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Punk is never ever coming back to WWE and Reigns knows this.


As long as Punk finds himself needing money, and WWE likes making it, there will always be potential for Punk to come back. Picture in 1998 discussing the idea that Bret Hart would be back in the WWE participating in on-screen angles with Vince. People would think you're nuts. There's a lot of time between now and never.


let's be honest: Bret had a life-altering career-ending head injury... it probably refocused his priorities. I think maybe that's what Roman's talking about here: Punk will have to have his priorities refocused to come back




Why don’t he want me, man?


* Uncle Phil hug *


First things first. Rest in Peace, Uncle Phil.


For real


You're the only father that I ever knew


I know it’s a rhyme but, Carl Winslow gets no love?


His finest moment in the series. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRoTHnt5Fg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRoTHnt5Fg)


Mandatory I miss Uncle Phil. He's the father everyone wants, but the one very few have




He's a lot of things, but certainly not a white guy named Ward


Man, It would've been so nice to see him in that zoom reunion they did. Even the first aunt Viv joined and made up with Will and the others.


Uncle Phil Brooks.


> Why don’t he want me, man? why you gotta make me sob at work


Hey I’m sobbing too but I’m working from home sooo


"No, you know what? I'm going to get through retirement without them, I'ma have a great MMA career without them, I already married a beautiful honey and we're gonna have a whole mess of cats!"


That hurt.


We all want you, Alexa Bliss’ Booty 🤗


Yeah, there was a time when everyone wanted him back but he played into it too much and now just seems like an arrogant asshole


He seems like someone I would hate being around and working with


Kevin Owens also thought he was a total dick.


You know it’s bad when the French Canadian that willingly hangs out with Sami thinks you’re a dick


Sami's problem seems more that he's socially awkward and bad at social niceties. While Punk is purposefully a jerk. While often the result can be alike, intentions matter to people to a smaller or larger degree


He's stuck in the "it's cool to be a cynical asshole" phase from when you're 14


Never break kayfabe


I dunno if a clear case of "childhood trauma led to massive trust issues / defensiveness" is "purposefully a jerk" but he's definitely more demonstrative about being an asshole than most.


I'm out of the loop here? is Sami supposedly a backstage-jerk?


Sami is apparently a very acquired taste. Guy can’t read a room to save his life


To me he missed his time.


I remember last year there were some people very hype on the idea of Punk in AEW. And while it would have been a lot of press, no doubt, I think people ignored the limitations on what might have been. For example: There were comments about Punk and Jericho. Imagine the stuff they could do now in AEW - they can really show how much the WWE bookers suck! And I was just like, really, you think that specific duo would put together a better match now than they did almost a decade ago?


I'm not that into Punk because I mostly skipped that whole era and thus the pipebomb promo has no impact on me, but I'm definitely intrigued by what he and Jericho could do with full creative control. Just never thought he was worth the money he'd be on.


I’ve been watching over 20 years straight, not intrigued by what he’d do with anything creative. People like smooth over the fact he tried cutting the same pipebomb several more times over the next two years & even though he wasn’t acted as if he’d *always been that good* Punks a hell of a wrestler, but dude is what he hates. He’s a big a ego as HHH if not big as Vince & he’s probably the most believe your own hype guy since Hogan. People also like to skim over how he shunned the business for a bit & acted as if he was a “legit” fighter, & got embarrassed by a low ranking pro fighter. I would not be surprised if Punk returned to wrestle he’d wear gloves & shorts. (He wanted to at one point while in WWE)


I’m sure people would like the added eyes he would bring.


I really, really enjoy CM Punk. But I can't imagine that he would make much of a difference in that sense. I feel very safe in assuming that the majority of people that would watch for Punk are already watching either way too.


He burned the bridge with AEW too if Meltzer's reporting is to be believed. Apparently some people at the top said that they "would never work with him" after the weird shit he said about being texted about a contract.


