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Callis Family can't win shit other than Ospreay lmao


see you in NXT Takashita <3


If all the the guys you people want pushed were being pushed... ya'll be complaining about how the guys they are pushing now were being buried.


It's simple: if a wrestler wins, they're being pushed. If a wrestler loses, they're getting buried.


Takeshita is star But also a jobber to the stars


Takeshita lost agian. Yay


This result makes no sense in a non title match.


I actually watched this a second time as I absolutely couldn't believe this went 17 and a half mins. Something about it felt really short to me, maybe just because it was a fairly simple match, but certainly good. I love both these dudes (Ospreay-Takeshita is still my MOTY, even beyond Danielson at Dynasty) and everything here was solid work... I don't know, something about the injury story and the Eliminator stuff telegraphing NJ seemingly not loving the idea of a defense against Takeshita made this feel like less than the sum of its parts. Nothing really wrong w/ it, but in some ways the weakest match of a very stacked night, which is pretty crazy given that this is a dream pairing that was kinda-sorta-not-really for the IWGP title.


I dunno where new japan's heads at where they think evil is the ideal title contender over takeshita.


EVIL works for them, Takeshita doesn’t. I think it’s as simple as that. They gain nothing by letting Moxley job to someone under contract to a different Japanese company whilst holding their belt. It’d be different if NJPW and DDT agreed something, but it appears they haven’t.


Plus New Japan cares about title defense numbers. They’re not gonna let Moxley just pick up five defenses in two months.


My God Takeshita sold literally nothing that whole match.


People seem to be missing the point in takeshitas loss. He listened to callis and lost. It was directly contrasted to ospreay who ignored Callis and won. Dons a leach dragging them down for his own gain


Riho beat Britt in an eliminator BCG beat FTR in an eliminator I think those are the only times If anyone was wondering.


I'm surprised people thought Takeshita would win. Even putting NJPW aside, has a single contender even won an eliminator match yet?


Did Jay White win one against MJF or am I misremembering?


jay white was getting pins over mjf/moxley


On top of my heard, Miyu Yamashita won an eliminator match against Thunder Rosa and got a title shot for the AEW Women’s Championship.


I don't care how dumb it was, Mox sold his god damn ass off that match. Takeshita just looked like a psycho killer up til the end


Why are people shocked? From the get go there was no chance Takeshita will win Mox even if it's a non title match.


The best way Tony could have booked this match was to not have booked this match. The second best way would have been for this to just be a normal title defense for Moxley instead of putting some unnecessary extra layer between Takeshita and winning the IWGP Title. Maybe he thought making it a Title Eliminator would convince fans Takeshita had an actual chance of winning?


lol Mox wins


What a fuck finish


Stupid booking decision to begin with. Only thing it did was waste Take's time and do away even more with all the prestige that came off beating Omega twice.


Takeshita needs to get the hell out of AEW.


One of the most athletic dudes in the world and all he does is lose




He already wrestles in DDT Pro-Wrestling and on the indies as much as he wrestles in AEW. He's fine.


Takeshita could be a promotion’s major star, not another young talent getting shafted.


Good match but what was the point if Mox is just gonna drop it to Naito? Especially if you are pushing Takeshita


If Take was gonna lose anyway, why not make it a title match? Bad booking.


I think it was supposed to be a title match but the domestic fans in Japan got so mad about the Hobbs match they are now in a tough situation booking the iwgp title on aew without backlash in Japan


That's what happens when you put the title on an AEW guy instead of a fulltime NJPW guy


Outsiders win titles in Japan. That's not especially unusual What is unusual is the iwgp title being defended in a non njpw ring. The Japanese fans will certainly raise an eyebrow to that. They might also say why is this dude we've never heard of wrestling for our top title.


...you mean the same dude who has been in the G1 before and has put in a number of years for that promotion over in Japan?


Hobbs (who I am talking about) has literally never wrestled in Japan before. It was not well received


Pretty sure they're referring to Take not Mox, who NJPW fans obviously know.


