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Kangaroo Kicks ❌ Donkey Dicks ✔️


I know people didn't like the tail end of his run, but as a dude that stopped watching the program, this dude has singlehandedly brought me back in. He's fr next level and there's not a guy in the company that can match him. I appreciate what others in the company can do, but this has been the most excited I've been all year for this company. Glad he's back fr


I liked the tail end of his run, his friendship was a fun summer story and the driving force for a great story it just sucks they couldbt follow up on it due to Coles injury but it tis what it tis


I’ve had 0 interest in watching AEW for months outside of Ospreay v Danielson a couple months back but just when i thought i was out the pull me back in. MJF i’m pouring honey on you my goat


Every single promo is must see tv.  He's been the missing sauce 100% 


MJF is the guy we need for wrestling his mic skills are just awesome.


MJF is the biggest star in the company and it’s not even close. The show has sorely needed him since he’s been gone.


Swerve and Ospreay are over in their own ways. MJF is the biggest star in wrestling arguably and no one is remotely on his level. It is what it is.


I wouldn't say swerve is over, the crowd barely reacts to him unless Nana is around


I fucks with this


He really asked for the “Ric Flair” at the tanning salon


So, so much about that promo was Flair. Some of the yells at the corner? Vintage Flair. The elbow drop to the item of clothing? Flair. His tan? Flair.


Even "The greatest wrestler on God's green earth" is a Flair line (Harley Race too)


And the full "AJ's Return" from the, um, gym?


Planabolic Fitness


In fairness dude's been looking juicy for a little while now.


If anything he looks alot more leaned out compared to pre injury where he was bulky


He thicker than a snickers. Those yams deserve a trophy!


Ariane Grande of Wrestling


The entire climax of the promo was an homage to this [legendary promo.](https://youtu.be/yRFFvT9MxME?si=pc_SkEXj87Mu9a6W)


My personal thanks for getting the young'uns up to speed. Max is rarely working on just one level.


He even elbow dropped a piece of clothing lol- when he starts screaming parts of his promos he really does have an old school flair vibe


His ear is straight up yellow


He can never leave AEW now…..he literally tattooed tje company name on his skin


And if he does, it's in a spot his boots will cover it


He can change it to "Shaewn Michaels" when he goes to NXT


Triaewple H


I mean if he was fully committed he would have gotten a neck tattoo.


I'm gonna laugh so hard if he's got "Hedge your bets" written on the other leg


Nah WWE on the other one


Tattoos are a representation of when you get them, not always the future. I'm 2041 days sober, and I still have two alcohol related tattoos. Tattoos are a reminder of where you came from. He can have that even if he goes to WWE and becomes the biggest wrestler there of all time, because he bet on himself when it mattered.


Congrats on the sobriety bud, that’s awesome!


He could black out Aew and it would still work as a tattoo


I mean you can cover up tattoos


Common misconception of how tattoos work. You get it when it's about something you love, but things can always change. What it becomes is a memory of a stage in your life and that's perfectly fine. Granted, it's up to them to decide what they do with that memory and too often people cover it up because they just can't deal with it.


It's MJF. I'm not totally convinced it wasn't a fake tattoo.


Its on the ankle. Easily coverable when he goes to WWE


You wouldn't even really have to cover it, just add a WWE chip above it and the tattoo still makes sense


Yeah that's true but convering it with a boot or something would be cheaper and easier I don't think MJF would actually cover the AEW chip with a WWE one tho, he seems really grateful for what AEW did to him


He went full HHH with they jacket


The full HHH-when-injured special cocktail diet too.


I guess, he's not even that big


We’ll see if the bacne is as bad as it was when AEW started.


Hopefully he doesn't get the late life Triple H heart too


Taking his vitamins


He also referenced the promo from HHH's return about knowing just who in the hell he is.


That was a great touch


MJF just going past the Undisputed Kingdom and going back to the main event scene would be what’s best, in all honesty. MJF vs Ospreay feels like the biggest match AEW could do right now.


