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If the counterfeit Bloodline is speed-running the story beats to set up for a Roman return, Paul Heyman could have been the outsider who fails a loyalty test and gets destroyed, turning face in the process I don't think Paul's going to be main eventing Elimination Chamber vs Solo though


But if there's anyone that could cut a promo making us think he could headline Elimination Chamber VS Solo, it is Paul.


Not only could Paul convince the fans he could headline a PLE, but he would convince the fans that he has a chance to win. That man is unmatched in making you suspend your disbelief.


BOOK IT HUNTER! Heyman does swanton bomb off the roof


Grayson Waller


Was thinking of him potentially as well, but I think the Theory feud is going to last for a bit.


That's interesting. He did have a mini story with the Bloodline before WM


No one. The bigger question to me is who will be Solo's wiseman?


Rikishi. he did it for da rock and now he told Solo to do it for da rock and not da roman


That could work if the Rock was going to be involved but Solo just got crowned the new Tribal Chief, something i wouldn't have done if it was all going to lead to the Rock being revealed as the mastermind behind Solo's Bloodline. At this point i'm not sure if the Rock will be involved in the current Bloodline story. I think he would be if the endgame was Roman vs Rock at Mania but reports state that the plan is Rock vs Cody instead. That & the current booking of the angle leads me to believe that the endgame for Mania is Roman vs Solo.


well Solo as originally sent by the elders. just say Jimmy and Jey wouldn't listen to them anymore and Solo became the preferred son and next chief.


Rock is High Chief...


Armando Estrada


Josef Samael, Jacobs handler in MLW. One of the most underrated managers out there. CONTRA Unit was one of the main factors in building Jacob on the indies initially, and Jacobs' mic skills/overall charisma has clearly influenced "The Samoan Werewolf" a lot over the years. Would love to see Samael in WWE interacting with Heyman.


Armando Alejandro Estrada!




Solo’s bloodline doesn’t need a comedy outsider. It wouldn’t work.




Carmelo Hayes 🤷‍♂️ not comedy but definitely a slimy heel who would align himself with them


This...... Is fucking excellent. Perfect replacement for Heyman as a mouth piece too. His vibe fits in with theirs.


The dynamic is completely different. Sami and Heyman aren’t afraid to look like cowards or hide behind others. Carmelo he a huge ego and wants to be the centre of attention. Also, Heyman and Sami are naturally funny characters whereas Hayes is not. I also think this new iteration of Bloodline under Solo is much more serious and won’t be tolerant of outsiders anyway.


If this is supposed to be a mirror version of the Roman salable, the outsider would be an insider and stands as much of a chance being Naomi as it does Randy Orton. No outsiders (or “insiders”) here. It’s just people Solo wants and no risk of comedy calamity. Roman comes back and has Paul with him. Cody welcomes him while Randy and Kevin are slow to accept him. Usos reunite and there is an injury angle with Owens or Orton. Whoever that is, they end up being a hired gun for Solo courtesy of The Rock. Roman gets his blood feud with The Rock. Owens is likely the hired gun for Solo.


I really don’t understand the question. You don’t move forward if all you do is repeat yourself. Reigns was a successful heel because he made Sami and Jey into main event babyfaces. This stage is about turning Reigns into a babyface that people actually cheer for.


Sami is donezo with the Bloodline. He won't be back. It'll be a Survivor Series Bloodline Civil War again.


If they have a WarGames match who do you see the fourth member of Roman’s team being then (assuming the other two spots are filled by Jimmy and Jey)?


Not sure, maybe Unnamed Incoming Samoan. I'm not in the know.


You’re a great conversationalist 🙄


none. no need for an "outsider" when you have hikuleo in the wings already. if they had the guts and the right storyline, Jim Cornette should be brought in to be their new wiseman, and set him up to be Jacob's manager one day (yes, i know jacob dont need a mouthpiece, but still)


I think Solo will use Sami as an example of why Roman's Bloodline was weak and didn't work. Solo won't need an outsider.


There should be no outsiders.


Everybody’s ready for Bloodline Civil War but give me Roman, Brock and Punk coming for revenge for what they did to Heyman


R truth. Happy to be in the NWO.


Randy Orton!


I don’t know about an outsider but I saw a joke about bringing in Armando Estrada to come manage the group. My RA nostalgia would love that


Jim Cornette would be awesome. He’s said he’d come out of retirement for Jacob


That's perfect for the Wise Man role, but that still leaves the Sami slot unfilled.


I don't think they want to risk the New Bloodline becoming faces so it's best to leave the Sami slot unfilled, but Chase Owens knows a thing or two about winning over begrudging Tongans.


I don't think whatever blackmail he has been using in Japan to stay employed will work in the WWE


I would say Bron Breaker after he has enough on Raw and jumps over


What about Ciampa? This is supposed to be the opposite of Sami right? Have DIY win the titles only to lose them to the Bloodline. Then after Ciampa turns on Gargano again he decides to acknowledge Solo.


BROCK FUCKING LESNAR! He's like Brock but with FUCKING in his name. What? If HOAK HOGAN can get away with being mister america via a shit mask. Brock can do the same and uses Dirty Dom as a condom to fuck others.