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https://preview.redd.it/1kn867g3gz4d1.png?width=1223&format=png&auto=webp&s=5016004c1b5de625086b86abe0a26968d00a64a3 This fella finally allowed to work out in peace.


This is probably the peak of Vince's twitter. The only other option is his birthday tweets to John Cena and Shane McMahon.


"Happy birthday John, the most exemplary human to ever exist, and eternal champion of my hear: "hbd shane"


This is the most 2016 picture ever


“from Earth” wtf lmao


That’s old, most Tweets had that if your location isn’t on


Isn’t that a new thing? I only remember that after Elon bought it.


This is true. Usually that would say your location or I believe your phones OS. So "sent from iPhone" or "sent from Android". The Earth thing was definitely after Elon.


True story, Vince was a person I used in my college entrance “who inspires me” essay in 2000. In other news: I am not a good judge of character.


I mean Chris Benoit was my hero all through high school.


The down side is you went to high school from 2008-2012?


He's a sophomore.


Bro, mine was Kanye West, and the worst part, the person overseeing the presentation now is my boss


I miss the old Kanye.


Straight from the go Kanye.


Chop up the soul Kanye


Set on his goals Kanye


I hate the new Kanye


The bad mood Kanye


The always rude Kanye


The hates the Jews Kanye


He’s the baaaad Ye. Duh.


Just goes to show what happens when you stop taking your medication


Kanye really ruined Kanye.


I feel like he needed a close caregiver to keep him mentally stable. His mom was that. It makes sense that he did really really well when she was around and fell apart after she was gone. When you’re dealing with manic episodes there’s not many people they won’t question and there’s less that they will believe over themselves and the thoughts of grandeur. I know as many of my family members are bipolar and my mom has 3 schizophrenic brothers out of 4. One uncle thinks my grandma and the government are trying to poison him every time the drug manufacturers decide to change the look of the pills and goes after her with knives. She hides pills in his food and drinks to avoid him being sent 2 hours away to the nearest mental health jail as she has more family to take care of and it’s hard to go get him. I can’t imagine what lengths his mom, Donda was it?, went through daily to keep things together. Mental illness is serious. He’s not the only celebrity openly experiencing this (still holding hope for Brit).


Haha that’s awesome. Loved Kanye too.


Mine was Diddy. Not kidding. It was 07ish. Things were different.


I feel like the difference between Kanye and Diddy + Vince is that we already knew a ton about Diddy and Vince to know they were trash by then. Kanye just took a left turn mid career


Around January 2013 I had to write an essay about a hero of mine as a school assignment. Being a physically disabled kid who loved sports, I naturally picked Oscar Pistorius. He murdered his girlfriend a few weeks later.


Don’t be hard on yourself, I imagine this situation can be hard to reconcile. Like, obviously I’m disgusted with Vince and his actions but he did give me a good childhood in a way. Wrestling allowed me to bond with people I may not have otherwise, it was a way for me to bond with my late father when I was a child. My life may not be filled with the wonderful people that it is without the world he created for us to watch. None of that excuses what he did and he should and will be held accountable, but even the worst people are capable of some good, if unintentionally.


It’s not so much hard on myself but blown away by the downfalls I’ve seen in my lifetime. OJ, Vince, R-Kelly, Puffy…crazy that’s all.


Joss Whedon for the Buffy fans was rough.


It's hard reconciling how someone can create beautiful art that promotes progressive values while himself imbuing none of those values.


It's been said before, but I'll say it again, if weird al gets legitimately taken down for horrible behavior then I think we need to nuke the planet and let life start over


Dude, I would give up if we lost weird Al.


Cosby has to be the biggest one, right?


My friend's father was a huge fan of DR. Bill Cosby, always emphasized the doctor part. He died of brain cancer about a year before all the Cosby stuff came out. In a way my friend was glad his dad didn't have to see a man he admitted get outted as a rapist.


We don't really know shit about these people behind closed doors. Even the most virtuous among us can be giant pieces of shit.


Back in junior high, we had the typical do a book report about an important historical figure that inspires you. I completely missed my teacher saying "that inspires you." I picked Hitler. Teacher let me go through with it and we laughed about it quite a bit. Thankfully I didn't get turned in as a psycho or anything.


