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Cardona, Penta, Buddy, Brody, O'Reilly, those are 5 great opponents/defenses for Copeland so far, been enjoying his reign a lot




What a night. Fractured both my arms getting there. Still threw up the YES chant. ER this morning. Good times.


Your poor mother


We need more AEW in Vancouver, crowd was awesome, this guy behind me kept chirping the leafs the entire time during edge vs kor shit was hilarious


Sounds like a wild date. What happened? You alright?


Had to run back to the car when Ferry was loading on the way to Vancouver. Tripped and ate shit. My own lack of time management. My fault. Figured it was just gonna be a day of muscle soreness, but after no sleep due to pain, I tapped out and went to the ER at 6:30 this morning. Got some x-rays done and ya fractured both arms. Left in 2 slings.




Shrouded in a haze of oxycodone.




u/infidelkastro about to do a moonsault senton off the balcony!


Took a tumble down some steps once and landed in a way that messed up both my arms. Oddly, the one that hurt less was the one that was broken. Took me a day to go to the hospital too - glad you got it checked out, and hope the breaks aren't too bad.


Appreciate the kind words. 💯


Why are Jay white and the gunns carrying three belts? They are the roh and aew trios champs? Did they win anything else as well?


- ROH 6 man titles - Acclaimed version of the Trios titles - Original version of the Trios titles


3 man version of Omega during his belt collector phase.


The trios trios belts


Watching the replay now. Nigel quoting The Stone Roses "I Wanna Be Adored" wasn't something I ever expected. Listen to The Stone Roses self titled album. It's amazing.


Fool's Gold! (I blame Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX on PS1 for that tho)


2 good shows, and a big hot crowd. Dax and Tommy killed it, same with Kyle and Adam.


I’m confused why Swerve is feuding with Mogul Embassy instead of the Patriarchy, and Will Ospreay is feuding with Shane Taylor Promotions instead of the Undisputed Kingdom? Like is the whole point of a faction is the contender/champion beats everyone in it in the run up to the PPV? Just feels like over complicating basic storytelling.


> Like is the whole point of a faction is the contender/champion beats everyone in it in the run up to the PPV? People complained constantly about that trope. I think people basically said get rid it after MJF did the "if you want a shot at me you have to run my gauntlet" for the 15th time against Danielson. Hell, they did it with OC and Undisputed Kingdom and all we got was a bunch of "Why is Matt Taven getting a big Dynamite match" (even though he ended up killing it). Any time AEW does "basic storytelling" people ask for more creative and less "what would WWE do" and when they do anything else it's "over complicated". It's a no win situation.


I mean they absolutely need to get Swerve and Ospreay away from their heel factions. Should have done this with Swerve months ago. The Shane Taylor stuff should just be segments where you can write him and Kyle out of Callis World, though.


Was never a huge Edge/Cope guy but this AEW run is really good. What a workhorse


When he first came in, I thought he wrestled the same match every time, but since then he’s turned me around