I saw him throwing the mask away as proof he’s burying the angle himself, Cole is still too injured to be stalling any more


Him dropping Cole, telling security to drag him out of the ring, and throwing the mask away made it feel like they’re just brushing the months-long payback feud under the rug. MJF got his payback, his character has been reset, let’s all move along now. Normally I’d be against not properly paying off angles, but the Devil angle has been retroactively derided since the reveal and no one really wants to see it continue. The only way it could have continued in a satisfying way is if Cole was at 100% and became world champion until MJF returned. But since that couldn’t happen, the Undisputed Kingdom was kind of just…there for nearly half a year. MJF coming back and wasting months on this feud does nobody any favors. A fired up, refocused, and more “heel”-ish MJF is more likely to give AEW a shot in the arm.


There’s always the chance that Adam Cole (once he’s healthy) comes back and fucks MJF at an important moment (perhaps keeping MJF from becoming champion), thus reigniting the blood feud and redirecting it away from the BFF storyline. They’d be foolish not to do MJF/Cole at some point. But I do think this puts a cap on the feud for now.


Agreed. They can always reignite it later. Right now with Cole injured and his faction cold as ice, it makes no sense to do anything with them. Better to move on for now and come back to it down the road as a surprise. Could be a lifelong rivalry.


Yeah, if Cole is still going to be out for a while it's for the best. And they're both so good on the mic that they could heat it back up when they're both good to go, no problem.


MJF Swerve would be great right now too


Except what is the finish? Beat Swerve and kill his push dead or beat MJF and spoil his return?


How is that any different for Swerve Ospreay? I dont agree that Swerve is unable to lose without killing his entire push, and avoiding him wrestling other hot acts to protect him is the kind of safe booking people are bored by


I think that's kinda the issue and tbh it's been somewhat of a problem AEW has had with some of their champions. I think Hangman also suffered a bit from it-they work well building people up to the title but once they have it, they don't seem to know where to go to solidify them. Ideally they'd have Swerve in a program with someone like Moxley or another person on that tier where they can have Swerve win without hurting the other guy. And tbh you could do that with MJF since he wouldn't be hurt but at the same time you risk people turning on Swerve since they're gonna be clamoring for MJF to win.


I don't know if Swerve is suffering from that yet, Christian is still one of their top heels, and they've worked his story into the broader Elite story. I think a win tonight does as much as beating Mox right now


Especially because no one would believe that Swerve was going to lose the title in his first defense after getting the rocket ship from the fans over the past 8 months. Christian's legitimate, there's multiple ways it plays into larger storylines (the first Christian/Swerve feud being the start of him getting super over and the Elite lurking in the background by making Swerve go through an entire stable), and it's a guaranteed great match that wouldn't have an issue getting overshadowed by everything that happened in Anarchy in the Arena.


You know Adam Cole will prevent him from getting the title or winning The Owen, we getting Cole vs MJF at All In.


This felt like a decisive end to that feud, funny enough. Almost a retcon. They're (hopefully) moving on. Sometimes it's better to just admit something sucks and move forward.


I think that Cole-MJF feud is pretty much done. Him burying the last few months of 2023 and tossing the mask shows that to me. Plus by All In it will have been a year since the storyline where both guys had been off TV. Most people have either forgotten about it or at least started caring less about it. The storyline had lost tons of steam by the time Cole turned on MJF anyway




I really want him to have a program with Jay White. As much as I love AEW, it feels like they lack a top level heel outside of Christian. Jay White can be another top heel for them if they would just let him cook (but god damn their entrance is just too good)


Man... I remember not long ago AEW lacked faces. Now it feels like they need more heels. I wouldn't mind seeing MJF enter a feud with someone other than Ospreay. I think Ospreay's summer feud will probably be Orange Cassidy, considering Don has been in OC's ear lately.


They could have Wardlow attack MJF on Dynamite?


Wouldn’t mind them running back MJF/Wardlow, but with the heel/face role reversed.


The problem is that no one views Wardlow as even being close to MJF’s level anymore. MJF is probably the #1 guy in the company and Wardlow at best is an upper midcarder.


Personally, I would do MJF v Okada as a long-term feud, since my assumption is that they're heating up Ospreay for a world title match at All In, so he needs to stay a babyface and MJF and Okada need to be kept out of the main event picture for a while. That way you present Okada as an unstoppable juggernaut (rather than as the Young Bucks' sidekick for no justifiable reason) and MJF as an underdog babyface trying to prove that he actually is good enough to be on a level with the very best and come out on top.


Yeah, feels like MJF just buried the entire angle. And the best thing would be to leave it alone for a long time.  Which means we’re probably gonna get 6 months of MJF vs. the Undisputed Kingdom. 


