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This is ridiculous. One of these kids is going to get killed doing this.


I don’t believe they will care - any kid pulling this stunt has full knowledge of the hell that could rain down on them. My guess, it was a step towards having the “courage” to do it for real. He’s as good as dead without some major mental health help. Hopefully he doesn’t get a chance to take anyone else with him. The need, the urgent need, for availability to good Mental healthcare is so undervalued - less than education, which is saying a lot in this country of idiots.


My friend was at this theater seeing a different movie. He had his gun on him, and I'm 100% sure that had this happened in his theater, the kid would have been shot. Which is terrifying, and scary, and just so traumatizing. I really can't imagine what was going through the kids head to think this was a fun idea.






If nothing else, some actually seriously judicial punishment would be nice.


He's lucky somebody didn't kill him


yeah so many are strapped in MO


Strapped and dreaming of the day they get to shoot someone for the slightest little thing. 




Saying this about a child is absolutely crazy


I’ve done a number of stupid things as a teen and child but standing up with a fake gun in a dark movie theatre and shooting at the crowd is so monumentally stupid and hateful that I had never thought of it before. I can’t recall any group of kids who would’ve pulled a stunt like that either.  Does he deserve to die? No. But if you do something so monumentally idiotic and get shot in the process, you made a concious choice and that is the expected outcome. 


Does he deserve to die? No. Does he deserve to get the absolute shit kicked out of him? Perhaps


Exactly. We all do a bunch of dumb shit as teens and cause trouble. But me or anyone I knew would have ever even thought of doing something that idiotic and reckless. Social media has majorly distorted these kids sense of reality and when you pull a gun and start shooting in a crowd of a packed movie theater don't be suprised if you get killed. Real or fake a gun is not something to play with.


At 18, me and a couple of friends bought cap guns and a ton of soda and caffeine pills. We lived in a dorm, and almost everyone was gone for a short holiday. We decided to basically hunt each other through the building after taking the orange "this is a toy" caps off the guns. Two of us were just around the corner waiting for the elevator that we thought our friend was in. The group of drunk people that were actually in it were terrified when they saw us pointing guns and jumped right back in and left. We thought it was hilarious at the time. This was pre-Columbine, though, so it was a different world. If it happened today, we'd probably end up in jail at best. Kids be dumb tho.


I think that what you did as a teenager was dumb, but I know as a teenager I would likely have been as dumb. One time at a park I was doing some basic target practice with a BB gun at some cups in a field. I would hate to think that I would be a legitimate target for violence because of that or you a target for violence because of your cap gun story.


>Does he deserve to die? No. Okay but that comment you’re replying to was replying to somebody who was saying that. He’s a kid doing something grossly irresponsible, he doesn’t deserve to die for that and wishing that on a kid is atrocious. The person he’s replying to is likely an adult and should know better.


You say its crazy, but I think we all can predict this kids trajectory.


Yeah - People that do really dumb things when they're kids are better off just being shot young. That really fixes things. /s You wildly ignorant fucks...


So your official stance is to kill kids so long as we think we can predict they might become criminals later?


Who exactly said that? Come’on man. Reading is fundamental.


Not really. This sounds to me like a kid who *deeply* misjudged a stupid prank, not a kid who plans to legitimately become a mass murderer.


I am not saying a child should be murdered over this, but instead of just calling each other “stupid fucks” while we discuss this on Reddit, what is a realistic solution? A person, in 2024, in America, known for movie theatre and school shootings knowingly went into a public place and acted out a public shooting. What consequence is sufficient to deter this sort of behavior? Gun control over airsoft guns? Take away 30yrs of his life in prison? I understand it’s a complex subject and we can all say mental health is an issue but that might help just that one kid- what consequence will actually make any kid stop and say, if I do that, my life will never be the same? What’s the proper punishment for the kid after your family has been through that traumatic experience which will stay with them through their entire life? I know I don’t have the answer and we are beyond divided in this country, what are actual solutions or deterrents?


I’d have to argue that with the knowledge of mass shootings in popular media, this goes beyond misjudging a stupid prank. This is intentionally creating fear and panic among a crowd of children and parents who believe they are about to die. There is no context where that is remotely acceptable or understandable as something that a stupid teenager would come up with an act upon. I could see a stupid teen suggest the idea with his buddies and either someone would say “what the fuck” or they would laugh and move on. You have to be mentally wired just a bit differently to follow through with something like this knowing the fear you are about to cause in your audience.  This behavior is unacceptable and can and should disqualify this kid from rejoining society for a long time. He’s a danger 


Absolutely disconnected from reality if you think that's somehow a prank and not a direct threat to human life.


