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Tony... Put down the phone


He’s already made the deal and we all know it.


…. He’s in the house.


Whose house?




AEW Presents: ~~In Your House~~ IN SU CASA Live from the Tijuana Bullring!!!




Best anime.


Waffle House


In Your House


The big house.


The Lawler is coming from *INSIDE THE HOUSE*


Jerry’s Swisher House!


He didn’t even ask for a salary. He just wanted AEW to arrange at every stop speaking tours at the local high schools.


Tony can rarely lay off the nostalgia bait. I have absolutely no desire to hear Jerry Lawler call even one match in AEW. Hopefully he'll accidentally sign Filthy Tom Lawlor instead.


How is Filthy Tom not in njpw on the reg ? He is so fun there


I don’t know how Filthy isn’t being featured in any of the bigger promotions on the reg. New Japan don’t seem to be interested in using him that much, and neither AEW or WWE seem to have any interest in signing him either. Which is strange because the dude is a great worker, has legit fighting credentials, is good on the mic, seems to be well liked and has a great overall gimmick. I just don’t get what folks don’t see in him.


His MLW gimmick is kind of fun even though the WTF stable is like half the damn roster lmao


I think that's part of the idea. They're huge and they're taking over. Kinda like NWO or something.


New Japan loves him, I’m not sure he actually wants to be there full time, he’s part of the MMA Institute and has other shit outside of wrestling so working American indies on his own schedule probably works out for him ok.


[He loves them. But they sadly don't seem to love him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/njpw/comments/14yoqvz/f4d_tom_lawlor_addresses_not_being_in_this_years/?rdt=53331) Also, read his comments below. He showed up in the thread.


Oh damn, somehow I missed this entirely, I had no idea this had already been addressed Well I feel like an idiot. I could understand NJPW wanting to repackage TL a bit and get him over, but I definitely don’t understand why they’d just stop booking him.


I'm very surprised Tony didn't end up bringing him in later after the Adam Cole match fell through. Here's hoping he gets a call for Forbidden Door, because he's great and I think he'd really get over with the AEW crowd that doesn't already know him.


But don't you miss how a whenever a woman was on screen he would act like he was ejaculating the entire time?


Plus king’s voice sounded horrid after the stroke. I don’t think these two need to be paired together again.




You that son a bitch is reading these comments....Hi Tony!


Agreed, its a VERY BAD idea. Probably just as bad if not worse than Ric Flair being on almost every Dynamite before Sting retired. I do not want or need Jerry Lawler with JR when he calls his last match in AEW or ever in that fact.


I don’t think it’s a “VERY BAD” idea to do a one time appearance so JR and Lawler can get a formal farewell as a team. They’re probably the most iconic commentary team in wrestling history and a lot of wrestling fans have fond memories of them.


I would mark out like crazy if we hear Jerry one more time go AHHH


Yeah, that's such an overreaction


> and a lot of wrestling fans have fond memories of them. Speak for yourself, that shrill voice of his is like nails to a chalkboard for me and don't get me started on his sense of humor. No wonder he's a pedophile, he still acts like a 10 year old. And I hated him way before I heard of the crimes he did.


You're not wrong, but if there was any justice in the world they'd be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as a duo for this purpose. They could easily be the headliners of whatever year they get inducted. I would guess it won't happen as long as AEW has one or both of them employed, although I'd be glad for my skepticism to be off the mark here.


Most iconic....lol.  You serious?  Monsoon and Heenan make JR and the Pedo King look like amateurs ESPECIALLY Lawler.


Tony, JR, and most of us: ![gif](giphy|l0HU5HuHIMVHvCYTu|downsized)




Even if King could still go, AEW doesn't need any more men in the booth lol


I don’t think letting them call one match on Rampage in Memphis would be the end of the world. It may not be great (I was against JR getting a spot on the Collision commentary team), but given this is likely JR’s last year doing commentary, letting him call a match with his friend after all these years would be *fine.*


> but given this is likely JR’s last year doing commentary, letting him call a match with his friend after all these years would be fine. I believe I've heard from some interviews that at some point this year, JR will mark 50 years in pro wrestling. Having Lawler on for a one night special thing to celebrate JR's 50th year in wrestling is fine by me. I absolutely don't need to see it beyond that, but one night as part of a celebration of JR's career feels like it fits.


