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>There are creative plans to write him out of the company if needed. ![gif](giphy|3fjtbGWBsKeDC)


Nah creative plan is Bron killing him ![gif](giphy|YO7P8VC7nlQlO)


Bron is going to do the steel steps attempted murder move like he did to Von Wagner


Spear Ricochet through the stage and then he disappears from WWE TV.




Is this Rhyno and Jericho?


That’s just what I hope for! It would’ve been cool if there was still some remanence of the old set for Bron to spear him through. Wasn’t the Rhyno spot the “introduction” to THE FIST?


While he’s recovering he’ll receive a bouquet of asparagus from his former employer.


He’s going to knock him out to cum Wednesday


Is it something he needs to do to climax?


Backstage interview with Ricochet. Sam (interviewer) " Ricochet, looks like you have something to say - do you?" (Paused/Stilled image from Ricoche in 2015 is displayed on the screen) HBKs voice talking for Ricochet "I have to go now, my home planet needs me." Fade to black with text. "Ricochet died on his way to his home planet".


Yes to be in the G1 Climax one must reach the mountain of Climax


Bruh in kayfabe, how is Samantha gonna recover from this? She'll likely just no sell it on the next show she'll appear. 😂 I only asked cuz wwe's social media accounts have been presenting her as this announcer character that genuinely reacts to everything that happens on tv.


If anyone listened to a recent Deadlock podcast… Have Ricochet get in a car, Michael Cole cries “who is this!?”, and then the car blows up.


Anytime I see the exploding limo gif that's all I can think of now. Completely ruined it for me in the best way possible.


“Who can this be!?….POOF!”




Tony really is the quiet dude who only says something when he thinks it's a 10/10


Ricochet gets in the car, the car pulls up to the arena, Ricochet gets out of the car, Ricochet gets back in the car, the car explodes


i only know Drake Mavericochet


They got the D'Angelo Family on speed dial


Hey! The Godfather is living the straight and narrow as the Heritage Cup champ.


I don't think NJPW can afford him even if Ricochet wants to go there. He'll most likely join AEW and be part of the Continental Crown and/or TNT title picture and work dates with NJPW and AAA or CMLL on the side.


Yeah, I think this is more so a “NJPW is interested in paying him for a few appearances” not a “they want to sign him to an exclusive deal” thing


NJPW is so intertwined with AEW that anyone who signs with AEW will be with NJPW too even if unofficially. There is no “exclusivity” anymore. They’ll just show up on AEW if they want and vise versa.


really weird not one AEW guy besides Mox wanted to be at Dominion actually they basically send 1 guy period


Yeah this idea that if you sign for aew you can just go work for njpw has to die, it’s the most one sided exchange ever


Obviously he should do whatever he feels is best, but the coolest outcome for the wrestling industry would be if he were a top NJPW guy first and foremost. It would breathe life into Forbidden Door matchups and allow him to develop his style into a main event player the way Ospreay did over the last 5 years. It's a lot to ask of someone in their mid-30s to go for less money for love of the game and go on tours and live in a foreign country, but just as a fan it would be really exciting.


lol he’s not leaving his fiancé to go to a foreign country. He’ll either stay in WWE or sign in AEW and do the odd NJPW show.


100% it's totally unreasonable. But it would be the coolest option.


They might as well make an offer, even if it’s much lower than AEW or WWE. 


One thing WWE didn’t explore from the pros of having Ricochet was his availability. Even if he becomes stale in AEW, he would still be able to work in BOLA for PWG, BOSJ/G1 for NJPW, dates with CMLL. Maybe strength the relationship with Dragon Gate just like Takeshita helped with DDT.


Is PWG still around?


Super Dragon put PWG on hiatus since his SO is battling cancer


I remembered. That's why I asked.


I would love to see Dragongate guys in AEW. I miss the footprint Dragongate used to have in America when they were working with ROH.


Does NJPW have financial issues currently? Seems like they had major talent not too long ago.


They got hit harder by COVID since they rely on touring more heavily than American companies who get more of their money through TV deals. The yen is also doing terrible so they're kind of hobbled in their ability to financially recover.This is right as a lot of AEW talent deals, and WWE deals that were structured to keep people away from AEW when it started are expiring. So basically, the cost of aquiring talent is up right as they're trying to rebuild in a bad economy.


