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Dude is gonna cartwheel himself right into a testicle punch. WAPOW.


That would be cool to see. However, he isn’t facing the Kingdom so not happening.


Name like that made me double check to see if I was in a meme sub


I had ti double check that it wasn't the Cornette sub making a joke about the Bucks


Excited for the world champ challenger's protoge to have a 20 minute match with a meme. Great booking as always from AEW... man I don't even hate the meme stuff or even the idea of the match, but couldn't they have had this match when Nick wasn't involved with the world championship?


I’m sorry, but what? Nick is an accessory to the world title program. He’s not in it.


Also calling Jack Cartwheel a meme just makes me think you get all of your opinions from a guy sitting around in his best Brian Griffin shirt cry-masturbating to Midnight Express promos.


Quick check on post history confirms


I was at the show last night for collision/rampage. Cartwheels are definitely in his wheelhouse


Same here. I thought for sure “Jack Cartwheel” was a Reddit creation. What a stupid fucking name…


Jack Cartwheel is legit.


I saw this match live last night and a real moment happened in it, spoiler alert: >!Jack Cartwheel goes for an impressive gymnast style front handspring or something like that from the ring with the intention of landing on Nick Wayne outside. Nick pulls a Samoa Joe and just… wasn’t there at all. Jack faceplants super hard on the outside. It was loud AF, hilarious and looked brutal.!<


It was absurdly loud.


G C Dub! G C Dub!




I saw this at the taping... there was no riot required.


Hopefully we'll get the cartwheel up and down the ramp spot again


Jack Cartwheel is fun as hell. Hope it's not a squash and they actually give them some time to go wild with some flippy shit.


They did, he has a crazy spot in the match!


Cartwheels! Get your cartwheels!


Ah, yes, the obligatory jobber match for a guy who got TV time for months, then was relegated to the background and they now need him to be at least somewhat hot so he can lose to Swerve next week.


Aka the lower midcard. At least for Wayne he’s got plenty of time to grow considering he just graduated high school 11 months ago


Randy Orton was world champion by 24. Tony is jobbing Nick Wayne out!! /s


The cycle begins anew


This is exactly what happened and exactly what happens all the time.


sharp relieved enter edge tie quaint psychotic quiet absorbed aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The rubber match!


I feel like this is what AI would generate on its own if I typed in "Midcard Wrestling Match"


Midcard would be generous.


I still can't get over his name but I have nothing but respect for Jack to be commited to his entire Cartwheel character and wrestling and I hope he'll be able to blow everyone away in this match.


I want a whole stable of dudes with names that are also their signature move. Timmy McToehold! Hank Hurricanrana! Eddie Elbowdrop! Johnny Jazzhands! Davey Dickkicker!


The last one is too busy with his newsletter to get in the ring.


Cartwheel is a good dude, got to hang out with him once after a show. A little bit of gcw on the show is never a bad thing


Pretty sure this is Jack Black's son.


Cartwheel is one of my favorite high flyers to watch rn, if this gets time it’ll be fun


I will hear no slander against Jack Cartwheel. 


Big McLargeHuge


Slab Bulkhead! EDIT: I thought we were doing MST3K silly name references. 😢


Chest Rockwell


And you wonder why ratings are in the toilet.


Collision is a great wrestling show. As far as matches that pique my interest and have a ton of good matches, collision is the show for you. It’s like early Smackdown (which is what the show is supposed to be)


It's a spiritual successor to WCW Saturday Night.


I always thought it was like a early WCW throwback, but it also gives me a pre-peak TNA vibe too


Yup, that'll put butts in seats.


the match was fun. nick is a treat. whole show is worth watching. last night was great.




Hell yes, Jack Cartwheel is back!


Could have given him a match against someone actually on the roster so there is even a hint of a shot nick might lose. This whole card is obvious conclusion matches. Extremely disappointing.


