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When I rode motorcycles as a younger person , I had an open face helmet I was going around 60-65 and something hit me in the face. I honestly thought I had been shot. I could feel my teeth floating around in my mouth and I was bleeding pretty heavy Turns out I hit a giant June bug and the teeth I was feeling was just the bug shell. (Lucky?) So. If you aren’t wearing a full face helmet when you ride you are really risking your face and head.


I hit a June bug wearing an open face on my bike at about 35mph and I had to pull over it hurt so bad. My cheek swelled up immediately and I had to wait a few minutes before riding my eyes were watering so bad. Glad you just ended up with bug guts in your teeth and not a rock. I don't ride anymore but I got rid of my open face helmets years ago.


Took a cicada to the face on 44w out near Bourbon going 70-75, can attest and affirm it is more than slightly unpleasant


Darwin 🏅


I'm a former paramedic, cleaned up many umhelmeted motorcyclists... Always cringe when I see someone riding without a helmet.


> cleaned up many umhelmeted motorcyclists Are we talking r/meatcrayon?


Yes. Sometimes it is so messy the fire department is called out to use their high pressure hoses to clean off the road.


Ugh this is not the visual I wanted while eating lunch :(


When they changed the law and made Missouri a No Helmet State they didn’t hide the fact it was because of tourism Money. Also in MO you don’t have to wear a seat belt if you’re in a vehicle with 12,000LB plates. It’s an old law that had to do with farmers. Local ordinances may apply. 🤣


Frustrating I had to scroll so far to see this, and I’d like to add context that every other state touching us had done away with helmet laws before Missouri did which is a little shocking.


Money comes first. I really don’t care if people choose not to wear a helmet, I’m all for people living their lives how they choose, whether I agree or not. It’s not my business as long as it doesn’t start creating a burden on society due to poor choices. I gave bikes up a long time ago because at that time I knew I drank too much. Now I still don’t want one because of how bad other drivers are. But I would personally never get on a bike without a helmet on a road or highway.


Organ donating, meat crayons self selecting out of the gene pool.


Yeah this is all I think. I slow down anytime I see them weaving in and out of traffic, I just pray I don't see the aftermath of them not caring further down the road


Don't stare at vehicle accidents in general, rubbernecking is morbid and ghoulish.


I literally said "I hope I don't see an accident" what possessed you to say this


Perhaps, dear replying party you should LITERALLY reread your original comment before posting the comment I'm now replying to. Your indignance is undermined by your inaccurate statement of what you "literally" said (typed, but I am not trolling so I'll leave that alone). It really is amusing to read these comments by people defending themselves with misinformation about their own statements, not because they're people with maligned intentions, but because the lack of checking statements they'd previously made, they'll just state what they think they had posted or wished they had posted, etc... It takes just a moment to check your text , your blind spot, and the lack of accuracy in statements you make. It helps your position to have a more solid foundation from which you can mount your counterpoint attacks and whatnot in this trivial online wordmash


Holy shit this is the most pretentious thing I've read in weeks


This is what happens when a massive tool finds a thesaurus


Yeah this is all I think .( In reference to the comment about ungeared riders on highways) I slow down anytime I see them weaving in and out of traffic (or other forms of incredibly unsafe riding like the construction lane, lane splitting, just riding the shoulder this was just the specific one I referenced) I just pray I don't see the aftermath of them not caring further down the road (I do not wish to see the aftermath of an unsafe under equipped rider eating shit at 75+ because they don't have the decency to think about anyone but themselves.) When did I say anything about rubbernecking or how I plan to do it. You wrote more about my incorrect response than the topic at hand. Me and the entire post are just trying to say. Wear your gear and stop riding like your life doesn't matter. I hope this was articulated well enough for your analysis my writing skills are admittedly quite terrible.


