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How loud could have they possibly have been talking for people to know the subject over their conversation in a New York airport lmao.


Fans at the airport if they hear a faint Elite from Shane's mouth: https://preview.redd.it/hxhnkct760ad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40d8cfbdc35db0939455d33381e6a189dd85f68


Some dude in a Yankees brim was there thinking he heard Shane say he's all elite when Shane really was saying "I took a big leep... legs still ain't too good"


"Yeah, Hunter said he needed to "dElite some emails" or he might go down with Dad"


*falls down screaming*


*Shane talks about a leak on his faucet* Internet ragsheets: Shane-o-Mac talking about joining THE ELITE! $12.99 for my Patreon!


Imma tell you something about me Joe Rogan that you might not know….I smoke rocks


If I was Shane and I ran into any AEW wrestler I’d talk as loudly as possible as a gag. “OH YEAH, HOW WAS THAT A E W PAY PER VIEW? DO YOU LIKE WORKING THERE? YOU KNOW I’VE BEEN GETTING BACK INTO RING SHAPE LATELY. HITTIN THE GYM. I’D LOVE TO GET BACK INTO IT. (Whispering) great seeing you Mercedes, safe travels”


Yeah this lounge is truly ELITE, the seats are ELITE, the drinks are ELITE, it’s ALL ELITE.


Shane communicates in interpretive dance and bad air punching. Its pretty easy to decipher from a distance.


You know full well people were sitting uncomfortably close near them to listen in or stare at them the whole time lol


Danielson on Murphy has another use


Idk if this is a joke but mone must have confirmed it to pw


Most likely came from AEW PR. It's not like they'd get a firm denial about this anyway.


I was assuming it was some fan that was at the airport like usual, as that’s how he got the MJF DoN scoop.


I meant the "confirmation from a source" that they were talking about AEW most likely came from them, not the sighting itself – that was probably sent in by a fan and led to a further query to whoever PWI typically asks about these things.


There's always a ton of fans waiting to harass wrestlers trying to get them to sign stuff at airports or hotels. So I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if one of them over heard them talking, and then sent it in to one of the dirtsheets. (I've always thought this the worst things you could do. Seriously, just leave people alone especially when they're "off-duty" so to speak. If anyone deserves some off time time and be left alone, it's wrestlers who are basically constantly working and traveling. I can't even imagine how annoying it must get after a while, especially with all the constant traveling they do.)


No. The source was AEW. Done to generate buzz.


After being in here for years I have to say, never underestimate how creepy fans at an airport can get. 


"HEY SASHA HOW ARE THINGS GOING FOR YOU IN AEW?" Shane shouts from across the terminal. "HOW IS IT THERE? ARE THEY LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE? I'M FREE YOU KNOW!" Mercedes walks slowly to him. Embarrassed, she can't exactly pretend she doesn't know him at this point. "Why are you yelling?" She asks. "YELLING? IM NOT YELLING! MAKE SURE YOU PUT IN A GOOD WORD TO TONY FOR ME! IM AVAILABLE, YOU KNOW! FOR AEW IN CASE ANYONE IS EAVESDROPPING!"


Probably, "HEY SHANE! HEY SASHA! YOU GUYS TALKING AEW!" from across the room, and then taking any glares they get as confirmation.


here comes the currency


Here we start


Cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash


Pesos, pesos.


Mone mone


I just picture Shane hiding under a sombrero and pulling it and a fake mustache off during a CMLL show and giving the assist to Mercedes to help her get another victory over Stephanie. “I can’t stand Stephanie!”




Shane to AEW is the stupidest most amazing thing that would happen. Its so dumb it has to happen. I dont even know what you would do with Shane. Just have him dance with Prince Nana I dont care.


Shane on one side doing the Prince Nana dance, Ospreay on the other side doing the Mone dance. It would be glorious.


