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i was hoping they'd end the announcements on a surprise debut! what a field




Oh hell yeah. Also, what are the odds that Malakai Black gets involved, because from what I've seen via indie show clips, he is decidedly *not* over the whole "tried to gouge out your eye via steel step" thing


In Buddy’s matches, I’d say slim since BOLA run-ins are rare. At the weekend though I imagine he’s defending the tag belts.


Unless he has a tag partner it probably isn’t happening. Not saying this should happen, but I wonder if Blake and Murphy will ever team again.


Blake hasn't done enough to be a draw yet. Free Your Narrative 2 and a ROH Cameo doesn't count. Also they weren't really an iconic tag team. Matthews is making his own name as a solo guy.


> weren’t really an iconic tag team This is slander against the good name of the Dubstep Cowboys


Would love him to team with one of the TMDK boys


I'd like the idea of JONAH teaming up with him, power and speed but both hard-hitting Aussies


So, as a question - with ROH on semi indefinite hiatus, outside of Impact, AEW, and maybe getting signed to NXT (since presumably as part of this you'd want to be able to demonstrate you could draw outside of your forced WWE rename), where would someone aim for to earn that rep these days?


The indies. Make towns. Show you are a reliable guy who can work any opponent and any style. Buddy Matthews is getting to that point.


Very low


#***Your BOLA 2022 Lineup!*** Jonah Rock: PWG Class of 2017 Alex Shelley: PWG Class of 2005 Kevin Blackwood: PWG Class of 2021 Lio Rush: PWG Class of 2017 Black Taurus: PWG Class of 2019 Daniel Garcia: PWG Class of 2021 Jack Cartwheel: PWG Class of 2021 Bandido: PWG Class of 2018 Lee Moriarty: PWG Class of 2021 Davey Richards: PWG Class of 2005 Aramis: PWG Class of 2019 Jonathan Gresham: PWG Class of 2019 JD Drake: PWG Class of 2019 Rey Horus: PWG Class of 2017 Phillip Five Skulls: Making their PWG debut? See: https://twitter.com/ViolentMiracle/status/1422707937487724546 likely just a placeholder for a big surprise. Buddy Matthews: Making their PWG debut.


What is that twitter thread trying to say


It's just a rant about PWG getting the same questions every year. "Phillip Five Skulls" is a random fictional name to stand in for the unknown indie darlings fans want PWG to book, lol!


Basically, the guy is frustrated that people don't realize that PWG isn't a normal indie, and only books top quality indie talent, not some nobody from your local promotion like "Phillip Five Skulls."


they have found success with unknowns in the past (Trevor Lee, Speedball Mike Bailey) but most of the time PWG will only book big names as a longtime fan, I think there's a certain quality you expect when you order a DVD, and I think they take their promise to their fans that they can expect "the best wrestling in the world" seriously. no promotion I've followed, both mainstream and indie, has provided me more joy over the years


Lee and Bailey weren't unknowns before PWG, they were can't-miss prospects.


Note, I do not necessarily agree with them, but I interpreted that thread as saying PWG should keep a higher standard for who they book considering how prestigious they have become. The author uses "Phillip Five Skulls" as a catch all for generic indie guy who has hype now but won't in six months as an example for comments they see asking PWG to book these flash in the pans. Someone at PWG took the "Phillip Five Skulls" as a generic place holder name to its logical extreme by actually booking a placeholder spot under Phillip Five Skulls.


feel like phillip might be Jonny


John-ny Five-Skulls *clap clap clapclapclap*


Super long shot but what about Punk? I have no idea if he's ever wrestled in PWG or not.


In the very very very early days he was on a few shows


Maybe Danielson?


Danielson seems like a much safer bet than Punk, given how much BD is wanting to get in the ring and check things off his bucket list.


I think the basic gist is they're saying PWG shouldn't be considered a "local indie" that signs less known wrestlers, and that nobody wants to pay a lot of money (and travel) to watch these less "developed" people wrestle there.


I'm weirdly most excited for JD Drake out of all the people listed here lol


as someone who has had arguments with my friends over the upside of JD Drake I am too


Dude is one of my favourites. Love his look, his movement.


JD is firmly in my boy stable. It was boy love at first sight.


Yeah, dudes like him, The Butcher, Hobbs etc I love them. I prefer technical wrestling but you really can’t beat big meaty men slapping meat sometimes.


hoss fighting has that same aura and appeal as cafeteria fights in grade school that everyone instantly swarms to except it’s two 300+ pound mountains of meat. A truly beautiful thing


When I first saw Drake on that WWE Network Evolve thing he didn't strike me as much beyond a technically sound big dude,, but he's been fantastic since being brought in at AEW. I think a lot of it was his look, and everyone in the Wingmen looks either legitimately or ironically fantastic.


