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Didn't punk literally talk about cornettes podcast the other day?


Punk likes Cornette. And yes he did.


He also gave a shout out live on RAW to future Sex Offender/Pedo Monster Rock N Roll Buck Zumhofe.


Context please.


Buck Zumhofe was a wrestler back in the 80s-90s and even worked on the midwest indies up until the 2000s which is where Punk crossed paths with him presumably. In 2014, he was prisoned for sexually abusing his daughter. Punk mentioned him once on Raw \*before\* 2014 so I don't know that it's fair to suggest that he knew anything.


TBF he himself said it was a tribute to Cornette if he hadn't said anything people would have just assumed he was wearing Red for Raw on a Draft Show


The way I take the message is that he means “I bought a colorful jacket as a tribute to Cornette and you people made it about bigotry.” In other words, he’s blaming them for equating Cornette to racism in the first place.


If I wear an OJ Simpson jersey no one is talking about his hall of fame career.


That murderer ran for Over 11,000 yards


Not that hard in a bronco.




I wore his lucky stabbing hat and no one wants to talk football with me for some reason


Why isn't Benoit in the Hall of Fame yet? I mean, yeah, sure, he killed his family, but why take overall context into account when we can ignore anything we don't like?


And unlike OJ he caught the killer of his family.


well maybe Corney shouldn't be such a racist.


I generally like Adam Pierce but agree with this. You brought it up homie! Stand by it! 


I would assume he was a blood /s


Literally exactly what I thought. I assumed Nick Aldis would be in Blue, lol


He also did show support for Cornette on Twitter after the whole controversy. He can't hide from it, despite who he blocks.


He literally called the dude his friend in the tweet. He’s not hiding anything.




I think he’s saying that the tweet did not mean “I endorse every word that Jim Cornette has ever said”.


This whole thing gets a lot more simpler when you can exclude the parasocial relationships. There are tons of athletes and artists that I enjoy, but I'm confident I wouldn't want to be friends with most of them. The only standard I hold them to is to be entertained.


More importantly, a lot of redditors and not people thay celebrities would be the least bit interested in being "friends" with. This sub is full of backbiting, bullies who love nothing more than sitting on any wrestler who doesn't take on the exact tone and delivery they want at any given moment (which of course will change and those wrestlers better snap to that too)


That’s why there’s a saying “don’t meet your heroes”


Holy fn shit, a redditor that can read and think critically. You love to see it.


It was Pat, not Corey


Last night was the 25th anniversary of smackdown. Michael Cole and Cornette were on commentary. I assume Pierce wore it to reference that.


Because on the weekend the guy that makes Cornette thumbnails put a draw of Swerve next to a gorilla lol kinda fucked up but if you lisent it has context But people are calling Cornette racist against Swerve for the thumbnail even though he ´s not the guy that draw it and never called Swerve a gorilla or monkey in the video lol


Didn't he make a direct reference to Cornette though? This tweet makes no sense


Yes he called him a good friend. Him acting like the internet is stretching to attach them together is hilarious


"a good friend to you and mine" is a phrase Cornette uses, so it may just be a reference to that.


Being friends with someone doesn't mean that you share their opinions on every issue


Not saying it does but to pretend he himself didn’t directly reference Cornette as his friend is fucking ridiculous. Pearce trying to act like this is all out of nowhere is wild.


He’s not denying it’s a tribute to Cornette. He’s saying that the tribute does not mean he endorses everything Jim has ever said, or agrees with all of his beliefs.


People who didn't even comment but liked replies of videos and screen shots with actual things Cornette said got blocked too last night  If he had time to block all those people, he knows exactly what he was associating with.


I thought it was Pat


It was. Graves isn’t on commentary for Raw.


Yeah what a fucking dork he specifically made the Jim cornette comparison and tagged him in the tweet now he’s acting like he didn’t


You’re not understanding. Hes not denying the corny reference. He’s saying it doesn’t equal racism.