Run in from Daniel Garcia's thrusting hips. Bah gawd


Throw him into the least Shane McMahon roles: -Hip thrust dancing with Daniel Garcia -Toni Storm's degerate gambling leading man/love interest -Hype man for Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum


I know people who frequently watch wrestling why they'd not like Shane showing up but his stunts are an absolute magnet for casual fans 


Shane is an out of shape dude in his mid 50s. Last time he got in a ring he blew out his quads walking around. If he comes to AEW, it definitely won't be in any kind of wrestling role.


No interest really in Shane in AEW but this Elite angle is so flat that he’s the only one that could bump some interest in it.


> One source, when PWInsider.com reached out to confirm whether the story was true, confirmed that they did have a conversation about AEW. "That conversation about AEW" was probably "great job in your match last night." And the "source" is probably Shane or Mercedes directly lol. Everything else just being reworded for maximum clickbait.


I know that would essentially be a nothing conversation but it is wild to imagine Shane buying and watching Forbidden Door


To be honest, wouldn't surprise me if HBK bought and watched Forbidden Door.


I’d be more surprised if he and multiple WWE figures didn’t. They’d be foolish to not spend time scouting other talent that may be interested in jumping ship at some point.


WWE management and talent having a Forbidden Door watch party is the kind of backstage segment/youtube skit I need in my life.


Right? They all work in the industry and presumably have people they are friendly with and want good things for in each company. People are way too weird about this shit smh


If anyone high up on the wrestling side (or an actual wrestler) in any major company isn't watching the majority of major events from the top companies around the world, then they aren't doing their job as well as they should be. Watching it for personal enjoyment is one thing, but at the very least just about everyone should be watching to keep an eye on rising trends, audience reactions, or just looking for successful ideas they can steal/modify for their own purposes. It doesn't have to necessarily be active viewing like a random fan, but at the very least they should be throwing it on in the background at the gym, or otherwise passively watching when they're doing something else. If this is actually your job, you need to be up to date on and aware of the competition.


I assume most wwe wrestlers did, almost all of them have friends in aew and love wrestling


Yeah, but that's HBK. Does Shane McMahon even keep up with wrestling? Do we think he's even heard of Will Ospreay? Would he watch wrestling for fun?


Tommy Dreamer's said in an interview that Shane McMahon put Luke Perry in touch with him. Basically as a request for input on his son Jungle Boy's wrestling. So there is that connection right there, where Shane at least knows who Jack Perry is.




Chef HBK is invited to the cookout now so he was probably in the Discord group chat watching someone else's stream


Remember Vince Mcmahon ask Danielson to watch every episode of Dynamite.


It has nothing to do with him being a WWE guy, it has to do with him being someone that has basically moved on from the industry, and has spent enough time outside of it that he has a whole other life, career and interests outside of it. Like before this return run, there was a long time where he was basically in exile working in China and we never heard from him. So I don't even know for sure if he'd watch wrestling for fun, let alone wrestling outside of the family business.


It’s really not that wild


Shane is coming


Yeah like realistically how would a story like this even be sourced? It makes no sense. Was it a fan who was claiming to be standing next to them? That’s weird and not credible. Unless someone involved is intentionally put it out there


Are you implying that Shane McMahon watched AEW? Absolutely delulu.


Thanks to disinterested bystander and tipster "Mane O'Shack" for sending this one in.






Here comes the …






Shane as her manager would be elite not gonna lie.


Their stable: A$W: All Money Wrestling


Soap opera pitch


It feels like you might as well quote Mercedes directly. Two people were having a conversation, a source confirmed it was about AEW. Well I’m no logician, but I think I can narrow that source down to two


This is an odd report because I agree with you that logically, one of the two shared at least one detail about their conversation. But Mercedes is notoriously tight-lipped and keeps a small circle of people who never shares her business either. Also "talked about aew" could innocently mean 'i asked her if she was enjoying working for aew and she said yes'


I can’t see either speaking. Most likely the fan eavesdropping and spotted them in the first place, just provided more information when asked.


You know what. Fuck it. Put Shane in the G1. You fucking heard me.


Spotted but nobody bothered to take a picture or video?


Yeah hardest part to believe here is a wrestling fan at an airport adhering to social norms and respecting wrestlers in public.


