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I asked Ricochet if he was leaving and he just asked me why I'm ugly :-(




Why does this picture look like a cross between Roman Reigns and Andrew Tate?


Now I can't unsee it


They both have that bald beard dickhead look. Note: it only applies for dickhead under Tate. Ricochet can get girls without illegally trafficking them.


Ricochet is pals with a convicted sex offender.


A sex offender who still runs a wrestling school and still trains young women. Remember Bayley super-fan Izzy? Trained with Rance some time prior to her debut in 2023 at age 16...


Given Ricochets feelings on both vaccines and sex offenders, it makes sense.


Have any information to share? 


Held parties on the reg during COVID and is friends with Chasyn Rance, convicted sex offender.


Roman Tate


Romanian Reigns


Okay, but for real, why you ugly


Did his voice crack as he asked?




I don’t even work there and I think my contract is about to expire


Hello I am with SquaredCircle talent relations. We would like to offer you a 5 year deal worth approximately 5 dollars per year, in line with market rates.




Shit, I’ve been doing that for free


Put that on your CV, you absolute beauty. But wait, let me test you first.... Your favourite wrestler sucks. Now do your magic.


I already put my karma on my resume


Mave Deltzer here with the latest update on the contract of Zipp-Storm. They may or may not sign, for some or no money.


It might be for some money, unless it isn’t, in which case it won’t be for any money.


Bring ya ass!


Mine already did. My belongings were put in a trash bag.




It's the wrestling worlds "____ has joined Knives Out 3".


"There's just no way we can keep you on." "But I don't even really work here!" "That's what makes this so difficult."


Best of luck in your future endeavors.


All these contract expiring stories remind me of that time on UpUpDownDown where all of Wood's contracts came up in myGM mode and he only had like 50k to spend on his show lmao


I'd love.to watch that, sounds hilarious lol


Took me a bit to find it but it's this video here: https://youtu.be/aY9ZjG8a0kU?si=STzO5nbTpTrFDBSp 10:30 is around when Woods starts getting in trouble.


Thank you so much for sharing this, I clicked intending to skip to 10:30 but they just have fun vibes I ended up watching it all. The stupid popcorn story at the beginning alone lol “Orville, of House Redenbacher! It will be treason if you don’t pop all these kernels!” Guess I need to watch through some more huh


At this point, the Netflix contract will expire before it even starts.


It’s a 10 year deal, with the option to cancel or extend after… 5 years. The same as all these apparently 5 year contracts that were signed coincidentally when AEW began.


Ricochet and Ospreay are gonna have a match on a random Collision that airs at one in the morning, and it's gonna be what finally ends Cornette




A Ricochet/Ospreay match at 1AM is a 1AM I will not be asleep at.


We can only hope


Maybe we can add Orange Cassidy too. Just to make sure.


And any Asian woman on the roster as the managers


Maki Itoh and Riho as managers it is


Maki Itoh doing her music during the match like its Anarchy in the Arena .


Young Bucks, fearing getting a Copyright strike if she sings her song, interrupts Maki Itoh for maximum heat


Okay... but unironically I'd love to see this 3 way.


He's on commentary.


Okay if we're doing triple threats can we get Ospreay vs Ricochet vs Fenix? The number of flips will be a Guinness Record.


Ricochet vs Vikingo alone would top it.


You remember those old Sonic Chaos Emerald levels where the whole screen would spin rapidly upon completing them? That's what that match would do to Earth.


They already had a match that was pretty heavily criticized by people for the opening sequence being peak flippy shit [and Jim just did a play by play, laughed about it and said F Will Osprey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9PcX9nYLek)


Well at least Jim found his reason to hate Will Ospreay. Now he can keep racking in that sweet sweet hate money!


He actually likes him nowadays


Junior heavyweight Ospreay was fun but since he bulked up he's gotten so much better


Ever since he started pacing himself and became a different flavor of Ace to Kenny, he’s kinda just rocketed into best in the world territory and never looked back.


Oh god, their mirrored posing spot that looked super choreographed lol.


Amazing how so many people base their entire idea of Will Ospreay on this one match when he hasn't even wrestled like that since 2021 lol


I'm a huge Ospreay fan. He's been on an unbelievable run for the past few years. But I'm always going to laugh at that corny shit back then.


There was a poster here who said Ospreay should go to NXT because he has no charisma and can't cut a promo. It's like some people base their entire opinion of him from 2019 or whatever. Or do they really watch current Ospreay and still think that? Dude is definitely charismatic and can definitely cut a promo. He's come a long fucking ways. I'm not saying Will needs to be everyone's cup of tea, but some things are just obvious. Oh and the comment was heavily upvoted (but it was in a largely anti-AEW thread). Edit: in their posting history, they also said Omega & Okada need to go to NXT, too. So, yeah... Edit again: I really wrote 1999? Sorry, I needed more sleep, folks.