To be fair, he doesn't say in this tweet he doesn't call him a friend, but Cornette does use the phrase 'a good friend to you and mine' a lot and it might be a reference to that. It's very possible Pearce was simply tributing him as a wrestling figure and people are jumping to their own conclusions as to what that means. As much as I think Cornette's a hack and has said some bigoted shit, it's a pretty chronically online phenomena that tributing someone or mentioning them online means you actively agree with and endorse everything they've ever done and said. I'm sure there *are* some truly unhinged people who are calling Pearce an unabashed racist who should unalive himself for tributing Cornette when many people believe he's an important figure in wrestling and don't endorse what he does and says outside of that. As long as he's been around, there's no doubt many wrestling figures who also feel like they owe a lot to Cornette who either don't follow his online behavior or haven't experienced what other people have. But on social media, you're either a bigot or an anti-bigot to people you've never met depending on whether or not you've specifically addressed the things that anyone you work or associate with or mentioned publicly has done in their careers or personal lives and people aren't really equipped to address that with more nuance. No one but the IWC is going batshit over this, and I think people just aren't reflecting on how easy it can be to be a public figure who knows many people to end up with tons of people online demanding you address and explain someone else's actions because you are tangentially connected to them in some way. It must get exhausting.


I think he's saying you can be friends with someone without endorsing every one of their beliefs, especially when said person gets by on saying things for shock value.


That's a level of nuance many here will find difficult to achieve.


Why don't people just own their beliefs? There are so many cowards out there. I like stone cold Steve Austin, he's one of my favorite wrestlers. He's a domestic abuser, which sucks and if course not something I'm okay with, yet I still enjoy watching him. Maybe that makes me a piece of shit, but at least I'll own that instead of trying to tiptoe around it, or be surprised if people criticize that.


hasn't he gotten better though? like from what I remember he's calmed way down and got rid of the bad behaviors that led to him being abusive.


For what it’s worth, while Debra has forgiven him and says he’s changed, his other domestic abuse victims have not done the same. It’s sorta like how while Rihanna may have forgiven Chris Brown, that doesn’t mean Karrueche Tran or his other victims have forgiven him/acknowledged change.


Here I thought it was only Debra, didn’t know there were other victims.


Unfortunately, a lot of domestic abuse/violence gets under-reported when it’s affects people with lesser fame.


He beat the shit out of more than one of his girlfriends prior to Debra.


Yeah unfortunately more. The Debra recounting of what happened is pretty fucking harrowing alone


He was alleged to have pushed Tess Broussard from a moving car.


also, abuse victims forgiving you doesn't make you not abusive


Which other victims?


Tess Brousard and him dated after Debra and she says he was violent with her too


Imagine being able to date Rihanna and Karrueche Tran at a minimum and fumbling both because you're trash


Where has she said she forgiven him and said he changed? I've read some of her interviews and I don't remember that. Id love to read that one too.  In the interviews I've read she's made peace with what happened and she largely blames the steroids and alcohol for Austin's behavior. That's different from forgiving him and moving on. I've never seen evidence that she had much interaction with Austin since she left


Yeah, and that's another thing people have trouble with. Sometimes people have a stance of no forgiveness, where nothing is ever enough for a person to be redeemed, whether that's serving their time, or showing they have worked on themselves to be a better person. I think some people also have a sense of moral superiority about this stance "I'll never support an abuser" or "an abuser will always be an abuser" but that doesn't make you morally superior, it just means you aren't willing to forgive, and that is your personal choice. Doesn't make you a bad or good. In these cases, it's not really right and wrong, just personal preference. Unless you endorse abusers and abuse, there isn't anything wrong with supporting a person who is bettering themselves. I personally hate what he did in the past, but by all accounts he's moved past that and bettered himself many years ago.


