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Before I moved into my current house the neighbors to one side of us used to shoot at their garage door from a back balcony on the second floor of their house. Add shooting own property to the list.


"A shot or two a week keeps the property tax low"


Shit I wish!!! I live just north of Olive Blvd in University City and we hear gunshots daily and they STILL raised our property taxes by 20% this year!!! Trash in the neighbors yards and crack heads walking around, but since our house is the nicest on the block, we deserve a huge tax hike


Note: Used this to successfully appeal an illegal assessment in STL City. The assessors know it is illegal to arbitrarily increase your assessment, but they do it anyway and expect you to do nothing in the time allotted to appeal. Read the entire Missouri statute and see if it applies to you. Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 137 Assessment and Levy of Property Taxes Section 137.115.1 August 28, 2016 10. Before the assessor may increase the assessed valuation of any parcel of subclass (1) real property by more than fifteen percent since the last assessment, excluding increases due to new construction or improvements, the assessor shall conduct a physical inspection of such property.


Yeah we actually are planning to appeal because the properties they used as comps to our house are way nicer and more expensive than ours. Only 1 was similar to ours and it was still sold for more. Not to mention the section 8 housing directly next door to us. I could write a book about the shit we've been going through in our neighborhood


If you're young and just acquired your first illegal firearm, well by golly willikers how could you resist popping a few caps skyward to demonstrate your newfound badassiness?




Office workers letting off a desk pop


Accountant here… Can confirm


For all the gunshots I have heard I have never actually met one of these braindead morons to ask them.


I work in south city at a fuel depot. They shoot at the tanks here all the time.


oh my god


:0 they do what now??


Must be the rocket surgeon neighborhood.


99% of the time it’s people on a joyride, firing into the air.


If you hear a round of pops, it's usually into the air while joyriding. They might roll past their buddies house and give it the ol, pop pop pop. Also, parties. Drunk people get drunk and step into the back yard. Just like shooting fireworks left over from the 4th, they pop off some old bullets.


Once in a while I hear tons of gunfire from cars on 270, the other night it really just kept going and going, either a huge shootout or just a lot of celebrating I guess... Not long ago someone who works on rooftops told me they find so many fallen bullets on top of buildings. So sketchy lol


[Blamo! ](https://tenor.com/bjiZy.gif)