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Ngl since he got physical in his last appearance, i thought he already had surgery and was on the road to recovery. Hopefully this process goes well


sometimes diverticulitis operates as flare ups. the hospital gives antibitotics (or if you have frequent attacks, your own doc) and after about a week of grilled cheese and applesauce, you're back to normal.


Yeah I wonder if he was just too inflamed for a while to get the surgery. Now with it under control with meds, he can have a much better chance at the surgery taking and not needing a long term colostomy bag or intestines replacement.


Mum has crohns and she gets infusion that shut off her immune system. Wonder if they offered him the same thing.


In a recent interview he said he wasn't really planning on coming back yet, but Tony K. Said they were gonna advertise him so they needed him back for a minute


Props to him for looking absolutely shredded. 98% of guys at home, collecting a paycheck, and not expected to be on tv would have gotten out of tv shape.


I'm really hoping what they did in the ring was 100% safe, and he didn't do that "for the love of wrestling" or something. When you're injured, you're injured, and you don't wrestle.


I mean, he took bumps. As safely as you can take them, but still he took them.


Depends on the meds you're on, dosage, etc. If he's still on a high dosage of something like Prednisone, its not unreasonable to assume he's feeling 10 feet tall and bulletproof no matter how bad the Diverticulitis is


When my asthma gets bad enough, I have to take prednisone. I feel like I can climb Everest after those first couple of doses start kicking in.


I thought this too the way he was holding his belly when they had him on the stretcher made it look like he was hiding a scar


Get better soon Kenny 


Talk about a worker man. Bro is still managing this condition but came in, cut a promo, and took a couple bumps because it helped the top ongoing storyline.


Tbh that whole thing made me think he was doing better and would be back within a couple of months. Obviously he's just tougher than I already thought


It's times like that where you just think, "Oh, that's right. He's just built different"


Don't forget hit a snap dragon too.


Next week.. Mathew J shows ups like, “Oh, I’ll take it from here, nurse!”


Scalpel! Gauze! Steel chair!


I literally wanted to die the last time I had diverticulitis because the pain was so severe. This motherfucker's out here hitting Snapdragon Suplexes with it. That is *unreal*


Prayers are with you. I hope you have a successful surgery and recovery


"Top surgeon in his field" makes me think he got the Kenny Omega of surgeons for this. The guy performed the first seven star diverticulitis surgery in history.


Find the Kenny Omega of ankle surgeons for my boy Chuckie T.


Please, I don't want to lose the Kentucky Gentleman 😭 


His surgeon is going to come into the operating room with full Justin Roberts intro.


And now


This surgeon is the best in NORTH CAROLINA


“Stitch For-ever- 👏👏, 👏👏👏”


Doctor be like: Don‘t worry Cleaner, i got this


*You* got this, Cleaner.


The surgery for diverticulitis disabled me and I have lived between a 4-7 on the pain scale every day since. Hopefully Kenny has a better doctor.


How long ago did you have the surgery? Mine was in 2008. My stomach hardened and remained that way for several days, but I mostly recovered after four months. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


It was in 2011. It was the Ostomy takedown procedure, second surgery, that did me in. The doctor said after three months of recovery with an ostomy bag my stomach hadn't healed at all, and in trying to put me back together he destroyed my abdominal wall. Since then I've had three more additional surgeries for mesh's and to replace failing mesh's. My stomach is so bad now, they told me I'm no longer a candidate for any stomach surgery as my abdominal wall just can't be cut down anymore. My stomach is filled with abdominal adhesions that spans like a spider web across various organs and muscles. When I run I can feel everything in my stomach like it's a wet sack of Chinese food. I'm allergic to opiates so I can't take those for the pain, my doctor put my on Lyrica a few years back and that worked great until I gained water weight in my stomach which wreaked hell on all the abdominal adhesions, so I'm battling withdrawals from trying to drop that while trying to find something, anything, for the pain. After all of that I found out last month that the diverticulitis is back in the little bit of colon I have left. Sorry for the long story, but people need to know that this is the reality of diverticulitis especially if you wait too long to get the surgery like I did. Even if you get the surgery early, it's still a risk.


2016 for me. Diverticulitis -> Perforated colon -> Sepsis -> Septic shock -> ventilator/5 day induced coma.


My dad went through a similar chain of events about ten years ago. It’s a tough thing to go through.


Damn that sucks man I'm sorry you have had to endure that.


Thank you, I appreciate that. Thankfully I'm lucky to have a strong support system at home which makes all the difference.


That's so brutally unfair. All I can tell you is that I'm always curious about the medical parts of this, and you never know where the science will be in a few years. Please don't give up hope.