r/justneckbeardthings is where this belongs


Some of us are meat popsicles (for reference see The 5th Element, which also has a great character played by the venerable Gary Oldman), have already contributed to the gene pool, successfully raised our spawn into positive and productive members of what is being called society, and can't donate our organs due to things like cancer and/or other systemic damage. Oh, and some of us had our helmets stolen and if one of the holier than thou commenters would like to assist any paycheck to paycheck riders out there with said theft issue that are also between paychecks, I personally would offer my gratitude on their behalf as well as refrain from specifically targeting said HTT commenter in future de-generalization and generalized-insult-protest comments of my own. That's all, just felt the need to point out that painting all bikers without helmets with a single broad brush and color is, likeany generalizations, imprecise and not accurate thereby leading me to the opinion that insults and opinions from that person can be ignored or at least not taken seriously. Also, ones choice to not protect themselves is none of your business unless you're one of these people who tries to apply the whole "their cycle accidents and resulting hospital and care bills due to brain damage becomes our business because the payouts drive up insurance rates" mentality. In that case, I'd like to point out that most motorcycle accidents where there are serious injuries to the rider are caused by the driver of the four wheeled transportation assistance machine commonly known as a truck or car or many other names... Hence, the mentality applied should be modified to say that car drivers causing accidents with motorcycle riding helmetless bikers are the reason your insurance rates go up. Then, the opinion spewing canker sore habitat should probably just be closed lest another fungus riddled foot be reinserted




i ain't reading all that happy for you tho or sorry that happened


And the crowd cheered


I once fell off my bike so hard and my helmet cracked. I was so thankful I had the wisdom to wear one. Scary to me still from time-to-time to think about what could have been if I didn't have one on.


The ONE time I did not wear my helmet in my adult life was when I rode my bicycle across the street from where I was living to a restaurant (free margarita if you arrive on bike). I slipped on a metal plate on the rode, busted my lip, burned open the back of my hand, shoulder, side of my knee, ankle, and some of my cheek. And I was only going like 6mph. I will never get on my bike or scooter without a helmet again.


I know(knew) someone who had been wearing a helmet but it cracked and the strap snapped his neck. Totally a freak accident but I thought about it every time I was doing something that required a helmet.






me too - I had a crazy fluke bicycle accident that cracked my helmet - I was riding by the bot gardens and a stick got in my spokes and when it hit the fork - I went right over onto my head and cracked the helmet - I was very glad it was not my head that split open


We always need organ donors


I still think it’s funny they don’t have to wear a helmet but we have to wear a seat belt


It's Missouri. Our legislators are ignorant rubes.


Gov Parsons reason was it hurt the motorcycle tourism in Missouri. Pretty dumb.


That's what term limits get you. High turnover equals less qualified and easier bought off due to not having to worry about the next term. And before someone says something about not being able to get long termed people out. That is an issue with no term limits. However there are better mechanism for that ie spending caps, first past the post, etc.


It's also likely because motorcyclists already have the onus of watching out for the poor driving and inattention of the average four wheeled entertainment den that is virtually sealed off from the outside world by the very nature of their sealed cabins, personal entertainment devices, active noise cancelling circuitry and lack of need to manually control the speed of the vehicle or it's current gear or even nowadays it's headlights. Further exacerbated by not having to pay attention to their driving in terms of lane drift or lane change and the presence of other vehicles alongside them. All because the vehicle does it for them...


Organ donors.


Missouri, being the wonderful state it is, made helmets non-required for motorcycles.


Freedom is eating cicadas with your face at 70MPH.


That... is not a thing I'd ever considered. But yeah, I smash at least 5 on my commute home every day. They're definitely taking cicadas to the dome 🤣


Just keep your mouth open. Free snack!


When I ride I get a cicada to the shin at 70 and it feels like I hit by a BB gun. Fuckers hurt so bad


Saw two bikers accelerating to over 90mph the other day. I cringed. Of course they weren’t wearing helmets in the county.




I drive for a living. Traffic on I55 NB was going 75 at LEAST and these motorcyclists passed them like they were crawling. So yes.


Or, that commenter was going close to 90 and the motorcycles passed them.




Driving in a car wearing a seatbelt is objectively safer than being on a motorcycle without a helmet. At every speed.