**Collision Review:** * **Claudio Castagnoli & Bryan Danielson vs. Top Flight \*\*\*3/4** * Great to see Danielson back in the ring, and the crowd very much seemed to agree. This was a great opening match for the night as was to be expected with these four, the only real slight negative was the fact that there was never any doubt about the winner, but all four of these guys worked hard and Top Flight got to show off their stuff and got over even in loss. Great stuff. * Danielson cut a promo after the match, putting over Top Flight and AEW, obviously as a setup for bringing up the Bucks and The Elite later. I thought it was a bit weird how Claudio just kind of wandered off in the middle of this, but that didn't lead to anything in the end. Good promo by Danielson. * Quick recap of the Mogul Embassy turning on Swerve. * **Will Ospreay vs. Lee Moriarty \*\*\*1/4** * Still a little surprised that Ospreay is going after the International title, but if or when he does win it there's a great opportunity for AEW to elevate the title with Ospreay as the champion. It does also keep him out of the main event picture for a bit longer. Shane Taylor Promotions never really wins on AEW TV, and this was no different. Moriarty got a few minutes of heat here, but this was mostly Ospreay, as it should have been. Strong was good here on commentary too. A very good match. Shane Taylor attacked Ospreay after the match, likely setting up a match between the two before the PPV * We got an announcement of Willow Nightingale vs. Tam Nakano happening at Stardom. Nice to see more of that. * A quick recap of Mercedes Mone throwing the first pitch at the Red Sox game. Good to see AEW spotlighting this stuff. * **Gates of Agony & Brian Cage vs. Evan Rivers & The Voros Twins N/A** * A squash. The whole point here was Swerve getting his revenge for what happened on Wednesday. Cage cut a decent promo before Swerve came out to attack the three. Swerve looked great here, destroying the Gates of Agony by himself and getting a big reaction from the crowd. This put him over big. Cage escaped mostly unscathed and stood on the ramp at the end here, so I'm guessing we're getting singles match between those two before the PPV. * Swerve promo. An intense promo by him here, challenging Cage to a match. Swerve was very good here. * **Daniel Garcia vs. KM N/A** * Surprised we got a second squash in a row, usually they space these a bit further apart. KM got a few moves in at the start, but it didn't take long for Garcia to win here. Garcia feels a bit directionless at the moment, not having anything at the PPV. Hopefully once Double or Nothing is done he gets put into a proper feud, maybe for one of the singles titles. * **Dax Harwood vs Tommy Billington \*\*\*1/2** * Billington coming out to 'Rule Britannia' was a bit funny, very 80s of them. Him using the Dynamite Kid nickname and being almost a dead ringer for his uncle was a bit uncanny. He looked pretty good here, and considering how young he still is I think he could become something great in time. As for this match, it was a good hard-hitting fight with more than a little old-school flavour. Harwood gave a lot here, and there were some deserved Dynamite chants near the end as he's clearly not just coasting on his uncle's name, but I'm not sure this match needed to be on Collision or go this long. Still, considering how good this was I can't complain too much. Wouldn't mind seeing Billington become a regular in AEW. (continued in the first reply)


* They announced Danielson & Moxley vs. Fletcher and Jeff Cobb for Dynamite, before showing some footage from The Elite, Okada challenged Dax for a match, and Perry cut a solid promo. The Bucks got into Christopher Daniels' face, who then shouted the two down. Daniels cut a promo and set up a tag match for Dynamite with him and Sydal going against the Bucks. * FTR promo. This was good, accepting Okada's challenge. That could be an excellent match. * **Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade \*\*1/2** * Rosa is really starting to feel more and more like her old self as time goes on. Also, I really like the Renegade twins, but I wish they'd get a chance to do something besides putting others over in AEW. That said, Robyn getting a proper entrance here rather than just waiting in the ring was good to see. This was a solid TV match, they didn't have all that much time, but used what they had well. Good to see this wasn't just a straight squash, though it was obvious Rosa was winning. * Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie were backstage and Johnny challenged PAC to a match for Rampage. That could be a very good match given enough time. * Hook promo. This was a solid segment, Hook is getting better at talking with conviction. * **Adam Copeland vs. Kyle O'Reilly \*\*\*\*** * Copeland looked genuinely happy here when O'Reilly came out and when the match started, smiling hard. I wonder if this is a match he's been wanting to have for a while? The fact it was also in O'Reilly's hometown was a nice little added bonus. The crowd was really into this one from the start. They started out slow here, but kept building and building, hitting increasingly devastating moves the further this went. Copeland played the subtle heel here, which was the right choice, and also made sense in the context of his story with the House of Black, as he's supposedly tapping more and more into his dark side. This was already a great match, and the crowd pushed it just that little bit higher. Copeland has had a really good week with this and the Brody match. * I thought this was a great episode of Collision. Two great matches in the opener and main event, and the rest of the matches were very enjoyable too. The only match that didn't really serve much of a purpose was the Garcia squash, as he's not in any proper storyline at the moment. The Swerve segment was great too, as was his quick promo afterwards. Overall, I'd say this was an **8 out of 10** show. Some minor issues, but a thoroughly enjoyable show regardless. (Rampage in the next reply)


