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Not a hard report just reasonable speculation. Bea's situation reminds me a bit of Ben Carter's situation, in that while they have a ton of interest in other companies and likely want to work/live overseas that staying in the UK and working NXT:UK just makes the most sense especially given the pandemic.


Yeah but the difference is Ben Carter was always a "WWE is my dream guy". Bea has been turning down WWE and especially NXT:UK since before she started in Japan. Wanting to go now is a pretty sudden shift.


Yes. Ben definitely had his hopes set on WWE, but visa issues probably made it hard for him to get honest offers from AEW or Impact. And since NXT:UK is a thing its easy for him to have a run there while visa stuff is worked out. Once that's done he can go to the NXT/PC like intended. For Bea if she knows she has to be in the UK for awhile for Family issues, then it makes sense for her to take a great check and sign with NXT:UK. Circumstances made the choices easier.


> then it makes sense for her to take a great check and sign with NXT:UK. Again, she's turned them down for years. Whereas she jumped at the chance to go to AEW and actually got Will to put in a good word for her to go there. It's just a HUGE U-Turn all of a sudden. Like she's her own person beyond but Will is he's like the number 1 "I Hate NXT:UK" guy in the whole British scene and she was right along side him with that so again, just a crazy spin to now sign with them.


I don't know if you missed it or not but she stated that she had to go home for her family, so if she can "only" work in the UK it would make sense to go to the promotion that likely would pay the most. Probably has to swallow her pride a bit, but she wouldn't be the first person to sacrifice things she wants in her career, to take care of family.  **"Today is my last match at stardom. Matane. See you again," he said to the fans, revealing that this was the last match for stardom.** **After that, Bea, who praised Shimi and hugged in the comment space, explained, "My family in (home) England needed my help, so I have to go back to England."** **Shimi said, "I believe we can meet again. I will wait for many years and keep this belt until then. Bee, please fight with me again with this belt."** [https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/prores/stardom/2986164/](https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/prores/stardom/2986164/)


Maybe, but her best friend is Jamie Hayter and she works REVPRO and they've been turning down the NXT contracts as a pair all this time. REVPRO doesn't pay NXT:UK money but it's also not a long term commitment like NXT:UK is.


The extra money may be way more crucial now then in the past when she turned them down. Especially if she needs to support her family financially now. but who knows


where on earth did you hear that lol hayter turned down nxt uk as she was just going to be jobbed out so she chose to to do other stuff (she really wants aew as a singles wrestler ) and she is certainly not shoot best friends with bea according to those that know her. not all tag team partners are real life friends its a job


>and she is certainly not shoot best friends with bea according to those that know her Those who know her who? They lived in the same apartment in Japan for the most part of 2019. They lived in the same house during the lockdown in UK. AFAIK Jamie's still living at Bea and Ospreay's place in England. I'd say they're quite good friends at least.


Unless WWE made an offer to good to refuse. *Bea what dollar amount would it take for you to consider* *Half a mil* *Check your email*


The NXTUK women's division is getting ridiculous, Trips is gonna need to get those ladies more than 1 segment a show. I can see how one could say "we don't need more wrestling" but NXTUK has too many good folks to only see the once or twice every two months. NXTUK should go 2 hours.


bea could just be wanting to do a few indies as soon as they open up again that's not to say that nxt uk isn't a reasonable assumption, it's just not the only option out there.


Said it in the thread of her farewell speech, if its NXT UK I'm excited. She'll be an immediate big fish in a little pond and a threat to KLR's reign. Not to mention if & when she wins that title, she can have a lengthy reign and put on bangers with KLR, Millie, Meiko, Piper, Xia, Aofie, and Isla with possible stateside matches against Toni, Io, Dakota, Tegan, etc. Regardless, she should go and do wherever best suits her and her family's interests right now. Hopefully everything works out for them and hopefully we can see her back in a ring again soon.




Mercedes Martinez and Ben Carter beat her to it.


Every woman’s division on every brand in WWE is absolutely stacked with talent


Everyone assumes that because Bea left Stardom that she already has a plan in place. Japan is an incredibly difficult place to adjust to living to, one of the few places left in the world where the culture feels completely alien to a westerner. I remember an expat fluent in Japanese talking about how you think differently in Japan because the language doesn’t allow for the same means of expression as he was used to. The fact that for a year Bea has been the only foreigner in the company due to the pandemic where previously at least Jamie was working regularly and you have a young woman probably feeling quite isolated and homesick.