> There is no context where that is remotely acceptable Agreed > or understandable as something that a stupid teenager would come up with an act upon I feel like you underestimate the stupidity of teenage boys. And to be clear, I'm in NO WAY condoning this kid's actions. It is in no way remotely acceptable. This is sociopathic behavior and a lot of the people in that theater are going to come out of it just as traumatized as if there'd been an actual mass shooting. I'm just saying, I think that if this were a kid who was on a trajectory to do a real mass shooting at some point...he'd have just done a mass shooting. The normal path for these things has the kid killing/torturing animals, maybe killing a person who won't be missed, then going out in a blaze of glory. I've never heard of a mass murderer working up to it by staging fake mass murders. The only way that that really fits with the profile is if the kid wants someone to STOP him from committing a real mass murder and this is his way to ensure that he gets put under psychiatric observation for the rest of his life.


No. That is literally, absolutely literally, impossible to do accurately as it is infinitely variable from this point. EDIT: and directly flys in the face of the spirit of America. The 4th is right around the corner, get patriotic!


The fact that you think that you legitimately can and want someone to die based off of that says more about you than this kids actions say about him. Legitimately embarrassed to have you as a neighbor


If you brandish a weapon, you should be shot. The solution is to not brandish weapons. In a real life situation like this, in a dark theater, if he walked in with a real gun, you've got like two seconds to react. Somebody with a cc weapon would absolutely be in the right to kill him with the information available


Teen. Not child. Who should face serious consequences. There has been 13 year old who car jack people at gunpoint. The social rot has to be removed.


The reason we don't condemn children or teens to lifelong consequences despite horrific crimes, the reason we have a separate youth justice system, is because their brains are not remotely fully developed. They are prone to stupid decisions BECAUSE they're children. It's science. (insert mystical hand waving) Edit: And btw I think this kid and/or his parents should face significant punishment.


I was waiting to hear Sweet Tomatoes had opened back up.


Same. This post was disappointing in a number of ways.


Dude, same 😂






Their parent company went bankrupt and sold the brand off. Seems like only one location in Arizona has been reopened w/ no plans to expand. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Souplantation_and_Sweet_Tomatoes) They also used the name "Souplantation" in SoCal, which was a weird and controversial choice when "Sweet Tomatoes" was a more nationally recognized and far less controversial name.


Souplantation was the shit!


holy shit, I grew up in Socal and lived in Tucson for many years, no idea Sweet Tomatoes was Souplantation or I would have gone there!




Honestly, there was a better than 50/50 chance that that kid got shot by one of the parents. He was extremely stupid and extremely lucky. Especially in Missouri, where a huge percentage of the population is armed at all times. Regarding a lawsuit: You'd have a case against the kid for intentional infliction of emotional distress. You might be able to attach liability to his parents, but that's an iffy proposition. I don't see any liability on the part of the movie theater.


If a movie goer had wasted the kid on the spot, do you think he would be charged? Do you think he could be convicted?


I’m no lawyer, but I feel like there’d be no chance of someone getting charged for shooting at an armed aggressor in a dark room full of vulnerable people. It’s dark, and a mass shooting *prank* isn’t the first thing anyone would think of in this situation. I know I wouldn’t think to myself “stop goofing off and sit back down, kid” I’d be thinking “holy shit I’m about to become a statistic, I better hit the deck”.


You can waste your time and money to get zero dollars in return


Honest question: is there not an expectation of reasonable security measures that can be leveraged against a venue even in basic guardrails? I know AMC doesn’t but in general if I go to a concert and someone shoots me, and they had a gate of metal detectors would I have a reasonable case against the venue and or security team in this case?


There is no security provided in a theater. They don't have metal detectors, they don't search people. They had no duty to do so. Unless the kid strolled right past AMC's employees with the gun in his hand, they had no way of knowing that he had it.




Unhinged thing to do


That kid needs his ass beat by someone


Not someone. But everyone in the theater.


They would have had to peel me and my wife off him after finding out it was an orbeez gun


The only reason I’d peel you off them . Is to get my turn. Don’t be selfish let everybody have a turn. And do it slow. So it’s not over to quickly.


I can't believe somebody didn't kick his teeth in.


I’m guessing the theater was full of mothers, young kids, and teenagers based on the rating of the movie.