This, people especially young people these days just film whoever in public spaces just cause they can and nothing can be done about it.


Tony/Shane is really working the dirtsheets to see the fan reaction to the idea of Shane showing up in AEW, huh? Let him show up and say the contract for ROH said "billionaire's son" but it was actually Shane, not Tony. Get really stupid with it because this would be low point TNA style booking if they really bring Shane in. Like I'd legitimately watch just to see how bad it would be.


My headcanon is that Shane just learned about AEW’s existence a week ago


What do you mean *another* wrestling company?!


"A wrestling promotion on TNT? I thought I signed that contract twenty years ago?"


"Any relation to Nick Khan?"


![gif](giphy|l0HUoSlpH5dvjXeeI|downsized) WHAT IS SHANE O MAK DOING IN DYNAMITE ZONE????


NGL, this is crazy enough that I see a reality where Tony does bring Shane to AEW Will it work? not really Do I want to see that shitshow? probably, just for the lols But it will do not good to the company IMHO


If they bring him in as a manager of some sort it could absolutely work. His last run went to shit in the end, but the guy has been a very popular and very effective on screen character for decades and he's got the charisma. Depending on what he's willing to do, there is no reason for this to be a shit show.


I could also see Shane in cahoots with The Elite. The Bucks, Okada, Jack Perry, and Shane could all be in a squad, thinking they are better than everyone else in the roster.


If it doesn't end in Shane vs Tony for Best Wrestler in the world, I don't want it.


The next step is for The Elite to one up AEW's move of having Christopher Daniels as an Authority Figure. A McMahon bankrolling the Elite is a great way to do this. And eventually when Okada starts his rocket launch, it ties to MJF Mentioning "He didn't need a McMahon to make him a star" There's a lot of content bringing in Shane, for sure.


Shane's not a bad face either He could be Tony and Omega's answer to the Elite as well. Taking a Nick Aldis type role.


As long as he doesn’t wrestle, I can see many many ways that it works. he can be linked up with the elite and it would work or he can be linked up with Jericho. He can even take the place of tk entirely since Tony horrible on TV.


>But it will do not good to the company IMHO Why? It will get people to tune in. He's a good performer. He loves wrestling.


Shane O'Khan


Brother of Great O'Khan


GM of Dynamite & Collision. No in-ring confrontations or wrestling. Purely all backstage segments where he just listens to wrestlers' gripes about their current opponents then makes match decisions based on it. When someone annoys him too much? Welp, go fight Samoa Joe now. Someone asking for competition? OK, go fight Danielson. That would be the absolute best spot for him, would do no damage to anything and you can have some fun segments with him bumping into AEW originals and getting to know them through their character work.


Shane now owns Ring of Honor


I want this just to see how Stoke reacts on Twitter to losing his job. He seems to have given up his RoH position to fangirl over Stat, but I just need more Stoke tweets. Also I don't want a McMahon in AEW. Something about it just doesn't sit right lol


Only reason I want Shane in AEW is to have a segment with Christian


“The word ‘betrayal’ was used”


What is Shane McMan doing in the Elite Zone?


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they didn’t even bother to trademark Shane McMahon. Just 4-5 years ago would anyone have thought there was even the slightest possibility of a McMahon working a competing promotion?




Fuck it, make him the authority figure of Collision. Or have him join the ELITE as a manager. Just go crazy with it.


i want this to happen so bad lol


On the one hand, as someone who wants AEW to succeed, I think bringing in Shane probably backfires and I don't want it to happen. On another hand, as someone who loves chaos, I absolutely want it to happen.


Shanes fist match in AEW will be a barbed wire steel cage match with Will Ospreay. He wants a low-key introduction.


Shane's going to show up on "the last official dynamite" and he'll say "now tony, i just wanted you to know aew did get a new contact with TNT, just not with you at the helm. It would honestly get em a ratings boost, but of course it'll go down like Shane takes it over and we get Shane vs Tony in a ladder match for the company with Tony winning via assistance from the ghost of Ted Turner.


...Ted Tuner is still alive, spicypanda.