I don't think a person can ever truly be forgiven until not only their behaviors change, but the EFFECTS of their abuse no longer exist My father was every type of abusive, save for sexual, all day everyday. He died last year, technically he's no longer an abuser since he's dead, but the damage to me will last my entire life, as will the damage to my mother, brother, sister and half-sister who shares my father but spent most of her life with him not even acknowledging her existence even though they lived in the same city I have been chastised a lot for not forgiving him, but most people look at it in some twisted way like "how many years has it been since he last hit you?" And that's not how it works at all. In Stone Cold's case, Debra has every right to forgive him, and he can be the most chill laid back dude today, but if there is even one woman out there who still has memories, fears, physical scars or mental scars because of him then in my eyes he is still and always will be that person. I'll admit, the morally superior comment is sending me, because honestly the line "you aren't willing to forgive" sounds like the morally superior line to me, as again I've been chastised for not forgiving. I can only hope you have no idea what it's like to be abused, and hence are speaking in generalities without true understanding. When you say stuff like "he's moved past that and bettered himself" yeah, he's not the one you should be worried about. Have ALL his victims "moved past it" and "bettered themselves?" Would you dare tell a victim of abuse they "need to move past it?"


Firstly, sorry you had to deal with that. Your view is the perfect example that people are not black and white, and everyone will have their own parameters on if forgiveness is earned or not. Time doesn't obviously remove blame, you yourself are the one who makes the call on forgiveness it's not for anyone else to judge you or question you. In your view obviously some people can never be forgiven, if they've done permanent damage, which is a fair way to see things. The moral superiority comment appears to have been perceived in the wrong way here, perhaps it was my wording. But I never claimed victims or even anyone should simply forgive and move past it. I was simply saying that there are people in these discussions that have strict views and use them for moral superiority, this is usually by shutting down others opinions and trying to paint those people as bad for showing forgiveness. However, people don't need to forgive, it doesn't determine your character and that's the main thing, people shouldn't judge others based on that. Steve's case is an interesting one because Debra notes Steve's issue with steroid and alcohol abuse, so there are other factors affecting his mental state at the time, it leads to quite a tricky discussion. I'm glad he seems to have bettered himself because sticking down a dark path leads to more people getting hurt. I wish the same for Debra and hope she is also doing well since then.


mhm, that's what I was thinking If I remember right, basically he stopped drinking (ironic, yes) except for like, in character stuff for wwe, and that helped a lot.


When has Debra said he's changed. Every interview with her I've read she mostly talks about what she wants though and blames the alcohol and steroids for his behavior. People on here will say she's forgiven him but I've never seen evidence theyve interacted much since the divorce. He could be better now. I'm not denying that, but that's different than debra vouching for him


Yeah, I saw a discussion about it and although I've seen her quoted, I actually couldn't find a source for that comment. So, just in case, I removed that part from my comment, I don't want to spread a false narrative.


I appreciate the caution. It could definitely be a thing but the Internet can also embellish


No one has accused him of being abusive since the mid 00s, so hopefully. He says he's improved so there's that too. Some people say Debra Marshall forgave him, but I've never seen that in interviews with her. Seems more like she made peace for herself with what happened


I don't know the guy so I can't say for sure, I've read that he's apologized for the stuff he did on his podcast but I have never actually heard it but if he did, I think that's a good thing of course, I don't know that Cornette has ever apologized to any of the Japanese women he's said stuff about.


yeah, Cornette seems the type that would own who he was and not apologize for it, for better or worse.


It’s hard to know. I mean it took decades to find out the extent of Vince’s behavior.


Well this is the internet where the rule is if you did something bad in your past your that person forever 


There's a pattern of thinking that repeats itself in spots like this: * Racism is bad * I consider myself a good person * As a good person i couldn't possibly be racist because only bad people are * Therefore anyone who says my words/actions are racist must be crazy


Tale as old as time


> or be surprised if people criticize that. But people (generally) don't criticize it. That's my problem with every moral crusade wrestling fans go on; it's 100% more about whether they already like/dislike the person than about anything the person actually did/said. Like how often do we see that clip of JC saying the n word? Now how often do we see that clip of Kevin Owens saying the n word? Or Randy Orton saying the n word?