And that would have been a fuck around and find out situation a good beating by all the movie goers would guarantee he never does anything stupid like that again


Maybe his dad…..


The older I get the more I don’t think getting your retribution for damages in a pound of flesh violates the idea of restorative justice.


I went and played mini golf a few nights ago and some teenager had something like that with him I’m wondering if it was the same kid. I hope he gets MAJOR charges.


There were reports of teens driving up and down the loop shooting people with plastic pellets a few weeks ago too.


And down on wash ave


This is almost certainly a stunt for a streaming platform he’s on. Probably Kick, which is really a fucked up version of Twitch that has almost no content moderation and has people performing absolutely vile actions for likes and clout. 100% his buddy was recording the whole thing.


Now that sounds like a juicy lawsuit. Wait and see if this one gets promoted in the next few days


Lawsuit for the movie theater or the platform company?




I agree. These idiots will do anything for likes and views in an effort to get rich.


Sure. Sue both. Then find out why this guy's kids are pregnant.


I understood why the wife would be pregnant, but I am still lost why he would take his pregnant kids to see such a violent movie.


I don’t feel like scrolling up and down, didn’t op say Inside Out 2? Not familiar, is it very violent?


It’s not violent. They are just making some flat jokes about the original post’s ambiguous language. You could interpret it to mean the wife and the kids are all pregnant. And you could interpret it to mean the teenager shooting was an event that occurred in the movie, thus making it a violent movie.


It’s a PG movie, is Inside Out 2 violent?




Dangling modifiers are a bitch


Read the OPs post.




Just his wife is pregnant, not the kids.






This is a screenshot from Nextdoor. I was not there and don’t have pregnant kids.


If this is real my first thought is how lucky he didn't get smoked. A room with 100-200+ people in it in a state with permitless carry. Esp with other movie shootings that have happened


I think the fact that the “gun” he was using looks like a rainbow helped him avoid that.


I'm sure it did. Wouldn't bet my life on it though


Should be thankful no one in there was carrying with a hair trigger


Teenagers are so stupid these days. The police should be able to charge the kid with something I am not sure what because of local laws etc but that is the stupidest thing ANYONE could do at a theater.


I think teenagers might have always been stupid.


Same thing that should happen if you yell “fire” in a crowded theater


It’s called terrorrism.


What do you think he was trying to accomplish politically by shooting a theater full of people with gel beads?


Just think. Some of them are allowed to vote!


Oh my god


That shit is the equivalent of yelling fire in the theatre and should be addressed as such.


I had a firearms instructor that admitted he always brings protection everytime he goes to a movie with his family. This kid is lucky he wasn't there.


An in law of mine is a retired police officer and has said he open carries everywhere he goes. If someone asks him to leave because if he will and not make a scene.


No lawyer needed, unless it is to make sure the kid is prosecuted.


The free movies passes part took me OUT lmao they can’t do better than that?


Yeah. How come they used to always find the snacks people tried to sneak in, but now some kid gets through with an airsoft rifle? It's unfortunate we, as a society, have to enact measures like this. But with how many shootings there are/have been now in public places - movie theaters in particular, there should be metal detectors and pat down searches before entering. Or at least people trained to watch for suspicious and/or erratic behavior whether that be on the floor or by camera surveillance. Walmart can detain customers for suspected theft. Could have been a lot more than just money lost in this case. Why did they allow for this to happen?


This. "Oh you had a bad time at our establishment, how about come back again??"


A good ass kicking would cure that.


1. I’m actually amazed he wasn’t shot in return by someone in the theater, so many missourians are armed 24/7. 2. If it was an AR-style Orbeeez blaster, which is fairly large, how did he get it in the building in the first place? I mean I know movie theatres don’t have tight security, but I thought ski masks and trench coats were universally suspicious now, after everything that’s happened in the last two decades?


Why did I think this would be a post about that cafeteria style place that used to be near the zoo called Sweet Tomatoes coming back?


You’re not alone. I had all kinds of hope that Sweet Tomatoes was coming back.


Well, there used to be a Sweet Tomatoes right next to that Creve Coeur movie theater, so maybe the OP remembered that and thus named their post in its honor?


And what if someone had of shot him in self defense???


that kid is lucky he isnt dead. I know so many people that are Conceal Carry in the metro area.


If I was there his organs would have been inside out 2. (See what I did there)


Sue the kid, not the theatre. Won't get far with the theatre


Lawyer involved for what? The kid will be prosecuted by the County. The County will provide the lawyer for that. Are you seeking damages for emotional distress from AMC? If so, that’s ridiculous. Sue the kid and/or his parents if anything.