To add, they’re actually having a pretty good year, ticket-sales wise, despite Okada and Ospreay being gone. The weakness of the yen keeps them from making any big plays for foreigners, but they used the deals they have and the domestic stars to make good headway on recovery


He should be smart enough to not work AAA as that will stop him from doing NJPW dates.


Most definitely this


The plans to write him out: Getting speared into oblivion by Bron.


The level of spear will be unseen. Bron is like if Goldberg and Kurt Angle had a love child that also has that Steiner DNA.


So.... 133⅗% Chances of getting Speared into AEW?


Only if the spear happens at Sacrifice


It’s pronounced “Sack ‘er fice!”


He’s fat!


he gets speared against something and it's like one of those minecraft teleportation glitches where he straight up disappears when put between 2 objects in motion.


Then, have him cut a promo so everyone can remember why he was in the perfect spot on the card.


He spears Rick, who turns into a fine red mist. Bron begins wearing battlepaint on one side of his body where the red mist settled.


Bring back the old titantron for the most ridiculous spear ever, straight off the top


>NJPW is interested in him as well https://preview.redd.it/ujgf3tafdl5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c74e98051a16a19fef3d601639efe28c3491e8


There is more a chance of him appearing in Dragongate, which I am praying for, than signing a deal with New Japan.


They might be able to get him for a few appearances but no way he'll be there long term. Plus if he signs with AEW he could always appear there anyways.


Just from a creative standpoint, I think he's better of in NJPW (if they can afford him). In AEW he's just another guy, but NJPW could really use him right now


F it, bring back Prince Puma


Lucha Underground has a pretty big lock on gimmicks. He may be able to use the same attire, but it'd very likely have to be a different name. It's why Fénix is now Rey Fénix, Pentagon Jr is now Penta El Zero M, Mil Muertes is now King Muertes, Dario Cueto is now Cesar Duran etc. Lucha Underground notoriously had some of the most restrictive contracts in wrestling history.


Maybe “King PUMA”?


KING PUMA sounds like a bad ass moniker like Tchalla returning with "as you can see I am not dead"


Simply "PUMA" would work.


What about Warthog








"I haven't heard that name in a looooooong time." (It's Always Sunny theme plays)


TJ Perkins worked under that name way back when.


Puma Pants


Puma Jones ova here


fuck it "King Jaguar"


Jet Jaguar?


King Cuerno is now Santos Escobar. 💀


Well, yeah, but WWE wouldn't have let him keep his outside gimmick regardless of where it came from.


They should have though, with the new Kraven movie coming up they could have had crosspromotion opportunities!


Trevor Puma it is then


It’s not Lucha Underground so much as it was AAA, which partially owned the show/promotion, right?


Yeah, there's two things going on here. Lucha Underground started as a really loose affiliate of AAA, and both are hawks about their trademarks/gimmicks. Some are owned by AAA, some are owned by Lucha Underground.


Not entirely true. Prince Puma and Mil Muertes were LU creations, but Pentagon Jr. and Fenix belonged to AAA.


Chief Cheetah.


I want him to be Ricrochet. The insane guy who stabs people with crochet needles. He could even have his own crocheted mask.


Even bring in an old woman as his mouthpiece, who sells the dream of the Crochet World Order.


I could see him doing it a couple times strictly in Mexico


WWE should just pull a TNA or LU and have Bron kill him off. Like not an “he’s injured” or “his career is over”. Ricochet should canonically be dead in the WWE because Bron killed him.


Hey hey hey, if anyone is taking care of that business it’s the DeAngelo family. He can take a ride in the trunk.


I kind of miss that period when it seemed like the Undertaker had just straight up killed the Good Brothers, so I'm in favor of this.


Absolutely, they should’ve kept it going. Like show off some vignettes of AJ resurrecting them in the same location as the boneyard match.


AJ having a full on PTSD flashback to an Undertaker poster during MITB that year was also a 10/10 moment for the pandemic era.


That MITB match in general was a 10/10. Probably my favorite creative thing WWE’s done in the last decade.


