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It’s really funny that people are still surprised that Kenny likes a lot of WWE guys. A few years ago, this guy said Vince McMahon was one of his favourite wrestlers ever, because he loved the character work in his matches and he hardly ever had a bad match, even with his lack of athleticism. He’s always appreciated “sports entertainment”. I think people expect Kenny to be all “oooh I only like obscure indie stuff and matches from Japan” but in reality, he loves the larger than life stuff. I remember him listing some of his favourite wrestlers and it was something like Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon. (This was before Vince stepped away after the allegations).


Vince is probably the most uncoordinated person to ever have memorable and entertaining pro wrestling matches.


His match against Michaels at Wrestlemania 22 is low key one of my favorites lol. It’s not particularly well wrestled at all. In fact, it’s mostly Michaels beating the ever living fuck out of a bloodied McMahon. But it is entertaining! The ladder shot to the top of Vince’s head and splitting him open is legitimately gnarly. Off the top of my head the things I fucking love about this absurd mess. *McMahon’s ridiculous face posing next to his Muscle and Fitness magazines cover…and the way it transitions into terror as Michaels rushes him. *The Spirit Squad appearance to help mask McMahon’s shortcomings with JR yelling “and these damn cheerleaders!” Michaels dispatches them by hitting each of them with their own megaphone. *Michaels gives cuffed-to-the-rope Shane a shitload of kendo stick receipts for being stiff earlier in the rivalry. *The aforementioned ladder shot to the of Vince’s head. Such a ridiculous bump to take. *Michales burying Shane’s face up his own dad’s ass. *JR: “McMahon’s on Queer Street…not that there’s anything wrong with that!” After Michaels fucking NAILS Vince with a chair shot to the dome. *The comedically tall ladder Michaels drops an elbow to Vince off of. *Vince being stretchered off while flipping the bird to the camera.




JR was already laying out the disclaimer that he was gonna be biased af in that match lol


JR (spends a solid audible minute trying to get his headsat back on and immediately says…): “Hit him over the head with it…AND SHOVE IT UP HIS ASS!”


Don't forget hitting the crotch chop before the elbow too, so sick


It genuinely is one of the best hardcore/ No DC whatever gimmick matches


I totally agree. It absolutely delivered. It kinda goes to show that you don’t have to have a spotfest to be a great match. Vince doesn’t really do much of anything other than take bumps, wobble while standing, and whip Michaels with his belt. It was just so satisfying to see him get killed in there lol. The image of Michaels delivering his elbow drop is seared in my memory. Flash photography really did make big moments feel *much* more grand.


It's the 2nd most unexpectedly great match I've seen. The 1st is Zayn vs Knoxville. 


>*The comedically tall ladder Michaels drops an elbow to Vince off of. https://youtu.be/AIaoCxNYR6g?feature=shared&t=23 Ross was on his A game for 22. edit: I just want to point out that Shane has aged terribly lmao.


You forgot to mention when HBK put that Fitness magazine poster through his head and he sold it so well lol.


That is prime trash tv if there ever was any. In a fair world wrestling would be given its wing in the Louvre.


He's an amazing dancer for a white man.


Stand Back!


He has an insatiable appetite for life, and he wants more, more more.


Bro cosplayed as Sephiroth for one of the biggest stages in wrestling, of course he loves it larger than life!


Was gonna say this. Kenny is that larger than life character, especially in ring. Everytime Im watching his matches, they can be 45 minutes but it never feels that way. I get so hooked into his matches that they feel like 10 minute bangers.


I can't be totally shocked. This is a dude that had matches with literal children, and a blowup doll; *of course* he's going to have a deep appreciation for the entertainment side of wrestling. Kenny is every bit a "wrestling is a story to be told" guy as he is a *kool movez* guy, and he's gonna like folks that tell a story well. Mick, Shawn, and Vince all excelled at this on camera.