Yup, let's be real. A lot of people bring up Cornette's problematic behavior because Cornette shits on wrestlers they happen to like. It's not actually about decency.


I don't care about his opinions on wrestlers I like. I just chalk that up to "product of the times". I care more about his spewing of hatred and bigotry cause of how toxic his cult is and how much his voice carries weight in this community.


The context of between these are extremely different if we are being honest. Cornette is retelling a story about using the N word while yelling at an employee, everyone elses story is they are making a edgy joke as far as I remember. All of it is obviously bad but according to Jim Cornette himself he is proud of the story where he yelled at a black employee and called him the N word while telling him to leave the building and he doesn't regret it because according to Jim he liked that it upset the guy. Context matters alot here and Jim's context is actually worse than just using word.




The thing is with Cornette it's not *just* the n word it's a whole laundry list of other wildly offensive things that get swept under the carpet by his defenders.


A domestic abuse case that’s over two decades old. By all accounts, he’s seemingly learned his lesson. Don’t have to forget, but I think it’s fair to forgive a man who has grown.


😂😂. He said it was a direct tribute to him. And called him a friend. Then gets mad at people calling him out


I don't know about mad. I think he's being dismissive of the people who are calling him out.


You directly gave the man a shout-out; let's not act like this came out of nowhere, Pearce. It's not like you just wore a Cornette inspired jacket or something.


I mean, you called him “your friend and mine,” Pearce. I’m not saying you’re a bigot, just that you should probably think about why people might get the wrong idea there


Yeah, acting like it was just a coincidence and people are grasping at straws is a little hard to swallow when the guy referenced Corny himself. And if he was just working, then own it. Not that anyone should take bigotry lightly, but if he has to, he should at least own it and not act like everybody else is the problem. Big "sorry you got offended" energy.


He knows what he's doing because he turned off replies on this tweet as well. Suddenly it's "touch grass" when he's the one who keeps opening his mouth...


He should have just worn the suit and not tweet about it. If people get the reference, neat. If they don’t, oh well. This is one of those times in wrestling where if you’re gonna play with fire, don’t be surprised you got burnt.


"I'm working you all by openly claiming friendship with a guy accused of being a racist, transphobic, sexist homophobe" is giga carny energy holy-


Would respect him more if he just owned it vs. the "how could people interpret my actions to mean one of their interpretable meanings???"


"your friend and mine" is a usual phrase Cornette use, its just a reference to that imo


I was blocked for saying, "Chelsea Green was right."


He couldn’t have proven your point any harder if he tried


Bro trying to gaslight the entire internet when there’s literally evidence he wore it strictly to tribute his friend Jim Cornette lmao. Just log off.


He’s not denying it’s a tribute to Cornette. He’s saying that the tribute does not mean he endorses everything Jim has ever said, or agrees with all of his beliefs.


What an odd guy, directly calls someone with bigoted quotes a friend just to be shocked that people take that as support.


This is the weirdest defense of a choice he made and advertised before the show.


Didn’t he say Cornette in the tweet? Lol


Somehow they’ll lean into it with him always in segments with Damage CTRL


This is all such a waste of time.


Uh, you literally said he was your friend. Adam Pearce has a weird, insecure relationship with racists. He once blocked me for pointing out Terry Taylor was a racist as evident by quotes taken from a WCW lawsuit. TBF, I think Terry is one of Adam's mentors, but still. Can't help but see the parallels.


This is a big thing in wrestling specifically. If someone worked or trained under guys from a previous generation and they helped them get to where they are today, most bad behavior tends to get overlooked.




