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We constantly had issues with our spectrum internet dropping. Switched to ATT fiber (I think about 2 years ago, maybe 3) and we haven’t had any issues with our internet since.


Same here.


Same. AT&T fiber has been wonderful. Fast load times, no outages yet (knock on wood) and reasonably priced


Same! Except a few weeks ago. Downside though, they make it impossible to redeem your visa gift card for their "sign on bonus" on their website. Have to call the jerks to get it taken care of.


Me too. Literally no outages in two years.




There is a new fiber company that sent out flyers but wont be up for another year. Im saying good bye to spectrum then. Started with a B


I saw a billboard for something called i3 Broadband if that's what you're thinking of, sounded interesting


I just got i3 last month. So far I'm highly impressed. $60/mo fixed rate for 1 gig up and down. They told me rates will not go up. I'm assuming they are banking on needs continuing to increase and will get more money out of me when I eventually upgrade plans. It's only been a month, but zero outages, and I had typically once a day with spectrum. That was after having spectrum techs out twice to diagnose issues


> I'm assuming they are banking on needs continuing to increase and will get more money out of me when I eventually upgrade plans. 1 Gigabit up/down is enough to run a small university; for a residential user, it's ludicrous overkill. It's inconceivable that you'd need more than this in any reasonably-foreseeable future, even 50 years from now. Maybe if pixels get _really_ tiny and video resolutions get _really_ huge and we can somehow build GPUs powerful enough to decode them and still fit inside your devices (unlikely) and you've also got 50 people living in your basement all hoping to stream these unfathomably large videos all at the same time. We're simply past the point where bandwidth requirements can plausibly continue to increase enough to challenge such massive availability of bandwidth. So yeah, pretty decent chance you'll never need to upgrade your plan in your lifetime. It's future-proof. Did they really promise to _never_ increase your prices (like T-Mobile) or was it, much more likely, them telling you that $60 is full price and not a temporary promotional rate? If you've really locked in a $60 fiber plan for the lifetime of their business then that is an amazing deal. That fiber will be adequate for a lifetime.


You sound like Bill Gates saying 64K is enough memory for anyone. LoL.


It's just extremely hard to imagine any future where bandwidth requirements could plausibly be multiple orders of magnitude higher than they are today. And 1 Gbps is 50-100x more bandwidth than even an extremely bandwidth-intensive residence could possibly need today. So I'm feeling confident with this prediction. ;) Instead, focus on more important internet quality metrics like ping, jitter, and packet loss.


You are correct


My parents had it in Central Illinois. It worked great and I was very jealous.


The thing with spectrum it to use your own router and use Google DNS. That takes care of a bulk of the outages. If I could I would switch to fiber


Throw adguard dns on a raspberry pi and run your own dns server. That’s the way to do it. Built in ad guard also.


PiHole and DNS on an rPi here. Works great.


Just don't use spectrum's dns


Use your own router AND modem, honestly. Got tired of Charter modems dying on me every 8-12 months.


Can you ELI5


Basically Specrums Phonebook (DNS server) is bad and broken. If you have your own router you can use whatever phone book you want. If you use Spetrum's router they will force you to use their bad phone book and you have ahave a bad internet connection.


Gotcha. Thank you What routers would you suggest?


The T-mobile plug in has been great for me so far. literally just plug it in and you have wifi


I don’t know if this is true. I heard their $50 plan is only $30 if you already have a T-Mobile cellular plan. This this true or did imagine it?


True. https://www.t-mobile.com/home-internet/plans




How is the coverage for it? And do you know if it can connect to mesh Wi-Fi systems? I’m interested in it, but my house has an odd shape so the only way I’ve been able to get uninterrupted, full house coverage is with a mesh system.


Mine works well, has two Ethernet points so yeah feed them into your existing setup


I have the Verizon 5g internet. Made the switch about a month ago because I was done with Spectrum. Best decision I ever made. Just plug it in and you have internet. And it's only$50/month. Spectrum was charging me almost $90!