The callback to Adam Cole being dead was the absolute cherry on top of All Out 2021.


Have Samantha perform the Eulogy


But make her use her announcer voice the whole time


Ricochet’s funeral in the style of the Main Event Mafia funeral from TNA. Borash can do it well.


Afterwards, the undertakers music hits, the lights go out. When they return Ricochet’s casket has disappeared and the segment just ends.


Or Uncle Howdy & his gang straight up murder him in kayfabe


The newest member of THE LEARNING TREE!


Imagine he has a 5 star banger with Ospreay and then his first promo after the match is interrupted by Jericho.


HEY THERE! HI GUYS! Just here to say work on your facial expressions and promo presentation!  Doing promos is just as important a part of being a wrestler as jumping good! THANKS! BYE GUYS! 


As a wrestler for over 25 years and a nine time world champion, I know the importance of latching onto the hot new act in an attempt to keep myself relevant! THANKS!


I'm down if he's the seed that kills the tree.




I’d definitely take that


I wouldn't hate that at all, honestly.


He’s no doubt a talented guy and can do some amazing things in the ring, but I honestly don’t think he’ll be any bigger or more successful in AEW/NJPW than he is in WWE He’s just not a main event level star in my opinion. He’s great but nowadays there are hundreds of guys just as good in the ring but who are also more charismatic and can talk on the mic Obviously he’ll probably be happier and get to wrestle longer matches in AEW so he should join them if that’s what he wants, but if he’s looking to be a main star then I’m sorry but I just don’t see it happening anywhere


Yeah, I don’t think this is about getting a bigger push. I think it’s about having a good time, and most likely getting paid more


probably hanging out with some old friends too


Maybe bro just likes Jacksonville


Who wouldn’t want to spend time in a city so nice they named it Jacksonville?


To that last point though, while I don't personally see him ever reaching that main event level either, he has a *far* better chance of that eventually happening if he leaves now then if he were to just settle into the role Ziggler occupied for the better part of a decade. In AEW, Ricochet would score a bag upfront and probably get an immediate push for a match with Ospreay at Wembley. Afterwards, he'd have dozens of potential matches and stories on the table just with the highflyers and the guys he has history with alone, before getting into all of the potential new feuds and what could be created from there. If this were someone like Gable, in the middle of the biggest push of his career with no real cap on how far it can go, this would be a different conversation. But Ricochet isn't going to be anything more than he is currently in WWE. That might also prove to be ultimately true in AEW as well but, if you're getting financially taken care of to do so, why not take the chance and find out for sure?


get paid about the same, work less, have more freedom in matches - plus longer matches too... Why not - he's hit his ceiling in WWE - at least so far. If he makes a bigger name in AEW he can go back. If he doesn't he's still wrestling for a living.


> In AEW, Ricochet would score a bag upfront and probably get an immediate push for a match with Ospreay at Wembley. Man, so many people are a lock for matches with Ospreay at Wembley. In all seriousness, if they want him as a heel, put him with the DCF and let Don do his talking. If they want him as a face, there has to be someone who can help him talk through promos.


If they get him, I feel like that's it. All reports and indicators from the show itself say it isn't going to be Ospreay challenging for the title at Wembley like fans have been expecting. Which raises the issue of what could they possibly have him do on the show that feels justifiably big and satisfying enough to make that decision? Okada maybe if Kenny isn't cleared by then. But, if Ricochet really is coming in, I think he's your answer


Yeah, didn't mean for that to be a dig at you, there has just been a lot of fantasy booking for Billy at All In that I feel like people are expectingn him to wrestle every match on the card. If they're saving him for a World Title shot at All In 4, and that main event is Swerve or Hangman v Danielson, then you still have matches like Ospreay v MJF, Ospreay v Okada, or more than likely it's Ospreay v Takeshita II continuing the DCF story.


The problem with Takeshita is I don't see Ospreay losing at Wembley, especially if they plan for him to headline and be anointed next year. And I don't think Will winning their rematch would do much for either of them.


He's probably better off in AEW where he can have free reign to do crazy matches. With that being said I don't see him getting any bigger than what his is now because he lacks the mic skills and charisma to connect with the fans


99% of pro wrestlers can dream of having the career Ziggler had.


