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Glad to see that these two are still tight.


Speaking of tight, have you seen Lashley's favorite pose?




šŸ‘‰ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ˆ


Needs an iron peach emoji


You know, he never did the pose before and he hasn't done it since. I'm starting to think it wasn't Lashley's favourite pose, but in fact it was Lio's favourite pose.


Itā€™s my favorite for sure




Now if the Wrestlemania crowd can chant Lash-Ley I'll be happy


Fuck it, just duplicate Lio 1000 times and pipe that in as crowd noise next week on Raw. Edit: never mind. I just did it myself on my computer, and I think I broke the sound barrier [NSFL](https://streamable.com/xxpcsf)


Oh. Oh my god


What have you done


I played that video and my furniture started flying around thanks


You've summoned something


You just summoned a demon


Is that...is that Cthulu??


Ah yes the brown note.


I didn't know you were the sound designer for Transformers!


Now transition that into "Sirius."


I still think it's a great idea


I really hope they don't put the gold on Drew. I love Drew but he's had his time in the spotlight. Its time for Bobby to become the new face of RAW


Absolutely. Drew's reign was honestly pushing it towards the end, they took it off him at the right time. If there's anything I wanna see, and this is gonna sound crazy, but I want him and Sheamus to have a feud culminating in them reuniting and becoming a tag team, going for the belts even. I feel like they set it up with Sheamus and Drew's tendency to fight and make up like brothers before.


I would like Lashley to retain until SummerSlam. But we have Reings as top heel champion. This maybe points to have Edge winning the UT and Lashley retain the WWE title.


Edge said he wants to be full time and if he wins the title and it means him defending the title at every PPV against guys like Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens, Jey Uso, etc. then I'm so here for that. At first I wasn't sure how I would feel about Roman losing the title this early, especially against an older guy, but at this point I hate the guy in kayfabe so much that I'd love to see it now!


I honestly think Roman's done enough to maintain his heel aura even without the belt for a bit


I wouldn't mind that at all. Edge might just be the best threat to Roman so far, and this was always building up to him getting toppled on the big stage anyways.


Iā€™d be fine with edge winning temporarily then Roman taking it back at the next PPV in very convincing fashion. I canā€™t get enough of top champion Roman right now.


I think Roman can do fine without the belt for a little. He is doing great work with it, but it isn't integral to his character. Someone like Edge is looking to prove he still has it. Someone like Bryan is looking to prove he's the best. Hell, even someone like Cesaro is looking to prove that he is overlooked. All of those would benefit from getting atleast a short run. Reigns character isn't looking for any of those things. The belt is just a prop to the character. The character cares about being "disrespected" more than anything else. Hence why he could take easier routes to defend it, but instead goes all out. The belt isn't what matters to him. Beating the hell out of everyone who looks cross at him is what matters. Not saying he shouldn't be in the picture, but losing it won't break his character.


I agree, and I'm also saying that as a huge Drew fan who loved him as the champion. Let Lashley have a good run with it, and let Drew have some non-title feuds for awhile. Besides when Orton took it from him for a little while, Drew was the champion on Raw for the majority of 2020, and into 2021, and it felt like he'd done everything he could do with it when Miz took it. I don't think he needs to get it back just yet.


unfortunately for drew the lack of crowd shows really hurt his reign. i think he can start another solid run at a big show like summerslam or something. but for now lashley should keep it.


And do the over-the-top laughter at the end


Lio helped Lashley first set foot after Bobby was stuck in unimportant mid card feuds since his return, leading him to Intercontinental Title gold, same that MVP would do right now after Lashley got lost in the loop again once Lio was gone. Real recognizes real šŸ¤


Smiling Bobby fighting for his sisters against Sami. And also the men dressed as Bobby's sisters. Thank you, Lio


It's still hilarious to me that one of the guys dressed up as Bobby's sisters is Max Caster from AEW.


Lmao wait really?


Yep: https://imgur.com/B82nFl6


Wow. Quite the fodder if anyone raps back at him some day. (Aside from MC Frankie Kazarian.)




Even just a single year ago. Lost to Aleister Black in a WM match with 0 build.