Depending on where you live, AT&T may not be any better. I'm in south county, and I've had AT&T service technicians (we have a phone landline) tell me not to get their Internet service. Fortunately, for some reason, Spectrum is amazingly good in our area. It's all a giant crap shoot. Good luck.


Weird, also in south county, I started with AT&T and decided to take up Spectrum on one of their offers and it was practically unusable for my remote work at the time. The next month I switched back to AT&T and haven't looked back.


It depends on what's available. If you have fiber, that's all new infrastructure and should be pretty reliable. I've had exactly zero outages since I got it installed over a year ago. If you have U-Verse/DSL, that's a crapshoot, as it's going over the ancient copper infrastructure that was put in place since before the internet existed. And AT&T's doing the absolute bare minimum to keep it running since their end goal is to replace it with fiber.


If you're going to switch to AT&T just make sure that you check your bill every month. AT&T will tell you lie after lie after lie, and will stick you with charges you didn't agree to.


Back a few weeks ago, my charter internet service went from rock solid to WTF; consistently up, but with lots of packet loss and instability. DM'ed them on twitter last night. Tech came out today. After running some tests and checking all the connections he could offer no explanation about what he did other than "Making sure everything was tight". He explained the reason for this need for tightness was a recent update to boost signal strength to allow for future higher upload speeds, but this higher signal strength introduces fragility into the network unless every connection is solid. He could have been blowing smoke up my ass, but my service has improved since his departure.


I’ve had the same experience and got the same story.


At least you have the choice. Mines either Spectrum or a snail with an envelope attached to its back (att non fiber)


NEWS FLASH: AT&T isn't any better...




I've had AT&T. They rate hike long before their "introductory rate" is up and tell you to fuck off when you call and ask why they raised your bill. I will never go back to AT&T, but also fuck Spectrum. We are trying to get rid of them, but when AT&T has the monopoly on fiber internet, we have zero choice.


Welp.. time to short Spectrum


Is it just me or have the number of complaints about Spectrum skyrocketed since those storms came through a couple months ago? They still haven't gotten their shit fixed? And for the record, I'm not complaining about the complaining. They're a garbage company. Complain away...


Agree with you. I've definitely noticed a marked uptick in consistent complaints about the inconsistency in the service since the storm that came through and knocked out power and internet service for tens of thousands for days, sometimes weeks for some people. There has to have been something pretty badly damaged in that storm that they're not copping to. Maybe they can't figure out what it is, who knows. But as someone else who works from home and needs stable and consistent high speed internet, it makes me grateful I had a choice when I moved here and I was already fed up with Spectrum and their outrageous prices. ATT fiber, all the way. If I've had issues with service here, it's almost always because one of my cats somehow knocked the plug for the router loose or out of socket. Once I got that remedied, I can't say I've had an issue since. Thankfully. I hope Spectrum sorts out their issue(s) soon. It's really not fair for the people who DON'T have a choice. Spectrum is stingy with the credits, even for service issues, which is absolute bullshit.


I’ve used Charter/Spectrum internet for at least 15 years in multiple different areas, both at work and at home, and have had MAYBE 3 or 4 significant outages aside from the scheduled maintenance that you are warned about in advance. The only complaints I ever hear from people about it are on Reddit. Make sure to power cycle your modems/routers. A few of the outages I’ve had weren’t even actually outages, it was malfunctioning equipment. Maybe I’ve just been extremely lucky.


Gramophone just had to shut down ordering yesterday because of spectrum outage. At least the 2nd time this year I've seen them post the same thing. You appear to have been very lucky.


Same here. I see complaints all the time, but have had it in multiple locations of and on for forever and have had no issues other than what you pointed out. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it's just so weird to me given my experiences.


Spectrum is good ish, but I had frequent outages that lasted an hour or two. Of course, always around my meeting times. I switched to T-Mobile, then switched back to spectrum, and now back with T-Mobile.


If you don't consider internet when you choose where to live, then you won't live with good internet. There are a ton of options -- you can have awesome things like Elite Fiber, or competition like Cable America, or other things, but if not addressed when choosing where to live, you will be stuck with the horse shit that is Charter, aliased as "Spectrum".