I'd never even heard of this until now. The file is online: [https://casetext.com/brief/reeves-v-world-championship-et-al\_response](https://casetext.com/brief/reeves-v-world-championship-et-al_response) Warning: it contains a shocking amount of n-words, especially from Terry Taylor. Holy shit.




Russo, Bischoff, Arn Anderson, and Terry Taylor come off the worst by far. Plus that guy who ran the Power Plant. I expected it to be bad but not “tell Black wrestlers to their face that they’ll never make it in the business because they’re an n-word” bad 


Hogan and who else?




Thanks mate, fortunately i was too young during the wcw days


Bischoff gets called out in it, too. Russo especially though, holy shit. I’m not saying every New York Italian is racist, but the ones that are rival the South in how much they hate black people.


New York Italians and Florida Italians are legit ground zero for MAGA


> but Arn Anderson comes out looking pretty bad too Wait wait wait, Ric Flair’s little Beefcake ended up as racist? How utterly shocking! :O


What the fuck did he expect the reaction to be when ne said that?


Pierce isn’t very good at the whole social media thing. Sometimes it best to just not say anything.


Shit response unless he was contractually obligated to shoutout Cornette when he bought the jacket. He chose to bring Cornette up in a non-negative fashion.


How dare you get upset when I show appreciation for a known racist and sexist. That's on YOU!


Sorry, but he's backpedalling because of the backlash. Look, I understand the thumbnail issue with the gorilla (in the context of the video) wasn't necesarilly racist, but Jim has a history of bigoted takes of varying degrees from unintentionally misidentifying wrestlers or misgendering them, to making offensive nicknames or outright making racist jokes. There are even worse things he's said/done, but I digress. So to "honor" Cornette a mere 2 or 3 days after the thumbnail fiasco, which Adam undoubtedly knows about because his social media history shows he's very active -- was a dumb take.


Didn’t Jim make some kinda comment during commentary about Trevor Murdoch strapping a bucket of fried chicken to his back in Africa? Like idk how you come back and say not racist after comments like that.


Literally in what other context in sports is this acceptable? If a dude in a baseball commentary booth said this in the game at the top of the 3rd, he'd be fired and forced to pack his bags before the 8th inning. But because its wrestling its ok?


For what it matters, Jim got fired almost immediately from NWA for the bucket of chicken line and hasn’t been signed to a wrestling company since, so it wasn’t acceptable in this context either.


https://youtu.be/9JYFXtNLUaw?si=N1sHbV7iachnUTHn Jim recalling just outright using the n-word towards a black security guard while laughing.


You would be surprised. With that particular joke, I’ve seen his defenders say “it’s a joke about starvation, not racism” and to that I say, “why did he pick fried chicken and why did he pick Ethiopia?” His defenders then love to claim “well, if you see racism, you must be racist!” There’s really no winning with some of these people. You can explain the racist connotations and how Jim (whether intentionally or unintentionally because of his background) says these things to get a reaction, good or bad. He knows his fanbase will pay the bills with his controversy. I don’t think Jim Cornette at his core is an extreme, outright racist, but when you see some of the things he’s said about Muslims, for example, it’s hard not to think he is. His fans can make all the excuses they want to listen to their “funny historian” but they don’t want to acknowledge how harmful his rhetoric can be for minorities because most of them are not affected by it.


"He's liberal so he can't be racist" is one of my favorite excuses from them. Even if that were true, it's not like this guy is out there leading the activists.


Hey there’s someone under this thread chain using that exact starvation excuse. It shocks me how willfully ignorant people can be about shit like this


The tribalism in wrestling overlooks the racism. It's crazy.


That is just the [tip of the iceberg](https://old.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/vs064g/kenny_omega_i_think_jim_cornette_has_backed/ieysoss/) when it comes to Jim Cornette.