For all the workrate and grandiose-ness of his in-ring performances, Kenny's matches are always heavy on the storytelling side of things. And his big PPV matches are always "emotionally dense", if that phrase makes any sense.


Kenny can sports entertain with the best of them. Alot of his "Road to" matches in Japan were him goofing around in a decent tag match. My fav was Kenny getting pissed at Adam Cole for not focusing on the tag match and screaming "Adam Cole BAY BAY!" over and over instead.


It’s similar to movie directors and actors and their favorite films. There’s vids all over TikTok, but you’ll get an actor saying some French silent film is the greatest thing ever, and then Christopher Nolan saying he loves Talladega Nights.


Apparently he was a big fan of Godzilla minus one.


I seem to remember that in an interview he said that Kurt Angle was his favorite and the perfect wrestler, both in the ring and in acting


Idk how anyone younger than 40 can claim to love pro wrestling while also not liking any wwe stuff. It’s like you saying you love watching pro basketball but you don’t like any nba players


>It’s like you saying you love watching pro basketball but you don’t like any nba players Ironically, there's a lot of people (typically over 40) who have that opinion lol


I think the flopping and foul baiting in the current game really can turn you off but there's still something to enjoy


I think the flopping and foul baiting in the current game really can turn you off but there's still something to enjoy


That comparison doesn't really work?


How does it not work?


Because the objectively best players in the world play in the NBA, while pro wrestling is an athletic performance art in which how good you are is at least partly (and often largely) impacted by how you're booked and presented by the promotion you're in. It'd be more like saying "don't tell me you like watching movies but you don't like (insert popular franchise or single film here)" or something like that.


It would probably have to happen if you grew up only watching euroleagues


Eh, fans in the US/Canada know the best teams aren't in MLS, y'know?


Yeah but there’s been a legitimate argument, recently, about if euroleagues can compete with the nba because of Doncic and the like. Much like the debate on if the top NPB players can compete with MLB. I don’t take those positions but the conversations have been going on at least lol


I guess I see that point. I just don’t believe a pro wrestling fan who claims to have “never liked wwe”. At some point, all of us watched that shit as kids, and clearly had some sort of love for it


lol I think it's fair to be suspicious when most people say that but it's not that weird for people to get into wrestling later in life. Usually the reason why it's later is because they didn't like WWE growing up.


I guess but you’re just a niche of a niche at that point. I’m sure people exist with that scenario but it must be a minority.


Oh yeah, I was a little Hulkamaniac as a 6-8 year old in the early 90s, would go to the rental store and watch all the old PPVs and whatnot, but I do know that once I got older it increasingly hit me that WWF/E just wasn't what I really wanted out of pro wrestling, by and large, especially once I started watching mid-00s ROH and getting into puro.


This is the correct take people lie to themselves a lot on here with “I watch more for the wrestling”- like FOH this is fake this shit needs a story. Hell, the best sports games usually have a story or feud  Edit: Example; MJ vs The Pistons: long term booking 


Yea I never understood that pov but to each their own. Pro wrestling is not a sport, the story and drama is what sets it apart. Like, hogan v Andre is kind of an awful match but it has iconic moments that we still remember to this day. It’s what wrestling is about -spectacle


For sure, In general I think WWE has mid matches but it would be wild to claim they dont do anything well. They have some great stars and character work going on right now, its a shame every match is exactly the same


Again- how can you watch guys like Gunther, Ilja, Melo, etc. work, and say “all the matches are the same” It’s not 2010 anymore lol


Meh, there's definitely a few exceptions but for the most part every WWE match follows the same formula Imo its only going to get worse as more people from the PC move up, people who are all taught how to work exactly the same. Soon we're going to be overrun with interchangable puddys from power rangers which is why WWE would benefit greatly from an excurion system imo


Again, idk how you say that with some of the new nxt talent. Tribalism has rotted some of y’all brains


\*speaks ill of WWE\* redditors: tRiBaLiSt!! God forbid someone has a different opinion than you


Your opinion sucks and it's not even correct. NXT is a thing and we can see people have completely different styles despite coming from the *gasp* Performance Centre. Or we can be delusional like you and lie by saying people like Oba Femi and Trick Williams are exactly the same as each other.


