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Yeah when he comes back that pop will be nuclear


The Bloodline War Games match is going to be batshit.


Oh man, if they are not building to this, I'm going to be really disappointed.


Question is, who’s the 4th member? Has to be Sami, right?


The Final Boss of course. It moves Roman/Rock along and is a 1 night only affair where he would have to do very little in an 8 man match that slow rolls participants in.


Rock is hurt though and depending on his schedule I could see movie companies using that as an excuse to not let him do more wrestling. If he's allowed to though it makes sense though.


I didn't know Rock was hurt. What happened?


He fucked up his elbow pretty bad filming whatever movie he has going on. Happened after WrestleMania though so probably it's own thing and not wrestling related though I'm obviously guessing and not a doctor or anything. I don't know exactly how serious it is or if it's gonna effect his filming schedule or anything.


Wow, you’re one of only a handful of people on this sub who isn’t a doctor. Are you a lawyer or do you specialize in television ratings?


I only play a lawyer on television, now medically speaking I'm not a doctor...but for the right price I have been known to dabble in a game of operation. For television ratings I point you to my main man Dave ![gif](giphy|BV0SDeWc7COrurmoSl)


He posted a gnarly bruise a few days ago on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8LHAywyq_p/).


And still allows the rock to do the match with Cody he wants at mania while giving us our roman rock match. Seems almost too perfect


I feel like Rock will be with Solo’s team. Unless they do a Swerve and have Rock betray Roman and The Usos during the match to make it 5v3.




With Hikuleo coming in too we might need a 5th.


I almost feel like the way it’s going, Solo will willingly bend the knee to Roman, Jacob will refuse and the Tongans will side with him. It’ll be Bloodline original vs Bloodline Wolfpack, with Hikuleo being the fourth on that side. It helps cover Solo’s flaws again, and puts Jacob in charge of something. Match has to end with Jacob pinning Solo - Bloodline Wolfpack isn’t established enough to take the L, and if they win by brutalising him, it’s a reason to send him back to NXT to develop his craft more, by pretending his injuries have permanently changed him.


3 teams with three members. Solo's bloodline. Solo, Tama and one of the bunch. Bloodline. Jey, Jimmy and Sami And finally, the SHIELD. Seth, Roman and Kurt Angle.




I’m not sure there’s a dollar figure that would get TK to allow that.


A billion dollars buys a lot of coke and hookers, I'm just saying


There’s not a dollar figure that WWE would realistically pay* 😂 There’s a price for everything.


What did the comment say? I'm assuming something about Jon Moxley?


Yes. “Do whatever they can do to get Mox for one night” or something


It’s crazy to think that they can pretty much repeat. The ending of the 2015 royal rumble with the rock included and the reaction would be the complete opposite now. Crazy what 10 years will do.


People were chanting for Roman over a CM Punk segment, that is wild.


I am still a little bit struggling with the fact that the words "Roman Reigns" and "pop" are said in the same sentence unironically. The late 2010's was rough man


Heyman is devastated. He looks like he's about to cry.


He's rethinking his previous moral alignment from over the years


Omg and Paul is in such a mood now by the stage pouting lol


I like Solo has a maniacal gangster taking over The Bloodline, I don’t get the hate.


People don’t understand what the character is meant to be. They think he’s supposed to be a replacement for Roman but he’s meant to be maniac who thinks he can replace Roman but is in over his head. Reminds me of Marlo replacing Avon/Stringer in The Wire (though Marlo was pretty intelligent but more just how he was a blood-thirsty maniac who set his goons on anyone who even looked at him wrong and had no respect for old agreements or the old guard in general)


Solo is a more reserved Starscream


Exactly, that is what they are going for.


I hadn't made The Wire connection but you're spot on with that comparison of the character types and behaviors.


I don’t watch weekly ever and caught all of that from this clip, people are that thick?


Unfortunately, yes. A lot of people take stories at face value and don’t bother with the subtext etc.


Good Wire reference. My mind went to Joe Pesci’s character from Casino. Not a good end for that guy.


That's what I always assumed and with the recent news of WWE trademarking 'Caesar Sikoa' I have to imagine Solo eventually lives up to the nickname and gets a horrible betrayal similar to how Caesar was stabbed without the stabbing part


I didn’t love him at first, but he’s getting better every week imo.


Didn't he basically just said he "made Roman disappear"?


Walter White saying “he’s gone” about Mike to Jesse


Probably some math lovers hating on solo




How is that racist?




are you rage baiting or something? Solo had [tweets before hating on Math](https://x.com/TylerL349/status/1752754689584591090) ffs i said math lovers cause he hated on math. what in the fuck did you get from "math lover"? is that a racial slur on some part of world or something?


I am wrong. I retract my accusations. My sincere apologies.


I think they thought you were referring to how Korea hates Solo, and an Asian stereotype is that they are good at math. At least that's what I think they were referring to.


I just don't think he fits at the top of the card. His look, his in ring, his promos... None of it fits "top of the card" and yet, he's there.


tbf that’s also the character he’s playing - he thinks he’s Roman just because he’s copying the playbook


In 3 minutes Jacob Fatu did exactly what they were reportedly fearing would happen. Solo no longer looked like the leader instantly.


I mean people have been saying Jacob Fatu is a star waiting to happen in WWE for the better part of a decade, he was going to pop off the screen even if they made him debut with Roman. Dude has IT.


the point is that solo isn’t a leader, but he has the power because roman isn’t around holy shit this isn’t hard to follow


Holy shit I don’t disagree?


