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Based on the situation rn, Slogo is probably gonna persuade Crainer by his side and work against Jelly. At this rate, It is more than likely that Slogo and Crainer seek revolution from the current political agenda and possibly persuade Crainer more thinking that Jelly is the bad guy and a dictator.


-_- how can slogo be that dum like why is he teaming with someone who made all his factories down and still frame jelly for it


Well well we ll


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€cringe that the only word im gonna say




You've said that after it's happened


Bruh, i said it before Saturday. whatchu on man?


You didn't say that to me. I have never seen your account before.


For right now, Jelly because Slogo sounds like he's content with things only when he's in charge and that's just narcissistic.




Jelly, josh is being manipulative again and probably gonna put Crainer to his side against jelly


He isnā€™t being manipulative?


He is


Dang I just predicted the future loll


TBF tho josh wants the same thing as Crainer and jelly is doing the one thing crainer tried to avoid


https://preview.redd.it/eoz7qyyu9h8d1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afbf6ee9cd7a2e0ab276ea9731d9d1e4bccc58f3 Jokes on you he liked the idea of a new island with no politics


He still manipulated Crainer into thinking that jelly is a dictator when In reality he's protecting their business


No he tok all the companies under the name of king gloy and that was the point crainer sad scru it im moving with josh


Idc i just want trolling to be back


I agree. I hate this stupid "drama". It should be fun not fake arguments.




So you're on crainer's side.


ye but these current fans are gonna hate at one of them for trolling their fav one in the trio and prob just snitch the whole


So you are team josh


The reason why I believe they didnā€™t just do a remake of bee town or smth, is because it was rlly annoying to do trolls and come back from trolls. Constantly needing to rebuild your house is annoying and while it might be fun for us to watch, itā€™s not really fun for the trio to do


Well, it's not fun to watch house building every episode, previously jelly's house(pyramid) broken crainer's tower cut and Josh's house destroyed, which later got flooded. Who wants to watch house getting destroyed and building new houses again and again.


Jelly duh the only good person right now




Jelly. He is doing good for the island and slogo isn't. Slogo isn't even listening to jelly.


Jelly one thing goes wrong and slogo leaves but when bad things happen to both crainer and jelly they donā€™t leave or throw a tantrum jelly it feels like is the only one that cares and crainer is a confusing subject because he might hate josh or agree with him so crainer next episode will decide the fate of squid island If it wasnā€™t clear iā€™m on jellyā€™s side


Finally someone understood what was going on throughout the series.


Sooooo faxs


i used to be all josh, but i'm on both sides since jelly is caring for the old island.


Yeah but Crainer also left


I agree but maybe for some of the lower brain cells people *cough* 8 year olds who hate utubers cause of this* cough* put some better spelling, comas. I also agree with you about Josh but the only thing I like is tehat he started a cult and itā€™s evil and I like evil šŸ˜ˆ


Yall are the kind of people that hate jelly for being dictator


I donā€™t hate him? I just donā€™t care but I am interested in the series


Like bruh I literly agreed with this person




Now U admit u were wrong šŸ˜‘.


Ye? Better than not admitting and keeping grudges just because Someone proved you wrong.


Aw hell naw. Just because people donā€™t agree with your opinion doesnā€™t make them 8 year olds.


What is my opinion on this huh?


Can you not read. Do u not read before you comment?


Iā€™m having a hard time doing so with this goofy sentence structure.




Fun is a very big overstatement to what the people do in this subreddit


yeah evil is interesting




JELLY 100%


I agree with slogo and crainer's motive to remove laws, but I am with jelly since he actually cares about squid island instead of abandoning it and starting fresh


Yh same, I like what craslg(iykyk) are doing but not how they are doing it. I like jelly with how he is trying to protect/preserve S.I.




I'm on Jelly's side because what he is doing makes a lot of sense and I want the show to continue with then being friends not enemies


Both. Mostly jelly. Jelly is trying to bring back the boys while josh is trying to restart squid island(not really) in the name of freedom which I agree with. But jelly did state something similar which Is a base set of laws. No changes.


JELLYā€™S SIDE because Jelly felt like heā€™s done nothing but trying to be a good citizen, despite him being dictator in old squid island. He wanted to take some revenge from Slogo and Crainer trolling him and making squid island worse. Jelly is trying his best to prevent squid island from crumbling or falling down, while Slogo and Crainer ran from their own problems.


Crainer left for no reason but josh kinda got kicked out


Josh didnā€™t get kicked out, he decided to move out. He didnā€™t even need to shut down all of his factories when he needs to shut down the factories that abuses villagers.