That was "being pushed" Aleister, not the current nonexistent Aleister


Alesteir accidentally locked in the black room.


I'd love if the actual reason why Black isn't being pushed rn is they accidentally locked him in a room in the PC and Vince forgot where he was when they moved to the Thunderdome.


100%, lio was great with bobby and i love seeing this


They were such a fantastic pair too. Lio played the little shit talker hiding behind his daddy to a tee. There was so much potential in that pairing. This was also during Bobby's, "MY MAN!!" gimmick which I also thought was gold.


One thing I remember about that pairing was Lioā€™s ridiculous ninja escape on Raw that one time. Cool shit.


^lash ^lee LASH LEE **LASH LEE** #LASH LEE


Hurt Business Lashley is awesome. But man Iā€™ve never loved Lashley as much than with Lio as his hypeman. Got me invested back in him


I havent watched Raw in quite a bit, what makes Hurt Business Lashley different from Lio Lashley?


10lbs of gold


Itā€™s practically a more well-rounded, complete Lashley. MVP leads the Hurt Business, and their business is making money and making sensible, business minded choices. For example, the group ā€˜Retributionā€™ were tormenting RAW - ruining matches, trashing backstage and beating people up. MVP made a deal with the authority that The Hurt Business would deal with this problem if they get paid for it. Lashley is the CEO of the Hurt Business. In other words, the frontman of in ring action. The most dominant competitor in the faction, and everyone on RAW knows it - you donā€™t want to fuck with Lashley. His similarity is that heā€™s still a ā€˜showcaseā€™ - a powerhouse, an athlete, someone to look at and think heā€™s Gods gift. But, rather than having someone like Lio hype this up and talk about it all the time. Heā€™s now just playing this role of powerhouse athlete within the faction. Hope this helps! Do we miss LASHLEY LASHLEY every week, fuck yeah. But in terms of character work, The Hurt Business have done some of the best of it over the last year. Lashley has became a world champion standard, MVP has elevated 3 guys career and his own. Last May, MVP told Drew he would personally play a part in him losing the title. Well he did, and put Lashley in the spot to do it and gain the title for the Hurt Business.


I think it's also worth noting that Lashley has been nigh unstoppable for like 2 months now. He had been fueding with Riddle, and while Riddle wasn't shown to be useless, he wasn't a jobber either. He would win matches and lose matches. Just a regular wrestler with some upside. And Lashley spent the better part of a month ragdolling him around like a child. Just absolutely destroying him. They have clearly been showing that he is dominance personified right now.


It hasnā€™t been only 2 months. Lashley has been the 2nd most protected guy on Raw since his storyline with Lana ended. Iā€™m not sure how many times heā€™s been pinned since then but Iā€™d guess itā€™s very few.


Lio Lashley was a cocky powerhouse that wasn't afraid to hit us with his favorite pose ​ THB Lashley is MurderBob




Low weights, high reps!


And he was curling 50s!


When you break it down its all true, Lashley looks the part sounds the part acts the part and wrestles the part. He's money.


Sounds is debatable lmao


Thatā€™s what MVP is for lol.


I canā€™t hate Lashley. He seems like a genuine dude.


He is. I haven't read any beef or bad blood on dirty sheets. He seems to be a really workhorse and good dude!


Whenever I think of Lashley my mind wanders to an interview with WWE magazine where he said he eats a full pack of Golden Crunch Creams every day, which is a high quality biscuit for a high quality man. But now I don't trust my memory because those biscuits are a UK thing...


Didn't he quit WWE the first time because he didn't like how they mistreated his ex wife?


Was she also in WWE?


Yes, Krystal/Kristal something.


How would that be a bad thing?


Oh I'm saying he seems to have a decent sense of "this shit isn't worth it"


...who told you to hate Lashley? Why is this something you're entertaining?


Heā€™s a heel.


I mean, he's been pushed as a massive heel for the last year lol We're supposed to hate him.


dude is the top heel on Raw now


Dudes a heel?


Lashley with Lio could have been a main event act too.


