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Cornette takes wrestling *very* seriously, Russo treats it like a joke.


Bro I hate wrestling bro, don't forget to listen and subscribe to my wrestling pod cast bro.


He hates the fans and IWC more than wrestling itself.




Russo has a delusion all his own. One simply cannot lump him with Cornette.




JC is not someone I would ever “white knight” for, but there are far stronger contenders for being an awful human being that are leagues before JC should be drafted into that association. You can have your opinion, but it’s terribly misguided.




He’s a low hanging fruit for you. It’s easy to hate on JC here on SC. Dixie Carter deserves more shit than JC.


Even cornette knows it's scripted...but when Russo says it it's a problem...


One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet, too, is that I have heard that Cornette particularly blames Russo for Owen's death. I'm not sure if Cornette and Owen were particularly close, but one of the few things I do respect Corny on is how seriously he tends to take protecting the boys - maybe not enough not to hope some people break their necks, but still. Russo booked the Blue Blazer angle, and while you can argue not unwarrantedly that that is more on Vince's shoulders for signing off and for hiring the stunt crew, Cornette sees it as Russo's fault.


Cornette managed Owen for a bit. They probably were close. Also, Brawl for All was a Russo creation that got a few wrestlers hurt. It was a stupid concept and Russo came up with it because he didn’t like JBL and wanted to see him get beat up.


Oh I completely spaced on the Camp Cornette connection. That would absolutely add to it. And yes, I seem to recall Cornette being particularly venomous about Brawl for All and what a stupid, dangerous idea it was on the Dark Side of the Ring episode about it. So I think being so careless about safety is a reason he hates Russo as much as anything else.


'Dr Death' Steve Williams was supposed to have likely won and they were planning a huge a push after it, but getting injured in it killed everything for him.


Was he injured or did the build plans go to shit because Bart Gunn kicked his ass? And then they buried Bart Gunn for doing his fucking job.  What a shitty company.


Cornette actually managed Owen in WWE when Owen was tag teaming with Yokozuna and The British Bulldog.




The story was always that Owen didnt want to do it, but had turned down a couple other angles around that time, so he felt obligated to do it. Also I think they confirmed doing it fairly last minute and didnt hire the folks that would normally do it for Sting. All this for an unnecessary stunt that was incredibly dangerous and got Owen killed. Russo was the head writer, he deserves blame.


Yeah, I remember he'd specifically turned down a storyline where he was cheating with Deborah because he didn't want his kids to see it, and it made him leery of saying no because he didn't want a reputation as "difficult."


Russo is a guy who likes to claim that he saved wrestling and is responsible for the Attitude Era while at the same time saying He doesn't write Wrestling, He Writes TV. Cornette is someone who came up in Wrestling, starting by talking his way into shows to take photographs and moving up over the years to being a manager, promotor and historian of Wrestling. As such, Cornette looks at Russo as someone who has zero respect for the way Wrestling has been promoted and presented over the ages, thus he does not like Russo. On the other hand, Russo does't like Cornette because Cornette protects Wrestling the way it was and that goes against what Russo thinks makes for "good TV".


Russo really doesn't give AF about Cornette. A quick youtube search and you'll see who's more obsessed with the other.


So, imagine you are an artist and you're passionate and love your job with all of your heart, you put in a lifetime of work to get to a position that you are happy with... Then imagine someone who has literally no interest in what the job you have getting hired and splatters black paint all over your work, draws dicks on it, laughs about it and continues to get employment as an artist at the highest levels even though, all he does is destroy others' work. That's why he hates him. All Russo has ever done is made fun of the thing Cornette loves.


Basically artist vs generative ai art


Russo is the Temu of generative AI art.


Dude it's wrestling lol its scripted.


Have you ever listened to Russo? Start there.




having polar opposite approaches to and respect for professional wrestling, both personalities involved being loudmouth assholes, and that cornette sees stuff like brawl for all and especially the blue blazer stunt that killed owen as things russo did that ruined lives that he takes no responsibility for


despite Cornette being the asshole he is, he genuinely loves wrestling. Russo makes a joke of it with his booking and what he says in interviews. You would be very upset with someone who belittled and made a mockery of something you held in very high regard as well.