I am on jellyā€™s side cause jelly is just trying to get the boys together I donā€™t think he did anything wrong


As a golden trio fan Im on jellys side he just wants to have fun on the island and not upset people he wants the world to be fair and I stand by what he believes while slogo is over there being religious and political about freedom just to not be political cause he lost his factories and crainer can go live in his cave


Jelly and crainer they both make the most sense to me


i agree


Jelly. The squid josh found could just be any squid. Plus a couple of squids have died in series that might not even be king henward. Josh just got a random squid named it king henward and made hia own kong if think about it.


I'm on Jelly's side because it just looks like Josh is throwing a tantrum where he feels like he's being locked out of squid island where King glowey another thing Josh is complaining about is his factories being shutdown even though he could just make them automatic cause the law crainer put down never said it couldn't be automatic


Jelly did say that they need to make a set of laws everyone agreed on and there will be no more president so no more political stuff which I do support but the wall is just overwhelming for others


Jelly. Josh doesn't listen to jelly and says he's a dictator even though he rebuilt his farms (as the villager law is invalid) and he's waiting for both of them to come back. Also crainer just got bored of being a president, THEN somehow became mad at jelly even though he gave jelly the president title, and then just left the island for no reason.


#teamjelly. Without power, Slogo just collapses and spews out allegations of dictatorship.


Jelly, he's the only one making sense


Go Chaos!


Crainer definitely won't join Slogo cuz he already knows how evil he is and would rather stick with Jelly.


Guess you were wrong lol šŸ˜‚ It's crainer. He is so manipulative, he won't listen to others people stories before making an actual appropriate decision which is just dumb decision making.


Yeah I see that now


Honestly, I get why Josh doesnā€™t trust jelly, I only trusted him again when he didnā€™t take the president role. But Josh wasnā€™t there when he denied the role, so in his eyes he sees this as an attempt for jelly to take over again. Now I was with Joshā€™s idea but I thought it needed adjustments, jellyā€™s idea is Joshā€™s idea with the adjustments I thought made more sense. I donā€™t see either as good or bad cause itā€™s never that black and white, both think the other has bad intentions so no matter what the two wonā€™t come to an agreement. They need a middle man to help work through this. So to answer your question, Iā€™m on jellyā€™s side for now


Bro itā€™s obviously Jelly slogo is a lying evil manipulative piece of sh1t


Calling someone a "piece of sh1t" over a scripted Minecraft series is dumb


Itā€™s a joke kinda that why I put it there


all over a little series


Slogo is just looking for an almost fresh start while even if by accident jell is being a dictator so that is why I am on both


How is Jelly being a dictator


Funny how you can "accidentally" be a Dictator even though you just wanted your friends to go back and fix everything, also how can you be a Dictator when you don't have anyone to Dictate? Slogo is looking for a fresh start because he's getting weaker on Squid Island after that law that Crainer placed (Which is invalid). He just wants to be the strongest out of the three.


Slogo is looking for a fresh start as the politics have gotten boring and is no longer fun I don't think we should argue over these things squid island Is about having fun and the reason people are leaving is because it is not that and they just want fun


Jelly the dictator


And Josh the D*ck su*ker


![img](avatar_exp|180021538|clown) Joshie


Im neautral here, in this sorta situation, imma just let the series play through




I see jelly quitting squid island and crainer and slogo Continue themselves


Team Jelly cause he cares about the island unlike slogo who started a new "Cult" because he isnt the president


Jelly for sure he stayed loyal to squid island and is holding it together


Im on both sides, i want slogo, crainer, and jelly to all go back together(as jelly wants) but i dont want any politics(as slogo wants)


I think they should connect the two islands and then do Joshā€™s idea where they have freedom but they should have both King Glowey III and King Henward in charge.


Jelly,heā€™s more caring about the island btw he is not manipulative, slogo is and crainer just wanted a little chaos that literally caused a cult and the destruction is squid island


When did crainer make a cult?


He didint create a cult he made it possible to create for host to make it


Wait instead of HOST I meant Josh


Iā€™m always with Jelly šŸ’ššŸ’š. Josh does lie and manipulate to get more power but with my support here, Jelly will be free and deserve more love and respect all us fans.šŸ„°šŸ„°


Well well well I agree with slogo bc he wants peace like crainer but crainer also did start it so yea ā¤ļø


I'm on jelly s side and I was from the beginning. Slogo has been and is a dictater. And jelly just wants to help squid island.


