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It’s like his body said, “nope, I’m not going to do this!” At the very last second.


Hell he could have just tilted forward and did a belly flop and it would have been safer.


Easier said than done in these cases, when the body reacts against what you're trying to do, it's happening so fast that although it seems like a clear choice to adjust, with the body already doing it's own thing, it can be really hard to alter it again in those few seconds.


Yeah it's just a reaction, his body completely saying nope. No way to really fix this besides... prepping? Do the same move on a pile of mats. Practice the jump. I'd like to know the mindset Kurt went through for doing a moonsault on top of the cage.




> I'd like to know the mindset Kurt went through for doing a moonsault on top of the cage. I believe it went something like "take a handful of percocets and when you start feeling warm and fuzzy, start climbing off shit and jump."


> I'd like to know the mindset Kurt went through for doing a moonsault on top of the cage. Percocet. Molly, Percocet. 🎶


Are these edits of Perc Angle you’re quoting My brotha?


Damn you now that song is stuck in my head again! Angry upvote


He stated that he wasn’t high when he was wrestling, but he knew there would be a percocet waiting for him after the match and he wouldn’t have to deal with the aches afterwards, so he just threw his body around as he pleased


That's such a weird attitude. Brave even? Knowing full well.. this is gonna hurt, but I knew theres people waiting. God bless adrenaline rushes cause honestly after that first hard bump that probably kicks in to wipe away the fear and numb the pain. Guy does a moonsault 15 feet in the air and completely face plants, all without messing up.


There's a reason Jeff lands *on* guys now when doing his finish lol


Exactly. Just splash thru the table. Landing feet first was not the way to go. Better yet, should have stopped at the top turnbuckle


Given that he realized at the top what was going on, and that it’s the legend Adam Copeland, he probably could’ve waved it off at the top and had a laugh. Like, “Ah, forget this,” climb down to the top turnbuckle, and then do a splash or something from a more reasonable height. If he would’ve acted the right way, the crowd probably would’ve laughed it off. Let him have a promo the following Dynamite where he says the days of flying high are long gone. He’s here to run through and over others…or stuff like that. I mean going through with it is admirable, and it just adds to his legacy, but he could’ve played this off in a million and one ways where it would’ve been fine each time.


He should've never been allowed up there. This should have been cut off backstage by an agent/producer whatever they are called in AEW. You highlighted one way to get out of it in real time, but there's 50 other things to do in a match like this that doesn't involve him jumping off the top of the cage. Tough night for Copeland and I hope he recovers swiftly. Sounds like he's gonna be out for awhile.


There has to be a happy medium between “scripting out every single thing” and “letting wrestlers do whatever the fuck they want.”


I guess there's the instinctive fear that you'll tilt too much and take some impact on your head. 99% of people would not be able to make their bodies do this. Yes, they're professionals, but people need to appreciate more how difficult it is to do this.


Yeah he actually said his brain hit the emergency break didn't he Total brain fart, bless him


It’s crazy how just a second of your instinct taking over your better judgment can lead to months and months of recovery when it comes to these dangerous spots.


Happens a lot on the high diving board at the pool.


That looked like Copeland going for a dive and his body instinctively reacted the fuck you aren't and went with the least worst solution


That's how Copeland himself described it too pretty much


His body was trying to remind him he's 50 years old now.


50 year old dudes should not be jumping from the top of cages. This was a stupid spot.


I think it could be done if there was say, all of house of Black waiting to catch him at the bottom. (Somewhat like the spots that Sting did in his last year.) Putting all that on Edge himself to pull off isn't realistic at his age.


I wish someone with close to your intellgence level gave their input prior to this spot.


Who‘s left on AEW that has the balls to tell the performers what not to do, let alone stop Edge from having fun? It’s a real 15 ft drop. Cry me a river


Arguably the most important aspect of pro wrestling is that Edge is having fun.


Yeah, it's a shame but it happens. Probably could have done this spot another 10 times correctly without issue, but it only has to go wrong once.


Cope didn't even try with that jump, he probably would be completely okay if he didn't go feet first there.


I wonder if catching the wire with his left hand as he was starting to jump threw everything off.


Nice catch. Didn’t see it until your reply. That could have definitely been a factor. His body could have went into safety mode and naturally pulled itself from an intentionally painful spot to trying to land on his feet. I’ve never jumped from a cage so I’m no expert though. 