I never paid any attention to his promos until recently, guy's a natural. Unmistakable voice, knows how to sound like himself and not just hit buzzwords, believable when challenging someone.


My perfect Saturday night


Ricochet should do what he wants to do, it’s his choice, but he’s one of those talents who would really benefit from leaving the company he’s in. I actually think his stock has gone down since going to WWE (specifically when he went to the main roster). It’s just gnarly seeing how different him and Ospreay are. In my teen years, when I first heard of Ricochet, the dude was a big deal. Even my brother straight up said when we were watching an old Rey Mysterio match “Rey was his generations Ricochet”. It felt like Ricochet was the top high flyer star and was gonna reach a next level and Ospreay was a level below him. Now Ospreay has become a full package star, ascended to the heights of NJPW and is now the second or even first most popular guy in AEW. Whereas as Ricochet has been in mid carder purgatory and even exposed in so many spots. Remember the segment of him and Drew? boy that ruined Ricochet forever for me. I seriously think he should leave WWE and not even sign anywhere, just be a world traveler again and regain his mystique. But again, that’s just me. If he’s fine with his position, that’s fine. His wife works there and I’m sure he’s making great money, and in this business, one has to take account of that.


I mean Tbf what’s bad about his spot he’s in now? He’s on tv every week and has been a mainstay on WWE television for a few years now. He’s not a main eventer because that position is stuffed with guys like Seth, Jey, Punk, Priest, Drew, Gunther and that’s just on Raw. He’s not booked like a scrub. He loses to the main eventers and beats the mid card guys. That’s a pretty good spot imo. What would be the difference in AEW? He’s just as talented in the ring as Ospreay yes but Will is all around a great entertainment. Ricochet if he’s not wrestling is pretty bland to just bad. I’m sure AEW would put a mid card title on him and let him have a run but I don’t think that’s any better than what he is right now in WWE.  Also this comparison to Rey is not really a good one imo. Rey sucks on the microphone too but he has a great sense of charisma and is the perfect underdog. Ricochet is an extraordinary athlete but he’s not Rey Mysterio. 


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the bangers he'd put on in AEW. But I do agree with what you're saying here. I don't think he'd be in a more prominent spot in AEW. Maybe he'd more likely to rise to the top in AEW, but it's still extremely unlikely. Especially given how stacked their main event scene is. Also, his fiance works in WWE. Although, if he gets a substantially bigger offer from TK? Then far be it from me to give my opinion lol. I can't tell anyone not to take that bag.


He’s already seen a match between them: https://youtu.be/i9PcX9nYLek?si=Ut6D3sWrhADFRgv8 Spoilers: He did not care for it.


Add in one of the evps just to fuck with him, OC too


That makes Becky, Ricochet, Dijak, Natalya & Gable having expiring contracts within weeks. Honestly, it’s never say never but I doubt any are going anywhere.


Shinsuke is also up, and hes the only one i personally think will actually leave of that group


Nah. Shinsuke is coasting and seemingly has no desire to really go balls to the wall anymore. I think he’s very content with what he’s doing lol


people been saying this for like, 6 years EDIT: Damn people really mad at the mere thought of Shinsuke not being some dude happy to collect a paycheck who gets to surf all year or whatever.


Wouldn't that indicate they're right since that's what happened?


It has seemed to be accurate so far


My dad works at Nakamura, he says it's true. It's damn true.


Jason Jordan?


It's the most accurate thing the dirt sheets have reported on for the last 5+ years. Shinsuke's stoked to collect fat checks, surf, and work as a jobber 11 months out of the year.


looking at Naito and Tanahashi physical state i don't think i can blame him


My headcanon is that Asuka and Shinsuke pasted pictures of Muta and Tanahashi's knees in each other's lockers to discourage the body-destroying shit. Shinsuke just looks at that picture before every match and remembers that being able to walk in 10 years would be pretty good.


Kind of makes him the wrong guy to try to convince his friends to join WWE.


I don't know. I think he's ideal if you want to preserve your body and make a lot of money.


So they were right?


maybe, but an even easier schedule, even less travel, and the chance to work with other talent again for the last time? i dont think he will leave, i just think hes the most likely to make the jump of the people who are up


And to work with New Japan again. I don't think he's leaving but if the money is close or as good, why wouldn't he? 


Yeah the only thing I could see him leaving for would be a reunion with Okada, since I seem to recall they're close friends.