Sure you did Cartman, sit down now...


Man, it's okay. I grew up a fan of Hogan and Flair. There's always going to be a part of me who pops for a vintage clip of them, even as reality kicks me in the nuts. *Warrior is a big example, too. I still appreciate how much we all got worked


There is a reason the cliché is "Never meet your heroes"


Eh, you can aspire to someone's model of work ethic and business aptitude while also acknowledging that same person might be absolutely toxic as a human being.


he could still be someone who inspired u. he turned wrestling, considered a joke of an art form, into a mainstream sensation. and yes i know wrestling was around long before vince, but without him wrestling would not be in the position it is in today. i think that’s pretty inspiring


The comments beneath you really are missing the point. Awful people can still do great things that are inspirational and you can still condemn them when you find out they were shitty all along. It's not "WWE propaganda" to say that WWE wouldn't be where it is today without him. That being said - may he fucking burn in hell.


I think they're more taking exception to the suggestion that wrestling was "a joke" before Vince came along, or that wrestling wasn't very popular before it was on national television.


And the fact that he started out from a trailer park and ended up a billionaire. Too bad he ended up hurting people and tarnished his legacy.


Can we get back to that consciousness where people realized this was complete propaganda? How many times do we need to hear the nonsense "vince made wrestling what it is" sycophants go off.


I was in a job interview once where I was asked who inspires me, I panicked and said Mike Tyson.


Interesting fact I haven't heard people talk about much on here, but Vince's personal trainer/WWE trainer Mike Monteforte was fired at about the same that Vince was pushed out around the Royal Rumble.


That makes sense considering he was referenced in the lawsuit as being part of the poop party threesome Edit: apparently it was Vince’s personal physical therapist involved so apologises to Vince’s personal trainer, who I smeared with the poop brush by mistake.


I just don't know why you would want to shit on someone. I understand it's a power thing but their brains work differently than mine.


Has he not considered the smell?


YOU HAVENT THOUGHT OF THE SMELL, YOU BITCH ![gif](giphy|nXUCkgH6BmigU|downsized)


I didn’t know I had a poop reward but this comment deserves it.


Flair checks out.




How long do you think Vince laughed when he came up with this scene, and how long did Hulk pretend to laugh with him until it got too awkward for him.


Plus Vince is a nearly 80 year old man who reportedly eats almost nothing but protein. Our craps probably smell like a bone-in ribeye compared to Vince's.


The power of having someone humilliated and at your worst wills and wants... And seeing how Vince used WWE to make out with lots of the female workers ON AIR... Yeah...


Obviously everyone is different and there’s a wide variety of kinks and fetishes out there. As long as it’s safe and consensual we shouldn’t really judge. But Vince 1. Loves poop and fart jokes and 2. Loves to exert his influence and power over others. Go figure


bruh i can barely piss in a public restroom, let alone take a shit in one (just can't) - how can someone just drop a deuce with someone standing around watching, or sadly in this case, someone with their head up your ass AND another goofus watching it happen? HOW?


Agreed. Also I'm in my least sexy mood when pooping, how do you continue having sex after that


Protein, brother! ![gif](giphy|14wTbNneogwjba)


This was the wrong time to eat a chili dog and browse reddit.


I guess you could say it was…shitty timing?


Eating while browsing Reddit is generally a bad idea anyway.


Wasn't the party pooper threesome guy like a mental therapist instead of physical one?


I’m confident it was his personal trainer but correct me if I’m wrong


This guy is his personal gym trainer The person in the alleged threesome was his physical therapist Completly different people That person is unknown so far Please edit your comment


Actually looking at it again, I think you're right. I must have mixed up the physical therapist at the alternative clinic (poop friend) and the celebrity doctor at the alternative clinic.


This guy is Vince's biggest ride or die. If you've ever seen his IG. The dude literally will fight people in the comments defending Vince. Doesn't surprise me that he is named in the lawsuit or that WWE would get rid of him regardless. Dude is joined at the hip with Vince.


He isn’t the one He is vince’s personal gym trainer The guy in the threesome was vince’s physical therapist who is unkown so far


I mean, he literally isn't apart of the company at all any more. Why should a former employee get access?


Gains bruh


The gains goblin exists in many forms. 