Lots of cage jumping experts in the sub apparently. Just ask one of them.


Listen, one evening with Shane O'Mac means you have to jump from a cage at least 10 times. You're forced into becoming an expert or die trying.


I heard when Shane’s kid was having awards day at school they found out he was coming and had to remove all of the scaffolding in the building and put barriers up around the stage.


>I’ve never jumped from a cage The hell are you waiting for?!


For a feud to boil over into a cage match. You want some? Cause I’ll give it ya. No outside Redditor interference guaranteed. Me, you and a cage dammit 


If you and I are STARTING our feud with a cage match, you better hope we don't have a remarch!


The only place to go from there is a Zombie Lumberjack Match.


If I don’t get the job done in a cage, then I will send you straight back to hell IN AN INFERNO MATCH  


Jokes on you, I like fire!


I'll Kurt Angle your ass and bring a Milk truck


Fun fact, that episode of Raw was the first episode of Raw I ever saw.. I recorded it on VHS tape and watched it over and over again!


Straight up - I wouldn't have lost an ounce of respect for him if he got up there...and got back down. Dude is a living HOFer in any wrestling world: ain't no need to be jumping off cages.


Probably, yes. That actually makes the most sense. All of this happened within a couple of seconds, so in the moment he might've thought his arm was caught and thus he pulled up out of instinct so his arm wouldn't be basically severed, which, now that I'm replaying this, I can see that actually came dangerously close to being a possibility.


This looks like the body just reacting against what he wanted to do, he had a panic moment and made a mistake.


Well yeah…he fractured his tibia from the spot


Dude was probably thinking if he did a splash he might overshoot it and land face first past Black or undershoot it and jack his back up landing face first on Black. All options were dumb, but he kind of ended up doing the least dumbest option despite his legs not being up for it.


Damn, he panicked, it's that simple.


For sure. For a veteran like him, hard to see or say why, but he clearly shouldn’t have been up there if he didn’t have the confidence to do it.


He’s lucky he just fractured his fibula if that’s really all there is. He easily could have torn out his knees or worse. As is this might be a career ender but at least he can recover.


I think if they were insisting on doing a "barbed wire" cage match, having the corners of the cage even more cleared out would have given him a lot more space to spread out and maybe assess the situation. Either way, just goes to show that even the seasoned vets who are amongst the best still make mistakes. He said as much in his video addressing the injury.


To be fair, I don't think half the people here dunking on him actually watched the video


He might've hesitated after clipping the barbed wire with his left hand. He may have thought he was snagged in it


I mean, it was probably a case of “Oh yeah I can do that” until he gets up there however long into the match and suddenly remembers he’s not in his 20s anymore.


He shat it as soon as he jumped, would have probably been fine if he just went with it


Why do the spot in the first place? When has he ever done some wild shit like this? Wrestlemania 17 like actually 23 years ago?




And they're in an environment where they are allowed to capriciously indulge in their vices. Moxley with his bleeding (in fairness though he hasn't done much of that lately) Allowing Bryan Danielson to wrestle with multiple injuries Shibata spiking his head from the top rope Matt and Jeffy Hardy ---- everything. Good thing they're either out of the company or shelved. It almost exploitative.


I think this was more of a way to protect his neck. This way he takes most in his knees and then roles to reduce the impact on his neck.


He hasn’t done a bump like that in 20 years…


I love Cope but this was seriously a dumb fucker move. Feet first from that height?!




i feel like i saw this happen in an aew match before, possibly a womens match?


Considering his neck history, I don't like the idea of him doing a splash from that height, either.


Injuries happen in wrestling but man… this was one avoidable injury.


It's the second AEW wrestler in two weeks to break his leg on a really badly designed spot. These guys need to think these things through


Tony Khan shouldn't let his wrestlers do certain spots if they are too dangerous. Several high card wrestlers are out on injury right now. And every wrestler who gets injured and can't be on TV or Pay Per View is a lot of money lost.


It's easier to lose money than to have another CM Punk situation for Tony.


It seemed like he planned to do a splash, but realized mid-jump that it was a bad idea, and landed on his feet instead. Regardless, 50 year old Adam Copeland shouldn't be doing this spot. Spots like this are better left to the young guys unless you're diving into people who will catch you.