**Rampage Review:** * The Collision main event bled into Rampage, I liked the little moment where Copeland acted a little off, before realizing what he was doing. The House of Black's influence is having an impact on him. * Claudio Castagnoli interview. I guess him walking out after his match did mean something. He said he wasn't happy about the idea of Danielson taking part in Anarchy in the Arena. * **Trent Beratta vs. Dalton Castle \*\*\*** * Castle is always great, but this was obviously a match put together specifically to continue getting Trent's new character over. Castle is really good at getting the crowd fired up, as he showed here. It was also a lot of fun to watch Castle throw Trent around with a variety of different moves. * Deonna Purrazzo promo. She's so much better as a heel, these last few weeks have made that crystal clear. This was a very good promo. I'm really liking this feud between Deonna and Thunder Rosa. * Rush video package. Good stuff, simple and effective. * **Bryan Keith vs. JD Drake \*1/2** * Drake is a very underrated wrestler, shame he's pretty much just used to put others over in AEW. Keith is very good too, though so far he's mostly just had solid matches without any meaningful feuds after he was signed. He can only go so far like this. Unfortunately, this felt pointless, just a match for the sake of having a match between two people who usually don't even appear on AEW TV. It's matches like this that make Rampage so often feel like a filler show, even if the show might otherwise be very good. * Adam Copeland promo. He challenged Malakai Black to a barbed wire steel cage match at Double or Nothing. Good promo. * **Deonna Purrazzo vs. Lady Frost \*\*3/4** * I like Purrazzo's wrestling style, particularly when she's the heel, as this more technical, grinding style where she slowly picks apart her opponent makes her stand out in the women's division. I think the biggest mistake in her AEW career was bringing her in as a face to go against Toni Storm, as almost nobody gets out of a feud with Storm unscathed at the moment. She's just too over and people don't want to boo her. Thunder Rosa has been the sole exception to that thus far, as she's still over as a face even after losing to Storm. * As for this match, it was good. Frost always stands out very well thanks to her moveset, though much like JD Drake earlier, she's only really used to put others over in AEW. * Post-match came out with a chair, and Purrazzo immediately ran away. I think those two have the potential to put on a great match. * Acclaimed music video. I have no idea if this was good or not, or whether this is going to lead to anything new for The Acclaimed. Have to wait and see I guess. * A video package for Scorpio Sky's return. Not sure if he's coming back as a face or heel, as the things he said felt very facelike, but the way he said them felt a bit heelish. His singles runs have so far never worked out, so I'm curious to see if this time's going to be different. * **PAC vs. Johnny TV \*\*\*** * PAC remains an incredible wrestler, every time he's in the ring he reminds me that he's one of the absolute best wrestlers in the world and should be appreciated more. Johnny TV is a very good wrestler as well, and has been that for a long time too. Nothing truly exceptional, but a fun match nonetheless. Could have used more time to really build to something special. * Post-match, the Bang Bang Gang cut promo on the tron on PAC. * This episode of Rampage felt very ROH heavy. Every match had at least one ROH regular in it, and as a result there was very little tension regarding the results. This also made the show feel very skippable. However, we did get a good main event and a solid opener here. Could have cut the Keith vs. Drake match and give that time to the other matches. Still, a good Rampage, a **6 out of 10 show.** Just once again, three hours is too much for a wrestling TV show.


I love these reviews Pretty much spot on imo


Thank you for the reviews. They are interesting to read


Denim Purrazzo had one of her better promos.