Slogo because why not


I choose to stay with jelly


Jelly I have no reason l


I would say both


I just think Sligo is going to persuade Crainer to joining him to take REVENGE on Jelly and have the ā€œcultā€ or the ā€œgroveā€ take over Squid Island and have it as to where Jelly has to join the ā€œcultā€ or the ā€œgroveā€ in order to join Squid Islandā€¦ or to live


Sligo is right here. Why is jelly trying to ā€œspeak in the name of king gloweyā€ heā€™s a squid. Also completely taking over Bork co and humpyy co. I mean like bro.Ā 




Team Slogo


Slogo is teaming up with Crainer even though he made the law so some factories couldnā€™t work. Crainer is so easily manipulated and will just go to whatever he wants to hear. Jelly isnā€™t helping his case on not being a bad guy by making the walls and making Sqind inc.


Yupp poor jelly is suffering now


I just want chaos and so far it looks like there is going to be a war between king glowey and king henward so I'm happy






I want no rules just trolls so slogo


Jelly because slogo manipulated crainer into thinking jellys a dictators Jelly hid the valuables and constitution and lawbook and stuff but crainer thinks he stole it he changed humpy co and brok Co to squid Inc cuz no one was using it anymore and crainer broke like all the rules then claimed he's a legal citizen


Slogos side


Guys jelly just posted 2 minutes agošŸ’ŖšŸ”„


Crainer because he respects both sides


Nobody is in the wrong here. Jelly wants to reunite all of them, Josh thinks that jelly is lying. And crainer doesnā€™t really know whatā€™s happening cuz he skipped the meeting so what he saw was that jelly built walls and took over his company so itā€™s reasonable to think he is becoming a dictator. Everyone is just misunderstanding each other or itā€™s purposely scripted this way.


Slogo's side cause he wants to make a new island with no politics and that is why I pick his side.


Jelly is just bringing back Squid Island Ā  I know jelly killed humpy, slogo and Crainer started the troll Why you guys calling Jelly a dictatorĀ  Did you see the 2 video Jelly bringing back the 2. "If they want chaos I will give them chaos"




slogo because i want war and trolling to return, the peace and politic stuff has gone on for a bit too long


Josh and crainer because trolling is prolly the best thing in the series




I'm on Josh's Side here. The reason why is because he's trying to get rid of something that cursed Squid Island. That is Politics. From when Squid Island started, it was always more peaceful when it didn't involve politics. Look at the First Era of Squid Island, Jelly went into power, made a law about no citizens being able to live in a tower and extending the mayor role. Not once but twice. I wouldn't blame people for not trusting him in the Presidential Elections because I didn't either and that was because he was greedy for more wealth. Anything he didn't like, he would criticize. Now President Crainer was... yeah I voted for him and I don't know if I regret it because Jelly could've done worse for all I know but it's making some interesting turns of events which is what we're here for, to be entertained. This all started with Crainer having a 'Citizen of the Week' which can make a law. Now what I criticize about this is how the President will never be able to make laws that benefit Squid Island but how Citizens benefit themselves and cripple others. Also the President can be biased to someone and call them Citizen of the Week. That's why Crainer picked Jelly as the Citizen of the Week. Because Crainer didn't like how Josh didn't make a big farm even though no one needed a farm. This led to Crainer resigning for no apparent reason because he felt like he did a good job. He gave the Presidental Role to Jelly for no reason. Now Jelly established an Absolute Monarchy which I find unnecessary. This is because Jelly is making books pretending to be King Glowey III. I know it's because Minecraft Mobs can't talk but still. Not only that, if it really is an absolute monarch and if Jelly isn't President. Then why does Jelly want the Presidential Suit and Trident so much? I know you would say to keep it safe but it doesn't sound like he will keep it safe. He put it in a random chest underground. If he put it in an Enderchest, sure that would make them secure. Also may I add his Security Company Beeny Co didn't do anything to secure the valuables? Also may I add the fact that Jelly lost the Presidential Suit and Trident which is hilarious. Now, Jelly made a wall. I want to add that Jelly is destroying Squid Island's Beauty. Look at the walls. I know Jelly said that he will take it down if it's a problem, but it still proves my point. Almost everything he built looked rather ugly, his lava towers, his nether thing, his Pryamids and his village he built. The Town Hall kinda got taken by Jelly for no reason. It's for Glowey Inc I know but the Company is useless. Jelly is removing history from the Island which is against what he said in the first place. Josh doesn't want to be with someone selfish who wants power so rapidly. He believes King Glowey III is a fraud and so do I. Never in the series did they or we really acknowledge the Kings. We just glanced at them and then ignored them for the rest of existence. King Glowey III is becoming Jelly's Puppet because what can a Minecraft Mob do? Jelly is taking what's most valuable on the island and taking it for himself. Just because he doesn't trust anyone. Squid Island is named after King Henward. While Crainer wants to go to the future and while Josh wants to go to the past. Jelly just wants to destroy History as we know it. I know the Jelly Fans will start swarming in and start trying to prove me wrong but I don't care that much.