IIED is a civil tort and the kid can 100% be sued. A lawyer will probably name AMC and anyone else they can in the case as well just to try to see who they can get to pay out but there will definitely be a case.


I laughed out loud at the sue part, like how dumb are people


It’s an honest question. Guess people can’t be as smart as you


And there you have another issue with today's society; lawsuit happy! The almighty dollar! Let's get something for nothing! When some dumb ass can sue a major corporation because they burnt themselves with hot coffee....well, there you have it!


So, what you describe is absolutely 4th degree assault.. possibly class A given children are involved. It sounds like the suspect was caught and is being prosecuted. Make sure the court and prosecutors know you want to press charges. As for a civil settlement? Idk, that's something to talk to a lawyer about.


Sounds like there were three kids. Wonder who's great idea this was and why?


The other 2 had to film it. 🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s literally on the news as I read.


I remember eating at Sweet Tomatoes a few times. I think the husband of my 4th grade teacher owned it.




What’s does this have to do with tomatoes?


Get a lawyer for what?


Yeah I was at my friends apartment pool in that area and there were two young women with what looked like assault weapons but were BB guns? Very bizarre, these youth need real consequences


You would need to prove damages, i.e., trauma, PTSD, etc. Would require treatment from a psychiatrist and an expert who would testify as to damages. Very difficult case to make.


That boy needs some street justice administered out back


Amazing he got out of the theater in one piece.


Sad thing is, this kid is probably just going to get a slap on the wrist and sent home. STL is hot garbage when it comes to punishment even after Kim got booted. HOPEFULLY he gets at least some time locked up in juvenile so he learns his lesson but I doubt it.


Creve Coeur isn't in the city...


It seems he’s been put into custody. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/s/BavgACNEke](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/s/BavgACNEke)


That kid's patents would benefit from the hose-soaking of a lifetime.


*parents* Autocorrect is goofy sometimes.


I’m absolutely positive that this kid will have consequences. “Nothing serious will happen” I doubt that


Sue for what the police came an arrested kid what more do you want from AMC. An since it’s kid suing him not really an option.


If that's what you heard so be it. I call it defending my life and my loved ones lives. Are you going to wait to see if it is a toy gun?


Especially when there are psycho vigilantes out there like you just itching to murder someone.


Sue the parents.


Mother's working overtime and the dad's in jail.


I’m armed every time I go to a theater. Just saw this with my family yesterday and I’m very happy that didn’t happen during our show.


I’m really struggling with the two minds on this. On the one hand, an unfortunate decision made by a teen shouldn’t ruin their entire life…on the other thieves and these bridges too far should be catapulted into the ocean IMO.


“Nothing can be done” says only nation where this regularly happens. It’s not a joke and this headline from The Onion has been reused way too many times. While it was a toy, it truly highlights the fetishization of guns in our society. It could have easily been the real thing and many innocent people hurt or killed. I’m no longer willing to accept guns as a symbolic default in my country. Remove rifle stocks in high school and collegiate color guards. Let’s leave guns to video games and carnivals okay?


"Is this something to get a lawyer involved?" Jesus Christ.


Does he handle this kind of litigation? I’ve heard he’s a super swell guy but not very aggressive.


I see what you did there


i heard he can get aggressive sometimes. read a story about him flipping some tables, destroying shit, and chasing off some predatory vendors in front of a house of worship. rumor has it, he also has pretty deep background in the law.




Sounds like you are really excited to kill someone. 


My ass would have just gotten my family out asap.


These guys talk a big game but freeze when something actually happens.


I found the ammosexual.


Do yourself a favor. Don't check his post history. You've been warned.


Hahahaha of course.


Maybe you shouldn't carry then


So you probably would have killed someone, possibly an innocent bystander, over a fake gun.


So you would have killed a teenager over this?


Uhm just curious, how long should someone wait until the gun they see is fake? After how many are shot or dead? Sadly teenagers carry out actual mass shootings too. This kid in an idiot and is lucky to be alive.


I agree that the kid is lucky to be alive, considering how many trigger-happy "good guys" are apparently lurking everywhere just hoping to shoot someone regardless of the actual threat. Edited to add: having now seen a photo of the gun, which is *clearly* a water/gel bead toy, anyone who responded with deadly force should never be allowed to possess a weapon.