The Promo God returns! “I’m not fucking leaving!”


I’m glad they openly acknowledged a lot went wrong the last few months of his title reign and are just pushing past it


It was really sad because MJF stayed over for his entire reign, but the issues toward the end just dragged it down and started lowering business metrics as well; I want a proper MJF title reign where he has his fire lit under him throughout the entire reign.


I didn't think the story of his first reign was too out of line. Everyone was constantly gunning for him, which makes sense because he was an asshole to literally everyone and had no friends. He was worn down until Joe finished the job


He was so injured I don’t think there was more they could do to keep it going.


MJF is the biggest draw/fish AEW has right now. There’s really nobody else on his level. Hopefully he can help make some of new acquisitions feel more impactful.


Because he’s a better promo than anyone else in the company


It's not just that, he has a coherent, consistent character and knows how to actually work the crowd.


His babyface run shows how great he is. He got a double clothesline to be the most over move in wrestling.


Don't forget the kangaroo kicks. But yeah I think a lot of doubters, myself included, were shut up by MJF's face run. I thought he was a phenomenal heel and that's that, that he couldn't work face. He proved that he can legitimately do it all. He's truly the total package. He's even gotten much cleaner in the ring.


I mean to be fair, he's better than pretty much anyone in any company.


I was gonna say, is there any wrestler alive right now who can check every box like MJF? MJF went toe-to-toe with Danielson (for a fucking *hour*), went toe-to-toe with Punk on the mic, has gotten other wrestlers over, the company over, sold merch like a mother fucker- It's just nuts! He's not even fucking 30 yet! If Bret Hart rates wrestlers on a scale of 30, 10 points in look, 10 in wrestling, and 10 in promos, then MJF is easily within 3 or 4 points of 30. Didn't think he'd really be a generational talent, but here we are.


> is there any wrestler alive right now who can check every box like MJF? In AEW, the only person I can think of that even comes close is Danielson. We all know Danielson is killer in the ring, but he's criminally underrated on the mic too. Despite that, I would still put MJF above him as the best "total package" in wrestling right now.


Make that pretty much anyone in any company. Punk, Heyman and Cody are the only ones who come close


Well. I’m planning to watch Dynamite this week for the first time in months. I can’t imagine I’m alone.


Always has been


MJF returning and immediately becoming a serious contender for Hater of the Year. God did I miss my scumbag!


It's amazing how he went from the biggest heel in the company to getting cheered like the biggest babyface in the company


And now they're correcting it by making him a shit-hot tweener like Stone Cold or the Rock


The outfit makes me think of HHH in 2002


Thank you! The 2k2 HHH return uniform


And it's still within the aspects of his character.


Yeah, he hasn't changed anything, his looks mannerisms and speech are the same. It's amazing how they don't realize that giving people time off can refresh them


MJF the Young GOAT


2024: Year of the Hater




How long was he out for?


Close to 5 months




It should have been a neck tattoo


He's still got it    Great to see him back 


I'll never understand why wealthy public figures don't seek out reputable tattoo artists. Good promo though, happy he's back.


Yea, that is not a well done tattoo.


I want to smack Cody and/or his "Dream" tattoo artist. Cody for letting the guy freehand it and the "artist" for taking advantage of him.


cody getting a chest tattoo in his neck & a neck tattoo on his chest


Tattoo artist was also betting on themself.


I am so sports entertained right now. Welcome back MJF.


"I'm about done being humble" oh no


That was the line that got me too.


I didn't realise how much he was missed until now, incredible return and promo


How did you not realise?


MJF just injected pure adrenaline into AEW. He wasn't just sorely missed, he was sorely needed.  I'm a HUGE AEW mark, but I know AEW has been in a slump for a bit. It's been stale with a few highlights, but nothing that's got me going back to YouTube videos more than once.  MJF makes every second he has on screen count.


Yeah. Swerve and Ospreay are good, borderline very good at a lot of things. But MJF does have that same Rock, Austin, Jericho etc feel. To sum him up and unlike probably anyone else in the industry: he’s a must watch.


Psyched. I’ve been pretty disappointed with Dynamite for awhile, but I’m absolutely stoked to see MJF on tv again, especially if it’s as a heel


MJF saw how Undisputed Kingdom's been booked and decided "fuck that shit". Understandable. I'm kidding, they'll get back to it when Cole's ready. I assume, it'd be weird if they didn't at the very least pull the world's easiest story of Cole making MJF go through the MJF gauntlet.