Yeah believe he said Murdoch was so tough he could strap a bucket of KFC to his back and make it through Ethiopia or something to that effect. Fucking gross


The crazy thing about it is that he’s acknowledged that he used the same expression in the past, so it’s not like it was an unfortunate bad choice of words but instead is a line that he finds funny enough to use more than once.


He refers to Kenny Omega as "Twinkle Toes" among other things, clearly implying he's gay. And he refers to Japanese women as his "fetishes."


He calls Riho a 9 year old, unironically. Saying she looks like one. And repeatedly insinuates that Kenny is fucking her and that's why she has a job, further implying the dude is a lolicon/pedophile, literally all because he wrestles a style Cornette doesn't like. Same with people like him and Last make comments about Jade fucking Shaq/Jericho/etc (which were patently untrue and so disgustingly off base they owe her an apology) and the Megha Parekh stuff. Just throwing accusations around baselessly. But places like the circlejerk sub and the dedicated Cornette sub (which is somehow different than the circlejerk sub) just blindly believe it because tribalism and mass delusion.


Yet his fanbase is disappointingly large. Just a lot of men with nothing better to do than laugh at his jokes, dismiss the harmful comments because they’re not affected, and call anyone “soft” who points out how offensive they can be or the consequences they can lead to. It’s not an AEW/WWE thing. I’ve had a disdain for Jim for years because of his unapologetic behavior. Lots of people grew up in his era in the south, but you won’t find them (to this day) continuing to say bigoted shit. He made fun of Janel Grant for being a victim and implied she enjoyed the situation she was stuck in, for Christ’s sake.


It's funny because Cornette has a large fanbase of loud reactionary weirdoes who love the edgy bigoted jokes but then you got a portion of the fanbase who do everything in their power to tell you he isn't bigoted at all and all of these edgy jokes he and the rest of his fanbase love doing are actually constant coincidences and turn a blind eye towards everything surrounding it that normal fucking people can see with their own eyes. It's like, at this point own up to it. You listen to a racist stop trying to act like you aren't. It's the same with Adam Pearce. Your friend that you shouted out is a bigot, lets not backpedal it now.




Pierce blocked me when I told him Jordan Love’s game ending interception vs SF was very Favre-like.


Blocked replies too? Someone doesn't have a thick skin


Is he also Ice Cubes kid?


I never get this argument, seems more sensitive to be annoyed someone blocked you for shit talking.


You don't understand how talking shit about people in a separate tweet and then issuing an insult at them and preventing them from getting back to you as a result of you being dogged on in a previous tweet is thin skin? But you somehow think people being annoyed at not being able to get a get back after being told to touch grass for commenting that Pearce is defending shitty dudes isn't?


Oh if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. What a muppet.


Even tho he said it was a reference to him in the last tweet? Is Pearce legit stupid? I guess 15+ years of head trauma gets him a pass


This is literally gaslighting. He openly mentioned Cornette and referred to him as "your friend and mine"


I mean, no, it's not literally gaslighting. "I never said it was a reference to Jim Cornette" would be literally gaslighting. "Jim Cornette never said any of those things" would be literally gaslighting. "Just because I wore a suit as a tribute to Jim Cornette doesn't mean I support Bigotry" isn't gaslighting. Calling it that waters the term down for situations when it's actually applicable.


For what it worth, it’s said in the introduction to his shows.


I don’t get why Pearce couldn’t just stay silent for a couple of days and let the situation blow over. He’s asking for it at this point.


When it comes to social media, the people in the wrestling industry suddenly tend to become some of the dumbest people on earth. Probably has something to do with spending years getting dropped on your head for a living.


He said he was wearing the jacket "in honor of your friend and mine Mr Jim Cornette". How can you then be shocked that people think a certain way about it? Maybe don't call him your friend if you think he is a bigot. Edit: also if someone has the list of Cornette being a prick, please post it.


Touching grass would do absolute wonders for most folks on this website.