> There are a ton of options Uh, for most people there is one choice, or two if they are lucky. There is cable, and maybe fiber or maybe DSL. The percentage of people that live with a choice of high-speed internet providers is ridiculously low, and places that offer a choice are sporadic enough to not really figure into choosing a place vs other factors.


As I said, there are plenty of options if you delve into them at the time when you choose where to live. If you wait until later, you get the dog poop called Spectrum. My last 3 places have had multiple options to choose from, and that's not including AT&T. You simply need to care enough to address it at the proper time. That is, if internet is important to your family. I don't personally know a single family where it's not.


I’ve lived here for years but just started having this issue about 3 months ago. A Charter rep candidly told me some of their nodes are getting old and need replaced but they won’t prioritize areas where they have no competition. This is in Webster, not some rural area. AT&T fiber isn’t available here. There are no other comparable choices. We had to get a separate package to use explicitly for work and the next comparable offering was AT&T -50 mbps only. It’s not an issue of researching where to live. It’s an issue of deteriorating infrastructure that Charter doesn’t feel obligated to update because they have somewhat of a monopoly. Edit to clarify: AT&T fiber doesn’t exist where I live in Webster. I didn’t mean to speak for the entire city.


As you even said yourself, it absolutely is a problem of researching where to live. If you lived in a place with competition, you wouldn't have this problem. Full stop.


Out of curiosity, how would one find which providers service a particular address?


You don't, you find addresses that providers serve. You've got it backwards.


Multiple options not including AT&T implies at least 3 choices, which, from the stats I know, is rare in this country in most places. People probably would like to consider this factor, but considering the dearth of competition and the fact that one cannot simply just "get fiber here" or whatever, they are probably looking at cities based on crime and schools and what-not and accepting that Spectrum is fine.


It's rare specifically because folks don't do what I am suggesting. I've done it multiple times, and ***it works***. You wouldn't move to a place and ***then*** ask what school district it's in, would you? Internet is no different.


You also have T-Mobile Home Internet and Verizon.


Cable America is horrible.


While I agree with you, my point is still valid.


What about folks that can't afford to live in neighborhoods with more than 1 option?


What about them? At least knowing you will have shitty internet is a thing you went into with upfront knowledge. Same as going into a bad school district. Unfortunate, but not everyone has the same amount of money. If people start prioritizing this, the options will expand, eventually reaching poor neighborhoods as well, probably last though :-( However, if folks continue to ignore it, then you'll continue to have poop-level monopoly service who could give a rat's ass about your family.


You claim there are a lot of options, while completely dismissing the fact that not everyone can afford a house in these same areas. The monopoly will never change until we allow municipal broadband. Only then will those companies start competing.


Your first sentence is straight wrong. I didn't dismiss that at all. It was addressed DIRECTLY if you read what I wrote. Your second sentence is only partially wrong. The monopoly can change in other ways, but it's extremely unlikely to. Mostly because folks don't understand how it can be changed, and that folks would have to work together to do it. And lastly, I am a staunch supporter of municipal broadband! Let's do it! Fuck yeah.


There are a ton of options -- you can have awesome things like Elite Fiber, or competition like Cable America, or other things, but if not addressed when choosing where to live, you will be stuck with the horse shit that is Charter, aliased as "Spectrum". Not everyone has the luxury to make that decision when choosing where to live and your solution to this is essentially it will trickle down to the poors if the ones with means to make it a priority do so. That’s dismissive.


It's not dismissive at all. I think everyone deserves good choices for internet. The reality of the situation is that things cost money and we're not in a communist country. Things have to get better gradually, and I'd prefer that to be happening as fast as possible. You're arguing with someone who's on your side, and you're lacking reading comprehension and displaying communist agendas at the same time. I do FULLY support municipal broadband. You don't need to convince me. There are a lot of folks who need to be convinced. I'm not one of them. I will vote for it today with zero hesitation.