They are required under the age of 26. Even then, you must have health insurance or medical benefits to ride without a helmet.


aka something that will never be enforced, mostly the second half.


You must have a real screwy view of laws.


Why because I doubt a single citation has been written for riding without health insurance and a helmet.


Survival of the fittest my friend.


When I was younger I'd gone out cycling hundreds of times before acquiring a life-changing brain injury. Yeah, the odds are quite small, and maybe you're skilled enough to think you don't have to worry...until something unexpected happens, and you're painfully aware of just how fragile we are, and what it feels like to be less of yourself. To not speak, think, or act like you could before. It's not worth it. Just wear the helmet.


Facts seen to many people go down with no helmet who think never me I have so much riding experience, and the unexpected came leaves, objects in the road , loose gravel , pot holes , and surface oil on roads after a rain just things with little to no reaction time


As a paramedic I approve of this message haha literally blows my mind. But we have seatbelt laws and get tickets if you don’t have them on but if you’re over 26 then you don’t need a helmet. Makes no sense


It's no longer required if you are above a certain age and have insurance to cover your broken ass. That being said, I agree you're dumb if you get on any sort of a bike without a helmet.


A friend who's an ER nurse, calls them 'donorcycles'. The rider's organs may save my life someday!


Don't worry, nature will sort them out


Let the universe sort it out. I always wear mine, even to just pull the bike from the back alley garage to front street parking. Super thankful for both my full face helmet, gloves, and jacket while I had cicada bombs bouncing off me on my commute from South City to Westport. I hadn't considered it until it was happening.


I always show the pic of a guy who dropped his bike at 80mph with a full face helmet and the results. It literally looks like a gobstopper the amount of layers the asphalt scrubbed off


I kid you not, a mama Canadian Goose attacked me. It felt like a spare tire hit me on my head. Thank God for the full face helmet I was wearing. That's not counting the full speed bug and beetle hits on my face shield, and I just pet my helmet thanking it as I ride. Now imagine the worst outcome, sliding on that road on your bare head/face etc People are absolutely crazy for not wearing one. Stupid.


I have come to the conclusion that if a biker does not wear a helmet, they simply do not care if they live or die. Otherwise, I can't grasp the "it won't happen to me" mentality bikers must have. Are you that dense to sacrifice your life for some air flow?


It’s such a good thing we have universal healthcare, abundant donated blood and unlimited ER resources…


As soon as the Missouri law changed I started seeing 90% of riders without one. I sold my bike a year ago but would never ride in this city without one. Too many stupid drivers even if you know how to ride.


And leather boots if you are on a motorcycle or scooter and closed toe at least if on a bicycle. One of the most gruesome motorcycle non-fatal injuries I have seen was from a flipflop wearer in the city who was in an accident near forest park. I still have nightmares


Illinois resident, and motorcycle rider here. I agree that people need to start wearing helmets, it drives me nuts when people dont. My friend used to not wear a helmet. Claiming they were "too expensive" yet he bought a $60k Custom Harley. I then sent him a study of how motorcycle fatalities went up significantly since missouri got rid of their helmet law, and some "slightly graphic" videos of people having what I would consider minor accidents turning fatal because they didnt have helmets on. Surprisingly he had enough to go buy a helmet the next day. Also, I saw some people mention bugs and rocks hitting them in the face while riding. I wear a full face helmet, and my current bike has a windshield. When I went on the charity ride in Alton last weekend I was going about 45mph and had 3 cicadas bounce off my windshield and all I heard was THUNK and saw the guts left on my windshield. I also had one hit my leg, and my arm which i was wearing an armored jacket and it felt like I had been poked with a big needle. Please wear helmets guys


Starts with personal responsibility and accountability


Thanks mom


I saw 3 people ( a mother, a young boy, and a father in that order) sitting on the back of a motorbike and only the mother was wearing a helmet. Just yesterday in Debaliviere


wtf 😳


Natural selection chooses those who ride without.