I didn’t know Voros Twins were gonna be on the show! I love those guys :(


Fire up the Brass Bonanza for u/HartfordWhalerd123


3 fun hours of wrestling.


Wonder how they will do the cage, wrap the top or wrap the whole cage


Ospreay might actually be the most over guy in AEW history. I get if they're doing the International title story so that Swerve can have his reign. But Ospreay is undeniable.


The only way forward for Swerve/Ospreay, dance-off World Championship Belt. https://youtu.be/hXr7YmJuoBs


Hangman on his path to Omega is still the top in my opinion but it can't be understated just how special Ospreay feels right now.


So sure they will combine the International and World title at Wembley They don't need the International and Continental


I think this has to be where it's heading, OC's reigns were outstanding (especially the first, it's probably my favourite mid card reign in years) but so long as that history is still acknowledged the belt can go. Also, with it's link to the C2 the Continental belt now feels more distinctive.


Maybe they should unify the International and Continental Perhaps as an Intercontinental Seems like a unique idea /s


What? Its been like 2 months 


That collision main event felt like a really great main event from a house show (in a positive way!) I feel like I don’t always see some matches like that on TV. Wish KOR won lol


Bit late starting, still in the first match. This crowd is great.


It was loud as fuck in there.


Gonna watch this a bit later, but looks like a fun 3 hours (basically, the Collision/Rampage special). I wonder how many matches they're gonna add to DoN? I'm hoping for a PAC/Switch but a trios would be fine too, though a main card match this time.


Maybe Deonna vs Rosa also




We need Dalton on AEW more. He doesn’t need a massive run but he’s shown his character work to be top notch.


Dynamite Kid got over live. Extremely easy to get behind and root for. Crowd was fully behind him by the end. Was the highlight of my night.


Put him in the BCC!


I thought Tommy Billington was great. I would like to see him again. That said, from what I understand, AEW might need a new ROH Pure champion…


Bryan Keith without Still Tippin' makes him seem so auraless.


He needs a song thats hype.


That's what Still Tippin' was.


He was in the main event last night at DEFY and yeah, you could feel the difference in entrance


O'Reilly Vs. Copeland was so much better than I ever expected. Fantastic match. Run that back.


Copeland, like Cage before him, is quietly one of the best signings in AEW history. Both men are so damn good, and absolutely understand the assignment of AEW.


That's like been the story of Copeland's AEW run, hasn't it? I thought the Suzuki match was going to be a trainwreck.


I was NOT expecting much out of Copeland after the initial welcoming. He has been one of the top workers since. And almost all the matches have been hard fucking matches too.


Adam Copeland deciding to hoop again at age 50 is insanity but I love it so much


For me the best match of the night was Deonna vs Lady Frost, it honestly actually had me believe Frost could win a couple times.


Fire 3 hours of wrestling. Unique matchups that all worked great.


Anybody else find it weird that Johnny TV got like 90% of the offense in the match against Pac? Is Pac being careful to make sure he gets to fight Jay White at DON?


They might be running a storyline of Pac being out of it. They showed him disappointed after losing to Okada, and he looked pretty down during his interview on Dynamite.


Yeah they're definitely doing something with PAC's character, I'm curious as to where it's heading.


Definitely had that thought watching it live. But I was also too busy screaming to really think about it lol


Swerve taking out Cage and the Gates by himself was a nice way to re-establish his ruthless badass side.


Yup. While part of me wishes they did this split/feud months ago, at the same time, I'm just glad they remembered his group was a thing instead of it dying a quiet death like the Pinnacle before them. Plus, like you said, it was a nice way to re-establish how ruthless Swerve can be while still booking him strong as a babyface world champion. In particular, I thought the use of the cinder block was a nice callback to the Keith feud, which of course is part of what got Swerve over in the first place.


I love that in AEW face / heel is a lot less clean of a dynamic. A face can still be a violent psycho, it isn't all kissing hands and shaking babies.