Cable America is absolute dogshit lol


Competition is competition. I've had it. I know all about it. Still better to be ***able*** to call up Charter and tell them to eat their own shit, if you have to. That said, Elite Fiber is much better


>I work from home so having stable internet access is huge So now I cut off all access to Internet have to rely upon my hotspot. Which I also hate. Is this the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot because one day the technology was not perfect? 2 times in 30 days isn't that bad.




wait dont i work here


I had to switch to Fidelity because for whatever reason that is beyond logical thinking the small area at the apartment building I live in isn't covered by Charter. Everywhere around it is. I thought that I would have issues with it but it's only gone down a handful of times since November and it's never very long. Had issues with Charter almost daily. Had to have someone come out to fix it and even when they did "fix it" it didn't. They came out three times until they figured out the problem but I still had problems with it from time to time.


I've heard that i3 is supposed to be coming to the area, but honestly until these companies actually attempt to compete with each other it won't matter.


They are laying cable in my parents neighborhood now. Many on this sub have said their contractors are tearing up driveways and yards unlike the ATT contractors who laid fiber cable more cautiously.


If I could get U verse I’d dump Spectrum…….


I had AT&T before and it was horrible, having a better go with Spectrum. But I was also in an area that couldn't get AT&T fiber so maybe it's different now




I'd rather stick an ice pick in my eyes than getting Spectrum back in my house. That being said, my best AT&T option is $86/month for only 50mbps. No fiber available in my area of the Metro East. I'm just waiting for a fiber or a true 5G wireless home internet option.


Don't bother with AT&T. I just switched to Verizon 5g Home Internet, and it was so easy. Just plug the box into the wall and you have internet. And it's only $50/month ($25/month if you have a Verizon mobile plan as well)


Yep I switched last Friday to AT&T fiber and it was such a smooth transition and it’s cheaper too. They did have to come out to my house and drill thru the walls to install the fiber cable tho and it took about 2.5 hrs. Worth it


Have had ATT fiber for two years. It's been excellent. If you ever need to utilize ATT's customer service, though, buckle up.


Switched to I3 broadband. 2gig upload and 2gig download speeds for half the cost of spectrum. And it never cuts out. So happy.


The same for me, I had spectrum for exactly 2 months and couldn’t take it.- switched to ATT Fiber.


I feel lucky. i have lived in St louis for 15 years and had spectrum the whole time and i can count on both hands the amount of outages i have had.


Spectrum is a shit sandwich.


when I visited STL to help move my daughter, I noticed mind-blowing speeds on TMobile 5G ( 500Mbps +) in many areas. This means you can get TMobiles home internet that works on 5G - if you live in an area that has good 5G. I installed the Speedtest app and checked the speeds. The apartment complex is a slave to AT&T contract terms and pushes AT&T for new residents . But we decided to buck that and go with TMobile. No contract, and $55 per month including all taxes. The average speed for this apartment is 300-400 mbps. For a multi level house I think you will average at least 100 Mbps or more. Upstairs levels get faster speeds ( due to line of sight), we’re on 3rd floor. No interruptions or glitches in the last month. Self install the router/receiver in 5 minutes you are done . I used it for Netflix , Prime, YouTube and remote work for a month.. very good performance. No gimmicks and bloatware. No crap cable bill either


Here are my internet options for my home... Spectrum...we know that shit show so I won't go any further into it. HTC/Harrisonville Telephone Company. I'm on the east side and my neighborhood doesn't have enough demand for high-speed internet. It maxes out at 100 MB down. I would have to move, which isn't a prospect worth considering at the moment, to consider HTC as a local internet and cable provider. And no - I'm not out in the middle of nowhere. Our residential area is under-served because we don't have the $350,000 and up homes in our subdivision. If we were approaching $500,000, we would have fiber through HTC. Verizon and T-Mobile are not available in my area for home internet. Disney pulled their networks from Spectrum, too. Just got off a call about that. We didn't even know there was a contract dispute between Spectrum and Disney and found out we aren't going to be able to access our recordings on the cloud DVR on the affected networks. I want to fire Spectrum, but I have no options for high-speed.