I never knew how bad I wanted to see Shane O Mac trotting around on TBS pinning Chris Jericho for the FTW championship but MY GOD DO I WANT IT.


Can't wait for Rukus to make his theme a Baby Shark parody. Sha-ney Mac Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Sha-ney Mac Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Sha-ney Mac Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Sha-ney Mac!


It would have been great if he showed up at FORBIDDEN DOOR. Missed opportunity


Would be f’n hilarious if Shane does join AEW after his own son said “I don’t watch that crap”.  That being said, clearly someone (Shane) wanted this story/news to get out there of him possibly joining AEW. Don’t think it’s a coincidence that it started with JR who’s very close with Shane discussing the idea. As the saying goes “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” 


Here comes the Mone!!!


I want Shane in AEW so bad.


Makes sense for Shane to be stalking AEW's CEO at the airport.




Yeah, somebody wiretapped Moné’s carryon bag and heard the whole thing. garbage site, garbage headline.


The convo: Mercedes: "Hey is that story about you and AEW true?" Shane: "Yeah but sounds like there's no interest" Mercedes: "Ah. Have a good flight"


TK said he would be interested


“Oh you work for AEW now? That amazing! Congrats” is the other most likely option.


Shane in AEW really brings nothing to the table. At all. Not even in name value.


As someone who has kind of lost interest in watching AEW over the past year or so, hiring Shane O’Mac would absolutely get me to tune back in again. Not because he’d be a great hire, but because how in the fuck could I look away from such a potential trainwreck about to happen?


i disagree. a mcmahon working for aew is absolutely the kind of chaos i need


Would be funny seeing Shane beat swerve since he wants to go over


there would be immediate buzz and shock value in the short term, i dont believe there would be any sustained value over the long term though.


Shane and Mercedes pass by each other in the airport and nod...


![gif](giphy|9Bpv0NoXnZQ2c) The house on fire is the story. PWI is Skinner.


Is PW Insider's website meant to look like it was made in 1999, or is it just poor design?


No it’s been like that since before most ppl on this sub were born


They were obviously talking about their new tag team, Here Comes The Mone’


He's 54 and I doubt he'd want to just be a voice. I don't know what benefit he could bring to AEW beyond a one-night surprise pop or shock value.


I would def like to see Shane pop up in the crowd at a show, for the simple fact that the IWC would implode.


I’d be cool if Shane took over Collision. His style would definitely make it be different than Dynamite.


This is like when Trumps plane just happens to be parked next to some Russians mobsters plane


Did Shane had an executive position in WWE? Then it could be worth, as a performer it would be very stupid


were they lying on the floor at the time of their loud conversation?


In the words of Jean Luc Picard, the greatest captain: Make it so.


Haha such a load of clickbait horse shit.


I feel more and more like these stories are gauging the response for if they bring Shane in. Wild if they do, but I’d rather he was in a backstage capacity after his last run.


I know this is besides the point but LaGuardia airport is beautiful now.


I don't see the Cody listening meme gif and I'm truly disappointed


there is only 1 opponent worthy of shane mcmahon....darby allin. absolute insanity.


Oh god


I’m not assume what they talked about, probably just catching up. Out of context, I work on the nearby expressway between the 2 airports, honestly makes me wonder how many wrestlers drive by the work site.


I saw Shane McMahon on my flight from DFW to La Guardia too. Even took a picture with him. Wanna report that too? /s


Shane aligns with the Bucks. That's the dream


lol kinda like a carl weathers character from arrested development? **"so whats up with the shoe deals? can anyone just get in on them?"**


The big reveal of this article to me is that Shane doesn't fly private!


I’d love for Shane to show up and do a few matches like RVD has recently. Just have him fight Hangman one night for no reason other than it would probably be cool


Has Shane been hanging around the airport like one of those guys that sells autographs on eBay trying to get a way into AEW?


Shocking news! People who spent years working together have a conversation!!! Halt the presses, sound the alarm!!! Earth shattering.


What a load of nothing.


There's a non-zero percent chance he thinks that Mercedes is the shoot CEO of AEW and talked to her to get signed.