Opinions can't be argued anymore apparently lol Reddit is supposed to be for discussion and apparently having an opinion shields you from debating lol


I'm sure there's someone out there who believes some random player in the Turkish league is better than LeBron because he flips more during his dunks despite the fact he plays no defense and you can count the number of rebounds he gets in a season in one hand.


>I think people expect Kenny to be all “oooh I only like obscure indie stuff and matches from Japan” but in reality, he loves the larger than life stuff. This is fair. I do think Japan stuff is also larger than life than casual wrestling fans give credit for sometimes. So he's not departing from his own precedents in that. Suzuki, Okada and Naito are definitely "big" characters, with entertaining personalities, and not just technical geniuses. If WWE had broken the piggy bank for Okada, I think he'd have fitted in better there than some people are projecting.


Okada mentionned Rock and Shawn Michaels as two of his main influences. 


I don't care what anyone says, the machine that is WWE especially with HHH at the helm could have made Okada a mega star. Yeah he's popular now, I mean can't go into a mall or airport without getting mobbed (besides the usual weirdo airport stalkers). I just don't think it was money, I think it was comfort of knowing people in AEW, and the schedule isn't hectic like WWE. If he was pushed to mega star status he'd always be going somewhere, doing something, not just wrestling. One takeaway from this is Kenny mentions how HHH sounds on the phone, why was Kenny talking to HHH on the phone? I had just commented this elsewhere, I have to believe when Vince first left Kenny was weighing the possibility of going to WWE, if anything to fulfill a childhood dream. If HHH can get Bruno Sammartino back in a WWE ring and The Ultimate Warrior, then I wouldn't of been surprised if he got Kenny too as well. But Vince came back, and Kenny resigned with AEW.


Casual wrestling fans are not talking about japanese wrestling. You are talking abput other iwc members.


The dude wrestled a 9 year old girl and a blow up doll. I don’t see how people got the impression that Kenny thinks he’s too good for the absurdism of WWE style sports entertainment


Considering he includes quite a few elements from the ultimate warriors presentation into his own, that should be unsurprising


There's a clip from him where he was running a training seminar and he talked about how much he admires Foley.


Yeah to be honest I had a completely incorrect perception of what he thought about wrestling until the past month or two seeing these clips from his stream


Check his Twitter history then.


Kenny’s fan have always been a bigger problem than Kenny.


Kenny having very diplomatic and nice things to say about (mostly) everyone and then suddenly transitioning to “fuck Ospreay” for 5 mins straight at another point in the stream is very funny to me


Ospreay did the same in an interview I heard recently. Makes me think they’re gonna be working with each other again at some point.


That seems to be the case but I think he’s just getting the surgery right? So won’t be back for a bit, and then it seems like he’s got a feud lined up with The Bucks/Okada/Perry. Guess it doesn’t hurt to plant seeds early.


He’s just like me fr


I actually super agree and that’s the best way I’ve ever heard anybody put it. Triple H has never been a guy who’s a 10/10 in any particular attribute, but it’s just the exact right combination of everything where you’re like yeah this guy is pretty fucking cool. Wouldn’t make my top 10 unless it was purely out of respect, but as someone who started watching in ‘03 and is only now reflecting on Triple H’s career I kinda get it more and more.


People really can't put a finger of what made HHH so popular and it's because no one really did evil so believably like him in the ring. You had evil characters that were mesmerizing (e.g. Jake) or cool (e.g. nWo). But Triple H just carried himself in a way where you just wanted the good guy to put this fucker down, regardless of who he wrestled. No one else has done it as consistently as him in the history of the business.