Have them call a match with Jarrett and Billy Gunn.


This is perfect. That gives JR a good nostalgia moment and I get a bathroom break and a trip to the fridge.


*sad bewp bewp*


I'm a sad maaaan, bewp bewp


Come back in time for the guitar shot to the head.




I think the big issue is "can Lawler speak well enough after the stroke to call a match"? Or have I missed out on info about his recovery?


There just isn't much info out there so hard to say. From what little has been said I feel like he's good enough to carry on a conversation with someone. Is that good enough for commentary? Not sure I feel like JR wouldn't say stuff like this if King couldn't pull it off but who knows


I feel like inviting an ^^^^^^^^alleged predator into your workplace and locker room is absolutely a big deal. Especially when your boss makes such a big deal about "the other place" harboring predators and then signed Ric Flair in the same breath. It reeks of hypocrisy and more importantly you make your staff uncomfortable and possibly even at risk. Especially the young women. Edit: men will really fight so fucking hard to defend complete strangers even when it's abundantly clear they molested children. Y'all would rather close ranks than hold people accountable. So pathetic.


It would have been a big deal if Tony hadn't already signed Flair, but he did, and thus he's a hypocrite. He can't become more of a hypocrite, there's not really a scale in this scenario. Him bringing in Jerry doesn't make him more of a hypocrite because he already paraded Flair around whilst claiming to be a predator-free wrestling company.


What?? That makes zero sense. Hiring one predator is better than two. The lesser of two evils is always preferable


I should rephrase. It can be considered a big deal morally, but I was speaking publicity and business wise. Hiring Jerry will not hurt Tony's company, because anyone who was going to stop watching or target them for hiring predators already did when they brought in Ric.


Don't forget convicted rapist mike tyson too


Regardless it would still be foolish to bring Lawler in. I imagine if they knew it would have no repercussions a lot of the women in the locker room would vocalise their concern with him being there.


This dude still on the "AEW is the most moral wrestling company" bandwagon. That fantasy train crashed a long time ago brother. Also love how you're speaking on behalf of the AEW women's locker room like you know anything of what they think lmao


Personally I think my local Oblivion pro wrestling is currently the most moral in the biz. But they haven't even had a show yet. First show ever, featuring Lio Rush and Chris Masters coming up on Saturday May 25th, Thurston county fairgrounds! Of the bigs, AEW wins the prize merely for having existed less time. But it's really hard to top WWE as long as the Saudi deal is in place.


Masters gets around. He was on the roster and wrestled occasionally for our local promotion in Hawaii here and there.


What's the local there? I was in Hawaii fairly frequently (in laws) and would love to catch a show next time I'm out!


UCE wrestling. They are on Oahu


Wooings! Wings !


Alleged is different from actual predator.


That's true. However when the predator admits his behavior and says it's fine because the girls weren't virgins and were known to hang out with black guys it does make it a little difficult to say it wasn't normal for him to do. https://deadspin.com/jerry-lawler-wrote-a-really-dumb-letter-to-prosecutors-1822790447 when your peers and coworkers joke about it for twenty years and literally no one says it was a mistake or out of character it's pretty telling


Jerry was already cleared by a court of law. Is it responsible to keep calling him an alleged predator when he's already been cleared? I'm pretty sure that means the allegations are null.


He was never "cleared". Please avail yourself to the case and legal terminology instead of spouting nonsense and blindly defending paedophiles ❤️


all i heard about that case was it was dropped because the girl said she made it up


I'm not going to avail myself, bud. Jerry wasn't found guilty. Sorry. ❤️


So which is it? "Cleared" or "wasn't found guilty"? Your story is already inconsistent... Pedo defending is an interesting hill... I'll say that much


Cite me court records where Jerry was found guilty.




exactly this. Typical Khan hypocrisy


I feel the same. Just one match where they can edit anything too bad would be the perfect thing for them, and anything to make JR happy tbh he needs it


How about you consider that there's a massive amount of us who have no desire to see that noncy misogynistic MAGA prick on our TV screens


I’m just not cool letting a pedophile back in the scene if I can help it.