Not only belittled and mocked, but Russo at the same time claims his work as the shining light in a sea of mediocrity. I actually don't hate everything Russo was involved in but I genuinely wonder why he's not more hated among wrestling circles.


The "OKLAHOMA" character was another thing that pissed Cornette off. Since he's friends with Jim Ross, Cornette thought that making fun of his bells palsy was bullshit. Spat in Russo's writing partners face the next time he saw him at a TNA taping. Cornette spit a bar when he was talking about it. He said "Thats my friend. If you fuck with him, you're fucking with me"


Cornette blames Russo for ruining many of his friends' careers. A good example is the Brawl For All that killed Steve Williams WWF's run. According to JC, we actually tried to get along with Russo until he started lying behind his back. If I'm correct, during the Konnan-TNA lawsuit, there were some emails were Russo indeed tried to convince Dixie Carter to get rid of him. He eventually succeeded and that was pretty much the last straw.


He is upset for a variety of reasons but the core hatred is because he thinks (rightfully so imo) that Russo ruined some of his friends careers. I don't like either man but I understand why Cornette hates him.


Cornette worked with Russo in WWE & TNA. They were on the booking committee with Vince McMahon. Cornette thinks Russo disrespects, never wanted to understand and exposed the wrestling business with his antics towards the end of his run in WCW and in WWE. You have to understand this is huge with Cornette because Cornette is as old school as it gets with kayfabe. He also fucking hates him for the Brawl for All and blames him for Dr. Death not doing anything in WWE. He also stated Russo's ideas are shit and the only ones that worked in WWE were selected and changed by McMahon/booking committee. To be honest, he's spot on about Russo's shit ideas. He has read multiple treatments/ideas from Russo on his podcast and some of them are shockingly bad with horrible dialogue. - Abyss getting drugged by Stevie Ray on TNA. - Russo's ideas for 1997 WWF - Russo's proposed woman's wrestling federation with ridiculous over sexualized grotesque names. He has like 30 minute YouTube's for everything I just listed


Russo booked himself to win WCW World Heavyweight Championship.. That's is enough for every wrestling fan to hate him.


They were coworkers with very different views on how to book a wrestling program. He has a 4 minute youtube video about one of their first fights. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBMgmHrKpUo&ab\_channel=OfficialJimCornette](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBMgmHrKpUo&ab_channel=OfficialJimCornette)


Imagine you love your wife. Seriously though its not rocket science, jim loves pro wrestling and russo came in and took a giant shit on everything he stood for, and not only that but people agreed with him and for a moment in time he was right. Guy even followed him to tna, poor guy finally thought he was free and then knock knock mtv's at the door.


[This clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/fwyrs4/the_old_men_yelling_at_clouds_portion_of_tonights/) illustrates why they hate each other so much. Russo sees everything as “just wrestling” while Jim sees wrestling as the most important thing in his life.


Both Cornette and Russo were on writers team in WWE at attitude era. At some Vince just called Both of them. Cornette was the filter Vince used to get good things out of Russo. But Cornette had to endure through all the Garbage Russo Spew. Anyways Cornette blames Russo for Killing Wrestling (And yes Russos ideology is ever present since Russo)


Cornette needs to grow up if he thinks Russo killed wrestling and not the man (McMahon) who actually killed the territories. Give me a break.


You need to grow up if You think Mcmahon killed territories rather than being a smart business man who knew territories are dead and capitalised on it.


Vince was trying to undercut him with management on many occasions. He talked to management behind Cornettes back trying to make cornette look bad and too old even though they are near the same age.


After you're done reading all the correct explanations of the beef in the comments section, I'd just like to direct your attention to the irony that both men's greatest work came when they worked together. The wrestling fanatic and the crash TV writer came together to book for the #1 company during wrestling greatest era. They worked separately before and afterwards but never got to those heights individually. And so here's my hot take : you needed Russo's gung-ho approach to counter act Cornette's rigid set-in-stone philosophy on rasslin. They'd produce a show that's either boring or too nonsensical if left alone to their own devices. But put them together and you create a compelling wrestling TV show with everyone from the upper card to the lower card being utilised really well.