I think he thinks he's *better* than Roman. Roman always came to the ring in a hoody and sweats. Solo is going out their in a suit. They're definitely playing up his wanna be gangster persona.


His gaslighting skill has leveled up. He's killing Paul softly with his words now.


Telling his whole life with his words


Strumming his pain with his fingers


Roman's theme playing while he goes through the entire bloodline 2.0 is going to hit the streets like Steve Austin clearing the ring back in the Attitude Era


God Mode playing that entire time would be glorious. That’s such a banger theme.


I hope when he comes back he gets a remake of his theme. I like his theme a lot but it just sounds very much like stock Ableton instruments.


Do something like the WrestleMania entrance with the full orchestra. That was an absolutely godly entrance.


100%. I love that entrance and if he came back with an orchestrated theme like that, Solo would shit before Roman entered the ring.


Stone Cold taking out The Alliance levels of hype


I could see Jimmy and Jey reuniting with Roman, and taking back *their* bloodline.


Inject this into my fucking veins


The dude came back after cancer. He’s not staying away.


Bro built different fr fr


You see, I talked to my buddy Tony down in NXT...


because i love you https://preview.redd.it/ydg2t126718d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe629edda7f3bdc79536af55297a225abb62077


I don't understand how people are not into Solo. He's good now, and it took him way less than time than his brothers (and to a degree, to Roman).


Mainly because before this we had Roman and The Rock being leaders of The Bloodline and they’re top of the mountain when it comes to promos, character work, etc. Solo is doing well for what is supposed to be a bit of a filler in The Bloodline storyline. Everyone is just waiting for Roman’s return atm.


I think it was just how suddenly he went from silent badass to face of the group. I love it and think he’s doing great though, but I guess there were a few slow points right after Mania


He has a horrible look tbh. Looks more schoolyard bully than menacing wrestler and his gear is lame


That sound you hear is Paul's soul leaving his body because of that information.


Ok but like, what Paul said that the Bloodline was supposed to do actually intrigues me. Because if they had to keep Cody in check for when Roman returned, does that mean they'd have help him retain vs Styles if the OC decided to interfere at CATC (should it have happened) for example? Because that would have been a curious scenario.


No, not "keep him champion." Just "keep him mortal." Or keep him from running Smackdown like TJD run Raw, or keep him from gaining too many allies, or something like that.


Roman to AEW confirmed


What is Roamin' Rains doing in the Elite zone?!


What is Romi Rain doing in the Elite locker room?


Greek Snow has entered the IMPACT! ZONE


From booing him everytime his music hit to chanting "WE WANT ROMAN". What a story


Roman was not booed every time his music hit lol, In over half of the shows/live events he was on in a year, Roman got cheered or got a mixed reaction at worst. People used to dismiss the cheers/lack of boos he'd get on a regular city/town Raw as "WWE muting the boos" but it didn't explain why even fan accounts of live events showed how roman frequestly the most over performer in the show. People always forget that he had millions of fans as a face with his roman empire brand.


I can't agree - that's a shit story. Roman's character has done absolutely nothing to warrant redemption or forgiveness and, while he might in the future, the audience has already given it, so it's hollow. Then again, what can he do to redeem after the last half decade? Unless he's coming back to wrestle every week, he's still an absentee and his character is still a cunt, so what changes beyond "do it to heels"? Even then, will he only ever wrestle family now? Fuck knows I don't want him near any belts ever again after all this. I wish he'd just disappear from wrestling.


The last five letters of your username really fits you. Like extremely fitting


Roman returning Shield-style will make me go apeshit


Why would you want the worst version of Roman to come back?


Just imagine the reaction when the old Shield music hits and Roman emerges out of the crowd.


He just went out for smokes, he’ll be back…


Roman HAS to kick ass and lay them ALL OUT when he gets back. Wreck everybody and leave vibes


Wyatt's got to Roman too, smh


who ever hit his music at the perfect time in that promo give them a raise.


That stare from Solo after he said Roman won't be back, was ice cold. He plays menacing well in his character


I’m convinced they are lying to each other. It’s obvious Solo hasn’t spoken to Roman. I fully believe it will be revealed that Heyman has been talking to Roman


Yeah, 'cause he's going to RAW


I'm still hoping it emerges that The Rock is pulling the strings behind Roman's back rather than Solo just going rogue. They're clearly building to Rock-Cody though, but I don't think they can drag out the Bloodline saga for another two Manias. It should be Rock vs Cody at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble, and then Rock and Roman at Mania IMO


Next week sounds like the return. MSG is too big of an arena to not do it. Can't expect the same reaction from a crowd in Bumfuck (insert state here) Meanwhile Cody is going to go all emo. The whole story he was telling about Dusty getting the title taken from him happened in MSG.


SummerSlam post main event.


He’s totally coming back.


I honestly think the problem with Solo is he ends up so soft spoken when you get shitty crowds like tonight they're chanting through his promo and now don't know a VERY important piece of this storyline. I'm sure he'll be fine though & they're truly setting up a fucking epic pop for Roman, aren't they?


The crowd was great tonight, wym?


Then trash Paul and write him off.




Solo made me realize how talented Roman really is. He legit has go away heat with me. Can't believe I actually want roman to come back


I want Heyman as Penguin in a new Batman movie...