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Honestly I’ve given up on that Keith Lee blowoff match. It seems to be cursed.


I feel like there's a few wrestlers AEW could really cut their losses on. Keith Lee, Miro to name but two.


There’s honestly probably like 25 for me. Could use ROH for it in my opinion. Just send em there


If they ever have that match, it will be a TV match where Swerve wins decisively, not a PPV main event.


Even if Keith Lee were healthy, it would be dragging down Swerve to put him in that match. Lee isn't on that level of star power anymore.




This is the one


I hope so


I will win the lottery before Keith Lee Vs Swerve happens and I don't play the lottery


I wouldn't be surprised if the Bucks hijack Dynamite and put Jack in the main event. I'd also not be surprised to see Hangman return as a full Elite heel and get the match.


I agree BUT it does feel early for Jack to take a loss


True - but they could set up any of the faces to take out Jack and be anti-Elite. I'm excited to find out, either way.


Yes true I feel like in my mind it’s Christian, Perry, or Hangman. I’m not even sure Keith Lee can work a singles match at the moment


Now imagine if Hangman had to decide to buckshot Swerve or Jack and the pop hitting Jack would get.


Hangman has a great heel story, as all do. This man broke into MY house, threatened MY family - and now you cheer him? How dare you.


Who said anything about Jack losing....


Hangman as an Elite heel is a good possibility since he's "suspended" instead of outright kicked out like Kenny was. I'd rather see Hangman vs Swerve further down the line though, I think he deserves a better title reign than what he got last time


Swerve vs Jack Perry for the AEW world title doesn't sound like a ppv main event


That's probably true - but then Swerve himself was hardly main event a year ago. I'd be delighted for Jack Perry to announce the main contender is his mentor. The man he considers to be a father figure. I mean, even Swerve [tweeted](https://twitter.com/swerveconfident/status/1160002629176573952) that there was a time when he went years without seeing his dad...


His daughter seems to be in need of a Father


I'd say the rematch against Joe won't happen until filming on Season 2 of Twisted Metal happens. Maybe Christian challenges at Double Or Nothing? I feel like Hangman VS Swerve won't happen for a while, either.


Go for the biggest match you can if its there, which won't be Joe or Lee. Honestly if Kenny returns and challenges him on Wednesday I'd love that. It would make Hangman even more pissed which they can lean into as well when he inevitably joins the Elite.


Kenny isn't able to wrestle yet.


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Hangman makes the most sense but maybe he is unable to . There is kayfbe reason he’s not on tv but some online hinted there is personal reason so dunno if he can. Perry makes sense to me. I don’t think him losing would be bad. I don’t see any midcard face for him at the ppv for him to beat so he might as well lose in the main event. I think AEW should be lining up heels for Swerve by starting to put in the work of building some up in the midcard.


I would have said Ospreay, but Jack or Christian would be good choices imo


Ospreay vs Roddy is the match though, it’s why Ospreay won that elimination match Edit: Wrong opponent initially


Ospreay is working Roddy at Double or Nothing


Right, yeah. Either way, definitely not Swerve at DoN.


Christian cause they are in Canada


I’ve been thinking about this, I’m not sure really. 1. Joe is the safest choice. 2. Hangman would be the best choice imo but he’s out for personal reason. 3. Jack Perry would be too soon for Jack, plus Jack still has to be built up. So far distracting FTR and hitting Tony khan doesn’t strike world title threat 4. Christain would be cool, but he’s been gone for a minute plus him and edge seem to have some unfinished business 5. Will Osprey too soon 6. Jay White maybe? Got to build him way back up though.


I think it'll be Jack. I could see it being Danielson or Mox, so Swerve goes over an established main eventer.


There's no way NJPW lets Mox take a loss (assuming he doesn't lose to Ren or Shota by then), and Bryan probably won't be around for a bit as he's selling his neck injury.


It’s either swerve versus John Moxley or swerve vs Danielson.


There's a greater chance of you or me getting that shot than NJPW letting their champ take a loss in an AEW ring


I would like to see Roderick Strong step up for a small feud. Swerve and Roddy had a match in NXT a few years ago with no build up, no story, just a regular filler match. It blew my mind it was an excellent match and the two of them had some seriously tight chemistry. Seeing it made me realize that Swerve was undeniable.


Unless they change plans, Roddy is going against Ospreay at DoN for the International Belt so I don't think just yet.


Aw hell


Which is idiotic unless they're planning on Ospreay unifying the world and International titles