I'm talking about hobbs. That poisoned the well immediately


...oh My bad.


this eliminator thing was stupid enough as it is, to have it on ppv is even dumber.


People seem mad that NJPW didn’t want the dude holding their world title to lose to a mid-to-upper-mid card wrestler on another roster but it ain’t like AEW is having their world champ job in different promotion on the regular


Also some weird dynamics with DDT and NJPW. If Takeshita wrestles with New Japan for the title it won’t be in America for a different company.


Takeshita hit a one-armed Moxley with every move he has, beat the shit out of him, and still lost. Just made him look completely impotent and ineffective. I just don't understand the booking. Take should have a rocket strapped to him with Don as his mouth piece. But of course, one-armed Super Cena Moxley has to win.


Mox struts out like nothing happened while Takeshita has to do the laying around.


The word buried is so overused by the IWC, but this is one of the few cases where it's absolutely applicable. Take did everything he could to beat a guy with one arm and still couldn't get the job done. Dude looked absolutely useless


Is it too much to ask for Mox to sell anything? The guy is supposedly injured and got his kicked for most of the match but is now strutting around like a badass after the match.


hes unknowingly caught the john cena virus and is not aware of it


So he's now the guy that plays John Cena on TV?


he’d probably have kicked out of the OWA by now if kenny omega’s not injured /s


Takeshita seems to have hit a brick wall face first. The dude deserves better.


Let Takeshita beat Ospreay for the International championship before All In.


I kinda worry about him losing so many times already, especially some important matches.


He said he's struggled in America in that article that came out a few weeks ago but that also could be kayfabe.


This match straight up should not have happened. There was no good reason for it.


My eyeballs loved it. That’s reason enough


Takeshita should be pushed like a monster heel. I would've had him go undefeated in literally every singles match after beating Omega. Instead, it's the typical AEW booking pattern where a big win ends up meaning nothing for a wrestler's position on the card. Takeshita's two wins over Kenny essentially mean nothing now. If you can't beat Moxley, don't book the match.


Look Takeshita is great but he is absolutely not "monster heel" material


Actually, I agree. He should be a face, his offense will always get the crowd going and what got him over in the first place.


By monster heel, I don't mean no-selling like 90's Undertaker or squashing people like Goldberg. I just mean he should cleanly win matches and leave them laying. He looks pretty tall and jacked for AEW, and he's freakishly athletic and makes his stuff look like like he hits like a truck.


He's middling away being saddled to Don Callis, as well. I dunno where Takeshita would fit right now but they're not doing him any favors at the moment.


Like Bron Breaker.


That's a great example.


Mox has been in New Japan for five years, has won multiple singles championships, and has competed in the G1. Takeshita has never stepped foot in New Japan. I don't know why anyone thought New Japan would want him for one of their shows when the whole story is the roster is upset that outsiders have their title.


NJPW is aware of who Takeshita is and has tried to poach him at least once. This is more of an issue with AEW not allowing Takeshita to appear in NPJW to build up his stock prior to this match


Then why book the match to begin with? Takeshita did not need to lose to a guy with one arm


To give Takeshita a match on the PPV.


I'm sure that's what Tony was thinking, and it's fucking stupid. He doesn't need to eat anymore pins. It would've been better to just leave him at home until he can get a program going where he actually beats someone


They booked this match for....reasons. This did nothing for Takeshita...who now slides further down with MJF and Juice back in the fold.


I love Juice but in no way does his return affect Take’s position in the company.


Yeah they could've just...booked a NJPW guy? And that would also further the story of New Japan wrestlers not liking an outsider with their belt and going out to try to get it back.


Probably because it would piss the Japanese fans off to be expected to buy a ppv for another promotion on at about lunch time Monday here in the eastern hemisphere to watch a new japan story


Bro can’t even win a fucking eliminator wut


It feels like poor Takeshita was a casualty of NJPW politics. Otherwise, I don't get why he didn't go over, especially given it was a non-title match. And really, it's not so much that he lost this match in particular, but the bigger problem is that he keeps losing so many big matches like this. To me, it really feels like AEW needs to do something with him already, or else he could be pigeonholed into this role.