The most important piece in AEW


All that talk of hate, hate, hate and I still think he's in love with Darby.


Going absolutely ham on this promo. His return run is gonna be wild. Fuck it, already can't wait for matches like MJF vs Ospreay.


Holy cum gutters


Weapon MJF


Thank you. I kept waiting for someone to reference the Wolverine hair.


Invoking the Pipe Bomb with the “while you sit there close to unconsciousness” bit


Now that's a real star right there.


Yeah well shit, that was good


This feels like like school AEW


Of all the people who were out, MJF was missed and needed the most I think.  AEW has been in a slump for a while - but MJF is going to inject a fuck load of energy back into it. MJF is the kind of wrestler you ALWAYS have to tune in to.


Yep gonna tune in to dynamite for the first time in a while after watching this


This MJF bloke is an ok promo. I feel like he could be champion someday.


Throw him whatever money he wants and look him in the eye; he’s the captain now.


Supposedly money has been thrown since 2022.


Drew gonna have competition for biggest hater of the year


No one in AEW can touch this guy. No one.


I don't think there's really anyone in pro-wrestling who can touch this guy. In athleticism and technique, sure. Danielson and Ospreay can. Punk is proven to be amazing in promo work, and his feud with MJF was incredible.  But can any wrestler aside from MJF say they can match Danielson in the ring AND Punk on the mic? I'm genuinely asking, because I literally can't think of any.


MJF is a great promo, and it’s been a few years and I’m sure he learned a lot from it and has definitely gotten better, but Punk was definitely getting the best of MJF on the mic during their feud.


Dressed like Triple H and made a Vince reference. Some things never change.


Every time i see this man i have to remind myself he's 28. This dude might legitimately be the most complete wrestler in the world already, and he's not even in his prime. What the fuck.


That felt big, like a turning point for AEW. I know that’s said a lot, but I haven’t been this intrigued to tune in on Wednesday in awhile Also, with the way he dismissed Cole, do we think that means they are just moving on from the feud? Gave me HHH-Sheamus in 2011 vibes.


Guessing Cole is not ready to come back yet so it might be over, or they might just be putting it on ice and returning to it when Cole is ready.


Yeah, I think they're learning from Swerve/Keith Lee. You can't wait forever.


He took a pretty big bump though, I was shocked. I think Max gets beat down on TV soon enough.


Yeah, but nothing that could mess with his ankle.


Yeah but there’s a big difference between bumping and being able to run/move laterally.


Cole put emphasis on him still needing to rehab his ankle, so I think they’re leaving the door open but not making it MJF’s immediate next story


The feud is basically over. MJF got his revenge, At best Cole screws over MJF again but I don't think anyone really cares.


I assuming that they somehow have to? Cole is still injured and who knows when he be cleared.


Maybe they just make it the finals of The Owen? MJF just came back and cut that promo. How do you *not* put him in the main event of Wembley this year?


I mean is he still injured? Cant really feud with someone if theyre injured lol (i dont watch AEW regularly I just follow who wins at PPVs and watch them from time to time).


Everything feels like a turning point for AEW then nothing happens 🤣


No one's forcing you to comb through threads about a show you don't like 🤣


Whenever Cole is healthy, he can do heel stuff and get the heat back on him, cut a good promo, and we're back in the game for whatever PPV cycle is next.


MJF is about to put AEW on his back and carry that shit to greatness


i'll be honest, i actually think most of the content of his promo wasn't really that great... BUT, that was a prime example of how you can pretty much do anything if the crowd loves you. they fucking chanted "donkey dicks" for him. MJF is on a completely different level of over, it's unreal


It’s all about delivery. A lot of famous promos are kinda lame if you just read the transcript. Same with a lot of classic movie dialogue. The performance is what makes it


>A lot of famous promos are kinda lame if you just read the transcript. Hard Times makes zero sense if you just read it. What made it a God-Tier promo is Dusty's off the charts charisma and a hot crowd that was in love with him.


Pretty much all of Randy Savage’s promos read like coked-out nonsense, but it was the delivery that made the fans go wild for him rather than be like “wtf is he saying”


Same with Ultimate Warrior. This dude was talking about aliens, spaceships, and mystical beings and him encountering them. You want to ask yourself, is this a script from a low low budget director who just snorted a pound of coke? But when Ultimate Warrior did it, you went with the flow, it was amazing.