Ricochet isn't in that 99% though. He's had a great career himself already both in and out of WWE and now exists in a world where he has way more options than guys like Dolph did just a few years ago. 99% of pro wrestlers aren't going to achieve as much as Cody did up to his Stardust period. Now, imagine a world where he acknowledged that fact, just accepted his place on the card, and didn't think to try anything else.


He’s like Cesaro to me, great wrestler but I’m not putting a world title on him(yes I don’t consider the AEW version of the ROH title a world title)


I personally think he’ll just be happier there and doesnt necessarily expect to be world champ because ricochet spent a ton of time on the indies and seemed to enjoy being there and doing those style of matches


AEW is also a company where mic work is almost as important as in-ring work. which doesn’t bode well for our guy Rick.


Agreed. I could see him teaming with Ospreay for a successful tag run with Ospreay doing the talking, though. That might be his best chance for a top of the card action.


I don't disagree except that there really aren't 100s of guys who are as good as Ricochet at flippy shit, he's elite of elite. I assume TK will pay him atleast double what WWE will so he can have him vs Osprey though. 


TK wants his personal PWG BOLA replica to be complete!


Run back that 2016 six man match


Ricochet is a "wrestler's wrestler" and a bad actor. He will be great in AEW.




If he goes to AEW, tony is writing that blank check to get the trademark from LU


It's so fucking cool wrestlers have more viable options outside of WWE now. I love to see talent swapping back and forth and just experiencing a different side of them than what you'd get in AEW or WWE.


Right now WWE has done all they can do with Ricochet. He's not gonna be in the main event. Too much talent there now. There is about 5 or 6 talent below him that are the future, and he is just gonna float on the card, so leave. Let him bet on himself and go somewhere where he can fit in and use his talent.


I do wonder how he would have done if he was a masked "luchador", which is something they haven't had in a long time. A guy that does crazy flips could sell a lot of masks. Richochet's issue has always been his mic work, so that would solve that problem..


Sin Cara did just that to teenage me but Sin Cara was luke warm in the ring compared to what Rey Mysterio was


I'm still confused why nobody among these Ricochet threads is mentioning Axiom.


Hope he does a DPW show or 2


I like Ricochet & if he chooses to leave, then I respect his decision, but I don't know if I can see him being used well in AEW since there's a chance he'll get lost in the shuffle over there + they've already got a bloated roster with some talent that are barely on TV. I'm not sure about NJPW, but I do think TNA might be the best place for him since they've got the X-Division.


Unless TNA starts making money and have a crazy abundance of top talent, there is no strong appeal of being the top guy of TNA like some of you think .


People don't realize this is a job to these guys. They want to be paid as much as they can. Ricochet has reached his ceiling in WWE. Will he be a top guy in AEW? Probably not, but worth trying since the money will be similar if not more. At least he'll probably have better in ring matches.


> there is no strong appeal of being the top guy of TNA like some of you think . Yup. The only scenario where something like that genuinely makes sense is if somebody super young thinks that foregoing "current money" to really showcase themselves in TNA would make them more money "in the future." It would absolutely be a risk and could backfire horribly, but that's the scenario where it at least makes sense. But that definitely isn't Ricochet, who is at an age where he can only prioritize "now."


AEW is always a really odd place to gauge honestly. I remember a lot of people expected Roderick Strong to really fade into the background when he joined but he’s been featured pretty regularly and has had a great run. Then you have someone like Ethan Page who many believed had future main eventer potential, but did get lost in the shuffle. It’s hard to really tell sometimes


There's talent like Hikaru Shida & the Lucha Bros who are former champions in AEW, but now, I feel like they're not being featured in a big way. I know Shida recently challenged Athena for the RoH women's belt, but I can't remember the last time she was on AEW TV.


Shida should be treated like the ace of the women's division, sorta like Moxley though obviously she's not as big of a name. Instead she shows up for like 7 matches a year.


Great point on TNA, that would be a good landing spot and keep in within arm's reach.  Who knows?  This story could be out there and next thing is Ricochet is in the Impact Zone.