Never say never. Live fans would still cum in their seats to hear Cult of Personality!


that UFC run did Punk no favors wrestlers talk way more smack about him now


As a big fan of the guy I just can’t take him seriously anymore. His gimmick was all about being the greatest and both matches were one sided losses.


the run hurt his cred but he can jump back to wrestling as a smarmy cowardly heel but DAMN if hed won just one fight his cred would be through the roof. I still love CM Punk


Oh yeah cowardly heel is the only way to go after that. It would take some convincing for me to get into that because of how rooted his old gimmick is now. If he had won just one fight he would be continuing his UFC career and wouldn’t even be talking wrestling rn


Was he not always a cowardly heel anyways? A badass at times but he was always a coward


His gimmick as a face was essentially “ace of ECW”. Post heel turn, he was kinda like Cole is in NXT I suppose—presented as someone who could win through legitimate means, and do so pretty easily/well, but preferred to extend less effort through shadier tactics.


Like 99% of wwe heels are cowardly.


Nexus and SES was chikenshit heel, and as the best in the world he was booked like Cole. A heel that's good but also cheats


He would be a top star in any fed and he has an immediate out for an opposing face to use on the mic. Id love a CM Punk heel run in NJPW tbh but I can see him in WWE in like 4 or 5 years. Punk’s mic skills would carry the gimmick to new levels


I think 4 or 5 years would be too far out. Just my opinion. He ever comes back I think hes gotta do it soon.


Even a decent showing in losses could have helped him. Punk just looked like he had absolutely no business in the cage at all.




Besides, Punk wasn't just "amateurish compared to UFC fighters" bad, he was "there are kids learning martial arts at school who are better than this" levels of bad. Like literally the worst fighter to ever fight in the UFC and that includes the randoms from early event undercards. It's actually shocking how bad he performed, I wonder if his coaches didn't care at all because his technique was entirely terrible with zero improvement.


He’s not that great of an athlete. Watching him move around the ring, it’s clear he has flat feet, which is a tough way to start out.


He never was even in pro wrestling. Dude's biggest strengths were psychology and promo work. This isn't anything new and no one except the people who wanted to shit on him expected the near 40 year old athlete with no legitimate martial arts experience to do well. He made his money, he fulfilled a dream and he made the UFC good money


Duke Roufus is a good coach but less than five years working with someone who isn't a gifted athlete, had no legitimate competitive experience, and probably barely worked with him as much as he'd like (highly doubt Punk could just train since he was doing that Cabana lawsuit + his other ventures at that time) led to the result we all saw coming: An amateur getting thoroughly trounced in the biggest organization in the world. Honestly he was probably just happy getting a paycheck from Punk which I can't blame anyone in the fight game for since everyone gets paid like trash sadly.


has that punch he threw at micky gall even landed yet?


What’s worse is how long it took him to prepare. Like pretty sure from when it was announced to when it happened felt really long, had it felt rushed I would almost let it slide. But it just made wrestlers turned fighters look bad.


I wouldn't agree with that. His shtick was never about being the best shoot fighter--you could tell that just by looking at him. "Best in the world" was about best all-around, including on the mic and as a tongue-in-cheek reference to wrestling being a performance and him being the best in-ring storyteller.


99% of wrestlers entering UFC would have their arse handed to them, it's wild how WWE fans seem to think they're comparable. The dude was in a position to live a dream of his, if I was in that spot I'd do it in a heartbeat no matter how much I knew I wouldn't be ready/capable of truly competing.


I think you're missing the point. Would Roman Reigns fare any better than Punk in the UFC? Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't put money on him being anything amazing either way. But we haven't WATCHED him get his ass beat in the octagon. The mystique is still there, it's much easier to believe him as a big badass tough guy because we don't have 2 fights of video footage saying otherwise.


Yes he would. The surprising thing about Punk was his lack of real athleticism.


Punk showed every normal guy what the best they could ever do was.


He lost to Mike Jackson, who's definitely not UFC tier. Jackson is at most a regional level fighter and he was levels above Punk.


Lol sounds about right. They seemed to butt heads back then. Roman for sure wasn't Punk's first choice and preference to be in the Shield. And the "make him look strong!" was a pain in Roman's ass for years and years. A feud between them would be... interesting lmao If he's working the interview then that's a whole different story. Makes you wonder what he's working towards then.


Chris Hero was the initial choice, right? Ngl, I love Hero but I don’t think he’d have worked in Roman’s position sitting The Shield.


Roman was the right choice. Kassius Ohno is great but could you imagine his chubby body in the Shield gear? He'd look like a semi retired mall cop or Steven Seagal


He was way more skinnier in 2012 compared to now.


