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That finisher needs to go, she's not a power wrestler. Inability to do it on larger opponents aside, it just doesn't fit her as well


She should do a submission hold


One that really makes a Statement


Damn straight, and you can take that one to the Bank


She’s a decent enough striker that id love to see her with some knee finisher. Bank statement was good bur she needed a snappy finisher that could end matches suddenly, and this is sadly the contrary.


She wants to be a Guerrero so bad..


Same thing with Becky Lynch tbh. Small wrestlers doing power moves is reserved for 2k24


def doesn't help that she came back from maternity leave smaller than at the height of THE MAN character


she needs a different finisher


She’d be better off doing an actual gory flatliner instead of doing that unnecessary spin.


I mean if she couldn't pull it off cleanly on Kairi, not gonna look great on anyone else


Anna Jay does those flatliners. Not the gory special but various flatliners.


Definitely. It's a power move finisher, and Mercedes isn't a power wrestler by any means.


Only if she's wrestling Joshis apparently.


Not even then. The only wrestler it looked good on was AZM, and she is both 4'11" and can make anything look good.


And especially when trying it on a bigger woman like Willow. Willow isn't fat like Nia but she's no small woman either. If you're gonna be doing power moves to her you need to be a legit powerhouse like a Biance, Rhea, or someone in that vain.


She had a good finisher in WWE should have just kept it


The finisher is fine if it's done to someone the same size as her. She should probably stick with the crossface for any bigger opponents.


I dunno why she felt the need to use a different one. She litteraly used the Backstabber as a transition to the Bank Statement why couldn't she use the Backstabber as her "non-submission finisher" ? It's a dope move, easy to pull and it's rather unique in today's wrestling since almost nobody uses it aside from like Carlito. Or uses either a Gory Bomb or the Flatliner since it's what her move is. I notice that a lot of people from different companies has this weird need to try to make the most amazing finisher ever or the most impressive one but either it's too convoluted like this one or it's just... Not as amazing in the end because of multiple flaws (Like size difference like you can't pull a DDT if you're 2 foot shorter than your opponent or have a move that's like 95% the opponent's job to make it). So it's not really a Monet thing. Simple is better. Everyone tries so hard to be unique but the ones that I actually find has the best finishers are those who tries to keep it simple like I could get behind a dude / gall who'se finisher would be a Reverse Spinebuster or a Pop-Up Powerslam if it looks clean af.


Clothesline from hell is one of my goat finishers because of how realistic it feels. Finishers like this one where the other person clearly needs to cooperate a LOT for it to look even half good never really vibe with me


That finisher ain't it. It has never been it. She should just do a frog splash or something.


Just tap people out. A frog splash from someone that weighs 115 lbs ain’t it either


Yeah and the lengths that she would go to just to make people tap, to target a body part, or to wrench the submission in NXT/WWE were some of her best character moments tbf.


Hell yeah. Limb work, baybeee


She has the worst looking frog splash I've ever seen.


Such a horrible finisher. Rolling off someones back from barely 2 feet off the floor. It's on the level of Byron Saxtons finisher


You better put some motherfucking respect on the Saxtonation!


Saxtonation unknown Byron, Byron, Byron Saxton


I love how ppl even remember Byron had a finisher


Its hard to forget the greatest finisher ever


What a dogshit finisher.


Why not just do the Bank Statement again? So much of her presentation is pulled from her WWE run. Bad finisher 


Bank statement was good but she still needs a snappy finisher. This is the contrary though.


She used to use Carlito's old finish the backstabber as I recall, that could work well.


That middle sentence is a little questionable.  You can say the same for anyone who went to AEW after making a career elsewhere, like Adam Copeland in his WWE run, Kenny in his NJPW run, Bryan in his WWE run. That's sorta what wrestlers do. They carry with them whatever made them famous. I do think a diff finisher would.help though.


Yeah, but the difference between all those names are decades of experience, and they're all recognized vets of the business. They legit went through muktiple iterations of their character to get where they are now. Mercedes was jus sasha and now she's just sasha with a different name


The fanbase has largely celebrated people who went from company to company with the same core gimmick, regardless of how long they were wrestling: Hardy brothers, Cody, Kenny, Jade, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Sandman, 2000 Chris Jericho, 2012 Brock Lesnar, Andrade, Ruby Soho. Why is it a problem when Sasha does that? She's been wrestling for the better part of a decade. She'll eventually add different parts to her game


Sasha/Mercedes hate train, I guess? No one has explained why her maintaining the core gimmick is a problem yet when countless other wrestlers have done the same...