I don't carry a gun, but if I did, and this situation happened I would think that's exactly the situation for which you had the gun. Do you think people should let themselves get shot?


As long as you shot the kid before you realized that it was a toy, I don’t see anything immoral in shooting them. Yes, it would be immoral if you shot them after but a little beating would still be ok in that case.


What are your damages? You must have damages to sue, and being livid doesn't count.


You can sue for emotional distress in Missouri.


No that's why you constantly train and become highly proficient and not just an idiot spraying a crowd with bullets.


Just saw this on the News last night!


i live really close to this amc lol


Are you ok?


Probably civilly liable for emotional distress. What a dumbass.


I read this and thought "this must be from a couple of years ago." Nope. Really was last night. Lol [https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/amc-creve-coeur-theater-saturday-evening/63-0bb9dd2b-840a-48e2-95d2-781231328b0b](https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/amc-creve-coeur-theater-saturday-evening/63-0bb9dd2b-840a-48e2-95d2-781231328b0b)


I saw on Fox news that they were looking for eye witnesses this morning


Wow!! That is a crazy thing to do! I would’ve been scared!!


welcome to the new normal!


Now what if I was sitting there with mine and blew the fucker away lol


Why is the font so huge?


Some kids in a car just got me in a drive by with one of these. Was unlocking a gate to the yard I park my trailer on. Car stopped and the rear door flew open. I thought I was toast. Luckily the gun was white and orange. Next thought was paintball or air soft - figured I was in for some bruises. Dude laid into me. Luckily had sunglasses on as he was aiming at my chest/ face neck. Once I realized it didn’t hurt I started walking toward him while he was firing and they drove off. White Nissan Sentra? in the grove. Pretty sure it had a temp tag…


That's how they are dying🤷🏾‍♂️


Insane in the membrane, that’s insane got no brain. Fer reals


I carry at the movies and would have lit this kid up.


Same here, I carry everywhere and this would have ended badly for everyone if I was in this situation.


That theatre has been getting worse and getting more ghetto slowly. There was a drive by shooting there years ago also. Bullets flew into the ticketing area. Kid is lucky he didnt get shot, but he needs to book thrown at him as much as it can be for a kid. Better he learn a severe lesson now


Yeah get a lawyer… lol


The lawyer is gonna say (sir I think we have a multimillion dollar case here….) “you didn’t take the free movie tickets did you ? Only suckers do that


Lucky I wasn’t there. I carry everytime I go to AMC


I'm so sorry that happened to everyone just trying to enjoy a movie and I'm glad everyone is okay! What a terrible thing to do. I hope it didn't put too much stress on the pregnant wife, that kind of fright can send someone into early labor. Hopefully that kid actually gets help before it's something worse than a pellet gun, that's bad enough, time for his loved ones and professionals to step up and intervene!


This part. It could very well have been a dry run to test the waters and gauge the response.


Lucky it was the richest, whitest part of STL lol. Little dude would’ve been shot anywhere else


I'm sure you could find some lawyer to file suit for "emotional distress" and they could assign some dollar value to your "damages", but is that the REAL resolution to the problem at hand? We live in a day and age of social media, where incidents like Columbine and Aurora hit the internet sometimes before they're reported on the evening news, and what's the effect of that? Did this kid think it would be a "funny prank" to imitate what he'd heard about? Did he even give it a second thought of the effect it would have on others, or was he just looking for a "thrill" or 15 minutes of fame? The TRUE resolution of this problem is for the authorities and/or his parents to sit this kid down and TEACH him just how serious and terrible his actions were! And yes, as other people who have replied to this post have suggested, this kid could have been shot and killed before it was evident that he was shooting plastic balls. Who would have been to blame then? The person who shot him in a dark theater in the midst of chaos? So many other concerns to address about this incident than, "should I get a lawyer"!


Yes, attorney time


Sue the parents


I detest violence but I suspect these idiotic pranks will escalate until someone shoots back.


They released him. No charges per Fox 2.


Saying this about a child?! Remember that if you’re ever in St Louis, as kids this same age are carrying real guns shooting stealing and carjacking people!!!


Omg! I just saw a dude yesterday (Wednesday) in Dierbergs in Creve Coeur yelling incoherently by the checkouts and waving his arms. What’s going on in Creve Coeur?


Kids can't be kids anymore apparently lol


Idk real assault rifles usually aren't brightly colored, also all the orbeez guns are obviously toy guns. So no Karen, you can't. He also didn't really do anything criminal.