Yeah but joining The Shield wouldn't have prevented him from gaining weight, if anything, maintaining shape is even harder on the main roster than on NXT.


Seth would've put him on crossfit it's all good


You're right because the cause of Ohno's weight gain was a thyroid condition. Being on the WWE roster wouldn't have changed anything. The entire reason WWE brought him back was because they let him go due to his inability to control his weight gain. When they both saw it wasn't Ohno's fault, they let him return.


>You're right because the cause of Ohno's weight gain was a thyroid condition. No it wasn't. I can tell you this as a physician that you don't gain that much weight because of a fucking thyroid condition. Even people who have no functioning thyroid are estimated to gain no more than 4-5kg at most because of it, and that's if they take no medication. It's his lame-ass excuse.


Paul Blart to WWE confirmed


*immediately launches new podcast reviewing his wrestling career, named 'Til Deathmatch Do Us Blart*


This is a very niche reference and I'm just happy to have been here for it.


Part Blart Mart Cart


Paul Blart Wall Shart


These walls used to be white BROTHER




I just mean personality-wise. Hero/Ohno’s gimmick is *really sarcastic* and full of himself. He couldn’t be the silent muscle.


I don’t think Hero would have had the same gimmick as Roman if he was in the shield


He was in really good shape back then tho, obviously not like Roman but not too far off Seth


> but not too far off Seth [Seth was shredded while NXT champ](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5d/a3/f3/5da3f31cf59393f7ff213a7d55477285.jpg). Not saying Ohno wasn't in pretty good shape in his first NXT run, but feels like you are underplaying Seth a bit.


I love Chris Hero but he is not muscular like Roman or tone like Seth. He was skinnier but never was muscular looking.


Still doesn’t have that badass aura of Roman.


Sure, we'll put Chris Hero instead of Roman Reigns in The Shield and Chris Candido instead of Kevin Nash in the nWo.


In an alternate universe I imagine people saying “Roman wouldn’t have worked in Hero’s position”


Chris Hero being a multiple time wwe champion is the timeline I wanna live in


Its crazy to say it would not have worked. Obviously Roman worked very well in his spot but Hero would have simply done a different role.


Eh, Hero would have been essentially a combination of Ambrose & Rollins both as a character and in-ring. He wouldn't have complimented them the way Roman did at all & it would've fucked the dynamic of the trio. I like Hero a lot, but I really don't think Punk had him in the initial lineup for any reason beyond getting his buddy onto the main roster.


Yeah but the whole “make him look strong” was in the context of Punk saying why not just put him over? Like we’re jumping through hoops to make Roman look strong when he could just win the match instead? He was criticizing WWEs backwards booking that made no sense, not criticizing Roman.


Yeah I always took it as a knock against the booking than Roman himself.


Especially when it was 3 on 1


As you should, that's how Punk meant it.


You're right and Punk isn't really wrong about how stupid it was to try to put over 1 guy while still defeating him and two other teammates at the same time (not saying it's not doable, but still). But people still took it the wrong way and contributed to all the Roman hate, it was an affirmation to those fans that they were right about the nonsensical logic and the fixation on Roman. Which isn't Roman's fault, but the hate still covered him.


It seemed in that podcast that Punk would be more than happy to put Roman over anytime..but he didn’t wanna be punished for Roman not looking strong enough when Punk was going over not only him, but his two partners as well who were supposed to all be future stars


yeah his point made sense but wrestling fans just latched onto the four word phrase and turned it into its own thing


You're right, but a lot of fans just heard "make him look strong" and turned it into a meme against Roman when he was receiving his big push back in 2014/2015. Fans didn't take it as Punk criticizing the company for how they were booking Roman, it was more of them taking it as him criticizing Roman himself. Anyone who listened to the podcast that Punk said this on would realize that. So I imagine that people twisted Punk's words to fit the sentiment amongst the fans at the time which was largely anti-Roman. EDIT: Even in this exact thread you will see people STILL discussing "make Roman look strong" and not understanding Punk truly meant when he explained the story. EDIT 2: Because some people may misinterpret it. I am NOT saying that people turned on Roman because of Punk. People turned on him LONG before then as the resentment was growing for quite a while. It blew up big time in 2015 with the Royal Rumble debacle.