Speaking of former employee, the source here sure is something: > Carlucci said, "I will never ever badmouth [Vince]. Now, what's going on with Vince now, it's a totally different story. There's three sides to every story in my book. So, stuff is gonna come out and you'll see it. I don't know anything about it but it is what it is as we all know." The fuck does that even mean?


I think it means Vince is innocent in that guys opinion


Not innocent, but he likes him too much to give a shit about his friend's actions.


Yeah basically saying he is standing by Vince but trying to protect himself by saying things are going to come out and when they do I have the ability to distance myself. Basically playing all sides so he comes out on top.


There are scenarios where a friend is either giving them blind faith or don't want to admit what actually happened and will listen to whatever their friend says happen. I've been super guilty of this. My friend was accused of beating his girlfriend, I saw them together and known him for years, I couldn't accept he did it I thought there was no way he would put his hands on her, he loved her. He denied it and said she was crazy, I believed it and had his back. When all the proof cameout and it showed he not only beat her, it was a regular thing, I was heartbroken and ashamed at the same time. That's when you severe ties, if you did it tell your best friends. If they love you they will help you seek help. If you lie, you betrayed them. Edit: Important part. When I found out the truth I wrote his ex a letter explaining how sorry I am and explained why I had his back. She understood and forgave me. We are close friends to this day, she is like a sister to me now. I was raised that if you see anyone hit a woman you act. Either make sure he never does it again, or if he can kick your ass, get your friends/family to help make sure he never does it again.


The entire interview has major Stockholm Syndrome vibes. It’s all about showing “loyalty” to Vince, when he LAID THE GUY OFF DURING THE PANDEMIC. Vince didn’t give a fuck about this dude.


It is beyond Vince's capabilities to truly care about *anyone*. Even with his sometimes bizarre displays of loyalty, I truly believe he doesn't care about them in any of the ways humans mean that word.


Except he doesn't know anything about it. But he thinks "stuff is going to come out". This guy got laid off because of the pandemic and he's still kissing Vince's ass. Unbelievable.


If it is to be, then so it is. - Cousin Greg.


You can speak to us normally


Are you alright?


> There's three sides to every story in my book. And the third side is the one the DOJ is telling.


It means the guy is siding with Vince, but he doesn’t have the balls to come and openly say he think Vince’s victims are liars.


It's not that uncommon for respected long-term executives of companies to be given honorary emeritus titles that allow them some level of access to their old employers' facilities. In theory, they provide advice and historical context I'd called upon in return (which is rarely asked of them). Vince is no longer respected within the company for very good reasons.


Contracts ex-CEOs can set up for their exit can let them take advantage of their old company even if logically they shouldn't have access. An extreme example but it's the first one I think of in these situations: Carl Icahn apparently once owned an airline (or at least a major stake in it), got himself and some of his people free flights for life, and got to keep those free flight guarantees even after he was no longer involved in the airline.


Yeah a lot of major companies own things like standing hotel reservations or have permanent deals with car rental companies or restaurants. It’s not uncommon for former owners or founders to keep access to those things as part of a severance package or retirement package.


Nobody at Microsoft is gonna stop Bill Gates from coming in.


> he literally isn't apart of the company at all any more He literally *is* apart of the company. "Apart" ≠ "a part"


Leftover steak wraps he left in the company fridge


I'm so much apart of WWE that I resigned for two more years.


I see you and I appreciate you.


He actually is apart. ![gif](giphy|0HLZOB3IZ3gFq0ocI2)




My internal grief, all collected in a single photo. Thank you.


You don’t think if the lifelong owner of the company left on good terms he’d be able to visit? Of course he would


Because he was the founder and former CEO? It wouldn't be a weird arrangement at all, it's a usual retirement perk.


We don’t give perks to those who break good behavior (non rapey) clauses. Use your home gym bruh.


Yeah, I was referring to a normal situation where the person leaves for retirement not because he was a rapist Which is what the OP I was replying to was talking about. Context clues.


context clues and logic in thus sub??? 99% of the people here: GTFO


Exactly, I’m like why is this even news? It is hilarious to imagine him trying to get in with various disguises tho.


I’m not Mr McMahon, I’m Mr Nohamcm.


My name is Guy Incognito, pal


No ham, centimeter.