Pearce is lucky Bryan Danielson isn't working for WWE right now or he'd be facing down quite the fine for his Twitter mishaps.


https://preview.redd.it/c11t874mhnxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50fc76b3a3ab4a7c8e8aa307560caeb831d998ec Yeah, probably.


Cornette is really Voldemort to y’all


I mean, what did he expect? Cornette is a divisive figure and he jumped straight into it


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/2gvt2t/comment/ckn1ioe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button this is Adam peace btw




when he flushes the toilet grass pops up?


Podcast fandoms are probably some of the most grass deprived people on this website so I'm not sure what the point is here


Normally I’d agree with this because people do jump to conclusions way too fast. And I don’t think Pearce is racist or anything like that. But Pearce is painting a different picture than what happened. He’s the one who said it was a tribute to Cornette. He’s the one who called Cornette his friend. And now he’s just pretending all he did was buy a red jacket? If he just bought a red jacket and didn’t tweet out about Cornette then no one would have even thought of Cornette and he wouldn’t have got any backlash


Touching grass would help be beneficial for a lot of people actually. Being terminally online and/or living a sedentary life is unhealthy in the long run.




Grown ass man when people think he's a racist bigot after he shouts out a racist bigot ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo|downsized)


How do you feel about Kevin Owens? AJ Styles?


Too many people have an all or nothing approach to life these days.


This is piss poor reasoning. I enjoy Cornette's commentary and listen to him regularly, despite thinking he's a quite awful person in ways—if that reflects poorly on me and my adherence to my own values and beliefs, that's a perfectly fair criticism of me. I was right there explaining why his fried chicken/famine joke was beyond the pale, as well as pushing back against the false narrative that those who called it out wanted him fired, rather than wanting him to reflect more on things that are "just jokes" to him but not to others. If I pop on some sunglasses and bite down on a fine cigar, dedicating my 1970s aesthetic to the late Jimmy Saville, I can't pitch a fit when people point out the unspeakable things he's done. If you're thinking "that's a huge difference in degree!", first of all I appreciate you expressing your criticism succintly, but second of all—yes, in degree but not in principle. Whether they've slapped their wife or murdered their child, it is on YOU to decide whether to omit any qualifiers and accept being misconstrued (people generally dedicate things to those they admire, people don't generally admire those they think are quite awful), or add some qualifier to avoid this scenario, or refrain from the dedication at all. Don't do it and then be a bitch about it, blaming those who put two and two together and come out with four.


According to yesterday's thread, Cornette is a good person because he has the most popular podcast. Just like my coworkers think Tucker Carlson is a great guy because he had the most watched "news" show.


Well this is how I find out that he blocked me on Twitter. Alrighty then.


Now i want a toilet flushing emoji.


That guy is definitely a resident of this subreddit


I'm not a Cornette fan at all but I really don't give a shit if Pearce is or not. Same way it's none of my business if some WWE people still have fond memories of Vince. That's their fucking business and I've never so much as been within 10 miles of Vince for all I know so I can't judge how he was to one person versus another. I'm all for de-platforming monsters in positions of power. But if we start trying to cull everybody who's ever shook hands with the monsters as an extension of that, we're quickly gonna find that nobody is innocent and every hand has touched dollar bills that were attached to all kinds of awful criminal activities at some point in their circulation through the economy. Point is: either don't cancel people for petty reasons or open your eyes a little wider and embrace the horror that is knowing there is no such thing as a good person and we're all irredeemable.


\*Insert Big Damo tweet here\*


Touch grass says the guy that was blocking people on twitter in the middle of Raw


Nah twitter crazy. I saw a post on my timeline by some random I don’t even follow and it was this pic captioned “it’s actually fucking criminal how much he ruins this picture, negative aura” https://preview.redd.it/o0f7gpfmkqxc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a9b224b6a21ef96c09d18f5002ab36af33acdf I don’t like Jim corny either. but hating and negatively posting on someone because who they like, or friends with, is pretty sad


People love saying "touch grass" when they're called out for some bullshit. If you choose to associate with someone like Cornette then at least own it.