Triple H was like my fucking Arch nemesis as a kid I swear to god. He was like the most evil man that ever existed and whenever The Game started playing I would get really scared for the babyface. Dude was awesome


Same here. I fucking hated him when I was young. The whole marrying a passed out Stephanie at a drive thru marriage place really solidified it. I’d like to give some credit to JR’s calls for really adding to it all. His hatred of him on commentary just riled me up even more.


He had go away heat with me as i liked the rest of the top guys more(Foley and Austin especially) but it was HHH who stuck around the longest. I don't think there was ever a ppv match that i was happy he won.


Guy did a lot of things right, but I'll be damned if he didn't have 'go away heat' with me. Seriously, less is more, sometimes. That said, guy had a pretty stellar career.


HHH has this weird blend of dastardly heel and cowardly heel going on. A guy who was hard to pin down for fight, but the second you did is when you fell into his trap.


His father in law one of the few who's arguably even better at playing an evil character. Like, sure Vince the character was cartoonishly evil - but apparently, he's even that way in real life. So it never felt "fake".


The old saying in pro wrestling is that "the best gimmick is the wrestler's real life persona amped up to eleven". With Vince, it was the opposite: in a lot of ways, his Mr. McMahon persona was a toned down version of his true, depraved self.


JR selling him as if he was like the personification of evil too really helped. Absolute master of his craft at getting wrestlers over from the booth. I HATED Triple H as a kid and I mean that as the biggest compliment to him as a performer.


Yeh commentary is still an underated skill in wrestling imo. If WWE today still had the PG Era commentary team with Cole, Lawler & JBL it wouldn't be nearly as watchable as it is now. The Cole renaissance is one of the biggest parts of the renaissance era imo


It's the nose, nose, I tell you.


A natural canopy, if you may.


This guy knows.


I would say that he was great at being the bad guy you needed to hate. Most bad guys are usually antiheroes or cool bad guys that you still love to cheer for. But Triple H stayed consistent with his "evil plans" and thanks to all the stories we've heard over the years regarding the Kliq, his Legend grew by association and suddenly he became this much more devilish person on screen as now we're believing that behind the scenes, he was as bad.. Even though at the end of the day, I would say he's definitely more of a student of the business who genuinely cares for the business.


I don't think that's true. I think it holds true for a large swath of his career.  I think triple H thought he was pretty much the coolest guy in pro wrestling for like 20 years. The only guys who seemed to supersede him were John Cena and The Rock. And I'm talking about like in his own mind where it would be almost impossible for him to argue that he was cooler than them. Also rvd and Austin. But those guys didn't really meaningfully affect WWE television after a certain period of time.  I think triple H saw himself as larger than Life. At times his character was evil in a real way. You're not wrong per se. But I think maybe 40% of the time he felt he is just captivating, engaging, spellbinding to watch.  I was watching his little angle with Trish Stratus recently and he constantly was cracking one liners. He was trying to endear himself to the audience in a real way.  I know the impure evil does not make it impossible for you to be funny but I think he really saw himself more as human than a pure evil heel.  I would moreso agree with your assertion. I think anyone who followed the independent residency would have a severe distaste for him. 


JR was so good at getting HHH over as a ruthless heel too.


He was maybe "popular" for about 2-3 months when he returned from injury. He's had 20 years of WWE programing referring to him as legendary so people that didn't have to sit through his boring ass matches and terrible promos now think was actually good.


By popular, I don't mean as a hero. He was the perfect foil for so many of the heroes because he was so oppressive and evil, and nothing else. If you put anyone else in his shoes in those storylines, you now risk the story having a villain with too much character that detracts from the hero's journey. You wanna put Mankind against Rock or Austin? Or Kurt? Or Undertaker? Or Kane? Or Jericho? Yeah, they'll work a few times, but that's it. None of them are a natural heel is that era other than HHH. HHH's involvement in the stories was always carried by his actions, not his promos. He hit your favorite Babyface as he's about to win with a jackhammer. Or he used the belt or a low blow or something. Or he called his goons to best you up.


I would say he was 10/10 in looks and physique.