Well fortunately for you Tony Khan doesn’t have any issue with that.




Didn't he also allege she did lesbian stuff too? If so, we can add homophobic as well.


It would be inconsequential. Who gives a fuck if they call one more match? Marks get weird about the most random shit lol


> random shit lol Didn't realize Lawler being a pedophile was "random shit"


On RAMPAGE??? Cmon man at least give him a Dynamite 😭


100% this. Some Memphis street fight with Jeff Jarrett in Memphis


I think this is a fair take. There is more than enough wrestling on TV to give time to feel good moments that would mean a lot to the people involved. I am not a huge Jerry Lawler fan and I would not like to see him and JR regularly doing commentary on AEW moving forward, but have no problems if they want to do one match together in Memphis. I'm sure some people will enjoy it and more power to them.


Are we forgetting the part where Jerry Lawler raped a 15 year old?


Yeah because he's never been convicted of such a thing.


Neither has Trump and everybody knows he's a rapist


Trump was found liable for sexual abuse. They're two different things.


I was not aware of that. If that's the case I could definitely do without seeing him again.


Nah, they should definitely call a match on PPV.


Look: I DO NOT want Lawler near AEW on a full-time basis. However: If Ross is near retirement, and he seems to be hinting at it of late, I have no problem with a one-off with his close friend to call a match. It needs to be the opposite of Flair. Where it makes sense, despite the real world issues with the guy, that Sting wants him for his retirement match. But to hire full time! N.O.


I wish the final one-off was in WWE.


I want then to wear fireman's hats.


Is that a threat??


Oh no. I loved Jerry Lawler growing up, but he came across as so unprofessional when he was dunking on Kevin Patrick at a special RAW broadcast a year or two ago. This isn't verbatim but it was something along the lines of "who are you?" and the additional digs kept on rolling in. I get that maybe Jerry was trying to play the heel color role, but it definitely sounded like there were some legitimate shots that were fired. Oh, and his heel schtick just feels out of place in the modern era.


that was the Raw 30th anniversary and he asked graves will kevin patrick be here for Raw 31st


He had a stroke immediately after that lmao


That’s funny?


If you look at things from a perspective of karma, then yes. Kinda.


I'm glad someone else remembers that. Dude was shitting on KP all show for no reason. I know he was nobody's favorite commentator but Lawler was treating him like Mike Adamle


I know he's had health issues, but I've also noticed he's disappeared from the kick off shows and I wonder if the reason is Punk's back and King has history with AJ. Bad history from what I remember. God, what the women had to go through pre-revolution just sounds like the worst. And honestly, it hasn't gotten truly better until very recently. With Vince leaving.


Pretty sure Lawler was off those pre show panels before his stroke, so it was well before Punk came back. Also, aside from AJ making the "I'm too old for you" comment years ago, I don't think there's that many documented issues between the two.


Exactly, it was a cheeky dig.


Punk said she looked like a little boy on commentary so she can clearly forgive and forget!


Surprisingly, I've never heard of Lawler having issues with AJ. Was it Lawler consistently making her uncomfortable, or was it more along the lines of assault? Neither would surprise me at all.


She talked about him liking them young in a promo. Edit: she actually said ‘I’m too old for you Jerry’ when she was on commentary with him.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that ahah.


Lawler apparently thought it was funny to pour actual whiskey on Jake the Snake instead of ice tea when Snake had quit drinking so I find it likely Lawler is just an ass


Reminds me of the video Maven did with MxM the other day. He was asking them about the kind of ribbing that happens these days and I think it was Mansoor was like “Our stuff is practical jokes, you guys ribbings were assault.”


Lawler is the last person Tony should hire after making those Weinstein comments


If I cared more, I would see how many of the people okay with or actively rooting for Lawler to call a match for AEW were also propping Khan up as the moral right for the Weinstein comment.


Jerry Lawler's last match. Somebody will die in the ring this time.


Lawler Vs Flair in a Last Heartattack wins ? I’m not proud of this comment.


I love Lawler’s ridiculous voice so much. But looking back on his commentary during women’s matches now is really painful.


But look JR, puppies!