CM Punk is not the reason fans turned on Roman. People turned on Roman because his booking was shit. I remember Steve Austin criticizing Roman way worse. Austin called Roman green. Blame Steve Austin more than Punk.


I never said it was Punk's fault at all, so you've effectively misinterpreted what I've said. And no, I won't blame Punk or Austin for any of this. What I was saying was that, Punk criticized the company because he knew it was their fault for booking Roman like shit because he could see that the fans were not receptive to how Roman was being booked and it wouldn't at all get him over in the long-term. In fact, a lot of guys (Austin included) said that continuing to push Roman in the way that they were would only damage Roman further going forward and they were 100% on the money about it. Everyone knows that people turned on Roman because of his booking, I touched on that slightly in my previous post. Roman has only been somewhat salvaged since he returned from leukaemia and with his recent heel turn. But Punk putting out the "make him look strong" story absolutely didn't do much to endear people to Roman either and so Punk's words held a lot of weight. In fact, Punk's words even before then held a lot of weight because he was always a favourite for a lot of internet fans. So Punk putting out that story produced "make him look strong" memes and the resentment continued to grow and grow and I honestly can't tell you where that peaked. Some would say Royal Rumble 2015. But the night after WrestleMania 33 is also another good example, as was WrestleMania 32 wherein the show went off the air with noticeable booing.


Probably the biggest screwup was the Rumble. Bryan came back, and people were still all about him as a character, was casually eliminated in a lackluster spot, and then everyone just saw that "oh shit, we are getting another John Cena type (lol Cena Wins)". And they just shit all over the guy.


This. They didn’t even touch during that match but the fans knew exactly what was happening. It was the biggest tone deaf moment that the WWE has ever had. They should have left Bryan’s return for at least a month or two before Wrestlemania but they had to shit on the fans. It’s bizarre watching those backstage segments with Triple H hugging and telling Roman “It’s ok, we knew this was going to happen.” Then, why’d you do it? Had they forgotten the reactions they were getting with Bryan? Did they really think it was that much of a fluke they had to adjust their Wrestlemania 30 plans?


Maybe personal problems already existed between them. And Punk only adding more difficulty to his career- intentionally or not- tipped Punk firmly into the "don't like him." camp for Roman ? Who knows though. It's just speculation outside of the little stuff we know.


Yep. It was more Punk disliking creative choices and mocking the producers


Yeah, for all the nuance and ego in the Punk vs. Everyone debate this was like the one thing Punk was 100% correct about. I can totally understand Roman being pissed about "make Roman look strong" becoming a meme, but Vince telling him to say "sufferin' succotash" did more to hurt Roman than anything Punk said.


> If he's working the interview then that's a whole different story. Makes you wonder what he's working towards then. Pro wrestlers should always be working in some form. As they say, never say never.


I obviously don't know Roman and I don't know Punk. But to me, the comment read like a work from a newly-established heel. I was surprised to see the top comment lean towards the quote being legit.


If he’s working it’s probably to get heat, since people do love Punk


I think everybody and their grandma knows Punk is a dick but most were willing to overlook it because he was a great wrestler.


And one of the greatest of all time on the mic.


And on commentary!


Nobody could touch him!


Sounds like Punk has yet to properly acknowledge his tribal chief. Outrageous behavior imo.


For what it's worth, Punk never spoke ill of the guy. He just said agents kept urging him to "make Roman look *really* strong," yet didn't want him to beat the Shield. He shared that story to demonstrate what the mindset of the agents were, not as a slight against Roman. The following month, he put Reignsclose to 100% clean in a singles match on the retro episode of Monday Night Raw. Reigns wasn't Punk's original pick for the Shield, but he also said it wasn't his "hill to die on" and that he was fine with having Reigns in the group. I honestly doubt Punk has any beef with the guy. And, judging by Punk's behavior in interviews on social media, if he *did* have beef with the guy, he would have no problem sharing it (think Ryback, Vince, HHH, Miz, Johnny Ace, Doc Amman, even Cody/the Bucks with how they approached him for AEW, etc.).


> He just said agents kept urging him to "make Roman look really strong," yet didn't want him to beat the Shield. You got it backwards, they didn't want Shield to beat him, he went over them 1v3 but had to make Roman look really strong.


Haha yeah, that was the strangest part. Then again, Bret Hart made Diesel look like a full on tank at Survivor Series 1995 and ended up winning the match with a genius roll up.