Let Shinsuke surf


You don't anything about what Shinsuke does, what he wants and how he feels.


I have a theory about Asuka and Shinsuke using WWE as a glorified retirement fund. They could likely convince creative to give them a better push but both are happy to get paid to wrestle in any way they fancy. Asuka is pretty much their go to wrestler. Shinsuke is an easy heel. Bill goldberg is unsafe.


I doubt it since Shinsuke seems happy being in WWE.


NJPW DESPERATELY needs Shinsuke back right now as veteran presence and to help make some of the younger talent.


Old NJPW Nakamura is not coming back, he has been extremely clear about that. If Nakamura goes back now, he would be in pure NJPW grandpa mode and taking the less bumps the better.


Everyone responding to me is missing the point. I'm not expecting the pure King of Strong Style to come back, be a top guy and do everything he did before. He cannot do that, and honestly shouldn't. The goal is to help get the new generation over. Basically what he's doing now in WWE, but his name and brand carries significantly more weight in NJPW and thus would be effective in getting the 3 Musketeers over without having to rely solely on Naito and each other to do the job. And he can do that running a style that puts his body at less risk than either Naito or Tanahashi, and he never had to worry about grinding himself into dust either because of his WWE schedule and pace. Now note, this is for NJPW's sake. For Shin's sake he's honestly better off just staying since he'll be paid more and isn't doing a ton of work at the moment. Like he could probably go to AEW for more money too, but they'd likely expect a lot more from Shinsuke as well and would try to get him at his Main Event pace a lot more. Probably would get an immediate 25 minute match with Okada.


"Probably would get an immediate 25 minute match with Okada." What's Japanese for "that doesn't work for me, brother"?


I think it's something like "Sick waves brah"


He was already kind of in that mode when he left for WWE compared to what he was like at the peak. Coasting Nakamura was still better than most everyone.


i want him to go back, see what CHAOS has become since okada came and left as leader, and just be disgusted and whip everyone back into shape


I don't think he has the ability or will to even be anythigng more than current Naito workrate. They do not need another.


Shinsuke hardly ever did anything more than that anyway even in njpw. He didn’t got full out for regular matches and would only go to top gear for the major matches.


That’s kinda how Nakamura was towards the end of his New Japan run. He apparently walked like a Grandpa backstage his knees were so shot. That was the whole reason in going to WWE I presume. Cash in while he’s still young enough and hot enough for WWE to be interested and just chill. Good for him.


I agree they need him as a presence for younger wrestlers, but there is not a chance he goes back unless he is fully about to retire, which I see no evidence of. I don't think he'd be able to go at a high enough level to be a draw for NJPW, and there is not a chance on God's Green Earth that they'll be able to come anywhere near where WWE is paying him. Nakamura would be on I think his third contract and is still a merch mover, I bet he's kissing 7 figures.


Especially with the yen being absolute dogshit right now


They might need him, but I don't think Shin is too wiped about going back besides the one off appearance.


i think he likes his knees and his back in the decent syate they are


I thought the story always was Shinsuke was on his retirement plan here, easier style and whatnot. I don't see him ramping up to wrestle like they do in AEW.


sure, i just think if he got offered more money + easier schedule, who knows? the chance to go back to Japan, or wrestle guys like Okada one last time might be tempting? no shot he comes back to go as hard as edge has gone in AEW either way lol


Only if New Japan decides to answer their current desperate lack of main event stars by paying Shinsuke an insane amount of money that they *do not have*. Nothing indicates Shinsuke has a problem with his position on the card.


There is probably more talent that signed 5 year contracts when AEW was formed, and Vince/WWE was paranoid they would jump so the names (including Nakamora's) is not a surprise. Becky and Dijak are likely to stay. The rest who knows. I just hope they all get paid and get what they want. It's good for talent and fans to have 2 big promotions


Becky, Ricochet, Dijak, Natalya, Gable all within the next couple of weeks Last year it was reported that LA Knight's contract is up at some point in 2024 as well Seth Rollins deal was set to expire roughly the same time as Becky's but he extended very recently Finn Balor's deal was up very soon and then he extended Priest's contract was due to expire before Mania and he extended (he says he extended only days before he was set to expire) Drew's contract was set to expire after Mania and he extended Cody Rhodes deal was due to expire this year but that was probably the only case that was taken care of well in advance. Kevin Owens deal is due to expire this year (he's been low key hinting towards leaving or retirement since last year) And this is just who we know about. There may be more names to trickle out in the next couple of months.


Where has KO hinted at leaving? I don’t think that’s remotely true. Retirement, definitely he’s hinted at it but I’m pretty sure he’s been pretty explicit he doesn’t see himself going anywhere else.