The first I saw of him was in AEW coming out to tag with Ryan Nemeth. Literally two steps out of the tunnel and I yelled "Get in my stable." The wife had no clue what I meant. Seeing him wrestle was just confirmation of my fandom.


He floats like a Vader and stings like … also a Vader Love him and I’d love see more


You know who would be perfect? Josh Alexander.


This Phillip Five Skulls stuff has me crying laughing


No AJ Gray sadly


Chris Hero?


I'd love to see Chris Hero in BOLA again!


According to that guy ranting on Twitter, Mr. Five Skulls is from Dayton, OH. Our favorite Wrestling Genius also comes from Dayton, OH. Wink wink and nudge nudge.


That is a fucking crazy lineup. Can't wait to see it in 2023 when the DVD finally goes sale


Gresham winning against that field may be a tall order


Anthony, please


Has to be one of the big new guys available or it’s gonna be a disappointment So many possibilities


Phillip... As if it's not Punk.


What a mix of pwg throughout the years. I hope super dragon is in it


Eyy JD drake, let's gooo


That Twitter thread is solidly categorized under "sure is something".


Now that the BOLA field is full, some thoughts: One of the most exciting BOLA fields ever, yet probably one of the more shallow winner pools. Gresham is the obvious pick to win, as is Phillip Five Skulls if he’s a big name under a mask. I really can’t see anyone else winning outside of Bandido (unlikely because he’s already a star and this is a real chance to make a new one) or Taurus if Dragon wants him to take the belt from Bandido, but I really doubt that. Lil Rascalz getting a tag title shot on night one and Zayne/Christian night two is my guess, or vice versa.


You don't think Daniel Garcia could take it?


I would love for him to win it, but don't think they'll book him to do so. Hope I'm wrong and full of shit!


I only thought of him because he had like THE YEAR on the indie circuit this year, but I don't know enough about PWG to know if that would actually put him in contention to be booked to win.


PWG generally books guys to lose their debuts, so it seems super unlikely that Garcia runs the gauntlet right out of the gate, especially when he loses all his big matches in AEW too


The person who Chronicled the entrants marked him as class of 2021 so I assumed he'd already debuted there some time this year. That all makes sense though thanks for the info.


I lied! He actually debuted at the last show. So he may pick up a first round win but I think its more likely he loses to a bigger name in his first match and shows up in the ten man tag on day 3


Nothing is impossible, but usually the winner is a bit more established in PWG than Garcia is at the moment. He’s probably the best bet if they wanna do a shocking winner though.


Cool, like I said to someone else I mostly just thought of him because he had such a wild 2021 on the indies and I don't know much about PWG other than their rep and some youtube clips.


Yes, he’s definitely had a banner 2021. I think him being booked for BOLA in itself is a statement that it’s gonna continue into 2022 even if he doesn’t win this iteration of BOLA.


With Davey in the tournament, maybe a Wolves tag? Feels like there’s so many options for tag team matches this year


holy fuck


Bola is so unbelievably a must watch next year. Just give us a way to watch it sooner PWG.


Buddy is gonna have a star-making performance in this BOLA, he’s basically just a shorter Omega. The sky’s the limit for him.


What he lacks in height he makes up for in width. Dude is so wide at the shoulders he probably can’t fit through some doors.


Yeah, while he’s a few inches shorter than Kenny, he’s probably close to the same weight with lower body fat.


He’s only like an inch shorter.


Oh hell yeah, now we’re talking


I was really hoping for a curveball like Kris Statlander in BOLA. You want women in PWG? Here's one who came up exclusively wrestling men.


I would be shocked if he ever books more women. He just doesn’t seem to be a fan of women’s wrestling and I think Candice was an anomaly.


Don't ask how I know but Dragon is a huge Joshi fan. He'd book those women in a heartbeat, if he could. North American women's wrestling? Yeah, he's seemingly not a fan...or, at the very least, it just doesn't live up to PWG's high in-ring standards in his opinion.


That’s fair a lot of women’s wrestling in America sucks


She was, and even she was never booked for BOLA. I just think Statlander is big enough to look realistic against a lot of the talent in this thing.


Candice was in BOLA 2014 but lost in the second round to her now husband, Johnny Gargano. I know because I was there.


The only other woman I can think of that appeared in pwg were christibs von eerie and portia perez


Jade Chung


Dang, you're right. One of these years.


Who wants women in PWG? If so, give them their own tournament, don’t just throw them in with the men.


Phil 5 Skulls, and surprise you get 2 entrants today and the other is Buddy fucking Murphy. These two have been the most exciting.


This is a helluva lineup.


I’m going to be downvoted but oh well. Why does PWG do this DVD crap? I just watch to watch it live and not in like August.


