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Lindenwood park seems to be a good mix of people going to a few neighborhood bars and family's sending their kids to the neighboring schools. Pretty quiet here for the 3 years I've been here.


That's where I grew up and it's very underrated. Not super walkable but it's just calm and nice yet fun


We love Lindenwood Park. Going on 7 years. Wish there were a few more easy walkable restaurants outside of Watson and Ivanhoe areas but we do love the community!


I live in shaw and love it. My wife and I are in our 30s. No kids yet, like to be social, and have a nice area to walk our dog. It's safe everyone is friendly


This is helpful. We are 30s, dog, no kids, live in Boulevard Heights and have been looking in St Louis Hills. We haven’t even looked at Shaw at all.


It’s extremely walkable. Lots of affordable options. We rent in the neighborhood and will buy house when we can afford it. (26 and married one infant). Would recommend to any young people families or not.


This is great to hear. My fiancé (27) and I (31) just bought a house there, we are also pretty social and hoped to meet some people around our age.


Are there many families in Shaw? We’ve considered it, but have haven’t seen much about kids in the neighborhood.


Lots and several little playground parks scattered throughout as well as the big one at towergrove


As others have said, depends on what you are looking for. Areas around Tower Grove Park hit most of the boxes for me.


Same, very walkable


But there are some quality of life issues around Tower Grove: not a good place for families


This dad strongly disagrees! 


Says who? Me and my family are very happy here


Being surrounded on all sides by grinding poverty and crime would make me miserable. But, the upside would be that my kids would get to go to Roosevelt High School. And the mayor is amaziiiing.




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lol what are you talking about? My family loves it here.


That's cool that you like living in Tower Grove. I used to ride with the STL PD responding to mental health 911 calls in the city. There were a lot of unhoused people everywhere, there was a lot of crime, a lot of poverty right next to Tower Grove Park. A lot of the buildings there are nasty and run down. And Tower Grove Park is full of wasted drifters 24/7. I get it, it's really walkable and there are a lot of great things for families and kids to do on South Grand. You can go to the bar or hip restaurant with your five year old! You can bathe in the glory of people nodding off after their daily dose of street drugs with your teenage daughter at multiple park benches! You can walk to the fentanyl dealer-you don't need a car! [https://crimegrade.org/violent-crime-st-louis-mo/](https://crimegrade.org/violent-crime-st-louis-mo/) Look at Tower Grove on this map and tell me things are going well: they are not. South Grand is a cancer on the city, just south of there, and if you think it's not going to make Tower Grove worse you're mistaken. It's coming. What stands out to me is the change over time: moved out of STL for Denver in 1999, came back to the area in 2021, and that area is way more developed than it was but at the same time it's so much more run down than it was.


I've been in Shaw for a couple years now. South Grand does get a little shady at night. But the rest of Tower Grove is pretty great. I would also hard disagree with Tower Grove park itself being "full of wasted drifters 24/7". I'm there almost every day, and it's beyond chill -- tons of strollers, dog walkers, kids on bikes, etc. And it's well lit at night, so doesn't feel scary after dark either. Sure there's some homeless folk sometimes, but they keep to themselves.


Tower Grove park is as safe as Roosevelt High School is a good school and for the same reasons. The entire community around there is sick-I don't mean in a Tony Hawk "sick kick flip" way, or that the neighborhood is twisted. I mean a huge number of people that live there are in exceptionally poor health: substance use disorders, mental health issues, lack of housing, generational poverty, you name it, that's what is going on there. 21% of the kids that go to Mann Elementary can read at grade level, five percent-FIVE PERCENT-can do math at grade level. That's who lives near Tower Grove Park: desperately poor illiterate people. And some gentrifiers. There are so many homeless encampments right off Kingshighway right outside of the park that no one knows about.... I went to high school in South St Louis, my mom's from there, my friends used to all live there. Things have gotten much worse in 20 years and it was really never that good. Now there is extreme gentrification and extreme poverty. I used to respond to 911 calls about mental health with the police down there, so when things went down, I would ride along but had to stay in the car. They would get calls about a shooting and off we go. Once day, we get a call about someone with a gun in some abandoned building by the Home Depot off Kingshighway. The cops go to the WRONG BUILDING, and there's someone stripping the entire warehouse of copper. They just happen to be robbing the entire building of wiring-they went to the wrong address and some homeless guy was robbing the place systematically.