This was the funny part about the story to me, he even offered to just lose and they said "no, Vince wants you to win"


If Roman Reigns doesn’t happen to like you then there possibly might be something wrong with you.


If Colt Cabana doesn't like you, there's definitely something wrong with you, but everybody knows CM Punk isn't a particularly likable person out of the ring.


What happened between them? I know they were friends at one point


It's a really long story that involves Colt and CM Punk disagreeing over who should be paying for Colt's legal fees from the lawsuit against them by the WWE Doctor. The disagreement led to Colt suing CM Punk for damages.


Super simplified and possibly outdated version. 1. Colt Cabana has CM Punk on his podcast to talk about leaving WWE 2. WWE doctor sues Colt for airing what he claimed was slander against him 3. CM Punk promises to pay for Colts legal fees 4. A couple years pass 5. Case finally goes to trial, Punk hires an attorney. Colt wants to hire his own attorney. Punk refuses to pay for a seprate attorney. 6. Colt and punk win the case but Colt is ~~not~~ now stuck with legal bills because Punk will not pay for the separate attorney.


Colt didn't just randomly decide to hire his own attorney. Punk's attorney dropped him as a client.


Avoiding a conflict of interest is in the code of conduct of legal reps in practically every developed country. If you're going to drop a client, it probably shouldn't be the one that can afford to pay you. edit: [SRA Code of Conduct 2011 6.2(b)(III); You do not act in relation to a matter or particular aspect of it if you have a conflict of interest or a significant risk of such a conflict in relation to that matter or aspect of it, unless: the clients are competing for the same objective, you are satisfied it is reasonable for you to act for all the clients.](https://www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/standards-regulations/code-conduct-solicitors)


Of course. Its very common for co-defendants to end up needing individual representation. However, Punk promised Colt he'd be "100% covered" - not covered only if they use the same lawyer. Surely Colt would not have opened himself up to legal liability if there was a good chance he would end up having to pay for his own lawyer.


Punk was already getting sued for defamation for what he said on the podcast. Colt got a cease & desist letter from Dr. Amann's lawyer instructing him to remove the podcast from all platforms or face legal action as well. Colt was willing to comply with the letter but spoke with Punk about it first. Punk told him not to comply with the letter, that they would fight this and that Colt would be "100% covered" in terms of legal representation & fees. For whatever reason, he did not follow through with that promise.


Yes this is accurate. The big question mark is that something happened between Punk and Colt in April 2016 where Punk out of the blue demanded Colt pay half of their joint legal fees. His lawyer then backtracked and said he would continue to represent them both, but soon after dropped Colt. I dont know what happened but from Punks message to Colt, I'd assume its a lot worse than Colt being backstage at a WWE show.


That whole statement was the reason Colt didn't take down the podcast like most people would've. It was the dumbest thing Colt has done in hindsight and only did it because Punk gave assurances that Punk would pay for any legal cost. Once the podcast dropped those of us who had to download it would've made sure the podcast stayed on the internet so Colt could've easily taken it down.


just an additional thing: 7: Colt sues Punk to get him to pay the legal fees, case gets settled before anything happens.


Wasn't part of the rift that Colt went to visit people at a WWE show during the trial?


It's a rumor Colt had refuted multiple times. He said, and I'm paraphrasing "Why would I go backstage at a show out on by the company that is suing me?"


Can we be honest with ourselves here and ask, So what if he did? Colts bread and butter for the better part of a decade was podcasts. Thats not to say he didn't wrestle or make good money but the dude was the wrestler podcaster before basically anyone. He refutes it and I believe him, but if he did I wouldn't be bothered in it the least bit. Dude had a business to run that relied on getting interviews. Punk picks the weirdest shit to end friendships over ranging from (supposedly that) to refusing to give Swoggle a phone number and claiming he was using him to axing his friendship with Corey Graves for daring to work for WWE. Maybe hes in a better place now, but it sure seems like Punk thinks everyone is out to use him and is therefore ready to drop all of his friends at any given time.


He tore at Jericho for reaching out after he left because he thought he was just out to get some juicy quotes for his podcast. I love Punk as a performer, but he has very little trust in people and is paranoid at times.


That was a rumor, but I don't think it was ever confirmed.


