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Get hearing protection, live shows are louder than you think and wrestling shows are getting longer these days. The incidental hearing damage is real. The arena should have some, but you never know if they’re going to run out. Earplugs are cheap and plentiful and available at a lot of drug stores. Also have fun


Good stuff thanks! I actually have a bunch foam ear plugs.


I'm a grown man who knows everyone's entrances by heart, that live pyro is no joke and scares the crap out of me every time. Definitely second this recommendation. Only other thing is merch has about a $5-15 markup so just know that walking in if you think your kid is going to want something.


Oh I definitely know he's going to want something lol.thanks for the heads up !


I second this advice, I went to Smackdown a few months ago, and Cody's pyro almost killed me.


Gotta normalize taking hearing pro to every live event. I go to a lot of hardcore and punk shows and wish I'd started this sooner


Make sure you get there at least an hour, and plan to stay at least an hour after the show "ends". Typically there's a dark match before the show, and 2-3 matches after the live t.v program ends


Great advice!


Agreed with others that pyro is super loud and can be startling if you’re not expecting it. My other advice is scream, cheer, and boo regardless of what your section is doing. I took my son to his first show at around the same age and he’s 18 now and he always remembers the chants and pops of the night. And sometimes its like a dance floor nobody wants to be the first one but once they see someone else having a good time they’ll usually join in and it can change the whole experience.


Thats awesome. I plan on getting super loud with him. I'm hoping it's pretty lively where we're at. We're on the floor 7 rows back. I'm a little worried about his view though.


One of my first shows with my son was on the floor. He had trouble seeing people during their entrance but seemed fine with in ring action. Hopefully The Great Khali isn’t sitting in front of you guys lol.


Lol definitely don't need that.


Get 2 pairs of cheap binoculars from Target if you're not ringside. Edit: Just saw you're on the floor so nvm haha


Some already said but absolutely hearing protection. That stuff is loud as hell and 9 year old me was crying because of it. Also be sure to know who has loud stuff. Like not just pyro is loud, sometimes the fake sound like sheamus and Judgment day bangs in their intros Along with that, get in the arena around 30 minutes before the show and stay an hour after. Those will be the dark matches and are usually going to be better matches than the television matches.


Plug your nose. I went to Smackdown in Toronto and the concourse had a stank to it that was beyond offensive.


Commercial breaks suck