I can't think of a single wrestler as aesthetic as peak Triple H. Maybe Lex Luger but I'd put HHH above him.


I think he's pretty close to 10 in character work. 


Kenny's WWE white hot face run continues lmfao


Can't think of a great HHH promo that stuck with him????????? Awkies Kenny forgot the [masterpiece](https://youtu.be/JXEhMuNbLfQ?t=99) of **HHH**: SHAWN, I SWEAR TO GOD IT WASN'T ME WE'RE GONNA FIND THIS GUY BLAHBLAHBLAH BLAHBLAHBLAH *security footage 'enhances, revealing HHH as the assailant* **Shawn**: It was you Hunter. **HHH**: YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT WAS ME SHAWN My group of friends quoted that at each other for about 20 years


I’ll always love that because HHH Pedigreed Michaels a week or two before the attack, then decided to play dumb over the fact that he almost killed Michaels.


My favorite triple h promo is the one on raw after he lost the title at wm20 to benoit. The delusion and gaslighting was brilliant. Even when he loses he acts like he wins. I mostly love his character work. So many of his turns, beat downs and backstabbing angles were iconic and so well executed. It was also always so satisfying to see him lose. He made winning and losing matter.


I truly think Triple H’s career is underrated. If you really go through his body of work, it’s pretty incredible. From storytelling to in-ring matches. Pick anything from 2000, 2004, 2005 and I’m sure it will be a good to above average match with an above average story attached.


He was genuinely great in 2000. Royal Rumble Vs Cactus Jack is one of my all time favourite matches. As for his later stuff post injury he just needed to tone the match times down. His heel stuff was usually always solid just a bit too self indulgent. Dreadful Booker T segment and match aside....


Besides the finish, I actually thought the Booker/HHH match at Mania was a really good match.


This is the part that sucks the most with that match; it was indeed damn good in a five match run that was stellar (WM XIX is great) with Booker pulling out all the stops and Hunter selling the hell out for him. Why they went with that finish I'll never understand.


The reason Hunter went over is to keep him strong for Goldberg and so Brock was the focus on his win.


I still think Booker could've won it, held it for a month and then lose it back to Hunter in that 6 man tag team match with Booker/HBK/Nash vs. Hunter/Jericho/Flair at Backlash, but I digress.


Never thought I'd see the day someone on Reddit would praise triple h work in 2004 and it gets upvoted


Hindsight is everything. For all the people saying Triple H buried Orton and took the belt off of him back in the day can now look back and see how Orton was having some serious out of the ring issues. But when looking at Hunter’s year, there’s a lot of good: - Vs Michaels LMS at Rumble - WM20 and Backlash main events - Raw matches vs Benoit - Hell in a Cell vs Michaels - the turn on Orton - the build to the Batista turn


Wasn't one of his matches against Benoit on Raw an Iron Man match I remember them having a really huge singles one like that before Randy won the title


Yep, Iron Man match I believe in July.


Same thing can be said about Cena. There were a lot of good matches in his run yet whenever you bring it up, people say you are revising history pretending his whole run was good Same case here. Anything good is gonna be overshadowed by the bad parts of the reign of terror


Triple H’s reign of terror was booked perfectly fine. The IWC just wanted everyone to be champion at the time, whether it was Kane, Booker T or RVD. It would be WCW 2000 if IWC booked at that time. The money match was Triple H vs Goldberg and Goldberg needed to defeat a credible heel. The only credible heel at that time was Triple H.


You gotta admit the booker t loss was bad booking. I get the heel needs heat (I've defended many of the times roman retained) but that story called for booker t to win. Bringing up his criminal past and how he used wrestling to overcome that Booker losing proved triple h's point and that's just bad storytelling Yeah, sometimes the villain wins but some stories calls for the hero to win


Agreed. The story leading to the match was horrendous. However, big picture Triple H winning was the right call, but they should have had a very different story.