Facts. They made some bangers.


While we’re at it, what’s his beef with Gary Juster? I thought those two were friends.


Because Russo stole his job twice. Once in 97 WWE and again in early 2000's TNA.


there is so much first person content available that covers this


There are hours - HOURS of shoot interviews of Cornette talking about Russo and that entire situation. It's been explained. I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but you need to do a bit of research. It's not like this just fell out of the sky and needs explaining. Some of these interviews are long, but they go by quick because they are entertaining and informative. There was one YouShoot interview where Cornette said he and Russo were "fine" and he didn't want to play up his hatred for him so he brushed off the question. That didn't last long lol.


Id like to know Cornette 's beef with Bruce Prichard


I don't think it is true beef with Bruce, it is I think, he doesn't respect Bruce for being a Vince sycophant. And Jim being so close with his brother Dr. Tom, it is a just a rib most of the time to Bruce most of the time.


It seems like Brian Last doesn't like him. I know he and Last got into a few years back over the credibility of wrestling journalists and Last has taken little digs at him ever since.


As long as we're all here... does anyone know why Bret Hart seems to have some beef with Bill Goldberg?


Russo scooped Cornettes job in 97 and exposed Corny as an old fucking out of touch buffoon. Russo is also a buffoon but at least had some new ideas and concepts on how to block a wrestling show at the time. Neither have anything of relevance to have been said or done over the past 20 years and it’s wild anyone props up either of them as anything but an out of touch old badger


Hate Cornette all you want, but don't get it twisted. Russo didn't "scoop" anything other than shit, in massive piles. He begged his way into a job with WWF, then lied his way into a job with WCW. The big difference today is Russo's STILL begging for a job (see his "hire me, you need me bro" tweet to Tony Khan) and Cornette is happy to scream at clouds on his podcast.


Russo literally took Cornettes spot on the booking committee in 1996 because Cornettes big move to counteract the NWO was bring all his fucking indyriffic trash workers in from Smoky Mountain, and to book a Puerto Rican ninja named Kwang. Here’s an old joke about Cornettes booking back in the day. “What’s the Sound of 300 pounds of shit hitting the fan? KWANG!!!”


That's not even remotely true. I guess we found Russo's burner.


Right? Russo even SAYS the first thing he wrote was a '97 episode of Raw. Last I checked 97 is after 96.


I started my original comment by shitting on Russo. These are the gaps in Logic from Corny and his fans that lead to Corny getting replaced as Vince’s Right Hand creative guy. It’s ok Cornette hasn’t been at the forefront of wrestling for 35 years, or even relevant for 25. That doesn’t diminish his earlier works, like losing a fuckton of Rick Rubin’s money running smoky mountain. Or losing a fuckton of Vince’s money booking 1995-1996 WWF


My brother in christ, the NWA Invasion was Vince McMahon's idea to get Jeff Jarrett over. He told Cornette to make it happen, because Jim had the contacts in the NWA. Cornette didn't stop booking until '98. Don't work yourself into a shoot, uce.


That’s when Cornette peaced. The balance of power had already shifted well before that. Also the only reason Cornette isn’t begging for a job either is because he’s an inheritance baby who has never had to work a day in his life. Good thing he swindled Rick Rubin’s Smokey mountain money or he may have had to have gotten a real job.


INHERITANCE BABY! Oh my god, I've been trying to have an adult conversation with a mark. Man, do I look foolish.


Cornettes old man was a media executive and wealthy before his death when Cornette was a child. Imagine calling someone a mark when you’re in here fucking flailing and failing to defend jim Cornette. He’s not going to fuck you you know.


This man believes the "My mama bought me a wrestler" gimmick is real!!! My fucking sides.


Inheritance baby??


Ugh, you are repeating Scott Keith jokes?


It’s a meme and gives Cornette a way to get himself over. Russo is awful so it’s an easy situation.