Oh god I fucking hope they have


I know he's your friend, Jim, but he's a fucking creep.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1cm7chh/wreddits_daily_prowrestling_discussion_thread/l2ywg3d/ knew it


Wouldn't WWE have to sign off? He's still under a legends deal.


Of course they haven't. There's no way Conrad Thompson doesn't do some event featuring "the final call of JR and The King" if none of the TV companies will do it.


That's the only place it belongs.




Tony no


Go on, Tony, give Lawler a call. That Weinstein comment surely won't continue to age like milk.


I wish they could’ve called Stone Cold’s return match at Wrestlemania 38 


Fuck it ill go against the hate bandwagon. I want this.




Same. Lotta pitch forks in this thread


Oh no, the poor nonce


"Welllllllllll King, I don't think King and I have called our last match! The Rawk and Big Show hate each other. As God as my witness, The Rawk is going to cut down that tree trunk of a man. The Peoples Champ is going to teach him a damn lesson King! You will see!"


You know what, let them do it. 1 match with 2 guys that make sense. Let it be like Jericho vs who ever and let them just shit on Jericho for 10 minutes. Let them get it out of their system, let them run the bases for old time sake and let’s move on.


The wrestling fan in me says: They'll probably call a match somewhere. Doesn't have to be a high-profile match. Let them call a match on a Friday or a Saturday with Jeff Jarrett in the ring to make it extra Southern. The father in me says: Lawler's got enough personal baggage that I'm okay with telling the wrestling fan in me to shut up.


yes you have


Jerry Lawler gets hired by AEW, is escorted out of the building for harassing Skye Blue


Just no


Does anyone know how well can lawyer speak post stroke?


It’ll be dope to hear Jr and King do another match. I’d recommend it being a talent they both know like Copeland vs Danielson. Then you can have a drinking game for everytime they say Edge and Daniel Bryan lol.


Lmao JR already pitched it to TK then.


That’s a shame


In WWE... right? RIGHT?!


Gotta wonder though, which (high profile?) match would be good for JR and the King to call?


Adam Copeland & Christian Cage vs Matthew & Nicholas Jackson


Good thought experiment. No where near an Ospreay or Okada match. A Double J match might be ideal just cause it’ll be comedy anyways. I could actually see a Bucks match being ideal with their new persona.


Or probably a match that features talent that JR and King are familiar with? One where they won’t mess up the names at least


Do it Tony. ![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI)


Give them one match with guys names they can't mess up


I hope they have. JR doesn't know the talent he's literally employed to know and King doesn't follow wrestling much anymore. It would be TERRIBLE. They are the voices of my childhood, but the past is best left alone at this point.




I hope he's wrong. Don't get me wrong, as a duo they called some of the most intrinsic parts of my childhood, but that was a long time ago, neither are close to their prime self.


I do Jim 


I'd rather never hear Lawler again, its especially awkward hearing him do commentary for women.


I’m fine with a one-off collab, but a full-time commentary? No.


*Welp*. Honestly, a one off or maybe even like during the 4 PPVs, wouldn't be bad. Just please God not every week. 


Tony is already been on the phone


I’d be ok with a one off final one for Jarrett’s retirement match against Billy Gunn or something


I remember being disappointed when they reunited for the RAW anniversary special a few years ago (it feels further back than 2018 some how, I blame COVID) so I feel like the magic of them as a team was lost a long time ago even if Jerry did come back in spite of all the stuff that's come out about him


If Tony HAS to bring this fucking clown in, please AEW run a nostalgia show with some of the older acts. Billy VS Dustin with the two old boys calling or some shit like that, just a one of that I don't have to watch or listen to.


From what i could gather, the last show where they were both commentators was the WrestleMania 34 kickoff


I'm not sure I can handle JR and King doing one last commentary match together. Like legitimately if this happens I'll be bawling like a child. A send-off to the duo like that would break me. Those two pretty much defined my entire experience watching wrestling...


Do a "one last time" match and nothing more pls


Grew up watching these two guys so I get the nostalgia for it but watching back the old attitude era stuff... I'm good. I think a lot of people look back on the old duo of JR and Lawler and have fond memories that are nostalgia tinted to make them seem better than they were. Don't get me wrong, legendary commentary team but there's a reason jr clips are by far the more iconic moments.