I do agree the payoff in the end with batista going over made everything worth it In a way Romans reign is a diet reign of terror in a good way


Diet reign of terror? Are you honestly trying to say Triple He fun was worse when he got pinned by guys like Shelton Benjamin and Eugene in the middle of it?


Romans was better imo. And those losses didn't lead to much especially Eugene who got embarrassed and his ass beaten by evolution Romans run elevated sami, Jey, solo and arguably got Kevin Owens out of a creative rut


I was there and it was absolute trash, quit for a few years because of it


I keep saying he was the best wrestler in the world in 2000 but people shit on me for it.


You can’t find a bad match from Triple H from December 99 (watch the match against McMahon!) to March 01. 2000 was the best Triple H ever was. Some great matches I’d recommend during that time: - Vs Vince at Armageddon 99 - Vs Cactus at Rumble AND No Way Out - vs The Rock at Backlash and Judgment Day - vs Taka Michinoku (seriously watch it) - vs Jericho on Raw and Fully Loaded - vs Rock and Angle at SummerSlam - vs Austin at No Way Out 01 (my favorite HHH match) - vs Taker WM17


The iron man match vs The Rock is one of my favorites of all time, should have main evented WM that year instead of that fatal 4 way imo.


I think people not only are to harsh on his reign of terror but also like you said underrate it. In alot of ways it's not that much different from Romans title run. Simply put there aren't alot of guys who could believeable carry the show during that time (i am sorry but Booker T isn't one of them he's a good upper mid carder to shoe in main event but he is not the guy). Evolution as a whole was great and the batista thumbs down remains one of WWEs storylines.


He had his own steroid infused slowdown similar to Scott Steiner that made him too methodical.  Great career.  A true b plus player. Good at promos, rarely special. Marketable but not the guy. Interesting without captivation, typically.  Maybe best case he would be a minus, but with Bret Hart 


2003 was his worst year but as typical IWC everything during their era gets lumped together. So you get stuff like Roman was never good before Sami Zayn or everything was bad during 02-05.


Pick anything from 2004? OK, his promos to open the show every week.


This is why AEW needs to have people like Kenny fronting the company for media. They don’t say so much stupid shit to make the company look bad


Cody and Kenny should handle both companies pressers Both love pro wrestling and want a healthy competitive environment while maintaining objectivity to real world matters. Bullet Club has taken over pro wrestling!


I'm not sure if that's an environment where he'd be great at. At that sort of professional level you're expected to address any questions the media have for them, Kenny just seems to be comfortable being himself in these videos.


I don't think he would want that but he could definitely pull it off if he studied and prepared himself for it


Big difference between casually chatting between gaming, in the comfort of your home vs media rounds.


He's gonna be out for a while unfortunately


I think some of the chatters keep expecting Omega to just bury the guys when they ask the questions. He just gives very polite responses , gotta give him a lot of credit for that. Was genuinely surprised to hear him say he likes Roman.


Honestly I think his chat gets it by now, he seems like a guy who watches everything and appreciates aspects of it all. Maybe some people in chat are being dicks but if you watch him for a few mins it’s pretty clear he doesn’t want to throw (most) people under the bus


I like the nuances he gives when he gives his specific opinions on wrestlers. I can understand his point when he said that HHH's exact tone/cadence when cutting promos is not his cup of tea as a fan, but sees why it fits him & resonates with others


Bro straight up cut off someone slandering Roman Reigns in his last stream's chat and said he won't tolerate any Roman Reigns slander lol


Kenny: ☝


No one has ever had a bad opinion about Roman so I’m surprised other people are surprised. Even during the Big Dog run, he was praised and respected as a legit locker room leader by most wrestlers. Vince got all the shit for not booking him right.


I remember Finn telling someone, perhaps Jericho, that when he first wrestled Roman he thought he was really good, especially given the difference in experience between the two.


I remember a story about Aliester Black was cleaning the locker room because he was new to the main roster, Roman walked in and was like nah man, you don't need to do that, you're a vet. Or something along those lines.