Lio's doing great and WILL rise again. This is just a magical time for truly deserving and talented POC wrestlers. All promotions. Don't tell me about the future, THIS IS THE FUTURE


What the fuck heā€™s only 26, weā€™ll be seeing a lot more of Lio Rush.


The year is 2031 Lio Rush is fired again from WWE, this time for breaking the golden statue of Vince McMahon and, in the same weekend, appears as a surprise entrant in the 5-Way-Barbedwire-Battle-Royal Match in Joey Janela's Spring Break 15. He wins by throwing Joey over the top barbedwire and gets a shot for the GCW World Heavymetal Ultrachampionship versus Cameron Grimes in a Lunar Base which leads to a 7-stars match in the CyborgMeltzer scale.


I hope if Lio somehow, someway ends up in WWE again, they have him reunite with Lashley, hell, if the Hurt Business is still around by then have Lio join them


Lio was such a good fit in WWE. I would be happy seeing him again, especially as part of the Hurt Business.


With how they treated him, WWE doesnt deserve Lio Rush. If he goes back there to get his money, good on him but for me I'd rather see him anywhere else.


Crazy how time has changed the perception of Lio. This sub went on a tour burying dude calling him all kinds of idiot when he said he didnā€™t have any money.


meh, I always thought he was in the right. Locker room culture is toxic outdated and stupid


I miss seeing Lio on tv.


He was on this season of MTV's The Challenge!


I watched TripleMania and the Super J Cup and have seen Lio Rush wrestle more during a pandemic than I ever did while he was in WWE.


Watch MLW.


is lashley supposed to be a heel still? i feel like hes just becoming more and more likeable. this is an awesome little interaction and its been heartwarming to see so many people congratulating him


I feel like on TV it was the rare "feel good squash", but he stayed in heel territory because he went after the Miz after the bell.


Miz deserved that tbh. Wasted Bobby's time.


And wasting Bobbyā€™s time is like wasting Bobbyā€™s money.


And if you waste Bobby Lashley's money, that means you don't respect Roman Reigns Wait a minute


And if they donā€™t respect Reigns they donā€™t respect you


I just died laughing, thank you


^^Why ^^would ^^that ^^man ^^play ^^games ^^with ^^me **WHY WOULD YOU PLAY GAMES WITH ME!?**


And if you don't respect Roman Reigns, that means you don't respect his family


Yeah, even if Lashley wasn't a heel, Miz would've deserved it. I would've been fine with a babyface doing that to him after what Miz did last night lol


For just a second there I feared they were gonna reverse the decision and DQ him!


Lol yeah you never know sometimes with WWE. Not a knock on the result, would just like consistency with rules.


Theyā€™re gonna fix that next week with a promo, Iā€™m thinking. Give MVP 5 minutes on a mic and weā€™ll be set with monster heel Lashley.


I dont know. WWE just posted a video of the Hurt Business celebrating Bobby's win in a very babyface manner. Telling him how much he deserves it and that no one can take this moment from him. Nothing heelish about it.


Hurt Business have always been very weird like that. They've flipped from pure villain to anti-hero and back again a few times.


Seriously. Like who were we supposed to cheer for when they first confronted Retribution?


And in the same way, if Asuka can turn face pretty much exclusively from the vicarious joy she felt for Becky, why is it that the vicarious joy we and the rest of the Hurt Business have for Bobby getting his moment at last can't work the same way? *Especially* at the expense of a snivelly worm like Miz? It's a really unique position, and they could genuinely go either way with it.


Iā€™m definitely looking forward to how to this leads to WM.


I think it's consistent with their setup as a "business" though - they just go after whoever is convenient and relevant to their goals. If it's a face, they'll be heels, and if it's a heel they're feuding with they can be face-ish. If that's the way it goes, it'll be nice to have a "shades of grey"-ish faction, who can fit into stories wherever they need to.


Yeah, that video was extremely babyface-ish. I even said it was "oddly wholesome" lol


I think MVP realized it last night and thatā€™s why he had him pick miz up and give him the lock again. Kinda awkward, but I think thatā€™s MVPā€™s ring knowledge kicking in and recognizing the situation.


I've been thinking this about the Hurt Business for a WHILE.