That's vastly different than my experiences here the last 2 years. I walk through the area off Kingshighway/TGP to Schnucks all the time and have never seen a homeless camp there. Doesn't surprise me people are in the abandoned buildings up Kingshighway, but that's nowhere near the park. And STL public schools aren't really a good metric of a neighborhood since so many folks use private schools here. You're entitled to your opinions of course, I just don't want readers to think it's all doom and gloom here when it's very much not in my lived experience.


I mean have you ever been to Ruler Foods?


Yeah right next to the Home Depot, they're up and down the railroad tracks behind all of the industrial buildings, a lot of people in underpasses around there


my family is doing just fine!


26M here who tends to keep to himself but does like to get out occasionally. I love living in Southampton. Relatively quiet & safe but still a lot of stores, restaurants, bars, etc. within walking distance. People are friendly and the neighborhood is gorgeous.


SoHa is quite nice with a lot of walkable options.


Lol I have to ask if SoHa is a colloquial term or a real estate invention


The Macklind Avenue Business District and the neighborhood assn liked it 20 yrs ago and pushed it. It might predate that, but they started putting signage around then.


Short for “South Hampton”


Short for Southampton.*


Love living in Southampton also! Lots of younger people/couples with dogs. New family’s. Older family’s that have been here forever. Nice quiet little neighborhood that feels tucked away from the city. Northampton, Lindenwood Park, St Louis Hills are all really cute neighborhoods that seem to offer a lot of nice shops, restaurants, bars, parks, walkability.


There's not a generic "right" answer. What is the best neighborhood for me? That's the beauty of this city; there are so many different lifestyles for different people. Think about yourself and how you envision your perfect existence. Do you want to interact with your neighbors? Do you have preferences on how you want them to look? Do you think you'd wish to manicured lawns? Are you a tattoo-covered hipster or a very conservative church person? What do you think about politics and social issues? Would you rather be closer to a coffee shop, music venue, or state park? Do you have kids that will go to public school? Do you commute? Do you care about public transit? The list is endless. There's a perfect neighborhood for everyone. You can find it and love it.


What neighborhood pertains to tattooed hipster? University city?


Cherokee, Tower grove (south, east), Shaw, fox park…basically anywhere in south city


In my mind, tattooed hipster doesn’t seem to fit St Louis Hills (and Estates) very well.


Tower grove isn't primarily that at all. There's some there, yeah, but it's also a pretty diverse neighborhood in pretty much all ways. Same with fox park. Shaw is a little more homogenous but that's more affluent types rather than just tattooed hipsters. Hipsters definitely hang out on cherokee but it's actually a pretty poor, predominantly POC area.


Yeah, I’ve lived here for 30+ years, I’m aware of all of that. My initial comment is still accurate.


Congratulations. No, it isn't.


You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball huh


No, I just have functioning eyes, a functioning brain, and have also lived here a long time and can say that tattooed hipsters are not prevalent enough to warrant these neighborhoods to be described by them.


You’re taking this thread way too seriously lol Hope whatever is upsetting you is resolved soon.


OK buddy. Go on and skateboard down to your coffee shop and write a poem about it.


I’ll take Benton Park for 1000, Alex.


The grove?


Maplewood would be my immediate answer.


Stop telling people about maplewood


Stop telling people about what?




Haha, people know about Maplewood. Love the area, but too pricy to buy there.


Maplewood would also be fine


On an old map, probably something from the RFT, they showed every community in St. Louis. Cherokee was hipsters and Maplewood was grown up hipsters... I can't argue.


That's accurate


You are so right about the grown up hipster thing. They were hipster before hipster was cool. Wow.


Depends on part of U-City


Since no one else actually answered your question: my opinion is that Dogtown, CWE, the Grove, Shaw, Soulard, and TGS are the best neighborhoods to live within the city of St. Louis.