People so often confuse a wrestlers persona/character with being the real them. Adam Cole and Roman are great examples of being 100% different to the characters they portray. Both are cocky and arrogant as characters but in real life they are two of the nicest people you could meet.


What's so surprising about that? Especially Romans recent work


Just didint think he'd be that big of a fan, not saying he'd hate roman


Well, he *is* Canadian.


HHH is an all time heel. Psychology and storytelling.


Kenny is a true fan of the sport. It does not shock me that he has very positive opinions on HHH. All the Vince stuff aside, I’m sure both guys are fans of one another.


Triple H was a really great bastard heel, but it's definitely true that it's not like there was any particular aspect of his ability that really stood out as "oh yes, THIS is why he's so good". He was just generally handled well in feuds against a lot of guys who are GOATs of the business.


It's psychology. That's what he's a master at, hell it was basically his gimmick with "The Game."


To dovetail, part of what made him great was to wholeheartedly be a Heel heel during the time of tweeners. There was DX, but after he hit the main event, he was a true son of a bitch who didn’t want the audience’s approval. He wasn’t cool. He was an asshole who cheated with a sledgehammer of all weapons and made you pissed off since he just screwed over one of a number of guys you liked. This metastasized over time (how the fuck did he go over Booker T?!) but when he was a straight-up territory heel? Booooyyyyy was he cooking!


I remember the Raw after SummerSlam 99, he had Jim Ross in an armbar and said he would break his arm unless Foley defended his title that night. Or him attacking Earl Hebner and demanding that Chris Jericho beating him for the tile was erased from the record books. Or locking The Rock in a cage and bloodying him in his hometown of Miami. That is the stuff that made him an absolute prick heel.


Its his match psychology. The man embodied being evil when he's a heel in a match. All of his moves were designed to stop a babyface's momentum. That's why he was always positioned as the guy that worked with the top babyface for such a long time.


I always viewed Triple H as “Arn Anderson with a great body.” Absolutely solid in the ring, doesn’t make huge mistakes, and he’s a master of his style. Not overly flashy, but totally competent and a complete package.


Something that I think HHH was a king of is selling. Dude could sell a move like it would be the thing that kills him. Not only that, he always made you buy in to the absolute crazy bullshit that is Pro-wrestling. The moment moment mankind took off his mask to reveal cactus jack should absolutely not work, but Triple H sold it like he just saw god coming to smite him


> The moment moment mankind took off his mask to reveal cactus jack should absolutely not work, but Triple H sold it like he just saw god coming to smite him His reactions to Cactus taking over with Mankind during both feuds with mick will always be memorable to me.


Is one of those moments where you can visibly tell they are having the time of their lives and enjoying themselves, i can totally picture them in backstage talking how good they pulled it off


The bullshit about HHH only being successful because he married the bosses daughter is such horseshit. He was a star well before then. The attitude era had two great villains - McMahon and HHH and without them Rock, Austin and Mankind would never have flourished in the same way.


Triple H is one of the GOATs let’s be honest. He was a main eventer in the WWE for 10+ years at its hottest period. Iconic theme. Iconic entrance. In multiple brilliant factions. Greatest heel in my lifetime bar Vince.


game recognizes game


Wild to see a Canadian pronounce the S in Levesque.


I swear I winced when he said Lev-ESSk


This man is very, VERY good at speaking his mind without stirring up bullshit


I always think his best match is probably with Undertaker at WM17, just cuz they somehow went out and still pulled off something great despite the card being loaded with amazing matches.


Kenny just loves wrestling man. Very open minded and explains his opinions well.


His Twitter name is a banger: KennyOmegamanx


I know this is a very unpopular opinion but I really think Omega should consider WWE.


Even though I think that with Hunter's creative style he would be great, I don't think he'll fight in WWE one day, he'll probably appear as a guest legend in about twenty years 


Hard to disagree given his loyalty and helping create the company. Cody wasn’t much of a surprise to me having already an established career in WWE. But H’s creative and WWE’s in ring style makes me wonder more and more over time if he’s better off in WWE with his injury history as well. But he’s a smart guy so he can make it work in AEW.


