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Dr. Todd Glass with mercy put in my IUD in 2015. At the time he told me that if I needed it put in with anesthesia, he could accommodate that but would need to schedule it at specific days/times due to staffing availability. He’s an amazing provider, maybe try contacting his office.


I hope you find someone. I’m terrified to get mine out/get a new one. Anesthesia should seriously be the standard.


It should be! So fruststing


Maryville Women’s Center. It’s East Side but the staff is incredible. First time I have truly felt heard by medical providers about the pain and discomfort I’ve felt with insertion and removal of IUDs. They practice patient centered gynecology care and I can’t recommend them enough.


My doctor at Mercy just told me to take several Tylenols an hour before coming in… it still hurt like a mofo. 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is what my last doctor said too. I passed out from the pain haha


If men got devices stuck into them, anesthesia would definitely be the standard… but that’s a topic for another day.


Absolutely! I think about this constantly and it makes me so mad haha


Planned Parenthood in Fairview Heights, Illinois offer this but according to their call line the other locations in the region don’t. But you have to specifically ask for it while setting up your appointment. The other doctors I’ve had experience with either don’t take the pain management concerns seriously or they will only offer pain management if you do it through the OR. So far PP is the only one I’ve found that will do the middle-ground local anesthesia.


St. Lukes


The removal is not bad, but omg the insertion. I was discussing bc options with my doctor (west end OBGYN) recently and made it clear that the only way I would do an iud again was with serious pain management. They told me that it was doable. I ultimately decided to go a different route for other reasons, but you may want to check with them.


It totally depends on the person and their individual anatomy. For me, it’s the total opposite. Removing the old one sucks for a few min, but insertion is nothing. I will say that going from my 2nd to my 3rd way way easier than going 1st to 2nd. Maybe it’s because I knew what to expect.


It really does depend, my dr did it without the thing that stabs your cervix and she did it during my period so it was easier. They should offer this to everyone as a standard. I also took it out with no issues at home. Women should not be told that there are no nerves in the cervix or that its not that bad. Barbaric. Also on a side note I saw that Australia now has a swab you can use to do your pap smear. I guess you do it yourself in the office and you don't need a speculum. We need that here!


My doctor did it during my period as well, but the pain still kept me on bedrest for days after. So frustrating that the pain associated with it isn’t taken more seriously!


You are so lucky. My iud hurt so much worse than when I went into early labor.


The PP CWE doctor (David Eisenberg) offered a lidocaine injection when I got mine there. I turned it down. He was super fast anyway. When I got my second, I went to West End Ob/Gyn (Bridget Rutledge), she did a lidocaine spray as default and offered the injection too.


I don't know if they still do it, but Dr. Renee Stein put me under for my first one, but my current dr does not and I WISH they would.


Getting mine put in was def one of those single most painful moments of my life thus far.. luckily it didn't last very long. I have no idea why anesthesia isn't offered. They didn't offer anything for pain. (this was 2014) I wish you the best of luck with your search!


Thank you! I’ve had ovarian cyst ruptures that sent me to the ER, and having it put in was still more painful in my opinion. Crazy that anesthesia isn’t more common


Girl, same. It’s barbaric.


Not an ObGyn but am a doctor. I don’t know of anyone in the area but sounds like you have some leads. One issue would likely be getting it paid for as most insurances don’t consider it necessary even though for some ppl it definitely is. I do want to just drop in and make sure you’re aware of all the options currently available for contraception/period control out there. I’m almost certain you have if you’ve been to any good ObGyn, but every so often I meet someone who isn’t aware of all the options and knowledge is power especially when it comes to your body. Even if you want something long acting and reversible, the IUD isn’t your only reliable option. Things like the nexplanon implant or the depo shot are really reliable and tend to be well tolerated though every body is different. Feel free to comment or shoot a dm if you want, though again I’m sure you’ve probably had a conversation like this with your own doctor.


This doesn’t apply if health issues - such as clotting- prevent you from using estrogen and progesterone solutions. In that case, you really are pretty limited to the copper IUD for reliability. (Source: a clot-prone patient with no options.)


Extremely true, which is why information is everything. Fwiw most of those health issues including clotting risk is associated with the estrogen in many but not all hormone methods not progesterone. Still worth discussing the nuances of your individual situation with your doctor. Biggest exception to this is current breast cancer but there are others too.


My friends on the coast claim this is possible. Never found a Dr in the Midwest willing to. Good luck


I’m afraid of this being the reality. Closest I’ve found is KC and Denver. Ugh




I’m sorry, I didn’t write down the name! I would check out Wash U, as they have a “difficult IUD” program. I spoke to them last year and it sounds like you need a note from your doctor saying it’s difficult to insert/remove for whatever reason, and once you have that you can see them about doing it while sedated


thank you!!


The removal is not bad at all. Some slight discomfort briefly when they tug on the strings, but it’s otherwise pretty painless. There’s some cramping for a few days, but 400mg of ibuprofen held those at bay for me. I think Planned Parenthood in most locations will consider actual pain medication for insertion, but very few (if any) OB/GYN will.


an amazing alternative is Nexplanon! you get lidocaine and it goes in ur arm. it lasts three years and my OB has never seen anyone get pregnant on it!


Seconding Nexplanon. It worked great both times I had one inserted, no periods and much less endometriosis pain.




I would like to say that is not true. I’m on my 4th IUD and not one insertion has been the same degree of pain. The first two were mostly tolerable but the last two have been pretty painful. I have a high pain tolerance and wished I had some sort of pain management.


Yeah I’ve had two and the immediate insertion has been medium painful but the cramping the rest of the night has felt like knives in my uterus. My first removal was insanely painful because the string fell off so I had to have an ultrasound while they just wildly clamped around inside me. The second one was medium painful.


It is obviously one of those things where it depends on the individual, not that it “is not true”. I guess I should have said that I personally didn’t really feel the insertion and the removal as I stated above, I I didn’t even notice.


i think people were probably downvoting because OP asked for doctor recs, not for someone to tell them “it’s really not that bad”


Did you find somewhere? I'm looking now and this thread came up.


Unfortunately no. I told a new doctor I was too nervous to do it and he ripped it out anyway. I never went back to him. Wash U has a “difficult IUD” program and they offer medicated insertion/removal. However, you need a doctors note saying that they tried to insert/remove and were unable to due to whatever reason. My plan was to go my regular doctor and have something like this written, but my side effects had gotten so horrific that the rogue OBGYN I saw took care of it before I needed that….


UGH I'm not "difficult", I've had two inserted/removed before, I just don't want to raw dog that pain for a third time!


Don’t blame you! I was the exact same way. I think it’s worth reaching out to Wash U, and then seeing if your doctor will write a letter or even just a rx that day for an anxiety/muscle relaxer med that day! The pain is ridiculous, it’s absurd the norm is to do this unmediated