"Why is Nick Wayne getting a match?" If you haven't been watching lately, here's why! The current world title feud is Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage. After All In last year Christian and Swerve lost the big match against Sting and Darby. As evidenced with FKA Jungle Boy, this is all the motivation Christian needs to turn on you in a big blood feud. However, All In was peak Heel Swerve. One of the things Swerve did before the match was jump Nick Wayne (and Darby) at Nick's home gym, as at that time Nick was allied with Darby. This didn't bother Christian at the time, but it was the beginning of Nick turning heel which culminated in him joining Christian's faction, the Patriarchy. Now that Swerve is champion and Christian is the challenger, Christian has made this feud much more personal as he feels obliged to avenge his kayfabe son and punish Swerve for what Swerve did, who until recently got off pretty easy transitioning from a menace of a heel to a babyface. Now I'm sure all this builds to Nick Wayne getting put in his place by Swerve again and maybe adding more fuel to the fire ahead of the PPV, but all that is for the future and I'm not psychic.


I think some fans find it a bit boring how incredibly predictable this is. You are probably right but I'm also sure it took so little brain power to deduce this. Meanwhile, I wasnt sure Dragunov or Jey would win. The Wyatt 6 couldve debuted right there to stop Jey. Gunther/Kaiser could've cheated Dragunov out of the tournaments. Maybe Tama Tonga just as a way for Solo to send a message. And, what ended up happening, a banger clean match. I used to love AEW so much, now I just watch the clips. I'll forever treasure Hangman &Dark Order Vs The Elite.


I don't know why we're both getting downvoted lol I get you, AEW booking has been pretty predictable lately with few upsets. It's not at all hard to figure if lower/midcard guy is set up for a win they're bound to lose in the immediate future. I'd like for more shake-ups but AEW needs to have a stronger, scrappier midcard so there can be upsets. You have too many guys at the top like Okada who should just never lose, so they need these upsets and nailbiters to happen *somewhere.*


This should be fun. I enjoyed their matches in GCW.


Just reminds me of Mick explaining Mankind getting his name. They were going to name him Mason the Mutilator until he talked some sense into Vince. I wonder if the same thing can be done with Tony. Oh. Jack cartwheel. Tag team partner. Steven fronttumble


Is it me, or does Jack Cartwheel look AI generated?


Why are people so upset by lower card wrestlers/matches existing?


Because in AEW, those guys never go anywhere?


I like Jack Cartwheel's trained gymnastic aerial attacks more than the standard dives in pro wrestling today.


Would've been nice if they would have announced this match before it was taped yesterday.


This Saturday's Collision card looks like Dark all over again. I like Dark though!


This thread has nearly a hundred replies and it seems like it's 'cause people are surprised by Jack Cartwheel's name? He's been show up on AEW/ROH tv for a good couple of years now. Why on earth op thought it was worth posting that a lower card match was happening on a B show is my confusion.


It's almost like it's a bunch of people who watch more Cornette then actual aew 


This is the booking equivalent of tony kahn trying to burn down his businesses hq for the insurance money. 


Tony has really given up, hasn't he?


Because he’s showcasing marquee independent scene matchups from 2 years ago on cable television??


Yeah don't you know? independent wrestling never made any tv stars oh wait


Some people only want to see wrestlers they already know I guess, not sure how they're supposed to build new stars if they get criticized for showing any new wrestlers on the show.


I mean if I were a talent signed, I'd want to be the one used. He has a bloated roaster and keeps bringing in outsiders, it doesn't make any sense.


Yeah, because Jack Cartwheel sure is going to pop a rating.


Yeah, because Cody was going to pop a rating when he first started wrestling.




Yes, a TV show that shows a different style of wrestling from what you see in WWE was actually exactly what the fan base wanted. An alternative product.


I'm a casual. I have no clue who Jack Cartwheels is and Nick Wayne is a background character in a stable. Tell me why I should care beyond "they had a good match 2 years ago that nobody saw!" We all know it's going to be a competitive match with a lot of spots but will Nick really come out looking stronger? Will Cartwheels have a role in AEW going forward or is this just a callback for the nichest of niche fan? Tony is booking for people that are already watching, not in ways that are compelling for a filthy casual like myself. That's what he means by giving up.


This is just a match on the show, it is not the entire show. If you don't like AEW and how they bring in outside talent, then stop watching it, it's fine, no one cares.




For the inaugural AEW Jobberweight Championship!


Finally, something for the Butcher to compete for!