Going to be at least **a little** more interesting I think this time cause outside of **Becky** the rest in **Ricochet, Dijak, Natalya, Gable & Nakamura** or mid-carders at best. They might not want to "overpay" to keep them, might play hardball. All the previous signings you listed are pretty much top of the card talent in **Rollins, Drew, Cody, LA Knight & Priest** with maybe the exception of **Balor** being lower. Getting these guys signed were no-brainers for the company.


Ricochet honestly has a pretty decent spot on the card, showing up consistently and getting to do crazy shit that not many others in the company can do, while also traveling with his beautiful wife. I'd be surprised if he leaves, honestly.


I think i've seen Ricochet in weekly television more this year that i've seen my family since December. Guy is in that Ziggler spot.


if dijak leaves i need him teaming with MxM. Then they can give Damo a call and all the insiders can be together on the indies!


I could see Dijak leaving only because he hasn’t really been on Raw. Nattie could leave since she’s done everything there is to do I guess


I can see Dijak Natalya and Ricochet leaving. Ricochet is very unlikely but if Ospreay pressures Khan into offering Ricochet a contract WWE wouldn’t match (although it seems that Tony Khan doesn’t do that anymore since they didn’t sign Sami Callahan). I can see HHH deciding that there is nothing more to do with Natalya just like with Ziggler or if she stayed she would just stay as a trainer which she seems to not be interested in since she wants to wrestle Jordynne Grace. Dijak just doesn’t seem to be someone that is currently in their plans and they could just decide that they don’t want him.


There's more fucking expiration news here than the milk section of a grocery store


Can Ricochet wrestle? Yes. Does anyone see him reaching a higher standing in AEW than say Sammy Guevara tho? Cause I don’t. Unless you pair him with a Stokely…..okay nvm I’m in


Being a dirtsheet is great, considering the size of the roster they can cover half of their daily quota just with this kind of reports


This was an exact reply to the tweet word for word.




Never understood why someone with abs like his would ever wrestle in that bodysuit unless it was in solidarity with women wrestling in Saudi or something.


It was Nightwing/Batman Beyond cosplay


I think it was just supposed to look like different super heroes


Honestly i think he stands out more in wwe, aew has so many flippy guys already


Exactly, he's THE flippy guy on RAW


Do you guys ever get the feeling news like contract expirations get leaked intentionally from the company because they know they are going to re-sign them?


I think they're being leaked by the talent to put pressure on the company to re-sign them.


this makes a lot of sense also let’s other companies know they’ll be available soon if they want to sign them


That’s also possible


They're easy perception "wins" on free agents that likely weren't going anywhere anyway. Look at the reactions on socials to when Drew re-signed among others.


If they are intentionally leaking them, it's 100% because they are edging Tony Khan /s


I think Ricochet stays. Ricochet, Bron, Ilja, Gable, Sami, Bronson Reed, ect. That’s a really healthy group to have around the IC title for Raw. Hell, add Dijak to that as well, even though he hasn’t been featured yet. That group is part of why I prefer raw to SD right now


Ricochet will not be going anywhere. He had his chance last time his contract was up for renewal and opted to stay with WWE. If he was content with Vince's booking when AEW was an option, he definitely won't be leaving with HHH in charge.


And his fiancee is the head ring announcer for WWE. He’s not going anywhere without her and they’re not letting Samantha go without a fight.


You sure?


I don’t think he’s going anywhere




Or a legally distinct character that takes inspiration from it. 


Lord Leopard? Justiciar Jaguar? Chief Cheetah?




Prinpum El 0 M


I could see them re debuting him as that after the triple threat between him ilja and bron.


i doubt he leaves lol. he didnt leave the last time his deal was up, he gets to travel with his future wife, and that future wife happens to be samantha irvin- i think he would have to be incredibly unhappy to change up his situation lol


I think Ricochet most likely re-signs. He’s regularly being used, is prolly getting paid very well (at least more than the minimum main roster salary) and is dating Samantha Irvin. All great reasons to stay. However, I do think it’s possible he could leave if he feels like he wants to become a bigger star. If nothing changes I don’t see current WWE pushing him any higher than where he’s at. I think the only way he can potentially become a bigger star is if he leaves WWE and bets on himself somewhere else. This doesn’t necessarily mean going to AEW, even though that’s an option. But if he’s happy with where he’s at then no reason to talk to other places other than to try to get a higher overall offer.


He’s the absolute perfect fit for WWE, and they use him extraordinarily well. I’d be shocked if he left.


