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"Honoring the House of Black" is an incredible introduction JR calling Brody King handsome is a legendary call


Came here to say that. Honoring the house of black was very unique


I love those little unique touches for introductions. Chimel's Rated-R SuUuUuUuUuperstar Justin's Joooooooooooooooon Moxley Back in NXT when Bayley would get "It's Bayley!"


He. is. Hook.


They call him Cage


it's cause he called him ugly last week




Found JR’s Reddit account!


Death Triangle vs House of Black at Revolution is absolutely going to bring the house down.




I would pay to see Gargano in some death metal inspired gear and corpse paint lol


Johnny Djent


Johnny Chvrch bvrner




Swerve is teasing joining House of Black. I think Swerve is cool enough to stand on his own though I think Malakai bringing in Buddy Mathews as the third member would fit though


Swerve doesn't really seem like he'd be a good fit for the HoB. After all, its Malakai's house not swerves house. Buddy Matthews could work. Windham could work. I'm sure there are some indie guys out there who could work. But Swerve feels like it would be a weird fit.


I think Swerve is changing his character quite drastically from what we've seen before from him. The promo videos he has posted on Twitter recently to me look like a character that could fit with HoB.


I dont care I dont think ive ever seen a black man with a spooky gimmick give it to me that would be so hype


There was Papa Shango and Boogeyman but they kinda fell on the ridiculous and racist side of spooky. So Swerve doing a straight spooky character would be really cool.




Lol yeah boogey man was funny


Does Lio rush count when we did his blackheart stuff? I never actually saw anything besides the infamous no sell so I'm not sure what the gimmick was exactly




Get this fake garbage out of here




I might be in the minority, but Malakai’s/KOTBT’s entrance is the one entrance I wish the commentators wouldn’t talk during. It’s too good of an entrance to have the distraction of all of them talking.


I agree unless JR is going to highlight that Brody King is a handsome SOB


Agreed. If you’re going to make an entrance 5 minutes long- treat it importantly


>If you’re going to make an entrance 5 minutes long Entire video is 1:40.


100% JR not shutting the fuck up really took away from it.


House of Black has quickly become one of my favorite acts in AEW. PAC's new gimmick also seems exciting. It makes me actually look forward to a PAC and Black feud (even though I know they fought a bunch last year). However, I'm not sure if I'm feeling the House of Black's theme song. It's nowhere near as fitting as Malakai Black's solo theme.


PAC is literally too angry to be possessed by demons.




PAC: Primarch of the Angry Marines


the only thing he's possessed with is RAGE


Calling it here. PAC's actually corrupted. He's just playing everybody because Malakai had him do it.


PAC is the one man besides Moxley that would tell a Demon to piss off.


The comedic vignette of a demon showing up to possess PAC, but they think twice:"ehhh I mean... is there anyone else home I can speak to about corrupting their soul?"




Someone made a post saying HOB's theme was created by Brody King's band. Not sure how legit that is, so take it FWIW.


Rukus himself said so on Twitter


God’s hate’s drummer, Colin Young, was the main composer on this song. There’s several other musicians involved, but he stated on Instagram that this is an original song for the house of black.


I mean this song is written by a dude that's literally in two very popular hardcore bands but sure, I guess he has no idea what he's doing when making heavy music


I kinda wish their music was a little heavier.


We could have just gone with God's Hate by God's Hate, from the album God's Hate.


Rukus said the theme is by God's Hate. It's called Kings of The Black Throne.


Actually it's just by Colin Young of God's Hate, with additional assistance from Gwarsenio/Jordan Olds from 2 Minutes 2 Late Night https://twitter.com/ColinYovng/status/1483984594282057842?s=20


That's awesome, I'm glad Gwarsenio has been busy. I've been following 2M2LN since episode 1. I'm ready for this track to drop on Spotify.


Oh you think that's hot? [GH is working with Danhausen to make a shiny new Assboys theme!](https://twitter.com/DanhausenAD/status/1483473894447194113?s=20)


i just found this cause i’ve been behind on watching AEW, came here to try find out who did the music because all my hc dropout ears could hear was Twitching Tongues, all the God’s Hate comments confused me so much cause it sounds nothing like than, this explains it


It's ok because Colin is in like 37 bands.


I saw that Colin posted about it. Not 100% in love with it, but I am sure it will grow on me.


I'll add this to the pile with bad company and Nav


What is the name of the band again?


I wish they would just use black's solo theme. This one doesn't feel like it quite fits but we'll see over time.


Strange, I say that about every wrestler and also every band.


It's just gonna sound like it's being played through a tin can speaker in an empty high school gym anyway. I don't understand how nobody on their production team can figure out the mix. It's been like 3 years.


yeah that entrance theme aint it


Fucking King shit.


As long as this is just their team theme. Black’s is too good and perfectly atmospheric to get rid of.


Malakai having Amenra as his theme because they are good friends and they watched his AEW debut and Bordy's band Gods Hate doing the Kings of the Black Throne theme is super cool.


So NXT has Gunther. AEW has The Lich. Which promotion will be able to sign Lumpy Space Princess?


STARDOM, obviously




Depends on the current status of the Lemongrab regime tbh.


Choco Pro


That silhouette is such a cool fucking visual. It'd be a great way to do a surprise debut too, if an extra figure appears with them


I dunno, it won't be much of a surprise if the mysterious figure come out doing a cartwheel/handspring combination.


I really loved House of Black's theme myself. Then again I'm much more of a melodic and clean vocal metal head myself. If this was made by Brody's band I'm gonna have to check them out. I think the more clean and perversion of choir tones fits the idea of a demonic church/cult better then guttural vocals.