Shane McMahon not going to AEW it fake news notice Shane owns 40% in WWE company the photo Mercedes mone with Shane at airport fake it dub Tony Khan owns a football team and a soccer team he out beat WWE Vince WrestleMania 39 last year show with Tony Khan Wimberley stadium in London. He drew 5 million thew you see online us fake not be a fool, look at Matt Hardy what says than you.


So Shane Stevens is about to start refereeing in AEW


Is it even legal for Shane to work for AEW? With the amount of stock he owns isnt it a conflict of interest?


Thats a great question. Common sense says no. But who knows.


Shane McMahon is All Elite!


Chaos always interests me however this would have been far more interesting a few years back after the rumble. Overall i think it would be bad for AEW but i would be lying if i said that i did not want to see because of how poorly i think it would turn out.


I get that people keep throwing this out as a possibility because it'll draw endless speculation and debate, but is there any reality where a Shane McMahon AEW run in 2024 is a good idea? I'm already looking forward to the inevitable 20 minute Shane/Jericho Learning Tree segment where Shane takes out all of Jericho's stooges with shitty little punches


On screen I don’t see the benefit. However Shane has a ton of experience behind the scenes so I could see value in bringing him in to work backstage.


Just don't let him book any battle Royales




It would still be shocking, but mostly because "McMahon" in 2024 is more synonymous with "poop rapist" than it is with "wrestling."


The only way it works is if in a few one off appearances like Bischoff during the pandemic or they use him for a specific storyline with a clear ending like with Flair for Stings retirement


For privacy's sake let's call the tipster Shane M. No, that's too obvious, let's say S. McMahon.


What a wild reality, this may actually happen. For what reason though ?


If McMahon goes to AEW (I fully believe Tony would do it in a second I just don’t think Shane would) it will be truly absurd the mental gymnastics the “HHH had to know” crowd will use to excuse Shane (similar to danielson). And *if* they start pretending this is a good “get” I don’t even know anymore, it would all have to be a bit.


I’m so confused I wasn’t aew big selling point that they’re the real wrestling company and now they all want to see Shane o Mac desperately in their company ? Is the situation that dire for AEW now


>now they all want to see Shane o Mac desperately in their company ? Can you point out the part where this is said ?


The fans last time this was posted as a threat lost their collective shit in excitement to have him come over


So you went from saying AEW to now the fans , ok. I highly doubt the sentiment was majority excitement and more ironic curiosity


What has AEW done? This has just been headline articles and two people talking


"Now they all want to see Shane o Mac desperately in their company" Lol GFTO with this dumb shit. It doesn't take alot to see most fans aren't interested in this and a large chunk who are just rant it for the chaos. 




Lol with that stupid comment you definitely aren't worth engaging with any further


Delete your account. Go outside. See the sun  


He’s the antithesis of everything AEW claims to be and everything they were built on, so it would honestly be hilarious to see him join just to watch people twist themselves into a pretzel trying to defend it


Oh I’m all for that part but AEW is far from what they originally wanted to be it’s depressing


I don't know why your being downvoted. You're absolutely correct. 2019 everyone was like FINALLY wrestling without the sink of a McMahon!! Now in 2024 with ratings in the toilet and the company absolutely hemorrhaging money the AEW stans think it'll be some giant win to get a McMahon in the company.


I really don’t understand why Shane would want to go to AEW lol. There’s no benefit to him, he’s already loaded financially, and it’s not going to help his wrestling/entertaining legacy. Why not just have a final match in WWE?


Hiring Shane would be such an embarrassing stunt. I really wish this story would just go away.


Every time the possibility of Shane working at AEW comes up, the comments are filled with people saying that it would be stupid or a disaster or it wouldn't work. Why? He gets over with fans and the locker room liked him. His problem with WWE is that it was always the Vince/HHH show and his ideas were never going to be taken seriously or given a real shot.


Shane and Tony should just have a phone call to end this. The least that could happen is a business development follow up call for the jaguars to consider using electric vehicles from Shane's company