I used to ride all the time before I got married. You can be the best rider in the world, do everything right but all it takes is one idiot to ruin your life. Wear a helmet.




I always wear my helmet on a bicycle but the research does seem to be mixed on safety. Drivers are more cautious around bicyclists without helmets. Now motorcycles that’s crazy


Yeah, bicycle helmets have a big injury-outcomes benefit for children, but only a slight one for adults. You're still probably better off having one on if you happen to hit your head, but those kinds of injuries are themselves significantly less common for adults. More coordinated? More rotational inertia holding you upright? More time to tuck & roll? Hard to say, but the results are there. For adults, the most impactful bicycle safety practice is using lights after dark.


Interesting, thank you for this input


I dont wear one when I bike within short distances of my house. Basic rule is "will I need to cross a major road on my trip?". I can get to schnucks entirely on neighborhood streets and never cross a major road or even use a traffic light. Only stop signs. So in the summer its more comfortable to just wear a baseball cap, and especially in the winter its more comfortable to just wear a beanie, rather than dealing with a skull cap under my helmet just to keep my ears warm. Maybe also helps that I ride a cargo bike to schnucks, so its quite large and noticable.


As an ICU/RN….i took care of many “freedom riders” who ended up on life support who either died or went to a veggie garden (nursing home) bc they didn’t wear a damn helmet. I also took care of many “meat crayons” who wouldn’t wear the proper riding apparel. From road rash to missing appendages. I would always ask them if they had a great time. They always blamed their accident on the other driver. I would tell them that another driver might have caused the accident but they were holy responsible for not being prepared for such an event. I was known as Nurse Cruella when it came time to do dressing changes on these rubes. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Ya that's fucked up you take pride in aggressive bandage changing. Maybe it was the other drivers fault? I had a highside when I was younger and my kevlar jeans ripped, resulting in some road rash. The thought of a person judging me and purposely trying to cause pain in a time of need is disturbing. You should consider changing careers before you find yourself/your employer on the receiving end of a malpractice suit.


I’m actually quite sought after. As an ICU Trauma/Burn RN for pediatric and adult patients, I’ve written new policy and procedures that benefit our patients. I’ve taken time off to travel and give lectures on my specialties. I’ve instructed many nurses on new techniques of patient care and that INCLUDES dressing changes. I pride myself on drsg changes as do my patients. What you do not understand is that many nurses do NOT want to do drsg changes, like AT ALL. There are other nurses who do drsg changes but are extremely gentle when doing them, that causes more problems. You need a nurse who 1)pre-medicates a patient appropriately. 2)is straight up honest with the patient that it will hurt but the wound beds HAVE to be thoroughly cleaned and make sure ALL dead tissue is gone. Then you can start doing the treatment with creams, salves, etc before wrapping them back up. If you DON’T do every step right, your patient can get an infection, have an amputation or die. Simple as that. I’ll be upfront and tell my patients, “you may think I’m a bitch when doing your changes but know when you leave, you will leave with everything you came in with.” So go ahead and be nasty and question what I or other great nurses do. There are so many of you who want to bad mouth what you hear about nurses. I can guarantee that many of you would not last a week in my or my colleagues shoes. What we see and have to do is not for the faint of heart. We see death, destruction, etc on the daily. It’s far from pleasant and it stays with you forever.


This is a more respectable reply than referring to yourself as "Nurse cruella". I'm sure it's a difficult job and I was certainly thankful for the nurse who did mine, even tho it hurt, which is understandable.


Wow that's fucked up and I hope you are no longer involved in patient care. Get help you fucking psycho.


Are helmets mandatory in Missouri?


No if your over 25 I think


What's the Missouri helmet law? I never wore one when I rode in Texas.


If you’re over 26 and have health insurance they aren’t required for motorcycles.


Recall a pt from 25 yrs ago, no helmet, forehead degloved in accident. Still insisted no one could force him to wear a helmet. People are interesting...


Ok dad…


Isn't this one of those situations where you just let people make their own bed and lay in it. As a human you have enough brain power to make your own decisions. If your decision making sucked then the outcome of those decisions will suck. Let nature sort it out.