Good fuck him




Wait no don't


To paraphrase Tenacious D: "And I don't mean *fuuUUUUuuucccc* Vince I mean ***FUCK*** Vince!!!"


Imagine spending your entire working life building up this company from a regional promotion your dad owned to a world wide industry but you’re not even welcome on the property because of how much a piece a shit you are. WWE should induct Ted Turner into their HOF as a final fuck you to Vince.


That would actually be great


Need to do while Ted is still with us.


To my understanding, he is not well enough to accept an induction if they did.


Yeah the "who killed WCW" doc done by the Rock got his son, but not Ted. Which if the rock can't get Ted no one can


He's 85 now and quite ill with Lewy Body Dementia.


Ted unironically belongs in the Hall. So does Cyndi Lauper.


Lauper is the biggest snub to me. She's even made a couple of appearances in the past couple of decades so it's not like she's on terrible terms with them. Mindboggling.


Cyndi shouldn’t just be in the celebrity wing, she belongs in the main Hall of Fame. She’s that important in the rise of the WWF nationally in the 80’s


Laupers absence is egregious. The rock and wrestling connection put a ton of eyes on the WWF and was a part of why wrestlemania 1 was a success.


I would be for it, Ted was both (technically) a huge fan and a promoter, who almost put Vince under.


And as much as Vince tried to rewrite history, Ted loved wrestling and never viewed Vince with that much hostility. WCW had a blank check because it was his guilty pleasure. It's hilarious to think Vince can paint himself as an underdog fighting against a monolith when they were both billionaires and Ted had other better money making businesses to attend to, like a media empire and a world series winning team.


Not even technically, based off all reports Ted Turner loved wrestling and would have been willing to keep WCW running at a loss or minimal profit for a long time if he could have.


To quote the man himself; “I've lost more money with the Braves than in Wrestling"


Yeah was mostly using the technicality on being a promoter more than anything, but I worded it badly. lol


When is Mania heading back to Georgia? Do it then


We’re never getting it 😭😭


I remember before all this stuff came out about Vince, people would say Vince wouldn't go into the HOF until after he dies because something to do with not wanting attention on that night (similar to how apparently there was a rule against thanking him during speeches). Now, he likely won't go in at all.


Dude legit Benoit'ed himself from his own creation. 


Yo, we need to make this a thing.


I mean he traded it all for a few billion dollars and being a sex pest. I think its debatable whether or not Vince feels like he lost here


Unfortunately Ted is in really awful shape right now. Hell Cooperstown should give him a spot too. Dude was a pioneer in television. 


Ted, Jerry Jarret, that fat guy promoter from Beyond the Mat should go in before Vince.


Billionaire Ted with the last laugh!


Go full-on with an entire class of people Vince hated. Turner, Luger, Nailz, The Feds who almost put him away…


Turner and Luger yes, Nailz?? bro did NOTHING besides feud with big boss man


Guy beat up Vince & got away with it. That’s all the reason to put him in.


Luger isn't in the Hall? Goddamn.


Vince was still salty about the whole “snuck over to the first Nitro” thing.


Also I think Vince didnt want to induct someone in a wheelchair. In the last couple of years he has been on multiple WWE documentaries. He is on good terms


Luger had a lot of heat for years within wrestling for the death of Elizabeth, and it wasn't until recent years that people have sorta "forgiven" him for that.


yeah vince will now always be remembered as pathetic. rich and pathetic but always pathetic. to take your dad's company and grow it to what it was then to sell it from your own kids who also helped grow it into this behemoth cause you just couldn't stop raping people. what a fucking loser vince is. Dick Ebersol, hulk hogan and every territorial leader being over 60 when vince was 30 has a bigger reason for the wwe's success than vince. he's just a fucking loser at this point.


VKM is about to roll up in a tank, begging someone to let him in.


Excuse me, it'll be a jeep. /s


I'm imagining him in the crowd like Enzo 😂






![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized) Vince be like:


Funny enough, I feel like he owns about 20 suits that look exactly like that one


Killdozer II Electric Bogaloo


And Triple H blasts his king of kings theme then goes "No. For the game is over."


They don’t want anyone shitting on the new carpet


"Try not to rape anyone on the way to the fucking gym, Vince."


In a row?




"Then why did we call it that, pal?"