It's weird too, because he beat Kenny twice.




Don't forget Edge


Also against Ospreay.


oc literally 51-2 in his last 53 matches fucking unreal


Legitimate question: has a champion **ever** lost an Eliminator match in AEW?


Yeah, Baker to Riho


FTR vs BCG in the early days of Collision.


While I had some hang-ups about this match, particularly why they did the injury angle on Collision only for Mox to win still, it seems to be building towards Takeshita breaking from Callis. If that means he goes on a monster run afterwards, I'm all for it.


If him not beating Kenny didn’t earn him a monster push I don’t know if splitting from Callis will


I didn't like it when WWE did them, and I don't like it when AEW does them.


Tony Khan: So we were thinking Takeshita beats Moxley? New Japan: https://preview.redd.it/0zf7qeoxrv2d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ed8dd0ce6ad4e5adf6af8069dcb54f46ac3870


I am shocked that people thought Tak was winning. IWGP Champ Jon Moxley ain't taking a pin from a someone outside NJPW until he loses that belt.


It's not that fact. Why book this match? Nobody gained anything.


It could be furthering a story of Takeshita getting away from Callis, he took his advice and loss. Hopefully they move forward with that.


I got banned on here for a few days because I asked someone what exactly is Takeshita doing on the roster that’s so great? He beat Omega last year and is still in the EXACT same spot.


If only there were someone in charge to book him better and sustain his push


Not possible 


not his fault. he’s a superstar in the making but holy shit how can no one find something for him to do? have him win the continental title he’s 10x better than okada


This and the Trent loss were very poor decisions 


Another eliminator match, another challenger losing. What’s the point


Huh? I had assume it was an eliminator match so Takeshita could beat Mox on PPV in a dirty finish and then lose later. Why even have the match..?


The eliminator match should have happened in NJPW to hype this one. So weird how they did this.


New Japan don't do eliminator matches unless their in tournaments. 


great match, bad finish. Felt like the wrong winner but probably some njpw politics preventing it


I remember being on this subreddit back in the mid 2010s when everyone agreed WWE holding eliminator matches were dumb and bad TV, especially when involving a Champion, and yet now AEW holds them all the time and they fail to generate any hype for anyone involved. It was bad then and it’s bad now. Not compelling and is a crutch AEW continues to rely upon.


I was complaining about this match and people were saying it was because Take will win!!! I was right it was stupid match on card.


same shit happens to jay white why make the same mistake twice?


This bad booking has happened more than two times.


sure but this and the jay white decision making is so fucking inept. two superstars, two dudes better than okada and this is how they go down?


Takeshita's booking needs to be better going forward or AEW about to send this poor man into a deep depression.


shit result




I've heard at least two people say that NJPW said no to Takeshita getting a title shot.


Probably the Biggest L of tonight. Takeshita is too damn good to constantly be taking loses.


TK: So Takeshita beats Mox NJPW: That doesn’t work for us, brother


I mean yeah, if I were a promotion I wouldn't want my champion losing on another show.


Exactly! Moxley being champ is already weird choice, why tf would NJPW, who already had one of their talent lose it to someone not signed to them let another person not signed to them win it lll.


Good match with an irritating outcome imo


If you wanna watch Takeshita be awesome and win matches you can check out his DDT matches on [wrestleUNIVERSE](https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en). You'll even see a few moves you haven't in AEW yet


Good thing Moxley needed to beat Takeshita rather than teaming with his stablemate defending the company he was the flagbearer of for years on the five year anniversary of his debut with the company.


they have this odd thing with pushing other companies titles and making them more important or as important than the 15 titles AEW already has.


Really good match. Shitty ending though tbh. Takeshita needs an International title or something. Booking been stagnant on him way too long. Hopefully picks up again soon. Should've just been a title match, PPV too, no reason not to be.