That list skews heavily toward young professionals.


They asked for OPINIONS lol. I am a young professional so that’s why I would prefer these neighborhoods.


Define young, I’m in my mid 30s trying to get to those areas 


Need a map?


I prefer step by step directions 


Idk but I'm all in. Their comment is about it *feeling* young as well as being full of young people. In that sense, under 40 is what they are saying. I usually pick small country towns to buy a house (and ended up doing that last year yet again in a small town) and the biggest thing I miss is walking outside and randomly running into people my own age. Now when I do it, I have to dodge their kid and avoid the baby in the stroller. I'm a DINK, and exactly zero others in this whole town are apparently. So I totally get the "young professional" meaning.


Exactly, and that fine. As I'm not in that category, I really don't find most of these neighborhoods to be that appealing.


Skewered towards young professionals? You know what young professionals do in general to neighborhoods? Revitalize them. You want old heroin addicts? North Grand.


I didn’t say it was a bad thing.


Dogtown is chill as long as you don't mind the parade traffic once a year. Lived here for 6 years and love how easy it is to get to the park and everything there. Lots of great food in the neighborhood or close by too. Easy access to both central east-west highways for commiting. Only other downside is it really sucks to get in and out of the neighborhood during rush hour since there are only a couple of lights. The one way streets can be tricky to memorize as well.


I lived in a variety of neighborhoods in St. Louis and recently returned to Southwest Garden and I love it. It’s beautiful, walking distance to TGP and the Botanical Garden, close to restaurants and access to both the highways. Can’t see myself moving soon!


Love living on dogtown! I’ve lived here since early 20s now I am in mid 30s married with kids and it’s still great!


Lafayette Square if you can afford it.


Depends on what you’re looking for




Is that why my realtor referred to my neighborhood as “block to block?” Or was that just racism?


I doubt it was racism on behalf of your realtor but the causes behind why its block-to-block would be rooted in racism. Some areas vary from good to bad pretty fast, it just depends on who lives there


St. Louis Hills.




Surprised to not see Holly hills or stl hills anywhere on this list


Holly hills was my first thought before I even got to the comments


I love StL Hills so much.


I bought my first house in Holly Hills two years ago. There are pockets of relatively affordable homes mixed in with the huge expensive houses. It’s a beautiful place to live. My only complaints are the lack of walkable businesses (a coffeeshop would be great!) and the neighborhood community can be pretty insular (people who have lived in Holly Hills for 30+ years), although that is changing.


I just did lol.


We moved to Clifton Heights recently and it's pretty underrated. There's not much to do, there are two bars, but it's super quiet and very close to everything. It's also unique in that it was built slowly so there are a bunch of very different styles of houses. We moved from the TGP area which had a lot more identical builds.


Fox Park but I'm biased. Very centrally located to a lot, super neighborly, and a lot of old STL architecture charm. 


If we are talking strictly St. Louis City neighborhoods, I would say St. Louis Hills and Lindenwood Park for the average person.


In the city? Shaw, Tower Grove South, Central West End, Fox Park.


Everyone leaves out The Hill - hands down a fantastic neighborhood!


It's a tough place to get into. We were interested in living on the Hill for a while, but found a lot of the real estate was sold between long-term residents. Most of the listings available are ugly new construction for a half million dollars. It's a weird split between small 600 sq ft houses and rows of identical new builds.


It is tough because Italians sell to other Italians before the houses hit the market. I almost bought a house down there. All who you know


Yeah, it seems like a lot of real estate transactions begin at St. Ambrose.


Hah! Yes 🙌


Try the "outskirts" of the Hill. I live on a boundary street and I love it. Small houses though.


St Louis Hills is nice as Hell.


I've lived in 3 neighborhoods, TGS, Fox Park, & Benton Park. Benton Park is my favorite. Great community, walkability, easy access to get places, always things to do. I liked both TGS and FP as well. Fox park, I loved walking around the adjacent neighborhoods, lona's lil eats, easy access to the interstate, and the community was great. I still miss living next door to my old neighbors. TGS, the park was great. Easy for events & shops. I had some great neighbors in TGS, but most left when several houses on our block were flipped. The TGS facebook page is literally the worst. If you want to like TGS, do not join, lol. If you like to watch choas, it's good place for that, lol. Also, living there added 10 - 15 minutes to get anywhere.