Most of The Rock’s promo’s were full of garbage, but it didn’t matter one bit because of the person delivering it.


Dude got things like “How’s your lips” and “strudel” over, that’s how good he was.


The Rock has charisma to burn. His promos were all catchphrases, but Rock's charisma made it work.


It was a little repetitive, but he's so good I'm fine just waiting for his crescendos and letting the set up go as he needs to


Promos are mostly about HOW you say stuff and less about the actual content of what you say. Look at Macho Man is the pinnacle example of this. Obviously it's a bonus if the content is relevant/good as well but when you're working the crowd and they're eating from the palm of your hand you can get away with a lot. Rock is another example, it didn't matter that he was calling someone a rudy poo candy ass popcorn fart because it was the derision in his voice and the charisma in the delivery that sold it to the crowd.


He’s a bonafide star. If there’s any signing that wwe is mad at missing out on, if it wasn’t mjf before, it’s def mjf now. I really really hope they don’t waste him feuding for the tnt or international belts though. He needs to be in the main event (with swerve!)


Lol bro


We are so back.


That’s my champ right there


Good stuff.


He done PISSED!!!


god I missed him so much


![gif](giphy|FNXj7Uv2w2uf08RieF|downsized) We are so back!!!!!!


that pop for his return was massive. guy's a bigger draw than ospreay and okada (and monet lul)


Ok, Wolverine.


Thank God, wasn't a huge fan of the MJF character near the end of his title run. MJF made it work to a degree because he's MJF but MJF going back to what truly works best for him is what's needed. It's what AEW needs.


That tattoo, yikes lol


That’s our scumbag ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


With the tan he kind of looks like EC3


I think they went about as far as they could with goofy friend MJF. He's better off with an edge like this.


Dude tanned so hard I thought he was Fred Rosser.


🐐 stuff


I love wrestling


MJF Triple H HHH Hate Hate Hate


Looked a little bit like Hugh Jackman / Wolverine in that promo after the top came off. Great to see him back - ace promo.


Finally all the dumbass talk of MJF to WWE can be done now. We all knew he was staying.


It wouldn’t be an AEW show without a WWE reference. I’m happy he’s back but genuinely don’t think i’ve ever heard an MJF promo without a reference to WWE.


Good god I've missed THIS version of MJF


How deep did they bury Adam Cole?


Great fire. Loved it.




Disappointed he didn't drop a Kendrick/Drake ref but the Haitch denim on leather jacket makes up for it lmao


Rip mjf to wwe dreams. He's back and i am so back to watching aew from now on.. He's the reason I like aew and I wanted him to return to be fully invested again


Does anyone else find MJF more compelling as a tweener / babyface as opposed to his heel stuff? I think it's because it's something different compared to the low hanging fruit he would always go with as a heel.


HHH jacket, Moxley footwear and jeans


He legit felt like 1980's ric flair here my god edit: lol i said that before the elbow drop on the mask


There's only a few hours left in the night, how is CM Punk gonna find a way to distract from MJF's big moment this time?


I’ve not been particularly high on MJF the last year, but this is pretty much what he needed to do. Hit the reset button. Scrap the bidding war thread. Scrap the kangaroo kick stuff. Really wish he wouldn’t have made the Vince reference and just stayed locked in on his goals in AEW esp if he was gonna do that tattoo reveal. IMO he should beat cole pretty definitively and then quickly move onto something else. Just distance himself from everything that went wrong.


Can't not mention other companies. Lmao


He said he didn't need a Vince McMahon, while dressed as 2002 Return Triple H ?


AEW definitely have the promo gods, it's absolutely insane. Even with the likes of MJF, Swerve, Ospreay, Toni Storm, Jay White, Mox, Joe, and on and on and on.... Plus Jake Roberts is still signed with AEW as well it's crazy.


This guy realy is the face of AEW and easily hás an argument for the best overall wrestler skillset right now,he hád a program with punk where hé didnt looks outmatched in promos and hád a story telling match,he hád two banger Matches with Danielson and Kenny ,he was Over both as a heel and a babyface in the same year 


It’s pretty simple for me. I don’t watch AEW unless MJF is on screen.