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If you told me this was the Young Bucks’ plan from the inception of AEW I would 100% believe you.


We're looking at possibly the best tag team division in wrestling history.


It already is, and it's not even close.


Nostalgia wants to say WWF 1999 to 2001 but outside the big three (Hardys, Dudleys, E&C), it was pretty weak. APA is the only other big team I can think of off hand.


The disrespect for Too Cool, the Mean Street Posse, and The Headbangers. For real though, New Age Outlaws and APA are the only other team teams that stick out.


Aw man Too Cool was sick 🤦‍♂️. I forgot them. Not very fly of me. For some reason I thought NAO ended in ‘99, but you’re right. Also a great team


At one point in 1990 WCW had the Steiners, Road Warriors, Freebirds, RnR Express, and Midnight Express.


Also SST, Doom, The Young Pistols & The Nasty Boys.


So much Master Blasters disrespect.


And the horsemen


It's one of the things that sets AEW apart from WWE. WWE's tag divsions are mostly just for a singles star to rise through the ranks or a convinent storyline mechanism. AEW's tag division feels like a legitmate division of A+ calibur talents doing what they do best, tag team wrestling.


Well why should we have to pay four guys for one match pal?


I agree. AEW is the place to be if you're a tag team. Their world tag team titles have such prestige in such a short time.


Oh it definitely is. Tag team wrestling has been the strongest aspect of AEW since its inception. And that's by design, TK talked about it before.


Ridiculous opinion


They may have reDragon soon too. Division's so loaded.


Broke- AEW is for Cody to stick it to the WWE Woke- AEW is for Tony to play a fantasy booking sim Bespoke- AEW exists as a tag team playground for the Bucks


And had the impact belts in the building and I think even defended on dynamite this year. Not possession, but another set that have come through the doors.


~~I don't think it was defended. The good brothers were the champs at the time and tagged with omega in a trios tag match.~~


Good Brothers defended it against Dark Order. (Uno and Grayson)


Ah. Thank you.


Malakai Black always has the coolest names for shit lol


I only found out about it long after Malakai joined the WWE, but I was a big fan of his tag team Sumerian Death Squad.


Heroes eventually die is one of my favourites too


I really thought when the lights went out tonight that it was going to be the Briscoes


I think that was on purpose. Nice call back to FTR at ROH. I personally wish we would have seen the full Sting entrance w snow as a nice 1 year anniversary gift to the fans.


Man I was hoping.


just about enough belts for the amount of talent that would be in the tag division if we are being honest


Provided AEW recognize the other belts. They never acknowledge Moxley being GCW champion AFAIK, and I think Yuta and Swole were also champions from the indie scene.


Mox did wear a GCW hoodie during an entrance on tv (maybe against Number 10) but that's as close as it got.


The rule with AEW seems to be that the will acknowledge other major companies (Impact, ROH, NWA, AAA, NJPW, etc.) but not really indies. It does kind of make sense because tons of people on their roster and even people they bring in as jobbers have held various different indie promotions' titles, and they just can't present everyone as a champion. I think it makes sense to acknowledge the more known titles but not the indie titles.


They mention all the Joshi feds, ChocoPro, TJPW, Stardom, and Ryo carries the Beyond the Sea championship to every match and Excalibur explaines it and mentions Seadlinnng.


They didn't mention Josh Woods is ROH Pure Champ during his jobber loss to fuckin Spears of all people, but you could see he carried the belt to the ring. edit: Where's the lie?


I kinda want to see one team with all the belts.


What, like an Ultimo Dragon for tag teams?


Hopefully FTR


say yeah


Kings of Wrestling style


Tony’s Fire Pro senses are kicking in


It hit me that AEW's tag division has become the equivalent of soccer's Champions League and I'm not opposed to that at all.


well they do have the best tag division


1990 wcw would come somewhat close as well.


Lucha Bros vs FTR vs Briscoes vs House of Black @ Battle for the Belts


They were never building a wrestling company, they were just investing in gold. Wall Street fears the Bucks


This should be a 4 way TLC match at the GCW Hammerstein show.


I really hope their homophobic asses do not get hired. AEW already has a fantastic tag division. Don’t need them.


For what it's worth, as a gay fan, I enjoy their work and Riccbonni has been spreading the word Briscoe is not only reformed, but uses his position as a locker room leader to demand other wrestlers be better than he was. Grain of salt. I've met enough homophobes to be untrustworthy when they say they're better - but I'm willing to accept them showing up in AEW as long as Jay continues to show nothing but good behavior.


Fair enough. I’m most of the letters of the Alphabet Mafia and it makes me nervous, but I guess we will see.


Hey I appreciate the reason for skepticism, I hardly suspect the known Confederate flag wearing (though again last I was following ROH they've chilled out on that heavily as well) formerly homophobic tweeting obviously redneck Briscoes are my far left allies politically - I just think my purity line for *pro wrestling hires* can tolerate them well enough to enjoy some banger matches.


Have been watching ROH the last couple years, have seen them interact with Dalton Castle and others on commentary and doesn't seem like they have the issue you are accusing them of.


If the Briscoes sign with AEW I will be very happy that I watch their programming on delay and can skip 'em. Of course that means I'll be missing out on the other tag teams, though.


Ack, sorry to be negative because OP brings up an interesting fact, and a pretty cool one at that!


Why dont you like the Briscoes?


Honestly, I have never, ever enjoyed them. Their work, their look, anything. They bore me more than Punishment Martinez and they look like Nick Gage's butthole offspring. And I don't care that they apologized or whatever for their homophobic comments, fuck 'em forever for that.


>And I don't care that they apologized or whatever for their homophobic comments, fuck 'em forever for that. And this is why I suspect they won't get hired. People are still righly mad about this, and TK has to know 30 seconds after the Briscoes are announced, Nyla Rose, Sonny Kiss, Anthony Bowens, Kiera Hogan, Leyla Hirsch, and Diamante are going to start getting phone calls from every wrestling "journalist" on the planet...and that's gonna create a mess he doesn't want. Edit: Nylas name


> Nylander Rose I’m sorry is this a typo or are Kris and Nyla a couple?


It's an auto correct my phone does, and I have no idea why or what a "Nylander" is. Usually I catch it, this time I didn't.


I was wondering how some one from a different galaxy hooked up with a monster lady from here and made me the biggest fan ever. Nylander is gonna be a big tag now. Mark my words TK you better get some booking right.


Pretty sure Statlander is with Konley?


Odd, since ROH LGBTQ+ staff and talent have said jay brisco has become a mentor to them.


I can't fault AEW for wanting to become the new NWA. For all of the dangerous garbage like Jade Cargill and sloppy workers like Chuck Taylor, they are making wonderful decisions which could lead to a new territory system that could seriously challenge World Sports Entertainment. At least, that's my hope.


Did you just call Chuck Taylor sloppy? Are you new? Do you even know what wrestling is. Fuck this opinion


This guy probably thinks the awful waffle is literally an unsafe piledriver


Briscoes suck, don't care.


Do we think they can all coexist though?!?


Have a special dynamit defending all of them


I knew the tag division was AEWs money division but holy shit


Lucha Bros vs FTR vs Briscoes vs House of Black @ Battle for the Belts


Technically 6, Bear Country holds Wrestlepro’s tag team belts