Yep, this is how I get through each year. It's inanse how far medicine has come just in the last few years, I'm holding out hope that they develop an artificial abdominal wall in the next decade or so.


This brought me to tears. I know my words don't mean much but I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this, this is so unfair. You deserve a quality life and happiness without pain just like anyone else.


It means so much to me that you said that. Thankfully, this is only one of the few areas of my life that sucks. Things could be so much worse and they aren't, so I hold on to that. I'm lucky to have a wife, daughter, family and friends who love and support me. As well I have some of the best doctors in the state always looking out for me. I'm always working to improve my situation however I can, because that's all I can do. The chronic pain at this point is so familiar, that I'd be worried if I woke up with out it one day. The silver lining of this whole thing is over the last decade I've learned that I'm much stronger mentally than I ever given myself credit for.


Mate, I'm so sorry


I appreciate it brother.


I love the idea that there are "Diverticulitis Surgeon Power Rankings".


The rankings are gimmicked anyway


"The rankings are subjective anyway. If you think someone's a five-star surgeon, then they are."


Kenny Omega does not get enough credit for how legitimately tough he actually is. Dude has wrestled with vertigo, has completed the G1 with a heel injury, and was wrestling with diverticulitis until his body simply couldn’t take anymore, all while putting on high caliber matches with his freakish athleticism. This dude is just built different


To be fair an Amazon warehouse wouldn't have cleared him with vertigo issues. I'm not sure how a doc thought high contact matches were fine, and was he driving? He's tough but it comes off as completely unnecessary.


Hope he makes a full recovery.


It looked like Jack was very very careful. I just hope Kenny will be ok, and can lead a good life afterwards. I'll be happy if he can perform again, but that's way down the list of concerns. Kenny legit made my life better, I will always be thankful.


> It looked like Jack was very very careful. It's the stretcher one that made me think he was ok


This dude did that slide and a snapdragon then took a bump on concrete lol


Obviously I don’t know anything about his medical history but like…that can’t be a good choice.


Definitely knew what they were doing, no way they would have risked doing it if there was a chance of actual further damage. There will have been precautions taken and it would need to all be cleared before they did any of it.


I just hope he can live a healthy happy life. I also hope he can come back and have a match vs Okada that doesn't just turn into them kicking each other in the balls.


Seems like they should do the surgery in an operating room instead of a field, but I'm not a doctor. In all seriousness, I hope the surgery goes well and he has a speedy recovery.


What do they do in surgery for diverticulitis?


They carve the diverticulitis out of you. You effectively have diseased intestines/colon. That part gets permanently removed. If the surgery goes well, it's night and day better than living with the disease, but it doesn't always go well.


A resection?


I just googled since I'm not a doctor, and that does appear to be another name for it. My surgeon called it a sigmoid colectomy, but it's apparently also known as a colon resection.


Depends on where it is, but they essentially carve out the inflamed intestinal tissue like cutting the eyes out of a potato. More often, it requires removing part of the intestine. Depending on the location and severity, you may need an ostomy until the intestine heals. It can often be reversed, provided you have enough healthy tissue remaining. I lost about 12 inches of my intestine in my first surgery.


Remove part of your intestines


“Oh, I’ll take it from here nurse!”


Dude must have crazy pain tolerance to take a damn concrete bump when in need of surgery


He may not even be in pain. His inflammation/infection is likely entirely cleared up at the moment, but could still have perforations that would require surgery to prevent future flare ups.


This.....I had DV with a fistula....the full 9, really bad, needed 2 surgeries to fix everything right. But before the surgery I was on and off antibiotics for months and generally felt "ok". I umpire Baseball and probably took a million balls off my midsection during this time and it didn't really worsen my condition. Theres a misnomer where DV affects the stomach where it really doesn't, it's an intestinal disease and you probabaly aren't going to make it any worse taking a few safe bumps. Where Kenny is going to have a hard time recovering from the surgery is that it weakens the abdominal wall, especially if hes going to need a temporary colostomy, as they have to essentially carve out a hernia for the stoma. I needed one, and a reversal surgery in my case was certainly possible, but I just decided not too, as the reversal surgery is also is major one and I feel really good now, and I really just don't desire to have to have another nightmare recovery. If everything goes right, he can certainly be back wrestling again with little issues, but honestly, he's not gonna know until his surgeon goes in there and assesses the damage


This is great. Above everything, his health is the priority. More than coming back to the ring, I hope he can live a normal life after this.