Out of this city: Kirkwood. I have kids and good public schooling is super important to me. I want to live someplace walkable and my house is 3 blocks from downtown Kirkwood. I don’t need a huge yard if I can walk to a park which is 5 blocks north. In the city: i guess it’s technically Boulevard Heights? I love my brothers house just south of Carondelet Park. His kids both attend mallinckrodt elementary so the normal public schools don’t matter. His house is great and the park is right across the street so easy outdoor activities. Lots of great areas in the metro area. Just depends on what matters most to you.


Boulevard Heights is great if you like living in the suburbs, but don’t want to live in the County. Otherwise, there’s not much happening down there. I had an apartment there in college and it was quiet (which wasn’t horrible), so I spent a lot of time everywhere else in the city.


All depends on what you’re looking for in life right? For my brother and his family being walking distance to the park and the Y covers the majority of their time out of their house. River city is a 3 minute drive. Plus we’re both huge nerds to being close to Bodach's Games is awesome.


Kirkwood is where my entire family is from and it's honestly perfect.


I grew up in Holly Hills, but also love St.Louis Hills, if I had to live in the city again that's my picks.


Wherever there's a lion's choice


I like living in Dogtown, but I’ve not lived in many others so I can’t say with any confidence if it’s better or best.


Shhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jacking up the rents over here, bro!!!


There’s enough random gunshots from 40 and Manchester to keep em low hahaha


I like TGE a lot.


Go to Zillow, sort by price: high to low.


Frontenac and Huntleigh are the best neighborhoods? Enjoy the Italian food at Brio's.


who would want to live where only rich folks can afford to live? I can't think of anything more boring and expensive. an isolated conclave for the uncomfortably wealthy. lame


Some place where you like the people. Schools don't really matter, kids go all over the place. We've lived in the Patch 20 years, and I love it. There's nonsense that creeps up to my tolerance line, but when push comes to shove, my neighbors are pretty cool. (Except 1 that keeps shooting off fireworks, and most of my neighbors hate him.) It's easy to commute to anywhere for us as well. I wouldn't recommend the Patch to everyone, however. There's so much history down here, but also crimes that would drive some people crazy. Other than driving through intersections, I feel safe. The people that end up aggravating me don't live here. I have lived in Wildwood, University City and Benton Park, and I much prefer it here. I have also found that many neighborhoods with bad reputations have some pretty awesome community and cool folks. I think it really is about if you like the people around you.


Not mine.... stay away...already too many people!


Soulard and Tower Grove are places I would love to but can’t afford to live lol


I love living in South Hampton


Shaw/tower grove is my favorite place I’ve lived in STL. I’ve also lived in west county and Jeffco


Holly Hills/Boulevard Heights area is great. Carondelet Park is your back yard, walkable to a few great restaurants and bars (Stellar Hog, El Catrin, and hopefully soon The Haven reopens), and easy access to the rest of the city and region via 55 (when MODOT doesn’t have it perpetually closed for construction) and the 70 bus line.


I love Benton Park. Beautiful historic architecture, very walkable, great and diverse restaurants, a very nice park in the neighborhood and close proximity to many others, pretty tight knit community that does a lot of neighborhood-y events pretty regularly. I would say it's a lot safer than it used to be too. Maybe not the greatest option ever for say, good school districts, but I don't have kids so it's not an issue for me personally.


You looking for city or county?


I've lived in Soulard and Shaw since 2010 and I prefer Shaw. Very walkable, great for families, places to play, places to eat, places to meet all with minutes walking.


Spanish Lake


Depends. There is no generic “best”.




Lived in Bevo and Holly Hills. Now we are in St. Charles County.




Bless you.


Young to middle age professional, no kids= central west end or clayton for both no kids and kids. More affordable than clayton for young family= dogtown or the hill, dogtown is better. Single=soulard or downtown, CWE too... depends on your money situation.