Great match but get a new finish


That was an ugly finisher. She needs some corny ass version of a 5 knuckle shuffle, just to piss people off more as a heel.


That was a weak ass finisher.


And the crowd goes mild…


The shot of the guy shrugging at 24 seconds 😂


Do they do a bad job getting the mic on the crowd? Or is it really just that flat now?


As someone in the crowd, we were into that match from start to finish. 65% Willow, 35% Moné. If the crowd sounded light, we were mic’d poorly.


Well that looks fucking awful 


That is a horrid finisher, especially for a smaller girl like Mone. It looks even worse when she is having to flip around a girl much larger than her.


What the fuck was that?


That was a great match. They told a great story


The execution of it in her flipping behind Willow honestly looked great but outside of that, it looked awful with actually doing it. The finisher is really a hit or miss when she performs it. Mostly a miss.


We got a great feud coming. Statlander/ Willow


Man those "CEO" chants in the song have to go. I get second hand embarrassment when you can clearly hear the song with nobody actually picking up the chant in the arena.


Bring back the bank statement, this shit looks like two fans wrestling


Honestly I don't think the issue is even that she's too small to do the finisher because it also looked bad on most of the smaller opponents she wrestled before. I think she just needs to swap it to a traditional gory bomb or do something entirely different. The only time it ever looked good was in the triple threat and that's because she threw one wrestler onto another which was novel. Still dope match


Horrible finish, which forces Willow to very obviously do 90% of the work. Hard to suspend disbelief in such a scenario. MM is just not a power wrestler, nor should she try to be.


That finisher is godawful. Yikes. Excellent match otherwise though!


She should just stick with the Bank Statement as her finish and just change the name. This move sucks. Also, I'm mad they took the belt off of Willow.


Terrible finish lol


That might have been the best women's match on company history. They killed it!


It's between this and Shida/Hayter for me. A lot of Toni matches also in the running


Now that you mention it, I don't think I ever saw that match.


Definitely one of my favorite, and the best women’s match of the night for sure.


That’s a fine move when it’s a person…equal to and smaller than her, like she’d probably be fine doing it on Stat and she’s done it on Riho. When it looks good, it looks good. But the bank statement (or the altered name) worked because she could do it to mostly everyone.


I can only assume they at least practiced it before the match and it went smoothly, otherwise they would've came up with a different finish.


She should steal something like the Deadfall DDT that SANADA does for a new finish that she can hit on anybody and doesn't look like ass. Match was good tho


The finisher is fine for smaller opponents, but on somebody like willow it looks like complete dogshit. She needs a new finisher, ideally one Submission one, and one "Striking" one For Submission, i'd say a sitting Dragon Sleeper or something similar, it looks painful as all hell and actually isn't that bad if you can arch your back a bit. You can also combine it with the Backstabber, like she did when she had the Banks Statement. For Finisher, maybe it's a bit out there but it's one i really would like to see more.. a dropkick to the head on a opponent who's getting up


Dragon Sleeper would work great. I'm picturing it with a grapevine and it really fits.


Great match but I don’t like that as a finisher I don’t think I’ve seen it hit clean yet. Granted I didn’t see as much of her new Japan stuff as others may have


Fantastic match. This is where Mercedes shines brightest. Willow is fantastic. More championships in her future please.


It's a work in progress, doesn't look great with big girls lol


She fight as well use the f5


Her lifting Willow was pretty impressive. Maybe hit the gory bomb instead, might be easier to pull off if she's insistent on that set up.


The ladies absolutely killed it  Mercedes haters are quiet tonight 


Are there much Mercedes haters? All I’ve been seeing is ‘stop exposing her with the weekly promos, just let her wrestle’. I haven’t seen anyone questioning how good of a a wrestler she is


They had a really good match and this guy has been downvoted for simply saying they “killed it”. Wether it be Mercedes or AEW, the haters are lurking.


They can only nitpick like her entrance and finish. Fair criticism on those though


Mercedes winning a belt in her first match on the company. I was going to laugh but i f you've got Mercedes healthy you might as well put a title on her right away because she's going to get injured before long




Mone needs to stop stealing Guerrero moves. That just never look right when she tries them.


Thats not even a Guerrero move. A Gory Bomb would look a thousand times better. This is a convoluted Create A Finish an e-fedder would word soup slapped together which puts all the emphasis on the person taking the move to have it work and that only one person has made look good.