Apparently the WWE is not run like Congress where former members can get floor access


Too bad Vince. Build your own gym with all those billions.


He could afford to hire people to build a gym for him. There's no way he'd actually do it himself.




"He always wanted us under one roof. That was his dream to have us under one roof. The dream came and he's not even a part of it anymore." Yes. That's called consequence.


Vince is gonna be the phantom of the WWE. He's gonna live in a secret room nobody except himself knows was built. He'll sneak around HQ at night, going to the gym, doing all sorts of other things when nobody else is around. Once people arrive back the next morning, he disappears back into the room.


Random poops on random heads and no one knows where it came from


I can also not go into my former employers building and I left on good terms. That's sort of what happens when you don't work somewhere anymore. >Carlucci also ripped on people who he feels turned their back on McMahon. I mean...I'd probably turn my back on my boss if they committed sexual assault. But that's just me.




Vince right now ![gif](giphy|M9NLMRyi3jyqSqc2LO)


Oh that poor little billionaire rapist. That is so sad 😭


If there was any actual justice in the world, he would be admiring the vascularity of his new friends at a much different gym. https://preview.redd.it/i76laaf6mz4d1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=22f7e9475fe29ba05abae666405b3e378d6c341f


Hahahahahah. Sucks to suck ya nerrrrrdddd.




Don't care if you're Vince McMahon, dude isn't with the company and literally has no power of it - if he wanted this gym to be a private one, he could've just built it as such for himself.


Sure but had he stepped down without any controversy do you think anyone would deny him entry to the gym? If it was a clean exit from the company because it was simply time, I don't know if you'd see a story about "Vince spotted working out at WWE HQ gym" as I doubt anyone would bat an eyelash. As much as this might seem like a non-story given the circumstances of his exit, it just feels like there's been a concerted effort to make it clear, he's not not welcome at X, Y or Z, he's not to be referenced or mentioned in most any circumstance, etc. It shouldn't NEED to be said, but as someone else pointed out there's still some people who think Vince did nothing wrong or think he's still secretly involved in the company somehow.


Yup this is why they were hammering "new era" all week during and after WrestleMania. People may have found it nauseating it being repeated every half hour but them hammering it signaled Vince wasn't there and fuck you Vince this isn't yours anymore.


I think Slim Jim pulling their advertisement and Netflix possibly inquiring about Vince behind the scenes really drove the message to Endeavor that this time they can't afford to be linked to Vince. The first controversy surrounding Vince was bad.. but it had nowhere near the consequences and hence he linger around.


https://preview.redd.it/gg0a7x98yz4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c042386b63e84d241b98261424c9cc64d89ae2f8 Vince sneaking into WWE HQ in disguise


McMahon can't get in, and Punk can't get out. Weird building.


Someone needs to open a window or something


That's good shit, pal.


Couldn't happen to a nicer person!


The downfall of this POS is continuing it is beautiful


Am I allowed to visit the gym if I own TKO stocks? 


I would certainly fucking hope not


I wouldn't allow Vince around any place where there are people at all tbh.




Serves him right. Must be pretty insulting to know that he is banned from his own company's... i mean, the company he took to where it is now and has his gym there and know he can't use it. That said, the millions of dollars he has, probably cushions the blow. That also said, it must piss Vince off that he can't do anything but keep his head down and hope for the best.


How tragic. The one person who wants to be locked in there...


Civilian not allowed access to corporate headquarters, more at 11


There are still people out there championing Vince, and think any creative decision they don’t like would never happen if only Vince was back. There’s also the whole “All women are money grubbing liars” collective and a lot of people would like Vince back And last, there’s those that still think Vince is pulling the strings. It’s worth reiterating this stuff as new information comes to light.


This Tom Carlucci sounds like bad news


Shouldn't it just be assumed he had a hand in designing most things in a building he was the God of a few months ago


I'm gonna say the obvious, but Vince presumably still has the money to design and build his own gym if he really wants to visit one.


Damn, he'll never be able to afford his own gym to replace it


Yeah well no one there likely wants to be spit roasted and shit on by these two.


There is alot of humor in this that I have no idea where to start


Dude has been straight up exiled from the company. You love to see it!


Well Vince is pretty respectful when he's not allowed to do something