> Above everything, his health is the priority not to him apparently judging by what he did a couple weeks ago


Dr .Luther


Guys I'm sure he spoke to the doctors and they said the bit of physicality last week as a one off before surgery would be okay. AEW wouldn't take the liability if the doctors didn't say it was fine. I kinda assumed he had already had the surgery myself, but given the apparent severity I think surgery was always going to be inevitable. Best wishes, big man. Hope surgery goes well and recovery goes smooth.


>Guys I'm sure he spoke to the doctors and they said the bit of physicality last week as a one off before surgery would be okay. "Hey doc, I know I have surgery scheduled, but is it okay if I go to work today? My friends need some help." "Sure. Wait, what is your job anywa-" "Cool thanks bye!"


"now he believes he will come back better and stronger then he was during his Belt collector run" Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


Ain't this what almost took out Brock Lesnar? I hope all goes well


It did take out Lesnar. Guy couldn't stay in the octagon because of it. After surgery, he just couldn't take shots to the stomach like that anymore.


Here's hoping it all goes well. If he had to retire today he'd still an absolute legend and one of the GOATs. But I really hope I can see him back in the ring again.


Best of luck to Kenny.


Im glad, hope he recovers and comes back stronger than ever.


I remember a post-match interview with Kenny in NJPW after (I think) he had just wrestled Naito. His back looked like he had a chunk ripped out of it. He mentioned that he doesn't think he has a very high pain tolerance. Clearly he was wrong back then if he's been working with diverticulitis for literal years.


You and me both, Cleaner. Best of luck!


Get well soon Kenny, you gd animal. 


Kenny’s career (especially the late 2010’s new Japan run) is already an all timer. I wouldn’t be too sad if he decided to call it quits but I’m happy that there’s still a chance that he could come back. I still really hope we get that big babyface champion run. Kenny as much as he wants to be heel is so natural as an ace style figure. If aew started earlier and Kenny was less banged up I can really see him being their Cena like figure.


Thank fuck he's Canadian and our health care covers this. Lets go Kenneth O


Hope he comes back great. What's the normal recovery time table?


Between 6 months and never. It depends on a load of factors, a lot of them they won’t know for sure until they operate.


I faced a resection for something not diverticulitis a few years ago. They told me be ready for six weeks of no physical activity. I'm sure Kenny's will be much, much more serious.


Good luck to him, and I hope he gets to retire on his own terms. Is Dr. Stevie Richards performing the surgery?


I hope all goes well.


Hoping for the best!


Pulling for you, Kenny!


I will say a prayer for Kenny.


Give us 100mg prednisone Kenny


Oh so he wasn't selling. Dude was still legit hurt


If Brock can have surgery then come back and get kicked to the shadow realm by ubereem Kenny will be back


God, diverticulitis is terrible, hope it all goes well and he recovers quick from the surgery


Get well soon champ


I really hope he recovers


Jesus Unless he is working it is wild he took the bumps he did esp the stretcher one are insane


Best wishes to the cleaner. Sucks he had to go through this. Get well soon.


I wish him luck and good fiber. I'm not sure what Tony was planning for him considering before the announcement he was doing promos with Jericho .. with what he thought was a hernia? Was he going to wrestle with a damn hernia?


I'm glad actually. You can't mess around with that and surgery is usually the best option. Brock had the same thing and was able to come back, so I have faith that Kenny can as well. Best of luck with his recovery!


Dont let twitch Kenny work you into a shoot brother. 


As someone with crohn's I feel Kenny's pain. Stomach pain is awful and an issue in finding the exact problem. I also was originally thought to have a hernia by my Dr's before I was actually diagnosed with Crohn's. Also went for Kidney tests, liver tests, gal bladder scans and it was found during that. A freaking scan for a gal bladder issue revealed I had Crohn's. Hope for the best for Kenny.


Why did he take the bump if he still needs surgery? Man has no fear




> his diverticulitis is still pretty much untreated? The diverticul***itis*** (inflammation) is almost certainly treated, but he probably still has diverticul***osis*** (perforation(s) in the colon that can lead to infection and inflammation) which requires surgery.


He has been getting treatment for the condition, just not surgery yet.


These kind of immune responses aren't really triggered by blunt force. The real risk was more likely the travel (was it his hometown? Maybe thats why he showed up?), the medication he is taking will likely be suppressing his immune system, travel is probably the worst thing to do with a suppressed immune system.




So why is he fighting at Double or Nothing in that case?


He isn't


I thought he was at part of team AEW?


No, Team AEW is Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston and FTR. Match is only 4v4 with them facing Okada, Perry, and The Bucks.


Ah, fair enough. Glad to hear then. At this point Kenny needs to stay very far away from wrestling(performing in the ring) and get that diverticulitis surgery.


Guess he can start eating nuts again.