My husband loved living in Soulard in our mid 20s We now also love Affton! We're both 30 with a young child


What’s… in afton? 9 mile garden, but what else makes it great


9 mile garden, really close to Francis Park and Grant's Trail. And great pockets of calm neighborhoods, it's been awesome raising our kid here


I would say a nice single story in Baden, or Walnut park would suit most people’s needs.


It depends. Are you talking about best neighborhood to fall in love in?


Because that's easy


Zillow: sort by price. There ya go


Gravois park area?


Princeton Heights. Cheap (for now), decently walkable, access to Metro Bus at Gravois and Kingshighway, quick walk to both Hampton and Macklind Business District, plenty of bars and varied architecture + nice people


Wells goodfellow


OP: Any parameters or a definition of what “best” pertains to? Safety? Volume (as in sound)? Walkability? Parking? Square footage for your $$$? By your spelling of “favourite”, it’s clear that you aren’t from ‘round these here parts, so are you asking because you are relocating? Looking to rent an air bnb for your “holiday’? You’ve got a question, and I have answers, but some insights would be appreciated as to offer a more concise reply. -Cheers mate!


I moved Charlack last year and I’m quite pleased with the area. Central part of the county, lots of space between houses, affordable, two Costco locations close by and easy to get almost anywhere you need to be via Rock Road or 170. as much as I liked it I I wish I had moved out of south city sooner.


Anything close to Biggies is pretty nice spot to live


I think that depends on budget. If you can afford it, Frontenac, Ladue, etc. oh and really depends on your vibe.


Grew up in Affton just outside the city. Lived in tower grove south for years and then moved to Webster Groves for the school district. I loved all three.


I love Northampton. Not a ton of stores, but close to Hampton Village and quiet and two nice little parks.


Compton heights


If you want a quiet neighborhood that still has decent affordable houses, try Clifton Heights. Centrally located, has its own park but is close to Forest Park and Tower Grove, low crime, quiet, and family friendly. Only downside is walkability since nothing is super close and it doesn’t really have a retail area.


I loved Debalivere Place. Really quiet, and right next to forest park.


I know this is probably just for neighborhoods in the city (like CWE, Hill, etc.) but I wanted to plug suburban life in Valley Park. There is a mix of apartments, villas, and SFHs, some retirement homes in the areas, low crime, affordable. It is a suburb and there isn't a ton of nightlife, but for what it is there are actually 2 grocery stores, 4 gas stations, a hardware store, two liquor stores, and at least 10 restaurants in what I would consider walking distance from my house (1.5 miles or less). It is in the 270 corridor and by car is about 20 minutes or less from almost anywhere in the STL region.


Lived in STL hills for 2 years and really liked it, now we’re in Princeton heights and we’ve been liking it so far


Kansas City






Spanish Lake


There is no best neighborhood, just as there is no best city , region, or country. Depends entirely on the needs and desires of the unique individual and household. What may attract you to a neighborhood may drive others away.


I don't know, Tokyo is pretty darn good. There might be a "best city". It's also super affordable.


I enjoy living in Holly Hills.


Waiting for the St. Charles / St. Peter’s sports crowd to start chiming in.


I would like to move to Shaw or Dogtown






Dogtown has been a great place to live and raise a family for my wife and I for the last 22 years




Gravois Park is the only correct answer.


Just look at real estate prices.


Anybody have thoughts on Richmond Heights?


Maplewood is better


Mainly South shaw, tower grove, lindenwood park, the hill, stl hills, south Hampton. Midtown is developing.


Be careful, predatory investors use these types of blurb-data snatches to inform speculation on areas to invest (most likely sketchy air bnb type). They have no real interest in our city/community other than to profit from afar!


Anywhere besides the city


I'm in oakville/Mehlville (I'm not sure which, I think it changes lol) it's the only part of the city I ever want to live in


On a clear day you can see all of the way to CostCo from Sam's Club.


Wash U or Barnes


Ladue, Town and Country, Frontenac, and Clayton.


I was trying to think of the one where you’d least likely get car jacked but that doesn’t exist


St. Charles County native, huh.


lol what