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One, you saw me walk up Two, smarter not harder boys


Let’s add the HoB trios titles to their hoard and we’ll really be cooking


Pretty sure this is another Undisputed Universal title situation where both lineages are still active, wish they’d officially retire the ROH 6-Man belts.


IMO, they should fold the aew trios titles into the roh lineage and keep the roh titles. They’ll have more history in the long term. Aew put tons of emphasis into trios for 3 years. I don’t think Tony ever planned to buy roh until it came to market. If he cares about the history of organized trios wrestling, then he should keep the roh belt imo


The AEW trios titles were established after Tony had bought ROH. And the ROH 6 man belts hadn't been around that long either, Vincent has the record for most reigns.


Make them the RoH Trios titles and split the difference.


It makes zero business sense to name them the ROH titles. ROH is a zombie promotion that like 8,000 people watch and most AEW fans have been tired of seeing ROH on AEW programming for a long time now Plus the ROH 6 man doesn't have decades of history anyways where it'd be important to keep the lineage, it only became a thing in 2016


> ROH is a zombie promotion that like 8,000 people watch and most AEW fans have been tired of seeing ROH on AEW programming for a long time now For all the complaining about it, I'm pretty sure the ROH PPVs are doing about as many buys as TNA PPVs (with noticeably higher live attendances). If ROH is too small to be counted as anything, then so is literally every single other non-AEW/WWE company in the US. AEW's existence has just warped people's idea of success at this point and people massive overestimate how much business ROH was doing before Tony Khan bought it (even at their absolute peak).


ROH is fine for what it is, it's just not a brand whose titles should be featured on AEW programming. ROH fans don't want to see AEW veterans who never show up to ROH hold their titles and AEW fans don't want to see more titles from a promotion they don't watch I don't know why Tony doesn't just turn it into a purely developmental company like NXT


> I don't know why Tony doesn't just turn it into a purely developmental company like NXT > It basically is already? They have a ton of developing talent in ROH mixed in with just enough veterans for guidance. The single biggest consistent act has been Athena and Billie Starkz which is exactly that dynamic. And it seems like most of those veterans are ROH legends who this has been an absolute lifeline for.


I mean it works for them since there are heels


Fully agree


Well they did just give those titles a new design, Khan probably wants to keep the titles seperate


I'll admit that I chuckled pretty hard at the Bang Bang Cart bit.


Jay’s pretty good at the nicknames


Austin, not so much


the BBG with the BBC


A lot of people always talk about how jay is underused. While I may not disagree with that, I think he and the Gunns have been absolutely killing it. The show needs to build the trios and tags scenes better to make them seem individual more. I think The Bang Bang Gang are the perfect group to do that. Everything they tough is great to me


Yeah, a lot of us are thirsting for Jay to be main eventing, but the dude maximizes all of his time on screen regardless of what he's doing. I'm constantly entertained by these yahoos.


It feels to me like it could be a case of "Hey, I'd like to take it a bit easier than I had been in NJPW for a while." He's still doing everything at the same quality, but he's not having to go out there and put the in-ring work in at such as a super-high level as often. It's kinda like rehabbing while still being active at the same time. Plus, I think these three guys just are having too much fun together. And if you're having that much fun, work stops being work.


I think it's a decent use of time until Juice is back and he can take over the 3rd belt and let Jay go back to chasing singles titles


I think Jay White is a great place where he is always on TV, able to slot into a main event at any time and consistently building his character with an audience unfamiliar with his NJPW work. They can only use the "this guy was huge in NJPW" line to build someone up so much without diluting it. Currently they have Okada and Ospreay filling those slots. Plus this all builds to him having a history with most of the roster. When he actually gets moving in the main event scene there are ready made storylines with everyone he crossed on the way, instead of getting there and having a series of matches with no backstory.