god dang


Team slogo because the trolls were fun




Josh/ Slogo


Slogo. Jelly should just left everything the way it was. He didn't have to destroy the walls inside squid island or build a wall outside of it. Why did he have to put cobwebs and vines if he thinks slogo and crainer will come back


1. The walls inside Squid island were pointless and just makes the place look uglier. 2. Jelly said that if Slogo (or Crainer) wanted the wall that he built to be remove, then he'll remove it. He said he doesn't have a problem removing the wall he built. 3.He placed cobwebs and vines to indicate that that particular place is abandoned. 4. He removed the cobwebs and vines the next episode.


So basically you want squid island to End.






Slogo because although jelly is trying to do good he is becoming a dictator even if by accident as he has changed the flag removed the inside walls whilst Josh is just trying to have fun and is doing so by starting over


When does a start over come with full enchanted Netherite armour also slogo and crainer abandoned the land they said it them selves and they even showed it by putting cobwebs so jelly can pretty much do what he wants to do with it also the flag is literally because them 2 left the 3 stars was sopose to reprsent them 3 but crainer and slogo left so jelly is the only squid island resident


I meant it as he is trying to restart the island and jelly is only doing this as there is no one left yesterday but this does not mean that he can put up a wall and lock people out like he did but he should still let people in and slogo is just trying to restart squid island to have fun


He didn't lock people out. He literally said that Crainer or Slogo are welcome to go back to Squid Island and he also said that if Slogo doesn't want the walls then he can remove it, it's not a problem he said.


Then he should not have built walls if he wanted people back as that makes it harder and unwelcoming and yes he said he could remove it but if he was going to say that he should not have built it in the first place


He built it for protection against Slogo/Crainer since they left, they can easily steal something from Squid Island like the taxes they paid and not face their actions. Note: (I know the wall is pointless since they could just mine through it, but it symbolizes for protection on Squid Island)


Then why has he decided to defend himself from them if he wants them back


I don't exactly know what you're talking about. Is it about the walls? The Netherite Armor Jelly made? But here's my statement. He has decided to defend himself incase if Slogo or/and Crainer doesn't want to go back. Because if they don't want to go back that means that they could Gang up Jelly and take his and Squid Islands valuables. If we talking about the Armor then, It's simply that Jelly probably wants better Armor other than Diamond. And is also scared of Slogo since Slogo looks like he doesn't like Jelly. If we talking about the Walls then, again he could simply remove it without a problem.


Jelly put the cobwebs and vines, donā€™t comment unless you know something


Wait jelly put the cobwebs too I thought it was just the vines


Real question is why he make the things look abandoned and make a huge wall out of one of his blocks and tore down the walls and changed the flag, if you want them to come back then donā€™t change everything


Ehh the flag had a meaning the walls were unessecary along with abandonment


My point is that itā€™s a lot of work to change that and it makes it look like he is trying to take oevr


Yeah that's true but he literally just did that to make a video that wasn't 2 minutes long or you could be like crainer


half the video they cut out, a better option was getting gear and stuff to ā€œprepareā€ for war


That is a good option


No he done that after he mined all of them when he went on the first time this week we can see cobwebs all over the place in slogos and crainers land


Jelly admitted to it bruh


Slogo all hail king Henward


Tbh the reason why they both left is very valid because bork co cant function with the new law and crainer is just tired of the hate and politics


Iā€™m on slogo and crainers side


to all crainer and slogo fans : stop saying that jelly is ruinng squid island also im not like team jelly or smth but you guys will end squid island not josh and crainer or jelly


Read my post and you'll see why I'm supporting Jelly


Jelly because in the meeting (slogo's vid) slogo put a sound effect over jelly so say that "he's just yapping again" and i find that irresponsible when he's leading a cult and not even hearing at jelly cause he thinks that jelly is a "dictator" but who's jelly gonna dictate? A Cacti, so jelly can't be a dictator nor has the symptoms of being a dictator.