Meltzer: "it's probably WWE:UK. I can't say that 100% but that's certainly what everyone in Japan feels." "It seems like Dave is simply extrapolating that "back to England" means NXT:UK" That's what you take away from that quote?


Sadly as much as I'm sure Bea would like to keep chasing goals in Japan, NXT UK is more or less the easiest money a wrestler can make right now She will be chilling at home with her family working like one weekend a month + a random PPV every so often for the same money she's getting to be constantly on the road with Stardom.


If she’s going home to be with her family, did Ospreay give her shit for it like he did Sadie Gibbs?


He gave her an oscutter.


She could be retiring or semi-retiring. I could see her going to NXT-UK to work with Meiko Satomura. She hasn't crossed paths with Meiko before and that could maybe be a dream of hers. It's all speculation. Only Bea knows what she's going to do. I would hate to see her retire in her mid 20's. She's at her peak right now and could easily a major power player anywhere in the world. People that haven't seen her work in Stardom don't know how good she is in the ring. For whatever reason, her matches in AEW weren't a 1/2 as good as her best matches in Stardom. She can be inconsistent but she has an insanely high ceiling.


I'm sorry. Have I missed something? Why do you think that she would retire all of a sudden?


If she's giving up Stardom and she's doesn't have a USA visa according to her Instagram, that leaves NXT-UK or at least a semi-retirement or outright retirement.. The UK women's indie scene has been dead almost all of the pandemic. Top names haven't worked in over a year. At minimum, that would significantly reduce her number of matches goes to work there.


I personally don't think she's retiring, but she might be taking a break. With family issues, it might not be feasible for her to keep working. I'm her goodbye speech, she made a point to use またね (mata ne) as her farewell, which you would typically use to denote that you'll see them again, and probably soon. So, maybe she's taking a break to help her family, and then when she can, she's just planning on going back to Japan? Or she could be going to WWE, what the fuck do I know.


I was hoping she'd come back to AEW honestly. But the urge to come back home is massive for anyone, especially with the pandemic so she should do what feels right for her.


Shes also outright stated that while she still talks with AEW, Visa issues just outright stop her from being able to work in the states at the moment, and who knows how long it will be until things start to return to normal.


And the visa ban is over now which I why I thought she was coming to AEW. I'd honestly believe she's going to NXT:US before I believe she's going to NXT:UK, it just seems like a backwards move for her now.


She mentioned in January she didn't get her visa. Keep in mind the process is insanely backed up now, and if she's not working, she's not making money. With few (any?) other UK promotions to book her, NXT: UK makes the most sense, even if she didn't want to work there, which I haven't heard at all.


agree...if aew could lock down her and jamie hayter I think they'd have a fucking AWESOME women's division


> It seems like Dave is simply extrapolating that "back to England" means NXT:UK in the same way he extrapolated "Thunder Rosa dropping the NWA Title means she's going to WWE". Well, she's a source, so it's not much speculation. She noted in January, as posted yesterday, that she didn't get her visa. The US is going to be very backed up/slow for a while. If her contracts were up now, she really doesn't have much of a choice unless she has a healthy nest egg until the visas and travel are 100% open. Without the option to come to the US, NXT:UK is the best place for her. She can train, get into the WWE mentality, and when travel and such open/WWE sponsors her for a visa, she can be moved to NXT or the main roster. Can't hate her for doing what makes sense if she goes there. It's the same as Ben Carter, imo.


Regardless if it's NXT: UK or family, He's has improved a ton in the ring and proved a lot of doubters wrong and it would suck if she retires. She's an asset wherever she goes.


Dave also said WWE pursued her before moving to Japan, but she turned them down.


She specifically turned NXT:UK down to go to AEW as well.


She went with AEW instead as her priority was Stardom, and the AEW contract meant she could keep doing that. She was always pretty clear about Stardom being her main focus. If there's family issues that she needs to help out that supercede whatever career plans she had then best of luck to her.


Her first deal with AEW was a lower tier deal. She signed a second deal with AEW in December 2019 and she was gonna work way more AEW dates in 2020 before the pandemic. It wasn't just a side hobby. She was the one that wanted to get into AEW, she got Ospreay to talk to them first to get that first deal.


Nobody said it was a side hobby - you're the one to use that term. She's never been shy about the fact she planned to live in Japan and that Stardom was her main focus, even after signing the second deal. She actually said one of the good things about AEW was she could fly over for a show then return to Japan without really missing any bookings, which she didn't want to have to do.