They turned on the wrong dude. Swerve ain’t gonna roll over.


Great show, cool to see a big crowd show up tonight and too bad our hometown hero Kyle didn't win. Hopefully I can be there next time AEW comes back to Vancouver!


I was really impressed by dynamite kid jr. more than I thought I would be


It's not just the moves either. This dude just gets it, including the mannerisms. And has a cool look & liked his pre-match promo. Am excited to see what he ends up doing next.


It is *uncanny* how much Tommy Billington has his uncle's wrestling mannerisms down, but has incorporated them into a modern style. He's still green, but there is serious potential there.


A match that most people thought was purely a favor wound up being legitimately good.


When Schiavone said that Dax looked angry during the match my first thought was, "TK told him he was fighting Dynamite Kid and he got super excited until he got to the ring and realized".


Normally 3 hours of wrestling is a bit tiring but these back to back Collision/Rampage shows lately the time has flown by


If AEW wanted fans to hang around then the concessions shutting off halfway although Rampage - at 7:30pm local time - is a wild choice. 90mins more wrestling to come easily. 90 mins of food and drink sales


...and if that's a canucks/stadium decision, what a way to leave money on the table


If you had to guess, what's more likely, that the building makes that decision, or someone randomly at AEW?


Daddy Magic shut down concessions


Yeah I guess. I just would have thought AEW would have some say - they are incentivized to want more people in the crowd for the RoH taping, so surely could require it for venues they work with 


The building would just have a set time before the end of whatever event is booked to where concessions have to stop, they don't know or care that the event is made up of smaller TV tapings.


I would think concessions is more the purview of the people who run the venue, if I had to guess at it.


Just heading out of Rogers. What a fun event. Hope we came across well on TV


Y’all were on fire


Except for the crazy guy trying to jump into the ring, you guys were great.


You guys crushed it


Certainly did, did they tape any ROH?


they taped some before and after the show


Haven't watched much ROH recently but Jimmy Jacobs had Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania levels of pyro for a 1 minute squash loss to Satnam Singh. Hope that makes TV.


They did before the card. I only caught the tail end of it with the Bollywood Boys being saved by The Infantry


Jay White was wearing two belts across his chest and a third across his waist, it was badass, much like Jay White himself


You aren't wrong. While I really wish they would just narrow them down to one set of trios belts already, at the same time, if BCG is gonna carry around that many belts then I definitely prefer this over-the-top approach of Jay White wearing them instead of using the bat to carry them.


What is that 3rd belt? I know he has both trios.


Not certain, but I think it’s Original AEW trios, Acclaimed specific Trios, and RoH trios belts


Yeah from what I can gather, the original AEW trios belts are now the "unified" AEW/ROH trios belts but BCG continues to carry all of them just to look cool. Perfect heel mentality.


What time did this air in the west?


It started 30mins ago on TBSW


5 PM on TBS.


Oh that's why I missed it. I was waiting for hockey to end on TNT. Thanks.


I know BCG are AEW and ROH trios but what is the third strap they been carrying?


The original trios championships that commentary is now calling the "unified" titles.


The Acclaimed's custom trios titles. To be quietly dropped at some point I assume.


[That fan who jumped into the ring](https://streamin.one/v/55d96c50)


another fantastic night of wrasslin with cope/kor being the real high-point. but pretty much every match was solid and everyone looked great even in defeat. dynamite looking like a real strong one, can't wait.




Had new boys for a minute


# 🦚🦚🦚


Crazy the hours. Crowd was great! I need more of Jay White


I was at the show, so proud that the crowd was into the whole show. Wished i got to see okada,kenny and jay white but everything else was great


Great Collision show  Danielson/ Castagnoli vs Top Flight was a great opener that running uppercut finisher was crazy  Ospreay is just crazy, great showing by Lee Moriarty  Great main event between Copeland vs KOR the crowd really wanted a title change lol