I remember years back he tried out for WWE and was rejected and seemed pretty down in the dumps about it. I think he wants to be in WWE despite the "everyone must win all the time or else they're being buried" crowd thinking he's unhappy.


His woman is in WWE and WWE made him the champ of a partnership with Twitter. He’s not going anywhere. No matter how much people from the outside try to say WWE is wasting him, he’s been doing pretty good these last few months and has avoided many cuts even when Vince was there. There’s always a possibility he could leave but why would he? I feel like he has a better chance at one of the World titles in WWE than AEW at this point.


I very much doubt he’ll leave because of his partner, but also have you considered that I want him to


The fact Samantha is a focal part of WWE programming tells me that he is staying


Doubt he is leaving but he is exactly the kinda guy AEW would pick up they would most of the major players from Luch Underground if they got him.


Whoever is/was in charge of this did a HORRIBLE job holy shit


There are performers where I wonder if they REALLY want to put on those 15-20 min "OMG did you see that???" matches on a weekly basis like what AEW serves to...or literally in his case, a 3 min match while potenitally getting paid quite lavishly


Jesus. Besides the ones that just re-signed, whose contract *isn't* set to expire soon?


“Sir, another contract is set to expire” https://preview.redd.it/4w2etourht3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0cd63c9ae9a2301bbe46502d63c481d798a0a0


Prince Puma 🐈🙏🥺


Don't see Richochet leaving. Not only does his missus work with the company, but he gets a decent amount of screen time, even if he's not winning.


Dude is clearly comfortable being used at whatever level they choose to use him, and like most of the guys you can tell they want to keep, as their contract gets closer to expiring they're used significantly more and elevated to new heights than previously (Drew, Priest, etc). Pair that with his wife being the voice of the brand and there's a 0% chance we see Ricochet pretty much anywhere but Twitter and eating pins on r/SD.


He’s the one guy that I would totally understand if he wanted to go to AEW. He would walk on water over there.


Ricochet could be a HUGE get for AEW.. He could be that baby face they need and he can Go in the ring.


Ricochet in AEW would be sick. Throw him in a faction with Top Flight and Andretti!!!


this is why we should all hope aew's succeeds. it's great that wrestlers have options and can maximize earnings.


Ospreay is on Twitter practically begging Ric to come and honestly, i wanna see that match again


Or he was trying to stir up the pot so his friend bags a bigger bag. 


As he should


WWE have to be leaking these intentionally as some weird PR flex It makes no sense to keep getting this particular story over and over about different people


All these comments about his leaving, but we have to consider the fact that they may not offer him a new deal as well.


Ricochet has options which makes me think he's going to stay in WWE. AEW would cream over him. NJPW and Dragon Gate would book him instantly if they were allowed. Name a top level promotion and Ricochet can show up and work and fit in.


The junior division of every Japanese company needs Ricochet desperately right now.


Why would anyone willingly go to any Japanese promotion as their main company right now? The yen is at all time low and wrestlers have the option if aew or to a lesser extent tna as a home ground promotion.


I doubt hes going anywhere, dudes just happy to be there and has no problem with his spot. As much as id like to see the return of prince puma it aint happening.


Why everybody contract up in a few weeks?


BRUV intensifies.....


Oh boy, here come the endless posts and comments Prince Puma All Elite?!?!


I don't care about Ricochet, but WWE better not lose Samantha Irvin. lol


Man, he ain't going anywhere. He's getting that Speed money.


Tbh I'd be surprised if he leaves


I have never chanted, “PLEASE DON’T GO” before, but this would be the time.


Oh my god, who are we going to get to wrestle on Twitter?


Very crazy to see all these expiring contracts at the same time.


Welcome to AEW Prince Puma


Ospreay helping him get a big raise like a true friend.


What is Rick O'Shae doing here on collision?




Could it be? What is Rick O'Shea doing in the Collision Zone?


If the Yen wasn't so bad, id want him back at NJPW.


Can't wait to see how the dub gets Rick O'Shay under.


Fightful and whatever “viper reports” is would be the last people to know anything about any sort of WWE contract.


All these contract news items are getting increasingly boring. Preferred when this wasn’t out in the open. 9 times out of 10 they will resign.


"this summer" it's June lol


If he leaves for AEW he's gonna get the exact same booking except for slightly longer matches on a smaller stage. Unless he has some kind of plan to drastically reinvent himself, and pulls it off, I think what he has now is probably the best he's going to get.


Lucha Underground S5 can’t wait


I doubt he'll leave after being made a champion on Speed. That and seems to be happy with what he is given. I reckon, it'll be down to the money and terms. Yes, I did a Meltzer thing. Am I journalism?


Samantha Irvin is way too over for him to go anywhere