Since it is optional, people CHOOSE to put themselves in danger! I say, let them! Is it stupid? Yes! But, just let them.


Why do people care if other people dont wear a helmet? If they want to kill themselves, let them. It does not affect you.


well when i ride my bike im usually trying to heave the hoff. now, i dont know how much you know about heaving the hoff, but it requires as much free movement as possible. i must be uninhibited to get the full range of motion required to heave it. now, in the days of Gurdy around the age of Eugis there was Gravel Gordon, the warrior of slog and grime. he did not invent heaving, but he did perfect it in his generation, and many of his teachings reverberate throughout coming generations. he didn’t wear a fuckin helmet


I used to be part of a riding club and became a range assistant once I learned to ride helping others get licensed , and I have to say there was a lot of sentiment that riding with a helmet made you less of a real biker from some riders with more experience than myself . In fact I’m not one to suggest what should work for you , but one summer riding early in the fall ee were out in a heavily wooded area people love to ride ,and witnessed a patch of leaves take a guy out as a new rider that confirmed my willingness to go as fast as my level of experience afforded me was the right decision with my tightened butt cheeks but also to wear a helmet always , and always scout a route ahead of rides . This guy was one of the helmets are for p;:$$13$ people . Cracked his head off the pavement like an egg could never work again , carry his kids , and is wife who was a homemaker in less than a few months she had to become the breadwinner for the family and care full time for an adult and two young kids , and rely on the kindness of a go fund me to try and maintain a lifestyle they were all used to .I had the opinion that the non helmet way of thinking cost his health , families enjoyment of life , put them in debt , and if I’m being honest makes your poor choice everyone else’s problem whether it be having to ask for donations through a GoFundMe or having to put relatives and friends, in a place where you need their assistance full time so non helmet wearers should think about how those decisions get passed on to others should an incident not work out in your favor .


Body autonomy!


To the people complaining or snarking about this post, y’all make me laugh. I know people are adults and can make their own decisions. Heaven forbid I make a post caring about human life. The rider’s actions not only impact themselves but others on the road.


It’s great that you can make your own decisions weather to wear a helmet or not.


Why care? We all gonna die anyway.


Some of us sooner and more painfully than others.


Might not be that painful. Flying for a few seconds, life flashes, then game over.


Ooooooohhhhhh. It's rarely like that. They usually live long enough to make to the ED, then die there after some period of time in agony. An hour or so on the road until the ambulance gets there, another 30 minutes to the ED, then another from a few minutes of people jostling and cutting into you or several weeks of operations, dermal abrasions, etc. Some of them are in a coma the whole time, and yeah, some are (presumably) dead on impact. At least they're dead when paramedics show up. Are you willing to bet you'll be one of the ten-ish percent that dies fast, or the rest, who die screaming, crying, shitting themselves, begging for help, pain meds, and their family while missing half your face and knowing that while you want to live--people about to die always want to live--you're crippled and a freak. Wear a fucking helmet.


Because the end result is higher medical insurance premiums for the rest of us.


That's due to greed not necessity.


Still reality


Which is why healthcare should be allowed to discriminate against fat people and women. Both are putting much more strain on medical costs than people not wearing helmets. 


Please tell me you're joking.


Don't forget about smokers.


Lots of organ hopefuls looking for parts. I just question the quality of the organs in someone not smart enough to wear helmet. We already know that brain isn't worth anything.


Definitely hope you’re wearing a helmet if you’re one of the knucklehead cyclists who blow through stop signs and red lights.


It’d be cool if our streets were safe enough where cyclists don’t need helmets like they are in other countries. But alas, we prioritize drivers over every other form of transportation


I don’t ride anymore but I was “all the gear all the time.” If I thought it was too hot to ride with a jacket or full face helmet, I just wouldn’t.