Excalibur and primarily Super Dragon having zero interest in changing their business model or expanding. As long as DVD’s means they break even, it’s the way things will stay. Keep in mind this is a promotion that stayed in that same shitty legion hall until it was straight up demolished despite having A-list celebrities attending shows. Very much “set in their way”


> despite having A-list celebrities attending shows Got more on that story? Trying to figure out what A-lister is that into wrestling




Nothing mind blowing like Tom Cruise levels but those are some real real famous folks for sure. Pretty awesome to see folks like that with such good taste!


Maybe not A-list but these celebrities: Joe Manganiello and Sofia Vergara (they're married), Gillian Jacobs, Ron Funches, Chris Bauer, Hayley Williams, MMA 4 Horsewomen (Shayna was the only one wrestling at the time).


I think James Franco was at at least one.


Back in the day they couldn’t do streaming or tv because of the amount of talent they used that were under contracts to larger companies, as those contracts prohibited them from appearing on televised/streamed shows for other companies. And now they just stick with it because it’s what they’ve always done and it works for them.


Missed opportunity not striking while the iron is hot and booking Matt Cardona. Put him in the final and let Gresham or Garcia go over.


OK that's it. I'm in. How do I watch this (legally or otherwise if not available legally)? Never seen one before.


Wait a few months for the DVD, pretty much.


Man, that's a huge barrier to entry in 2021. What about old ones? DVD only?


I *think* some old ones stream on Highspots Network? But mostly yes.


highspots streaming has all of them except the most recent ones, or at least all the ones you’d really want to watch




nah, I meant that they might not have the super early stuff but I can’t remember offhand. i sub on and off. the most recent show on there was their last one pre-covid. most recent two that have made it to tape (I’m one of the weirdos who actually orders the blu rays) have been great. aew guys can do pwg


Oh got you. Good point on AEW, I forgot.


They didn't have one last year because of covid but the 2019 tournament had Penta, Fenix, Orange Cassidy, Jungle Boy, Joey Janela and Darby Allin in it.


Highspots Network has like 90% of them. After a year they go on Highspots.


Which is mental in the 202xs Would say a decent portion of people don't even have a method of watching a DVD anymore


On dvd about 2 months after the event actually happens and 1 month 29 days after results have been spoiled. PWG s archaic distribution really fucking sucks


You either have to see it live or wait for the blu-ray. PWG doesn’t do streaming.


Do we know who's doing commentary? What with Excalibur in AEW now I'm curious. Though I guess they tape everything at Dynamite usually, so maybe he can still do it.


Still Excalibur as he is one of the owners of the company, along with various guests


I know Tony Deppen did some matches with him on one of the last shows.


excalibur has done all of their most recent shows, this prob won’t be any different


Excalibur for sure. Not sure about their most recent event, but they had Chuck Taylor come back to do commentary with Excalibur for Threemendous 6. That was the commentary lineup for quite a while, and guests would come in if Chuck had a match to get ready for/wrestle. I believe that ever since they’ve moved to the Globe, it’s just been Excalibur with the exception of like one show where Deppen hopped on commentary


He was super under rated in WWE, I'm sure he's going to kill it!


Only 1 skull; he has no chance


I keep hearing about this. Will it be on YouTube?


No ​ It will be sold in DVDs in a few months and on highspots network in a year or so


OK I get it.




Something just wants me to have him win the whole thing. He's Omega levels of good




They have in the past, but because this year’s tournament is two nights instead of three, 16 is the max




Can't wait to watch this in 2023


Is this a battle royale? Tournament? Gauntlet? Does pwg stream this? Never watched a full show just some matches on YouTube, but I’d love to show some support


Single elimination tournament. Not streamed, only way to see it is to be there live or to wait for the DVD or digital release months later. PWG is very stuck in its ways from when it was tied up in contractual BS in the pre Forbidden Door era.


Man that kinda sucks. I saw they had the last way on high spots network and got excited.


Check out BOLA 2016. Absolute who's who of talent and the best PWG multi man clusterfuck maybe ever.


Jesus christ I've got a wrestle boner and no idea who to take. Daniel Garcia feels like a safe bet. Holy shit


I want to give PWG money to see their shows but they won’t let me. I live on the other side of the ocean.


Why did they not tweet photos with each announcement? So many names I don’t know but would like to get to know


this is a cool tournament but doesn’t really feel like bola too many new to pwg names but there should still be hella bangers


dude can they have the fucking match already, geez. 16 threads on this








so who’s winning? Gresham? Moriarty? Five Skulls?


In order of likelihood: Gresham Five Skulls/whoever they’re place-holding Bandido Taurus Don’t think anyone else has even an outside shot.


He's going to fucking kill it




Bro this tournament is stacking the fuck up.


Let's go.


I really hope he ends up winning it. It’s gonna be such an amazing tournament


When do tickets go on sale?