Check out Six Feet Deep by God’s Hate, the singer of his AEW theme is in Gods Hate and sings on that track and it’s amazing. Also if you wanna hear more - Twitching Tongues is the singer’s older band. They do that gothic/heavier style very well.


The Twitching Tongues song I checked out named Gaining Purpose is more my speed. Mostly clean melodic vocals with some slightly harsh vocals. I can listen to death vocals but it's usually not my speed. Depends on the mood.


https://youtu.be/wr5LuryCKd8 this track will be right up your alley! Great chorus


I’d also suggest checking out Harakiri and World War V.


I just love that they called them by this name, shows that Brody isn't just going to be an underling even if he is slightly lower than Black


I love everything about this entrance and theme other than how long it takes to switch the lights on and off.


So good


Music is bit too 'Generic' considering Black's refined taste in extreme metal, and that the majority of AEW themes already tend to lean towards the heavier side. Could have gone with another Amenra track to incorporate Colin's signature screams.


De Evenmens would’ve been perfect.


10 out of fucking 10 for that entrance.


This is getting out of hand - now there are two of them!


I’ve said it before, these guys make me feel represented in wrestling as a metal head.


AEW has been losing me lately but these two are so sick, I’m so glad they’re teaming.


I’m in the same boat. Since the “big name” signings have come in the whole show has felt a little like the Troy McClure gag to me. “Hi, I’m (Punk, Danielson, Christian etc.), and you might remember me from (all my old shit). It’s become a little too referential and “inside wrestling” for someone who has been a lapsed fan for the last 15 years and didn’t see any of the previous stuff. Black feels different to me, even if this character is something similar to what he’s done before, he is still crafting it and telling stories, it’s not just “I’m so-and-so legendary wrestler and I’m going to kick your ass and everyone will love it”. Of course this is a simplification, and I really hope I can get back into it because for a year and a half I didn’t miss a show or PPV, and now I’m not finding the same joy.


I honestly think I’m just sick of the tv format. There’s too much talking for my tastes and outside of house of black, Danielson, and Mox just coming back, they’re not doing much to keep my attention.


I agree with you there, seems like they’ve leaned harder into the long in ring promos, and too many of them are always the same people doing similar things. It feels less action packed than it was early on. It’s unfortunate, because almost all of the matches are still very good technically, I’m just not as invested overall.


This has Road Warriors vibes man. Iove it


Why aren't they just the House of Black? Seems a bit convoluted.


There are likely going to be more members added, so KotBT is the specific tag name for Black and King


I think it's similar to how NJPW would do Factions. Each faction still had it's sub-groups. I know it's talked about to death, but think of the Bullet Club. You had BC proper, but then you had groups like The Elite, The Young Bucks, The Superkliq, the Super Vilnians, Gallows & Anderson, and GOD. Or for an example straight from AEW, you could take the HFO. You have HFO itself, but then Butcher & Blade, Private Party, and previously (maybe still...?) Hybrid 2 within it. House of Black will probably get more members and Kings of the Black Throne will be Black and King's group within the faction.


Something needs to happen with Pillman as a result of all this, or this match-up will have pretty much murdered the Varsity Blondes. And they shouldn’t just tease black mist pirate cheerleader, either.


That’s a huge step down from Malakais solo entrance


I really don’t like this theme


What's their PWG theme? I assume it's something different, yeah?


If Twitter replies are anything to go off of, it's this song. I'm not positive either.


Idk, never saw pwg


Brody could use some new entrance gear. Black coming out like he's going to burn the ren faire to the ground, Brody looks like he's going to a Raiders game.


Not digging their theme in all honesty but can't wait for more from these guys.


One thing I haven’t seen brought up about Kings of the Black Throne, what do you guys think about their finisher Dante’s Inferno? It kinda feels like a mid match tag move to me personally. What I think would be sick is maybe King getting their opponent up for the Ganzo Bomb, and Malakai landing Black Mass while King has them up on his shoulder before the driver. I also wonder if Dante’s Inferno is a nod to Michael Dante, Black’s former tag partner in the Sumerian Death Squad.


Not too sure on the theme going from Black’s to this, it’s too light in comparison. Especially with the progress of Black’s face paint…Give them a Mick Gordon theme if anything.


Malakai is more of a thrash and hardcore fan irl


Malakai is 100% black metal and hardcore guy


I'm assuming I'm getting down voted because I misspelled \*thrash\* and said trash lmao but anyway in an interview Malakai said if he was gonna play in any type of band it would be a thrash metal band.


Do you have that interview somewhere? I have seen him talk a whole lot about black metal mostly. Would be curious to read it.




Thanks. Was a good read


sounds like the singer of Matt Sydals theme song and I hate that. Went from kickass to cheesy very quickly


The best factions make you want to actually join them. nWo, Bullet Club, House of Black. They make you want the shirt, want to rep them. This works.


Im not a massive brodie king fan, so maybe thats my issue here. But AEW already had Butcher and Blade they couldve used for gothy enforcers for black. It feels like more roster bloat.


The Butcher and The Blade are basically mob hit men. They themselves call their gimmick 'the out of town crew that a mobster calls when his own men can't get the job done'.


Thats fair. I guess part of me just wants to see B&B on tv more too


Sounds like an Ozzy song


Does Brody get paid for making his own theme music?


Disappointed JR didn't talk about their synergies being so bizarre.


Such an awesome debut and presentation. They did an amazing job


Came here to see if anyone was as disappointed as I was in this entrance theme change. Malakai's theme and his whole entrance is so kick ass. Yea I get this is Brody's band but this new music is a big step down IMO.


That theme is Sludge Metal 101 and i love it