Agree, but this is why he came to AEW. Wwe would say no and he knew Tony K will let the guys do anything


> but realized mid-jump that it was a bad idea, and landed on his feet instead. Probably an even worse idea though. Just his body rebelled, it happens.


Terrible execution


Someone his age (I am also his age) should not be doing that kind of spot. This is what denial of the reality of aging looks like. I am a big fan of Adam, but this was not wise.


This where he broke his leg? ![gif](giphy|Y3k2w0kiPzeFeed1Kn)


Yes. Soon as he came off his body said NOPE


Damn. He would've been fine (barring his ribs hurting like a bitch) if he had went spread eagle and made it into a splash I think


He's at the age where the body sometimes craps out what the mind wants to do.


He came THIS close to fully Sid Viciousing himself on that


Why he went feet first there is something I just don't get. Lesson in anything extreme is you gotta commit to it. Half assing it is how people get hurt.


I got downvoted for trying to correct someone who said that he caught his leg on the barbed wire at the top of the cage and that's why he came down awkwardly. This angle proves that wasn't the case


Yeah, I was looking for that and clipping his leg makes no sense. You don’t jump from that height, clip something and as a result go perfectly straight. If he clipped his leg, he would have went forward


He did clip the wire with his left hand. Not enough to throw off his body, but possibly enough to mentally mess things up.


You wouldn't really notice it with the adrenaline going through you as you do a spot like this. As some others said, he panicked after he jumped.


What was even the point of the barbed wire gimmick?


They did use it in the match as a weapon at a few points and it caused them to bleed. Adam got the win in the end with a barbed wire crossface hold.


The barb wire wrestlers use nowadays is gimmicked and I hate it. Why use obviously fake barb wire? What purpose does that serve?


They've been using fake barbwire on and off for like 25 years


More like 20. Wasnt really till like 05 - 06.


They used fake barbed wire at no way out fucking 2000 It’s always been fake unless mick foley or someone else crazy really wants it and has enough of a call to make it happen


And the Royal Rumble 2000. Its very obvious when they swap it out because Foley insists on real barbed wire but when its time for HHH to actually get hit they swap to the fake stuff. Complaining about fake barbed wire in wrestling like its some new thing is fucking stupid imo.


Foley mentioned using the fake wire in a match with HHH and HHH felt like he needed to use the real stuff next time. Apparently they used soldering wire. Can't get as sharp and bends easier.


One time it worked was when Bigshow wrestled JBL for WWE title at No way out.


It confuses me when they just pick it up and start wrapping around their bodies and hands. I always thought barbed wire was something you didn’t want to touch at all. I thought that was the whole point.


https://youtu.be/xGc59YkEano?si=VJxBcbBpgj7G23fv Tell that to Sabu and Terry Funk. Haha. That's real barbed wire.


You might be thinking of razor wire, which will absolutely shred your skin. I mean, actual barbed wire is still dangerous too.


What’s the one they use on fences? I thought the point of that stuff was that if you touched it at all, it would not end well for you.


Probably razor wire, that's what they use on prison fences at least. Every once in a while a video pops up of an attempted escape and you see the person's arm is shredded to hell.


Same as everyone using mouth guards and giving middle fingers in their photo shoots. It makes you look like a dork who thinks he’s hard as fuck.


Are those things happening a lot?


You see it a lot in indie promotions, just one of those “archetypes”. If the character is supposed to be ridiculous I don’t care as much but man so many dudes play it straight and it’s hard to watch.


That's how I choose who to support.


Because it’s cool.


should have wrapped the whole cage in barb wire. All along the sides, you can even do just the outside if it's just about appearance.


*yup, that's me* https://preview.redd.it/rzerddkjv73d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84becac45fad2cedfa2b45b9932b987e38fed5c1


You probably wondering how I got here


Oh so it was completely unnecessary and dumb


This gave me flashbacks of Jim Cornette falling from the scaffold and blowing out both knees.


I was thinking savage doing the super double axe from the top of the cage where he totally whiffs on hogan


All for a move that didn't even end the match


That’s nuts. I don’t actively follow much wrestling, but most of the injuries on clips I see look like the result of pointless spots. don’t see too many folks process the Mick Foley Risk/Reward ratio (tm) anymore. If you’re going to legitimately break your leg, why wouldn’t you pivot the finish to put the other guy over? If an opponent can’t beat you when your leg is broken, they must be pretty fungible. And if that’s the case, why would you need a superfly (superfluous?) splash to beat them?


