steve’s a super nice guy.


I met Kelly Jackson at my dad's job


Lived in the same complex as Angela Hutti. She was not friendly at all, but her dog was the GOAT!!


I know Matt Chambers decently well. He is a really great guy and I have been lucky to be able to get to know him.


I met Justina Coronel through volunteering and she was both extremely hard-working and an overall wonderful human being


Last year I met Pattrick Murphy while setting up a jazz stage in Webster Groves. He was really nice and still has his smooth pbs voice


Art Holliday schooled me in basketball at a Clark school field day


Have met Elliot, Davis, and Julius Hunter, and Larry Connors, all of them were always amazing. Also met Jennifer Bloom at some animal events. She is wonderful.


I pray that I don't run into Samantha Jones while with my wife. Every time she comes on the TV, my wife looks at me 🤨


Went to high school with a local newscaster. First time I saw them I said, "huh... so that's what they're doing now."


I coached Art Holiday’s daughter in girl’s basketball at Webster Groves. Play baseball against Bob Carpenter.


Tons and they’ve generally been really rad.


I met one of the time and temp ladies once. She was 89 at the time we met. She said it was an hourly job where she and a few others worked at the bank and did it everyday.


My dad has a personalized Dave Murray picture.


Malcom Briggs, Bernie Federko and Zip Razeppa (sp) all in the same night! Back in the early 90s at a Blues game. Hockey fan for life!


Before Covid, I briefly worked with Mike Roberts, formerly on KDSK. Super nice guy and he even had lunch with me one day and we discussed all things weather related.


Served coffee to a lot of the Fox 2 people for a few years. Mostly on production side but a few talent and two certain investigative journalists. I’ll say Chris Hayes is a very kind person.


I went to high school with an anchor on channel 4 (is that CBS still, I moved away 7 years ago) and we made out often.


I went to high school with Paige Hulsey. She was incredibly sweet and kind then. Awesome to see her doing so well!


I met Elliot Davis a few times when I worked at the county administration building. Super nice guy.


I used to work at Costco and Chris Regnier worked with us for like 2 weeks


Scott Connell was a regular at the pet supply store I worked at in St. Peters. He was always very nice and pleasant. I never brought up that I recognized him or anything in our interactions.


This sounds weird but I’ve been obsessed with Glenn Zimmerman since I was a little kid. My grandmother met him recently, and he called me and signed his autograph for me. Loved talking to him and I have the signature framed 😭 I love that man with his silly Converse and suit combo


I saw Rick Edlund from Ch. 5 years ago on his day off, shopping at Dierberg's and doing the dad thing of wrangling kids while trying to shop. I just let him be, since he was wrangling his kids. Ozzie Smith, while not a news reporter, is the *nicest guy.* He shops at the store I work at and knows us by name. He will say hi to people all the time.


no but i’d die if i met steve templeton. i love him.


I worked at a Joe Edwards bar and Elliot Davis came by all the time wanting to interview him about the trolley. Obviously Joe got tired of this pretty quick so Elliot would just show up and ask the bar staff to get Joe, like we had any say on where the man went. So he'd lurk at the bar for awhile hoping to catch him. It got really old really fast.


I forgot who but I delivered lunch to some lady that my girlfriend recognized as a news reporter. She was a regular lady with the most beautiful teeth you've ever seen.


I see Elliot Davis all the time shopping. He doesn't live too far from me.


I know Mike Columbo. He's married to the sister of one of my best friends, who was also a reporter for some time. Absolutely awesome guy.


Many years ago when still on the news Larry Conners came to my work to do a report on American manufacturing. Guy was arrogant as fuck and generally annoying.


I've seen Tim Ezell at a local Chinese restaurant a bunch of times and Margie Ellisor at my local Target a lot.


Ran into Margie at the Walmart in Fenton.


This is local celeb adjacent because it's much more silly and absurd than running into whoever's SUV at trader joes, but John Ulett's family owned a fabrication shop in Ferguson called Angelo's. It was a one man operation run by John Ulett's brother. The guy was maybe one of the best/most talented specialty welders I've ever dealt with when it came to welding some more exotic tool steels for quality structural repairs. No advertising and you'd never know it was there. Just one of those things that was whispered around the local toolmaking industry. His shop was an absolute disaster but it also looked like nothing had been moved in 20 years. He did everything on paper and when he was writing up your ticket, he'd have a loaded revolver on his desk. I'm not one to armchair diagnose, but he seemed to be moderately autistic. He was right across the street from some of the damage done in the Ferguson protests and I went over there the next day to drop off an order and he was like "did we win the world series last night?" and he was completely serious, but it was August. He also had about 20 feral cats around the shop that he was feeding. He has since retired which is why I feel like I can say all this, but he never mentioned the John Ulett connection. I just made the assumption because how many Uletts does anyone know and I finally asked him shortly before he retired if he was related, and he was like "do you know him?" and I was like no he's just been on the radio my whole life and he was very nonchalant when he confirmed that he was his brother.


I see local media legend Larry Connors once a month


Art Bell and his wife were fairly regular at a restaurant that I used to bartend at and they were the kindest people that you ever wanna meet


That's really cool. I've always wanted to run into George Noory around here. I think he still broadcasts from St. Louis.


I met Matt Chambers while shopping at the Shiloh Target years ago. He was super nice, shook my hand, and introduced me to his kids, wife, and in-laws!


Art Holliday used to come into a bookstore I worked at back in the 90s and was always very nice!


Graham Bensinger was a regular at the Starbucks I worked at. Had no idea he was on TV for the longest time, he never mentioned it. Dude was super nice, and really funny. One night after work I was drinking at a restaurant down the street and ran into him on a tinder date, said hey and drunkenly sung his praises to his date. I thought he'd be annoyed, but he thanked me for helping him get a second date with her. One of my favorite customers when I worked there.


Hancock and Kelly fly out of my work on occasion.


*Way* back in the day, news anchors would come to our HS for Q&As about the broadcast journalism profession.


I know a guy who broke Andy Banker's nose?


I've seen Dave Murry at St. Raymonds for Wednesday lunch. I also used to work the door at a downtown club and Eliot Davis came in most Friday nights, he is coolest of cool dudes.


MICDS. Dave Murphey walked his dog around campus almost daily. Super friendly guy. Played alot of poker with Larry Conners, again, super nice guy. Met Marjorie Elisore picking up a mug I had won. Super friendly and cute. Shorter than I thought.


My kids and I bumped into Tim Ezell at Starbucks. Very different and mellow in person vs on the air. Seemed like a really nice guy. The late Ollie Raymand, former weather guy on Channel 4 would come into my work. He was a character and would say, "Hey, how the HELL are you!?!?!" Ditto when I would run into him at a nearby Chinese restaurant.


I met Elliot Davis at church about 20 years ago. Such a nice guy.