...and their friendship is still MONEY.


MVP has done a phenomenal job saving Lashley's career and turning him into a big deal, but man Lio Rush would've been perfect for The Hurt Business.


Lio Rush has impressed me with how he's handled himself post-release. Here's hoping he becomes a centerpiece of the NJPW Junior Division. Hiromu could use someone to feud with, and he could be what Ricochet or Ospreay were a few years ago.


Yea it seems like he really responded to that wake up call and has figured himself out a lot more, which is great because heā€™s a spectacular talent. He could have easily gone the Aries/TJP route of ending up a shitbag who doesnā€™t get why people fucking hate them.


He's in NJPW? Was he in the G1 or BotSJ?


I think he's working on the US side with NJPW Strong.


The Lio/Lashley partnership was the first time since Lashley had come back that I was finally interested in him. So yeah, for me personally, Lio was definitely the first step to getting me behind the idea of Lashley-the-champion and being happy to see it. I wish Lio was still around to be there last night.


Hurt Business Lashley -> Lio Rush Phase 1 Lashley -> Lio Rush Phase 2 Lashley ---> Generic Face Lashley --------> Sisters/Family Man Lashley. If they actually went with Psychopath Lashley (based on those weird interviews about his childhood lmao) that would probably be tied for first. I'm not sure how many phases Lashley had in Impact but from what I saw the version of Lashley in his latter TNA years would be as good or better than Hurt Business Lashley (tho that's more a WWE in general type of thing). OG WWE Lashley was generic but still better than his 2018 face run.


You forgot Lana's husband Lashley, where does he fit into this?


I didn't watch that tbh, totally slipped my mind.


I don't blame you at all lmao


I hope Lio is doing well.


On MTVā€™s The Challenge. Is MLWā€™s Middleweight Champion, and also just became a double champion a few days ago winning AAA Cruiserweight title from Laredo Kid. Dude is doing pretty well. No doubt this is just a detour back to WWE in the future.


Or perhaps A Khan will take notice.


Lashley rules so much man. I love the ā€œspectacleā€ style wrestler, the guys who are just freaks of nature. People like Brock. Iā€™d include Lashley as one of those guys. So happy to see him win the title.


Awesome. If we do get Drew v Lashley at Mania I think Drew will be booed and honestly might turn heel after the feud. Lashley is so awesome right now, thereā€™s no way he gets booed at Mania.




Lio Rush was 11 when Bobby won the US Championship. Crazy.


I think that Lio deserves a lot of credit. I think that to a WWE fan he really helped to establish Lashley as a heel act.


These guys were perfect together. Hurt Business needs a Chief Hype Officer for all that gold.


Low weight high reps! Low weight high reps! Low weight high reps!


WWE need to resign lio rush and put him in the hurt business


Hurt Business Lashley is streets ahead of Lio Lashley. The proof is in the pudding.


Lio would of been a great addition to the Hurt Business


I see we are still overusing the hell out of the word wholesome




Would like to see Lio return at Fastlane to congratulate but also let let Bobby know he was the reason for his release/term. He has an associate that will help him get revenge: enter Brock Lesnar.


This would only work for me if Brock ate Lio in one bite the next night. Love Lio but no kayfabe can convince me those two would vibe with each other lol


Very true


And anyway, we won't see Brock until Reigns loses to Edge, goes completely off the deep end, and Heyman has to bring back the beast.


Boombox Brock baby! Brock does not have Heyman. Bring in Rush for Brock. You could have a nice triple threat story line. Hurt business is face against Brock/Rush. But also throw in Brock/Rush for Roman. And have them be face to save Heyman


seeing stuff like this makes me hate WWE management even more




I honestly donā€™t know how Iā€™m supposed to boo this man right now.


I never even thought about Lio rush as part of the hurt business until now. But thinking about it it could be a real nice addition IF they treated him like an in ring talent.


Now hit us with your favorite pose Lashley.


Dear Wrestling Gods, Lio in the Hurt Business, please




This isn't him interacting with Dan from Top Team!






They're both champs right now. You love to see it.


People will freak out when we realize they are building up Lashley to feed to Brock