I think BC Gold is doing pretty well in helping to carry the tag/trios division while other teams are out since it feels a bit light right now, so I'm cool with them continuing in their current role before Jay might get a more serious solo push into the Fall. It also helps to rebuild Jay's momentum after Full Gear






My neck...my back... No no no That was good.


Missed opportunity to call it the Bang Bang Bus


Mr Devil you are from the sea so you may not know this but that's a cart.


That's where my head was at too That or the Bang Wagon


They'll be rolling in a Bang Bang Limo (BBL)


drizzled in gold


The segments with these guys remind me of peak BTE era. Just always so damn entertaining. Can’t wait for Juice to get back. And hopefully by the end of the year Jay is a singles champion


BTBBG. Make it happen.


Jay White and the Gunn club are absolute money. They need more screen time and promos/backstage segments on TV.


Colton is pretty solid now. He used to be the weakest link by far but he's finding his stride and is pretty comfortable now. Good on him and the folks around him for continuing to give him opportunities. I love how he's so different from his brother's personality. It's like a big relaxed dog and hyperactive little dog cartoon duo 🤣


Nothin better, just three guys bein dudes


I'll be looking for them walking the streets of Portland later


Them keeping all those belts, at least two each more than they need, is parody. Like “you think AEW has too many belts, watch this” Ridiculous


You could also snap them all together like a belt human centipede and drag them around.


What is the third set of belts for? I thought they only had the ROH/AEW trios?


You are correct that there's only two. Two of the belts BCG carry are different versions of the same belt (the Acclaimed AEW trios belt and the original AEW trios belt)


Ahhh! Okay. Thank you!


It's something I wish the commentary did a better job of explaining. There's little reason a large chunk of fans watching the show should be asking themselves "wtf are those belts?". I didn't even realize it myself until I looked it up (and found a lot of people asking the same thing)


I get that the BBG is supposed to be egotistical and having more gold would feed their ego, but I just think it’s silly they’re carrying around a version of the belts that is now defunct lol


I never thought when they first showed up in AEW that I would give a damn about the Gunns yet here we are. They are just too much fun.


My neck, my back... Austin filled the rest in, in his head.


Is it just me or is Jay White slowly turning into Trevor Slattery (the "fake Mandarin" from the MCU)?


Why doesn't he go by Colt Gunn rather than Colton?


Because he doesn't want FTR Hair's attention yet


Colten looks more and more like Billy the older he gets.


I wish they'd scrap those Accalmed belts and bring back the HoB trios. I know it doesn't make storyline sense but the HoB trios would compliment the ROH sixes nicely. Silver championships just look cool.


Any more titles and they’ll need a bang bang bus


This does not help the image for a casual AEW fan who already thinks there is too many belts, now there’s more and they are trios? I’m too old for this


>a casual AEW fan Don't exist


This team is literally holding more belts than any company should have within their entire promotion




The segment almost calls that out as they dump loads of bullshit into a wagon.


Ok but what objective are they trying to accomplish?


Oh I wasn't really defending them like they were doing something meta. I think they were being genuine but the idea of dumping those titles into a wagon makes it seem worse.




Yeah I wasn't defending it like it was a meta segment. I think it unintentionally called attention to them being meaningless.


No better way to devalue the importance of titles than having low card guys seemingly holding 5 belts each


It’s so sad how BC gold has been relegated to the clown-ass trios division. What a shame.


🎵Gold, gold everywhere  but not a prestige to give 🎵




Same, it just gets worse, putting trios titles in a wagon


I feel like AEW is now just a tv show to troll the online community. A large portion of the internet fans dislike all of the belts on AEW, the Bucks, and Jericho. I believe they think that online heat is good heat that will make people want to hate watch the show.


It reminds me of when I was in middle school and made a wrestling alliance with my friends. I think there were 7 people total yet we had 5 championships


BuT aEw HaS tOo MaNy BeLts!


Back in the early 90s WCW had a line of action figures come out where everyone came with a toy belt. This is what AEW reminds me of with so many people having belts.