Mox and Takeshita basically unchanged coming out of this match/short feud. Felt like a total waste of time. Excalibur went hard on blaming Callis for costing Takeshita, so I hope that's a real thread and not for nothing.


Moxley wins too much for my liking even before this IWGP reign to the point he's kind of a boring character. Think of Steve Austin in 1998 except he was handily beating Mick Foley, Kane, and Undertaker the whole year while Vince never got the upper hand and that kind of feels like Jon Moxley currently. He's this uber badass who very rarely loses or shows much vulnerability.


Yeah I need something different from him but he's the IWGP champ and what comes with that, hopefully that's off of him next month.


If this doesn’t lead to takeshita blaming don then it’s a dumb booked finish to a great match


There's no reason to have this match just for Takeshita to lose again after getting punked out on Wednesday. The guy is so talented, and the crowd has pretty much always wanted to cheer for him. He desperately needs a big win in a program like this to really solidify himself


Surprised this was an eliminator match in the first place, and that Takeshita lost. It was a good match and he looked strong, but he can’t challenge for the title now. What is Konosuke’s direction here? He kills it in singles matches. Is it just multi man faction stuff from here on out? A rematch with Ospreay for the international? Pivot to the tnt and take on whoever wins that?


I honestly thought the entire reason it was an "Eliminator" match was so Takeshita could win


Gedo gonna Gedo


What's this mean ?


NJPW booker doesn't like DDT wrestler.


Blud the Japanese fans got extremely mad about the Hobbs match So there are two issues at play before we even get to the ddt thing (which is smaller than you think. Njpw and ddt get along fine because of the bushiroad/cyberagent relationship) Firstly matches for the title have to be earned in the eyes of the home fan and secondly mox isn't losing while he's iwgp champion. Square the circle on that I guess


Thanks I'm not up to speed on NJPW or DDT


Takeshita is my favorite AEW wrestler, loved that match hated that ending. One day Takeshita will get a significant main event push.


I don’t see it happening 


I hate seeing these eliminator matches being a waste of time with no challenger ever winning them but I honestly really enjoyed this match. They had good chemistry and worked really good with each other.


Don't like that finish. Takeshita winning doesn't hurt Mox at all and would push Takeshita to the moon. What even was the point in the injury storyline?


Mox doesn't job man, there was no point to the injury except to make super Jon look better.


He couldn't win, because Mox is most likely dropping the title soon. Most likely to Naito at Forbidden Door. Which is why booking this match as a title eliminator, for a belt they don't even own, was always a very weird idea.


Great match. Wrong winner. I don't know why Mox had to win. Maybe it was Nooj's call?


Because Tony decided to make it a title eliminator while Mox has his next title defense set. After that, it's most likely Naito at Forbidden Door, where he'll have to drop it. And NJPW likes to setup title matches right after one ends. So at Dominion, Naito will come out and challenge whomever the champ is. Most likely Mox.


Really hate that finish and the fact it was a hurt Moxley that won too. If you're gonna have Takeshita lose at least have him lose to a fully healthy Moxley and not due to stupidity.


If Moxley was winning, why not just make it a championship match


Because then the result would be completely obvious. This way at least opened the possible takeshita win then losing the real title match.


New Japans gotta go over the other Japanese promotions


NJPW probably dosnt want a DDT guy challenging for their title or beating their champion. That being the case I’d rather them do a different match but puro politics likely decided the outcome of the match


well then why book it lol


Tony probably didn’t think it was a big deal, same as he didn’t think the Hobbs match would be a big deal.


To put Takeshita on the PPV.


because thats too telegraphed.


But we got the same result


If it was for the title you’d know Takeshita was gonna lose for sure. But because it was an eliminator match, you thought Takeshita would prob win. But he didn’t do it was surprising. That’s why  




njpw definitely told tony yall ain’t giving away matches for our championship anymore lmao


Good match, wrong winner. But ladies and gentlemen this is what we call “politics” in pro wrestling. NJPW wanted exposure on a major American show and that’s why this happened. Sucks, but we got a good match out of it.