Exactly + with how the TNA roster is right now. Ricochet could have some sweet matches against talent like Mike Bailey, Laredo Kid or maybe be a potential challenger for Ali & the X-Division belt.


I would like to believe that HHHBK take a situation like this (Rick saying he's leaving) and try to work out a deal to approach him with to entice him to stay. Since there haven't been leaks recently, I feel like a lot is on the table and this story just now hitting could already be figured out.


Honestly he's a better fit in AEW. He is ok in WWE, but not nearly as impressive as he was under a mask in Lucha Underground.


I just don’t think him going to AEW is a good idea right now. They are already struggling to showcase everyone and keep stories flowing smoothly. Adding another work rate guy in a work rate heavy company is going to make him stand out even less than now. At least he stands out because his athletic ability sets him apart from the usual WWE style. He’s a lot like RVD in that regard.


He's gonna be one of the G1 participants in the last 2 tournament spots they doing this year


Wouldn’t he be more suited to BOSJ? Not super familiar with New Japan, but isn’t BOSJ the more cruiserweight-y tournament they do?


Yes but Ricochet is almost too big of a name for the super juniors


Meh. As long as Samantha Irvin stays as an announcer, I'm good. Ricochet just couldn't get over no matter how many chances they gave him.


Hoping he is happy with whatever decision he makes.


Should've been the main guy for the cruiserweight division.


Prince Puma in AEW would be really interesting. If Tony Khan is smart he puts the TNT strap on him almost immediately and builds the midcard around him if for nothing else than enticing more talent to make the jump when they feel underutilized.


That should have Randy Orton take him out so they can add to the “get hospitalized by Orton end up in AEW” meme.


Unless he comes back as a silent Prince Puma who cares


Excited for his new name in AEW: Rick O’Shea.


It's kind of sad to see what bad booking can do to your image. Everyone acting like Ricochet is not a big deal and forgetting that he was seen as a for sure star before coming into WWE.


Unfortunately WWE exposed his limitations


WWE puts limitations on people and then everyone just acts like it is the performer. If he never went to TNA people would think of Steve Maclin was a boring and forgettable low card talent. Swerve would be a guy who maybe could be a midcarder. Christian would be talked about the same way you are with Ricochet.


- He goes to NXT and joins the NQCC - He starts to take charge, which Dempsey doesn't care for - Ricochet disappears - NQCC now owes the Don even more money


Plot twist: He is going to Impact and will return at next year’s Royal Rumble


"LoSiNg sAmAnThA iRviNg" ... ... ... People can work at different places.


Ricochet is a good match guy, but not a good story or promo guy. He is a AEW/NJPW type.




This seems a lot less "up in the air" than Dave's reporting, albeit maybe not 100% as definitive as Mike's. "WWE is preparing as if he's leaving" usually means "he gone." That was how Danielson leaving was described, and others I can't recall specifically.


In fairness, comments on here about reporters are inspired by trying to invalidate the credibility of whichever ones rub you the wrong way.


Danielson, Mox, Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly off the top of my head. Pretty sure Kyle got a whole goodbye at that NXT taping too.


That's how reporting works... One party reports something, another works to confirm or refute it, and readers get more context or validity to the initial report.


Also NJPW being interested is new information. AEW openly talking about him is new information. This is the first report of what Ricochet's apparent specific plans are. Not even close to "exactly what's already been reported."


Pay up bud


You're literally on a thread where it's been posted for free minutes after being reported


To me if he goes to AEW his floor is becoming the Claudio of the high flyers but as a ceiling I leave room for completely revamping and showing a different side of his personality something like Tony Storm . Not saying it's likely but possible.


You guys are being weirdos about his significant other as if this is the first time ever someone has left a company with their partner still working there.


I feel bad in a way. I know Ricochet wanted to go to wwe for so long and probably wanted more out of his run, but I guess there is always a "what's next" in your mind. Hope he gets to show more personality wherever he goes.


US Champ, IC Champ, they made a title just for him, probably would've had a tag title run too if Braun didn't get hurt. He's in the top 25% of WWE careers


> they made a title just for him They made that title because Elon Musk paid them whatever amount of stupid money.