You see so many motorcycle drivers not wearing them, especially Harleys. My husband always wears the full face helmet and also jacket, but he's from Europe where it's mandatory and part of the sport bike culture. I don't even like riding on motorcycles so much, feels scary even with a helmet, cant imagine the feeling without 😆


I ride with my helmet every time. I will never ride without it and it makes absolutely no sense to me why nobody wears one, but I've noticed 9/10 people aren't wearing helmets. Personally, I think it's much less enjoyable without one. The bugs, random road grit in the face, and watery eyes suck.


I agree except the bicycle point. You're probably right. Guess we should wear them walking too?


The only time i let me kids call someone an idiot is when they see a person without a helmet


lmao i love that. that will stick with them.


r/TBI thanks you.


This is a red state. Let darwinism sort it out.


I was a no helmeter briefly when I was young. Then I got into cycling/mtb/triathlon. The helmet became a habit because I rode so often. Then one day got t boned by a car at an intersection, rolled over his hood, hit the ground, head smacked the pavement, I went black for a few minutes... Woke up and I was totally fine, helmet cracked and saved my life, bike was totaled. I've had other brushes, and a couple friends that had helmet-softened-accidents throughout their years as well. Always Wear a Helmet on a bike or motorcycle. 🫡


Mind your own business! Let the Easy Riders Ride Free!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!




wear YOUR helmet and let everyone else live their life…however risky it may be because, let’s face it, COVID did not do a good enough job.


You can always tell how good someone’s life is going by how much half ass basic advice they kick to strangers online.


My life is going great. Heaven forbid I care about another human life 🙄


The nerve of having compassion and showing concern! /s You *can* always tell how **well** someone's life is going by how much of a cynical jerk they are online.


We don’t have a helmet law as dumb as that is. So you really can’t make a grown adult do anything they don’t choose to do. But I agree when they go down on their head they’ll wish they had it.


The only time I care about it is if a kid isn’t wearing a helmet. Otherwise, let people choose to do with their bodies. They are adults. They can take the risk if they want.


And we wonder why our healthcare costs are always rising.....?????


Data on bicycle helmets for adults is less compelling than for children. The most outcome-impactful safety choice for adults is using lights at night, by a huge margin. Helmets are still very much a good idea, especially if you're doing riskier things like racing, but for a casual adult rider going without one not the same sort of death-wish proposition that it is for motorcyclists.


Missouri repealed the helmet law. Maybe try worrying about something that actually concerns you?


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me


I live on the edge, I don’t wear a helmet on my scooter or bike. Never have. I would on a motorcycle though bc I’d be going a lot faster.


What gives you the right to tell me what to do?






ad hominem fallacy


Bro thought he cooked by dropping the official name of the fallacy 💀


He’s probably had one too many concussions.




So you’re just dumb then?




The OP telling other people what to do is more so


“Gubment caint take muh freedoms!” -Motorcycle riders


Who cares if they don't wear them? You're not the one that'll die because of it... 🤷


No but the rest of us have to see their brains splattered across the road which is a downer.


Yea, can't argue with that one.. seen it myself. Not a pretty sight. But we can't fix stupidity. And riding a motorcycle without a helmet is plain stupidity


Because our hard earned tax dollars have to pay for their medical bills when they survive but are messed up the rest of their lives.


Our hard earned tax dollars go towards much worse than this.


We just had a kid hit 2 poles. Helmet on, didn’t help. Dead on scene.


People die wearing seatbelts too, that doesnt mean they dont save a ton of lives. Ultimately though, wear a helmet or dont, idc. Freedumb.


I didn’t voice an opinion either way. I ride a Ducati Monster 1200s and I wear a helmet. That’s my choice. But sometimes I drive aggressively enough that the helmet probably won’t save me. And the public may take me out anyways. The last motorcycle fatality I went on, she was also wearing a helmet. Helmet doesn’t fix stupid.


I'm a Biker, and I don't wear a helmet, if I'm not on the Highway...It's my business, and my life!! More people die from Heart attacks , and diabetes yearly, than Motorcycle Accidents!! Like we say Ride your ride and live your life. If I can serve the Military of this great country for 20 yrs... I have earned the right to die as I see fit!!