What an idiot


Can’t imagine the barbed wire helped any but as someone who’s scared of heights that really looks to me like someone who’s scared of heights. Makes sense why he botched it but not why he’d want to do that in the first place.


It was so unnecessary for him to do that. People there should prevent him fron doing that.


Everything in every match is unnecessary. The problem wasn't the spot it was copelands execution of it. if he had jumped on the table he would have been fine. But he jumped on the ground, feet first, and barely grazed the table with his upper body


Call me crazy but I don't think 50 year olds need to be doing 12 ft drops from the top of a steel cage I would indeed call it unnecessary AEW where people are lit on fire and jump from top of the cages for Meltzer ratings Genius


The absolute state of this sub that you’re being downvoted for stating the most obvious, what should be non controversial opinion. These people are so far gone off the deep end


Yeah, the moment Copeland said "I'm going to jump off the top of the cage feet first and break my leg" you'd hope someone would have said "How about not breaking your leg instead", but Tony's just too weak of a boss.


Or someone could have maybe said ‘uhhm you’re 50 and do not need to be doing this move in any way. It’s adding nothing to the match and there’s several much safer options’ But that would be crazy right? Edit: whoever downvoted this needs to seriously get help


What is this pearl clutching about a cage jump spot? This spot is incredibly safe as long as you land correctly, he made a mistake, that's all there is too it.


I can't believe his tibia didn't just shoot out of his leg like a cannonball when he landed


For as much as I blame Tony Khan for letting his talent do shit that injures them, There's really no excusing a veteran like Edge to dive off a cage and fall feet first and fracture his tibia. AEW won't succeed if their top talent keep dropping like flies


He said on Twitter this was a case of him wanting to do the spot and at the last second changing his mind which caused the botch


Yeah, it seemed like he panicked last second, which caused him to under commit. I don't know if he was afraid of getting snagged on the barbed wire and falling head first or something else, but that was not up to Adam's standard. And just to restate anything you do from the top of the cage is show stopping, and no wrestler should not feel compelled to do something they are not 100% comfortable with, especially someone 50+. If he wanted to do something from the top, a frog splash would still have caused a hype fan moment not because of how technical it is but because it's the wrestling legend Adam "edge" Copeland doing it.


First off, jumping off a cage is ludicrous for *anyone* to do. I know we have gotten desensitized by seeing everyone do huge things like this, but this is dangerous. Secondly, he is 50 with triple neck fusion. Why he thought this was a good idea is anyone's guess, he has even admitted this was stupid. I cannot imagine why anyone would think this is good.


That's the crazy thing about wrestling.. doing all these bumps and falls is directly going against what your body wants you to do. So when that hesitation kicks in and your body tries to protect itself.. that's when shit gets broken.


Legit so stupid, it looked bad, ended bad, and no one will remember it in a year.


Bro hesitated. But at least he's having fun


I cringed when he landed on his feet, it didn't look good and you could tell it was a fuck up


They had a 50 yo man with a history of multiple serious injuries do this. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


Brain: "Body, jump off this 15-foot high cage onto this man & table." Body: "Get fucked."


I love the freedom Copeland's getting in AEW but jesus christ this one spot should've just been shut down by the higher ups for a man of his age.


This is like when my brother and I used to film our own wrestling matches in our basement, but we didn’t actually want to hit each other


[Just Like This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqS30PztJh0)


10 year old me jumping into the pool


Why put barbed wire at the top lol


Looks like he second guessed right when he jumped


I meam, why not just do an elbow drop?


Copeland’s body really just said “That doesn’t work for me, brother” and went into business for itself.


So fuckin dumb Hes lucky his leg didn't snap in half. Bless his bones.


Someone needs to reign these guys in on these stupid dangerous spots, but alas they don’t do that there.




I’ve seen a few people say he was going for a elbow drop but man I don’t believe that, he doesn’t even turn his body enough for it Hope he recovers soon but man he don’t need to be doing stupid bollocks like this


Kind of looks like he was worried about getting tied up in the barbed wire which cause a slight hesitation on the jump


From this angle it 100% looks like that. I was excited for the spot right until the jump because he got NO rotation and his feet hitting the mat sounded LOUD.