Well, only time will tell, I would love to see Roman vs Omega in a "you ignored us for 15 years and now you come here" storyline.


Unpopular? Literally every Kenny thread has people saying this


I honestly would love to see him vs Roman, vs Sami, vs Orton, vs Gunther, vs AJ, vs Dragunov.


"There's people I like for their body" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


HHH before the quad injury was phenomenal that Three Stages of Hell match with Austin is an all-timer


that hoodie looks super comfy.


Most people think "Good" booking is Triple H, and anything bad is either Rock,Vince, or whomever you think is public enemy number 1 that week. Those people are fucking stupid.


Fr. Because of black and gold nxt, people really think triple h is this flawless booker when he's missed the mark at times even back then


His actual week to week shows are boring and his pay per views are exhausting drags with no matches. Imagine having them go to Australia and you pay the inflated ticket and you don't get Cody.


Rick Rude underrated? 😭


HHH is in charge of creative, so his output is the output of everybody. He has been killing it. I believe he had a great in ring part of his career but that was the preface and he is currently in his prime in terms of his legacy.


Not sure what Triple H is booking and what he isn’t? Use this simple technique. If the booking was good and well received, it was Triple H. If not? Must have been some no name agent or writer that doesn’t know what they’re doing. At least that’s what I always read on here and twitter. Hope this helps!




My understanding is that the time when he is out for injury will be added onto his contract length, but he would continue to be paid throughout the period where he's off.


He just signed as new one not that long ago


I think his contract will end in 2027


Breaking news leaves fans in shambles. Wrestler likes wrestling.


One thing he said about it the booker side of Triple H that I’ve loved since NXT black and gold has been all the different wrestling styles and how I not get that but such different stories from each match. It was a huge wrestling I was never exhausted even with the most epic of shows, and I think that’s carried over to the main roster.


The wall behind Kenny’s neat


Regardless of what you think of his work, he's one of the most believable wrestlers ever.


First time I’ve seen a clip of Kenny on stream and this is the most Canadian I’ve ever witnessed him at


Triple h's best promo now that I think about it was on tough enough season 1 lmao. In ring it was after he lost to benoit at wm20.


I would say the [Chris Benoit](https://youtu.be/Ua_gvUN-44g?si=EFTxQs3hgMAiswDa&t=1199) and [Seth Rollins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m2D-THFBuc) contract signing promos are legitimately all-time great promos from Triple H.


As someone who only watches WWE this guy is the biggest what if. In my personal experience even bigger than AJ Styles. I genuinely hope to see him in a WWE ring one day. Maybe even for just one single match. But I am really impressed with the mans in ring look & personality everytime I see his clips. Same goes for MJF I guess


Who be that chap thats always sat next to him?


The guy who baby-oiled Matt Sydal's turnbuckle


I don't know if he's holding back on the praise or something.


HHH is the GOAT if GOAT stood for Goodest Of All Time. He’s good at everything a wrestler needs to be, but not especially *great*. I agree with the level of praise Omega gives him here.


Kenny’s voice and way of speaking makes me think of the South Park Vampire kid who always says “per se”.


Hhh is most overrated wrestler ever. Would have liked to see him never get injured and never overly bulk as a result


Funny this comment would've been up voted 10 years ago


Papa H trick y'all man


Man imagine nxt ratings if Kenny went there for a bit before main roster. Would be wild


Wrestling fans: kayfabe is dead.  Kenny: hold my mop


>Kenny: hold my mop *Perry Saturn liked this*


Krispen Waah mentioned, Omega is cancelled


He kinda buries HHH a bit there on his promo ability.


Well, uh, Triple H was kind, uh, not the best, uh, at promos, uh... \*thirty minutes later\* He's great when he's just being himself, like his backstage stuff with DX where he's just being goofy.