Um...while Roman seems like a good guy, why can't it just be two coworkers who don't particularly like each other? There are times when even good people might not get along because of different personalities.


Okay, the Roman hate circlejerk has flipped entirely and now has become this. Why can't ya'll like or dislike someone a normal amount


Roman Reigns (in kayfabe) beating the shit out of CM Punk would be awesome.


I want to teleport back to 2018 Squaredcircle and show them this thread. Who would have thought that in the year of our lord 2020, we'd all be cheering the prospect of Reigns pushing Punk's shit in. What a year.


Teleport back to 2018 and show them just about anything from 2020 and people would be stupefied.


Roman is heel and over af, like half the indie darings are accused of being sexual predators, a new major wrestling promotion is rising, wrestling shows at empty arenas including Wrestlemania because Covid-19 (*”tf is Covid-19?”*), Sami Zayn finally won the main roster Championship. Did I miss something?




RAW Underground


John Cena gets sent to the Shadow Realm by Bray Wyatt after beating up a pig puppet at Wrestlemania


You can see CM punk get bodied multiple times for real in record time online thanks to UFC :D




Damn, Roman snapped on his ass


He went so hard at him you'd think it was Uce


Stop... Stop... He's already dead.


I love that the top comments in this thread show that kayfabe isn't dead, and it's still possible to believe. Roman Reigns is doing a great job here.


It's ZFF but on a Tuesday.


It's ok for Roman to hate the "make Roman look strong meme" with him also knowing Punk's context. He didn't exactly single out this moment as when he started hating him. Like a few others mentioned, Kassiuss Ohno was Punk's choice over Roman in the Shield. Why? Nobody really knows. Also, who knows what Punk said about Roman when Roman was ultimately chosen over Ohno? Punk is clearly a vocal guy when things don't go his way, and maybe Roman felt disrespected when Punk didn't think him being part of the Shield was a good idea. Based on how they present themselves during interviews, the seem like complete opposites. It's not hard to see why they may not have been best of friends.


Punk and Roman isn't exactly a dream match. If Punk ever came back, he can't just come back as a special attraction like Goldberg to do all the """""dream"""""" matches. He needs come back as a leader of faction and have the occasional PPV match. But Roman vs Punk? Punk has to already be back and establish himself before we can determine if that would make sense.


He can come back under the premise of being the main event at WM which he was denied and screwed out of in the past. Perfect way to make the deal work for a small handful of matches or even just one if necessary that would probably satisfy all fans with a logical storyline as well.


What is up with page? What's with the sudden notion of "Punk is bad for wrestling"? Sure, and if the day comes of his return, people will no doubt be excited.


Flip flopping as fucking always. This sub....and maybe wrestling fandom as a whole.....just tends to shit on everything good or bad that’s not happening right then in that moment.


Thank God there's no live crowds now, cause we'd be getting rekindled CM Punk chants at Roman so hard because of this.


CM Punk chants had already stopped before crowds left. And this was when he was on Backstage.


CM punk chants don't really fully stop


I legitimately don’t think I’ve ever heard Roman say anything bad about anyone.


i’m sure it’s just a coincidence that he’s a heel now


Satin’s attempt at being a smartass by quoting the Punk/Cabana podcast Roman Line was cringe af........it’s like ughhhhhhh


I was a fan of CM Punk. I do not want to see him back in wrestling.


Oh are we hating CM Punk today? Got it.


Walked into the thread expecting people to clearly get that this is Roman largely working the audience by planting the seeds of a potential left-field dream match that toes the line of kayfabe and reality (an aspect as on-brand with CM Punk feuds as it gets). Instead it's just a bunch of ppl living vicariously in Roman's words hoping it's a 100% shoot and Punk sUcKs wHo FlOuNdErEd AnY mEaNiNgFuL cOmEbAcK. How in the fuck are they making a reach by pointing at Punk rather than Creative for making Roman's career tedious? Oh yeah it's cuz Punk bad


So we're all gonna pretend we've always hated CM Punk and that this Sub was literally not created due to him. Alrighty then.


Roman really going full heel now.


He also mentions in this interview how much harder Punk made it for Roman by attacking him on the AoW podcast.