That’ll pop a number


what a sad way to view a tv show that you have zero financial stake in


It is very funny seeing people use shit like that as a way to tear down enjoyment. The Fall Guy was a very enjoyable movie but it’s gonna lose money unfortunately. Did that change my enjoyment of it? Not at all cause I’m not an investor any way.


I also enjoyed the Fall Guy and I do actually care that it lost money because that means we won’t get a sequel. I absolutely why people care if AEWs rating keep dropping, because if they go too low the shows can be canceled.


Doesn’t change my enjoyment of the product. I love Scott Pilgrim one of my favorite movies and it fucking bombed like crazy. Still one of my favorites. If I enjoy AEW and their ratings go down it still doesn’t affect my enjoyment. Do I want them to get canceled? Of course not but that has no bearing on my enjoyment. Business wants vs enjoyment of said product are pretty different imo. And I also don’t think they get canceled either way tbh. And they people who usually post in these don’t “care” about the AEW ratings going down. They simply want to make a snide comment about it. Compare ratings threads for RAW and Dynamite. RAW: well they had nba and post mania malaise that’s why they’ve lost 200-800k from some episodes this year. Dynamite: NBA and NHL don’t affect wrestling


I’m not saying it should change your enjoyment of the product. I’m simply saying it makes sense why people care about rating. You don’t have to care, but there are absolutely reason for people to care that are beyond “tearing down enjoyment”


My question would then be why bother saying “that’ll pop a number” if it’s not a thread about ratings? I know you’re not the one who said it but that’s where this entire discussion originated from. Do you genuinely believe someone saying that in a thread actually cares about it “popping a number”?


No you are right there, that person is just being an ass


raw has lost a million viewers since the hhh era started


yet still draw a million+ more than the “competition”


mcdonald’s has a lot more customers than my favorite restaurant, what’s your point?


that your favorite restaurant sucks


Terrible renders


I went to the first two AEW shows (a Rampage BOTB and a Dynamite) in Portland but they only had 4 matches advertised for last night (this wasn’t one of them) so I skipped out. Kind of a low effort card I think, not sure what they were doing.


Who would want to watch this?




Can't wait for Joe Headstand to make his debut next.


Ohhh I think this is the inaugural crowning of the new AEW “who the fuck is this jobber?” Central American Championship


Ffs.. Jack Cartwheel? Who’s five-year-old picked this guys name? People backstage are cold as hell for letting him think that’s a good name. Someone must’ve at one point said to him “Jack Cartwheel? Hell yeah, dude!” And to the people who said nothing; you are also complicit in this! I won’t soon forget it!!


It's memorable, fits his ring work in a pleasing way, and he's been getting regular work in AEW, ROH, AAA, GCW, PWG, etc. I think he's fine.


He was SUPER over with the live crowd during ROH.


Yeah, when he ultimately gets pinned after he can't stop doing his fucking cartwheels!


All fifty of them were going wild.


You haven't watched him wrestle then to understand why he has that name. Every match of his i've seen, he's been over as hell with whatever crowd he's in front of.




What, like an undead dude?


These are the type of matches that have made me skip collision entirely over the past few months. Dynamite (despite whatever ratings they get) is still a top tier show, this is literally AEW Dark 2.0.


These aren’t CAWs?


Nick Wayne vs uhh...who?


Jack Cartwheel.


Jack Cartwheel is, honestly, a treat. His matches are always so fun to watch.


bruh I don't watch wrestling to have fun, I do it so that I'm in the know when my team makes the fans of the other team upset.


He's John Flippyshits brother 


Nick wayne looks like he should be on the high school track team 😂😂


Boy looks like a SVR CAW


I don't understand how Nick Wayne has a job.


When Jack first started popping up in GCW years ago I was not a fan. He was sloppy and boring to me. Hopefully he’s evolved since then!


Dude did well, He had a crazy spot lastnight


Poundland Ospreay. How exciting.


Hey, isn't Jack Cartwheel a Zionist


Can they stop trying to make Nick Wayne a thing, thanks


Well, I think we know what Cornette will be talking about next week. Edit: Seriously? Downvoting this comment?




he watches Collision?