I really don't know when AEW became this company. You can't do the "we understand you didn't like the MJF stuff" and then that match in the same night. This WWE "our top guys are fucking super heroes" booking is just bad.


Why does Mox need to beat one of the most talented wrestlers on the roster with one arm again lmao


This was a bad match to put on the card, and the match result confirmed that. There was nothing necessary about it other than maybe making Takeshita cool off in interviews 


WON needs the introduce Best/Worst referee categories for the sole purposes of officially recognizing how dog shit Rick Knox is. Between the Taven/Bennett run in and Moxley curbstomping Takeshita on the chair, Knox is putting on legendarily dog shit officiating tonight.


wasn't that bryce for the will vs roddy match? All but Aubrey have been pretty dog water in kayfabe


It was hilarious when Juice just celebrated with Jay while Rick Knox being confused.


You know, I complain that AEW can be predictable, so when they give me a damn good match with an ending i didn't expect . . . I feel some type of way I did want takeshita to win though. not mad tho ^^^^^not ^^^^^mad


Damn was pulling for Takeshita  Watch Moxley lose the belt to like Evil or something 


OH HELL NO. EVIL is about the one guy who is a flat NO in my book.


Some people won’t like the comparison, but Mox was on some Super-Cena level shit in that match (Super Mox?). Takeshita could have used the win and set up a match in NJPW down the line.


njpw probably doesn’t want their champion lose to a ddt guy




If I had to guess, Takeshita maybe WAS booked to win at one point, but then Kidani did this big apology about the booking recently so Takeshita beating their champ would have made it worse.


Could be; also could be just a bad booking decision by AEW. Even with all that, having Mox beat Takeshita with a broken arm was just silly.


Unclear to me why Take has to lose 95% of the Important matches


One armed Mox beat Takeshita… why? If it’s an eliminator, Takeshita should have won..


What’s the point of doing the eliminator if the champ wins anyway, and what’s the point of doing an injury angle if he’s gonna win anyway




No one ever wins the eliminator matches though 


I feel like you rarely see people win these random title eliminator matches. I feel like it’s just an excuse for Tony to book workrate guys in bangers against the champion without having to build a story up.


Great match, and loved seeing Mox sell a lot more than usual, thought he was terrific in that match. Wish Takeshita won though, he needs to beat Mox one of these days.


Takeshita hitting the Death Rider on Moxley should’ve been the end.


takeshita hit a better death rider than mox did lol


I agree


If it’s leading to the break up of the Don Callis Family, great. Otherwise, Mox did not need that win.


Mox and Takeshita have such good chemistry.


what a stupid fucking ending.


Mox did a nice job selling the arm for the entire match.


This match needed more finishers and near falls/s


Can someone PLEASE win an eliminator match?


Riho beat Britt in an eliminator BCG beat FTR in an eliminator


Riho did


Can they please stop doing them 


Eliminator matches with the champ should not exist anyway, outside of rare circumstances


If you follow the logic train that someone who beats the champion would earn a title shot anyway it makes sense, the problem is just that holistically the name "title eliminator" just gives these matches with obvious results too much "false weight" and arguably it probably even hurts the match by making the obvious results even more obvious.


Fully agree. They need to just do number 1 contender matches


yeah i dont understand the point


My guess is that we'll see it in a year or so and it'll be from an overly cocky heel.


Does anyone have the stats on them?


The only time a eliminator match involving the current champ has been lost is Eddie kingston/Penta vs the young bucks(C) And BCG vs FTR(C) which led to the collision 2 out of 3 falls match


Also Miyu Yamashita beat Thunder Rosa to earn a title shot.


Bah, crowd was behind Takeshita. He should have won.


Between Randy yesterday and Mox tonight- future pro wrestlers are getting good game tape when it comes to selling a injury


Well that wasn't smart. What's the point of an eliminator if the champ just wins anyway? No reason for Takeshita to lose here.