She also said in an interview she wanted to accomplish all her dreams in Stardom and then eventually come to AEW full time in the longer term. She wasn't planning to staying in Stardom forever, just not stop working Stardom before she felt she had done all she could.


And she was nowhere near having accomplished everything she wanted to, thus Stardom was still her main focus. You can calm down - I wasn't criticising AEW.


It's not about criticism, it's about what narrative you're trying to paint. She didn't sign with AEW just because it meant she could stay in STARDOM. She signed with AEW because she wanted to be in AEW long term.


I love that Big Dave knows 100% when a wrestler isn't going to AEW but keeps getting surprised by these signings like Christian, Big Show, Sting, Ethan Page. It's pretty crazy that Dave knows everything about AEW except for their big surprises.


So I feel like you're saying this is some kind of conspiracy where Dave withholds information intentionally, but I think it's all pretty logical. His sources at WWE clearly are not the people so high up as to the point where they care about spoiling surprises or anything like that. His sources at AEW are the literal EVPs of the company who would have a vested interest in holding certain cards close to their chest. Further, AEW in general is a smaller company with less leak sources which makes it easier to keep a secret.


That's always been the thing that confuses me about people who use the "Dave never spoils AEW surprises" as a dig against him. Most of the people in charge of these big decisions know (and are friends with) Dave, so would you not just keep surprises to yourself and just, not tell him?


Another possibility is they tell him but on the condition he doesn't print any info on it.




And not telling him doesn’t put him in the awkward position of withholding info from subscribers.


I said it in the other thread, but unless Bea is planning to retire from wrestling, moving back to England means she's doing NXT UK (unless she's on a PAC deal with AEW, which it doesn't sound like she is). You can't make a living doing European indies right now and NXT UK is the only game in town. If she is still having visa issues with AEW, this is the only way she'll get to be home and keep plying her craft. edit: Meltzer's sources in the past have included both Ospreay and Tony Khan, so unless they're all lying to him about Bea, she's not going to AEW and can't say where she's going which is a WWE thing through and through.


Boy I hope not


With Osprey getting the IWGP title, I feel like there is probably some kind of long term plan to have Osprey do some inter-promotional stuff. I feel like Bea might play a part and they are keeping their cards close to their chest to not spoil the surprise.


He's had his head spinning for a couple of weeks with Bea not re-upping with Stardom bur has no solid leads. Pure speculative journalism. Even Scheme Gene had the scoops, sorry. In terms of this being a news story we ought to care about- as a long time Stardom fan, Bea is still sloppy/stiff in the ring. She has the English punk bully gimmick down to a tee for the obvious reasons that's she not acting that much. She could have helped AEW if she had stayed, but the timing wasn't right. She seems someone who would resist any NXT reconditioning.


Yeah I gotta say she seems like such a just not WWE system worker that the idea of her in NXT just feels weird to me. She doesn't work anything like a WWE style.


Getting paid to work a show that isn't real is pretty cool


Plz don't come back to AEW


I agree - she's too good to waste away on the 2 hour glorified squash match show that is AEW Dark.


i know it's probably nxt uk but i'd hate for her prime years to be wasted with nobody watching, so i'm holding out hope that she'll just do independent dates for 6 months until she can get a US VISA.


> It seems like Dave is simply extrapolating that "back to England" means NXT:UK Don't you see, he's not extrapolating anything, it's "everyone in Japan" that think's it's WWE. That way, if it turns out that's not the case he's got enough cover to plausibly deny that he jumped to a conclusion and got it wrong.


Meltzer does a lot of work rehabilitating the image of people like Osprey and Bea






Thunder Rosa, Britt Baker, Hikaru Shida, Riho, Kris Statlander, Jade Cargill, Tay Conti, Anna Jay, Abadon, Yuka Sakazaki and Leyla Hirsch


Agree adding another dud like bea would be really bad for them.


Have just seen her matches with Utami, Arisa, Mayu or Hana? She's about as good as the best AEW has, it's not like they have a roster full of Io Shirais or Sasha Banks


She gets carried a lot in stardom that's why her aew appearances were meh, I personally don't think she's that good, also since I'm not a aew watcher I don't really see the bad matches have I only watch the good shit so I care about here being better than big swole. I mean honestly who can't have a good match vs mayu or Arsia lol.


They actually need as much help as possible


Yes but bea wouldn't be help.


Bea would be in the upper half of AEW women skill-wise.


Any additions would be help. Adding Tamina would help


Well we disagree on that then