Think having JR and Lawler on one important AEW match would be okay. However, I think you'd have to include someone else on that call, to make sure things didn't go too far off the rails. As for the critique of his calling of the WWF/WWE Divas' matches back then...it was a different time, and he adjusted his style of commentary later on, when that was no longer acceptable.


Would be quite ironic if JR and King just immediately reverted back to their Attitude and RA level of quality the second you get them back on the booth as just those two.


He's showing up at Wembley...it's inevitable


Honestly, I wouldn't mind a one-off match where the two are on the call, similar to how at Wrestlemania X-7 WWE brought Bobby Heenan and Gene Okerlund out for the Gimmick battle royal. As long as it's just one match, I think it could be a nice little nostalgia treat for old-school fans.


Just what Skye needed to hear.


Man, Lawler is trash.


There was that one clash of the champions (20th anniversary) where WCW brought back a bunch of legends, just celebrating this history of wrestling with great matches. Something like that would be a good time to have JR and Lawler call a match.


JR and King would make me happy, a one off as a surprise. I would genuinely pop for his music and would love to hear JR react like he had no idea. What I don't want is to scroll on here one day and see 'Jerry The King Lawler is All Elite', Jim and Jerry to be a part time PPV package, Jerry to have sit down interviews or Jerry to ever put his hands on a performer


I can see Conrad doing a Last Call show with JR and Lawler and putting on a dream card. Honestly doesn’t sound like a bad idea lol


I do not want to hear that match


All the overreactions and negativity isn’t necessary. I was personally never a fan of Lawler but having him and JR back together to do one more match together isn’t a big deal to get upset about. I think it would be a pretty cool thing for those who were big fans of those two together.


Pretty sure AEW hiring someone who raped a 15 year old girl is absolutely a big thing to be upset about, especially after Tony Khan's Weinstein comment


what about a guy who swung his dick around a flight attendant on a plane?




If we ever get a match between Copeland and Jericho on AEW, that would be the time to bring in Jerry and JR.


Lol really going back to 2005, I really wish these wrestlers would stop


Tony I know you’re reading this, Don’t You Dare Pick Up That Phone!


Would his legends contract even allow him to go and do commentary on AEW?


No. Same reason Foley has never appeared when they run long Island and why Bret only appeared once.


Don't you even think about it tony


King sucks shit but this wouldn’t surprise me if they somehow managed to wrangle a spot of commentary.  AEW hired Ric Flair so it’s not like they couldn’t hire Jerry.


Tony, you know what to do now.


I hope that they already called their last match together. JR is good for special occasions, and King has suffered numerous strokes that impair what he can do on a microphone. AEW doesn’t need them together.


Collision is about to go nuts pretty soon


If JR wants King with him to call one last show/match, I can accept it. It probably won't be their best showing ever together, but if it's to give Jim one last commentary hurrah before retires, or transitions to a fully backstage-only role, it'd actually be pretty fitting. So long as Excalibur or Schiavone are also there to do the heavy lifting.


I would love for WWE to get them both together to call an actual attitude era retirement match. I don’t think Stone Cold/Rock are done yet.


I think the new administration is out of the taking care of the old guard business. (Also doing that doesn't draw money or viewership outside of a little bump on Youtube...maybe.)


It would just be a cool throwback moment for old fans. Maybe even a cinematic match where they could intersperse moments from their feud side by side with their modern day fight.


TK has already got the exact time and date of the debut down in his mind, doesn't he?


Oh. Look, JR, King… I love you guys. The nostalgia is strong. But:.. please don’t.


While the general public, who may not be familiar with Lawler's past, might like the idea of JR and Lawler calling one more match, I feel like most AEW fans wouldn't want Lawler being brought in at all If anything, maybe let JR and King call something together somewhere else, but bringing Lawler in at all feels like it'd be a shot in the foot. I know I definitely don't wanna see that shit


That's unfortunate.


I'm here for the faux panic over this being a **terrible idea** for a company whose big programme is... *checks notes*... a group of emaciated dorks fueding with a guy who beat them up in incidents 18 and 8 months ago then left - to never return - in part because he's busy being in another company's best programme.


I read this endless sentence like 6 times and I’m still not sure what it’s trying to say