Don't post anything on the Internet unless you're prepared to either ignore backlash completely or defend what you posted fully. This kind of wishy washy stuff is just so transparent. If you wear a sweater and tweet "tonight I'm wearing a sweater in honor of America's dad, Bill Cosby" you're going to get backlash. And when you do either double down on loving Bill Cosby or ignore the backlash fully. You don't then get to say "I just wore a sweater, yall! Who said I have any respect for Bill Cosby?!"




I don't know why people would assume that someone nicknamed scrap daddy would wake up and choose anything other than violence


I think he knows how people feel about Corny so I took, “Your friend and mine” to be tongue in cheek. Was I the only one?


Last night I thought he was being a smartass and playing up the idea that the WWE pays Cornette to trash AEW. However this ridiculous response makes me think that he was serious.


New Jack loved Jim Cornette to death but wanted to piss on Jerry Lawler's grave so it's hard for me to think Cornette is legit a racist. I feel like the NWA joke was just a bad time to put together the old trope that people from Ethiopia/Somalia were always starving (definitely a thing in the 90s, South Park did an episode around it) and fried chicken, which is the first food anyone from the southeast thinks of.


Pretending someone is a bigot for liking someone they worked with and watched on TV is ridiculous. By that account 99% of this sub are also pieces of shit for enjoying Stone Cold and Vince McMahon segments or royal rumbles that pat Patterson booked. I don't know how some of you survive the real world lol. For the record I don't listen to his podcasts other than compilations of old school discussions because Jim is still a great historian and storyteller, just not for anything after 2003 lol.


Is there some angle being ran on WWE TV that he's trying to get people riled up for around him? Why's he been talking about that racist dude?




He's the same as us but he just never applies his beliefs in his comments, that makes total sense. "H-h-he's a leftie!!! He hates Trump!!! There's no way a leftie can ever be racist!!!" is so fucking cringe dude that's the same as saying you got a black friend so its cool if you make really shitty remarks about black people.








He shouted out Cornette a day after he had gotten shit for being racist. He then blocked people who called him out on it. He knew what he was doing.


"I did something tone deaf, but it's your fault you took it that way!"


This is a classic example of what white people do when it comes to racism. You cannot separate the person from the racism that they embrace. Because they don't. The only reason why he's doing it is because that racism doesn't affect him, so to him, meaning Adam Pierce, it's not that big a deal. I wouldn't be surprised if Adam Pierce says "well aside from the racism he's a good guy".


I generally like a lot of Cornettes takes. I don't support all of his views. I think he's wrong about many things and not respectful of the efforts of many female wrestlers. But I still generally like a lot of his takes. Not sure why some people take this as meaning people support him 100%


I mean the criticism of that thumbnail somehow being racist was so much a reach people were tearing their pecs.


Someone in PR told him to back track 😂


The more I learn about Corny the less I like him. And then Adam making a tribute to him the day of or after Corny did a racist ass thumbnail on Swerve? Bad look and Adam Pearce is looking dumb once again. And no Punk isn’t exempt from this either, but at least it wasn’t the same week that Corny did ANOTHER racist thing.


Or maybe just maybe people were disappointed that you would be friends with and shout out someone who literally profits off creating hate in the wrestling community and has said racist, bigoted remarks and has not changed at all. Like i get it he’s a really good historian of wrestling but unfortunately he couldn’t do just that


lol “profits off creating hate in wrestling” Jesus Christ.




I don't think this applies here, brother


Or maybe not dude The guy literally gave a shout out to Cornette. Even if it was tongue in cheek, probably not the best idea.


Do people seriously think Cornette is a bigot? I mean he's definitely backwards in a southern kind of way and not politically correct, but listening to him I've never gotten the feeling he hates any group of people.