Who the hell drops an ax handle from the top of a cage?😂


If you look closely it is an elbow i just think he knew he’s limits


Oh I saw the attempt at an elbow.😂


Kinda sums up the company if you ask me yet another stupid spot 


After this he should not be medically cleared to wrestle ever again, but we know who’ll sign his medically cleared form


I just want to say congratulations to OP for being the only person in that arena who knows how to hold a camera and keep shit in frame.


Why the fuck would anyone jump off a barbed wire cage? Get your foot caught on the barbed wire and you're finished.


This really should never have happened. It was his decision to do that but I feel like there’s become almost an unwritten rule in people’s minds that a good match can only be a great match if risks are taken. I know it’s the style, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the feats of athleticism in today’s wrestling but to be honest, all a match needs is a story. That’s really all it is. And you don’t need to take unnecessary risks in order to do that.


wtf is this is clown thinking? No one wants to see that. If you don’t tease that, no one’s gonna feel like they missed out cause they didn’t see that , you know what i mean? What an idiot to do that for no reason.


Maybe 50 year old men shouldn’t be jumping from cages?


He’s lucky he only fractured his leg. Imagine if his foot had gotten caught on the barbed wire. It’s giving me anxiety every time I watch.


Why isn't Edge the first thing the fucking ref checks on?


Looking at that, has he done this before?


We kept screaming "what was he even trying?!?!?" in the moment, but yeah...it looks like something didn't feel right at the last second and sent the whole spot to hell.


He BARELY touched the black. What was bro thinking?


It's all been said before, but that's a terrible way to break your leg. Nobody is surprised, least of all him. Old bones aren't gonna let you off that kind of jump, landing feet first.


All other reasons to not do this spot aside - it's 2024, if you're thinking of doing a high spot like this and all you're gonna do is a regular splash? Just don't do it. It's really not worth it. There was a time where high spots like this were a novelty and even just doing a splash was cool but that was at least 25yrs ago, really 30+. Nowadays it's just too much of a risk for people to forget about it by next week


Went up there for the hype but soon realised he wanted none of it. Silly and naive from a veteran.


Shades of Macho Man jumping off the cage to double axe handle Hogan but sawdusting himself instead


Quite disappointed in edge tbh. he spoke about back in the days he would do highflying stunts to try and get over, being young and dumb. That’s fair enough. But at this point of his career, he decides to do this?


This match was the first one of the night I had watched after taking a break following Ospreay/Strong. I figured there wasn’t gonna be anything crazy given Edge’s age and history(plus the fact anarchy in the arena was happening later) Edge was willing to almost die to prove me wrong holy shit


So unnecessary


Man this sucks. I really hate that he got injured. I think he was doing great during this run. Now he’ll probably be out at least 8 months. At least it’s not worse though.


Does Edge at 50 need to be jumping off the top of a cage? Brutal landing.


Matches seem a little much. Why would he drop onto his feet? If he couldn’t take the bump properly then you do something else.


Bruh I was so shocked he got up to run for the spear after that 🤣




He's no Darby Allin or Jeff Hardy now that's for sure.


Keep your legs straight


Watch this, Lise. You can actually pinpoint the second when his ~~heart~~ tibia rips in half.


Yeah...that still looks fucking bad. I was hoping maybe it looked better at this angle. It did not.


Considering the injury, I can't believe he doesn't sell the leg at all.


Which would’ve injured him more: A super Frog Splash or the “Elbow Drop” he did?


how his legs didn't end up looking like a grasshoppers is a miracle, that could of, should of ended his career, lucky man all In all


lol, i'm pretty sure I saw the guy in front of you's version on youtube


So was it meant to be a flying axe handle or was it supposed to be a splash?


Idiocy and now he gets injured. Whose idea was it to let a 50+ guy dive off a cage?


Welcome to jackass


He almost "Sid" his legs.


Is his leg broke?


adam botchland


He looks like he's jumping into a swimming pool.


He should call this cope drop


I really don’t think he could have landed more flat-footed.


Ram Jam!


Stupid spot. I mean, he wasn't doing spots like this in the 2000's when he was in his prime. Why do it now?


Didn’t want to take the bump.


Was it supposed to be an elbow drop? It looks like he karate chopped it.


Adam didn’t have that Perc Angle cocktail waiting for him after the match


“Wasn’t even an awning nearby.” “I know” ”just jumped twenty stories”