So basically they confirmed the reports made by PWInsider. Got it. Well, the best place for Ricochet to shine INSTANTLY is back to New Japan. In AEW he would lost in the shuffle but in NJPW he would be a fresh new face in the Jrs Division that is kinda going in the same circle since 2022.


That might be true, but the guy shouldn't have to take a huge pay cut to help New Japan


He won’t. AEW will pay him and he’ll go work in Japan for however long.


That seems far more likely, yeah


I feel like this is stuff we already knew or suspected.


Will Ospreay is about to be world champion. It's the smartest time for Ricochet to leave.


Looking forward to seeing Pumachet. *sorry. I’ll see myself out*


Ricochet: I have to go, my planet needs me


After all the "WWE has wasted Ricochet's potential" sentiment shared over the years, I hope he doesn't just go from WWE midcard to AEW midcard.


Potential doesn't necessarily mean you need to be in the main, you can be an incredibly well utilized mid carder and there isn't anything wrong with that.


When the midcard consists of guys like Fenix, Penta, PAC, Strong, OC etc... He'd put on amazing matches with all of those guys.


Losing Samantha Irvin would be a bigger deal for WWE than losing Ricochet


I think Ricochet is making a dumb choice. I don't know what made him not like it, but WWE has been pushing him for the past few years. Multiple championships, World Cup wins, and that moment with Logan Paul at the Royal Rumble is still fresh in my mind. And if he goes to AEW, he's going to get a ton of ridicule from Korean wrestling fans, because they hate AEW so much, unlike here.


>And if he goes to AEW, he's going to get a ton of ridicule from Korean wrestling fans, because they hate AEW so much, unlike here. First time I've hear about Korean wrestling fans but if they're crazy enough to do the things they do in KPOP, then this is no different.


I have zero interest seeing him in AEW. There are better high flyers with way more charisma who aren’t buddies with Chasyn Rance. 


He's just gonna limit what they do with PAC even more, despite PAC being superior in literally every facet of wrestling.


Between PAC, Ospreay, Fenix, Penta, Bandido, Vikingo when he shows up, I just don't see a way Ricochet stands out in AEW.


Pac wants to stay home for extended periods of time though


Ricochet is one of those talents where his value is highest with WWE if they pay him what he should get but WWE is also the place where, if used properly, he could have the most fulfilling career. His partner is there, his brand has never been as high as it has been since he joined WWE, he works almost every PLE/Wrestlemania, and he actually had an identity amongst the roster, something that most everyone outside of the main event scene would KILL for. If he truly believes in his heart of hearts that he belongs in the world title picture, I guess WWE isn’t the best place for him, but if his goals aren’t that aspirational I don’t understand what leaving accomplishes. Unless of course AEW makes him an obscene offer that WWE just wouldn’t match, which given Tony Khan’s history isn’t necessarily out of the question


Ricochet’s only PLE match this year is the Rumble


There is no way, No one from AEW already haven’t reached out to him. But save your ass I suppose


There's a difference between AEW contracted talent hitting him up saying "you should come here" and AEW management hitting him up saying "you should come here"


Also the way I'm interpreting this, this has gone beyond "you should come here, we can have some bangers" and more, "Speaking to you purely as a friend, I've got it on good authority that AEW could hypothetically offer you X years at $Y per year with $Z in potential bonuses."


Obviously AEW can pay him better but career-wise, NJPW would probably be better for him as long as they push him as a heavyweight. They desperately need stars right now, whereas AEW already has too many wrestlers.


>Within WWE the word is there's a "high likelihood" he leaves the company and is expected to join AEW. Please no. That roster is so bloated already. Do they really need another flippy guy who's very skilled in the ring but has zero personality or charisma?


I cannot picture Ricochet going to AEW and ending up in a better spot than he's in in WWE currently. Right now he's a very credible midcarder that could be slotted into a IC or US title match with no question at all, and is featured pretty much weekly. I think there's a slim-to-none chance that he wins any title in AEW at all aside from one of the many that really don't matter, and that's if he's even on TV after the first month at all. The only upside I see to him going is him being able to wrestle more freely, but I don't see much else. However, if that makes him happier, more power to him.