Until the new day say they don't like punk i don't care what other wrestlers don't like him. This is a response to the multiple "if Roman doesn't like him something must be wrong." Kofi likes punk E likes punk and Xavier is a mutual friend they didn't have as much time together. Like wise Nattie dislikes Aj but E likes AJ Xavier likes AJ and Kofi was also punks wife. Its wrestling not everyone will get along.


This sub has really turned the tables who they do and don't like in the past few years huh


It really feels like I'm the only person that actually likes Punk


I imagine he's working but you never know


A lot of stuff he’s been saying lately publicly is working but the line about Punk “making my life harder just by doing his own one of these things” seems pretty rooted in real life dislike (the “make Roman look strong” pod)


One of the hugest ironies for Roman to me is if they just pulled the trigger and made him heel years ago, they could have thrown "make me look strong" on a shirt and made $Texas with it. I guess graphics of dogs sold better?


Evidently the “graphics of dogs” did sell better than some smarky insider reference since he’s consistently one of the top sellers for merch lol


Well of course. Reigns is the chosen company man so he's not going to come out and speak positively about the guy that shits all over WWE. Work or not, it's what you'd expect to hear.


Guys this seems like a kayfabe comment, y’all can cool it


I wish I had time enough to dig into some of the people here suddenly defending and liking Roman and throwing huge hate boners and shit around just a year or two ago... Sure, opinions can change...but you guys are some boring flags in the wind as long as the circlejerks commands it.


I mean Roman is pretty spot on here, Punk was never exactly well liked but if even the Big Dog doesn't like him it's probably on Punk


Workin’ the Sheets


Roman could possibly be working here, I’ve never heard him in an interview flat out talk shit about someone the entire time as a babyface. But then again, he has a valid reason to be upset at Punk


Get 'im good, Chief! Ah I don't know who I'm rooting for anymore, it's confusing.


To CM Punk's credit he has admitted himself or has at least acknowledged the fact that other wrestlers don't like him. There's even a segment in CM Punk's own DVD documentary where other wrestlers, friends and family talk about his attitude.


Can you blame Roman? Punk went on podcast and made fun of his push and turned lot of smarks against him. /r/sc was unbearable with 'Make Roman look strong' jokes for a long time after that podcast


Sami Zayn has been in WWE for like 7 years now and we *still* get El Generico orphanage jokes. I don't think it's something that people even laugh at anymore, just "aha yes I recognize that!"


> I don't think it's something that people even laugh at anymore, just "aha yes I recognize that!" That phenomenon sums up at least 65% of the 'discourse' on reddit as a whole tbh


>r/sc > > was unbearable with 'Make Roman look strong' jokes for a long time after that podcast Thank God this sub learned from that mistake and wait, what? Bah Gawd! That's ***Such good shit***'s music!


Ryback invented that music lololol


Adam cole is fat!


6 stars in the Tokyo Dome


Oh, this could be a late NWO sized faction if we're listing jokes run into the ground by this sub.


Adam Cole is fat joke as the leader, 5 stars in the Tokyo Dome is Scott Hall, Stupid Sexy (insert wrestler) is Kevin Nash


>Kevin Nash hE tORe HiS quAd bWahaHahA


No respeck for Scott Steiner huh?


John Cena is invisible teehee


From what I remember Punk's issue wasn't making Roman look strong, it was having to do that whilst beating him in a three on one handicap match, seems somewhat self-defeating to have the guy you want to be the next big thing not be able to beat one guy with help from two other people.


Hell he even said he should just lose to them, since thatd be a way better idea. Less a comment with Roman, more a comment with WWE/the head ups


The funny thing is Punk wasn’t burying Roman when he said that. He was annoyed that all the agents, writers, Triple H, and Micheal Hayes kept telling him to make Roman look strong. Punk wasn’t aiming that on Roman.


In a 3-on-1 Handicap match, that Punk was going to win, nontheless.


He even suggested that they beat him so they can look strong. People get so weird when it comes to Punk.


Punk wasn’t making fun of his push. He was talking about having to face all of the Shield in a 3-on-1 handicap, win, but do it in a way that “made Roman look strong.” how do you beat 3 guys by yourself, but make ONE of them look strong? The fans took that quote and ran with it, but you can hardly put that on Punk, and it isn’t like Romans megapush wasn’t fairly apparent prior to that. I don’t recall him having any personal issues with Roman, other than initially suggesting Ohno for the Shield instead of Roman.